34 research outputs found

    A symmetric nodal conservative finite element method for the Darcy equation

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    This work introduces and analyzes novel stable Petrov-Galerkin EnrichedMethods (PGEM) for the Darcy problem based on the simplest but unstable continuous P1/P0 pair. Stability is recovered inside a Petrov-Galerkin framework where element-wise dependent residual functions, named multi-scale functions, enrich both velocity and pressure trial spaces. Unlike the velocity test space that is augmented with bubble-like functions, multi-scale functions correct edge residuals as well. The multi-scale functions turn out to be the well-known lowest order Raviart-Thomas basis functions for the velocity and discontinuous quadratics polynomial functions for the pressure. The enrichment strategy suggests the way to recover the local mass conservation property for nodal-based interpolation spaces. We prove that the method and its symmetric version are well-posed and achieve optimal error estimates in natural norms. Numerical validations confirm claimed theoretical results

    Stabilization arising from PGEM : a review and further developments

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    The aim of this paper is twofold. First, we review the recent Petrov-Galerkin enriched method (PGEM) to stabilize numerical solutions of BVP's in primal and mixed forms. Then, we extend such enrichment technique to a mixed singularly perturbed problem, namely, the generalized Stokes problem, and focus on a stabilized finite element method arising in a natural way after performing static condensation. The resulting stabilized method is shown to lead to optimal convergences, and afterward, it is numerically validated

    On a residual local projection method for the Darcy equation

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    Abstract. A new symmetric local projection method built on residual bases (RELP) makes linear equal-order finite element pairs stable for the Darcy problem. The derivation is performed inside a Petrov-Galerkin enriching space approach (PGEM) which indicates parameter-free terms to be added to the Galerkin method without compromising consis-tency. Velocity and pressure spaces are augmented using solutions of residual dependent local Darcy problems obtained after a static condensation procedure. We prove the method achieves error optimality and indicates a way to recover a locally mass conservative velocity field. Numerical experiments validate theory. 1

    On the Limitations of Bubble Functions

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    We present two examples that demonstrate no advantage in enriching a finite element subspace with bubble functions. To appear in: Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Preprint September 1993 Acknowledgment: The authors acknowledge the support by the National Science Foundation under Grant ASC-9217394. * Visiting Associate Professor from LNCC, Rua Lauro Muller 455, 22290 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. i L.P.Franca and C.Farhat Preprint, September 1993 1 1. Quadratics or linears? Let us consider the problem of finding the scalar valued function u(x) defined on the unit interval and satisfying \Gammau ;xx = f on (0; 1) (1) u(0) = u(1) = 0 (2) Multiplying (1) by an arbitrary function v 2 H 1 0(\Omega\Gamma --- where H 1 0(\Omega\Gamma denotes the Hilbert space of functions satisfying (2) with square integrable value and derivative on the unit interval --- and integrating on (0; 1) by parts, yields the variational formulation: Find u 2 H 1 0 (\Omega\Gamma such that a(u; ..

    Bubble Functions Prompt Unusual Stabilized Finite Element Methods

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    A second order linear scalar differential equation including a zero-th order term is approximated using first the standard Galerkin method enriched with bubble functions. Static condensation of the bubbles suggest an unusual stabilized finite element method for which we establish a convergence study and obtain successful numerical simulations. The method is generalized to allow for a convection operator in the equation. This work may be employed as a starting point for simulation of nonlinear equations governing turbulence phenomena, flows with chemical reactions, and other important problems

    Unlocking with Residual-Free Bubbles

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    Residual-free bubbles are derived for the Timoshenko beam problem. Eliminating these bubbles the resulting formulation is form-identical to using the following tricks to the standard variational formulation: i) one-point reduced integration on the shear energy term; ii) replace its coefficient 1=ffl 2 by 1=(ffl 2 + (h 2 K =12)) in each element; iii) modify consistently the right-hand-side. This final formulation is `legally' obtained in that the Galerkin method enriched with residual-free bubbles is developed using full integration throughout. Furthermore this method is nodally exact by construction. Submitted to: Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Preprint July 1995 i L.P. Franca and A. Russo Preprint, July 1995 1 1. INTRODUCTION The deflection of a beam taking into account bending and shear deformations is described by the Timoshenko model. Standard Galerkin finite element method using equal-order piecewise linear approximations for the unknown dependent..