38 research outputs found

    Actual Vocabulary: beyond Dictionaries

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    Статья посвящена вопросам лексикографического описания слов и устойчивых выражений, называющих объекты и явления социальной жизни. Анализируются материалы «Словаря русского языка» (Малого академического словаря). Отмечается, что в данном словаре отсутствует ряд слов и лексико-семантических вариантов, активно использующихся в речи современного носителя русского языка. Для выявления и уточнения значений слов используются данные «Национального корпуса русского языка».The article is devoted to the questions of lexicographical description of words and stable expressions that call objects and phenomena of social life. The author analyzes the materials of the “Dictionary of the Russian language”. To identify and clarify the meaning of the words, the data of the “National corpus of the Russian language” are used. The author gives examples of such dictionary descriptions of words which do not correspond to the practice of using language facts in modern speech

    Negative effects of professional mobility researchers

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    Mobility of researchers is treated as a professional activity, aimed at presenting the results of his scientific activity scientific community. It emphasizes that reserves the priority trend of intensive exchange of scientific information without territorial movements of scientists to whom it becomes possible to exercise a publication or other activity. A positive value of such changes, however, has a downside, as the researcher is faced with the necessity of purposeful-Government to seek high scientometric indicatorsРассмотрена мобильность исследователя, которая трактуется как профессиональная активность, направленная на представление результатов своей научной деятельности сообществу ученых. Отмечено, что закрепляет за собой приоритет тенденция интенсивного обмена научной информацией без территориальных перемещений ученых, перