10 research outputs found

    Number of days required to estimate physical activity constructs objectively measured in different age groups: Findings from three Brazilian (Pelotas) population-based birth cohorts.

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    PURPOSE:The present study aims to estimate the minimum number of accelerometer measurement days needed to estimate habitual physical activity (PA) among 6- (2010), 18- (2011) and 30- (2012) year-old participants, belonging to three population-based Brazilian birth cohorts. METHOD:PA was assessed by triaxial wrist-worn GENEActiv accelerometers and the present analysis is restricted to participants with at least 6 consecutive days of measurement. Accelerometer raw data were analyzed with R-package GGIR. Description of PA measures (overall PA, moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA), light PA (LPA)) on weekdays and weekend days were conducted, and statistical differences were tested with chi-squared and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Spearman Brown Formulae was applied to test reliability of different number of days of accelerometer use. RESULTS:Differences between week and weekend days regarding LPA, MVPA and overall PA, were only observed among 30-year-olds. Higher levels of MVPA (p = 0.006) and overall PA (p0.70, two and three days of measurement were needed in adults and children, respectively. For LPA, a reliability coefficient >0.70 was achieved with five days in 6-year-old children, three days in 18-year-old young adults, and four days in 30-year-old adults. Considering MVPA, four days would be necessary to represent a week of measurement among all cohort groups. CONCLUSION:Our results show that four and five measurement days are needed to estimate all habitual PA constructs, for children and adults, respectively. Also, among 30-year-old adults, it is important to make efforts towards weekend days measurement

    Educational intervention with physical activity through the Unified Health System in a small-sized city in the Rio Grande do Sul

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    Since the reorganization of the Unified Health System (SUS), preventive actions began to be prepared in relation to the practice of physical activity and healthy lifestyle. The present thesis consists of an intervention consisting of educational content, including physical activity, healthy eating and stress control to be conducted in the SUS, through the Community Health Agents (ACS) in urban and rural areas of Dona Francisca/RS. The aim was to evaluate the effect of educational intervention on physical activity (PA) level of older adults residing in urban and rural areas of a city. Educational intervention took place, with person aged 50-80 years. All eligible (n=758) were invited to participate in study, which included two randomised controlled trials groups (A and B) and was composed of: i) individual meetings; II) six meetings on educational PA, food and stress; III) educational materials and gifts. Held three data collections between 2014 and 2016 containing sociodemographic, health questionnaires, self-reported PA (leisure and commuting) and half of the sample be drawn to use accelerometer for seven days (PA moderate to vigorous). The comparison of the level of PA was accomplished by generalised linear models considering the factors and groups. Were evaluated 649, 544 and 555 people, respectively, between 2014-2016. In 2014, the average age was 62.2±8.4 years and most were female. For self-reported PA leisure, there was differences between all times, with an increase in both groups. As for commuting between the first and the second year and the first and last year. In relation to the time spent in moderate to vigorous PA measured by accelerometer, there was an increase between 2014 and 2015 and fall in the year 2016. No differences were found between groups. It is concluded that there was an increase of PA and commuting between the years, while moderate to vigorous PA increased in 2015 and reduced in 2016.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPESA partir da reorganização do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), ações preventivas começaram a ser elaboradas em relação à prática de atividade física e estilo de vida saudável. A presente tese consiste de uma intervenção composta por conteúdos educacionais, incluindo atividade física (AF), alimentação saudável e controle de estresse a ser conduzida no SUS, através dos Agentes Comunitários de Saúde (ACS) nas áreas urbanas e rurais de Dona Francisca/RS. Objetiva-se avaliar o efeito da intervenção sobre o nível de AF de adultos mais velhos residentes em áreas urbanas e rurais de uma cidade de pequeno porte. Realizou-se intervenção educacional, com pessoas com idade entre 50-80 anos residentes em Dona Francisca - RS. Todos os elegíveis (n=758) foram convidados a participar do estudo, que contou com dois grupos aleatorizados (A e B) e foi composta por: i) encontros individuais; ii) seis encontros educacionais sobre AF, alimentação e estresse; iii) material educativo e brindes. Realizou-se três coletas de dados entre 2014 a 2016, reunindo dados sociodemográficos, sobre saúde, AF autorreferida (lazer e deslocamento) e metade da amostra utilizou acelerômetros por sete dias para mensurar AF objetivamente. A comparação do nível de AF foi realizada através de modelos lineares generalizados considerando os fatores grupos e momentos. Foram avaliadas 649, 544 e 555 pessoas, respectivamente, entre 2014-2016. Em 2014, a média de idade foi de 62,2±8,4 anos e a maioria era do sexo feminino. Considerando AF lazer autorreferida, verificou-se diferenças entre todos os momentos, havendo um aumento em ambos os grupos. AF deslocamento também aumentou entre o primeiro e o segundo ano e o primeiro e o último ano. Em relação ao tempo despendido em AF moderada a vigorosa mensurada pelo acelerômetro, houve aumento entre 2014 e 2015 e queda no ano de 2016. Não foram encontradas diferenças entre grupos. Conclui-se que houve aumento da AF de lazer e deslocamento entre os anos, enquanto AF moderada a vigorosa aumentou em 2015 e reduziu em 2016

    Patients with Diabetes Mellitus in Brazil: how many of them are aware about it, who they are, how is their health like and how they manage the disease?

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    Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is one of the fastest growing diseases in national and global level. Besides resulting in high morbidity and mortality, DM generates a high degree of pain and suffering to the individual and if such offense is costly to health systems, since diabetics tend to need medical applicants and using drugs continuously. This study aimed to indicate the prevalence of DM in Brazil, and describes who the patients are, how is their health like and how they manage the disease. In 2008, the National Survey by Household Sampling (PNAD) from households was conducted; it investigates general characteristics of the population. In 2008 it was incorporated into the Health Supplement, which is the main source of data for this study. The sample consisted of 391,868 Brazilians aged over 18 years. In this research the main analyzes are restricted to 13,108 subjects who reported physician-diagnosed DM. Analyses were conducted using Stata version 10.0 and information from the sample is incorporated. Results are presented by gender and region of the country. The prevalence of DM for the Brazilian population was 3.6%, with a significant increase after 60 years, especially among women. As for the regions, the highest prevalence was observed in the Southeast (5.9%) and South (5.3%) and lower rates in the Northeast (4.0%) and North (3.7%).O Diabetes Mellitus (DM) é uma das doenças que mais crescem em nível nacional e mundial. Além de resultar em altas taxas de morbidade e mortalidade, o DM gera alto grau de dor e sofrimento ao indivíduo e se constitui como agravo oneroso aos sistemas de saúde, dado que o diábetico tende a necessitar de cuidados médicos recorrentes e utilizar medicamentos de forma contínua. Este estudo objetivou indicar a prevalência de portadores de DM no Brasil, além descrever quem são, como estão de saúde e como manejam a doença. No ano de 2008 foi conduzida a Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD) que, a partir dos domicílios, investiga características gerais da população brasileira. No ano de 2008 foi incorporado o Suplemento Saúde, o qual é fonte principal de dados para o presente estudo. A amostra foi constituída por 391.868 brasileiros, com idade igual ou superior a 18 anos. Nesta investigação as principais análises são restrita aos 13.108 sujeitos que relataram diagnóstico médico de DM. As análises foram conduzidas no programa estatístico Stata versão 10.0 e se incorporaram informações do plano amostral. Os resultados serão apresentados por sexo e regiões do país. A prevalência de DM para a população brasileira foi de 3,6%, havendo aumento importante a partir dos 60 anos, principalmente entre as mulheres. Quanto às regiões do país, se observaram maiores prevalências no Sudeste (5,9%) e Sul (5,3%) e menores índices no Nordeste (4,0%) e Norte (3,7%)

    Number of days required to estimate physical activity constructs objectively measured in different age groups: Findings from three Brazilian (Pelotas) population-based birth cohorts.

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    PurposeThe present study aims to estimate the minimum number of accelerometer measurement days needed to estimate habitual physical activity (PA) among 6- (2010), 18- (2011) and 30- (2012) year-old participants, belonging to three population-based Brazilian birth cohorts.MethodPA was assessed by triaxial wrist-worn GENEActiv accelerometers and the present analysis is restricted to participants with at least 6 consecutive days of measurement. Accelerometer raw data were analyzed with R-package GGIR. Description of PA measures (overall PA, moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA), light PA (LPA)) on weekdays and weekend days were conducted, and statistical differences were tested with chi-squared and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Spearman Brown Formulae was applied to test reliability of different number of days of accelerometer use.ResultsDifferences between week and weekend days regarding LPA, MVPA and overall PA, were only observed among 30-year-olds. Higher levels of MVPA (p = 0.006) and overall PA (p0.70, two and three days of measurement were needed in adults and children, respectively. For LPA, a reliability coefficient >0.70 was achieved with five days in 6-year-old children, three days in 18-year-old young adults, and four days in 30-year-old adults. Considering MVPA, four days would be necessary to represent a week of measurement among all cohort groups.ConclusionOur results show that four and five measurement days are needed to estimate all habitual PA constructs, for children and adults, respectively. Also, among 30-year-old adults, it is important to make efforts towards weekend days measurement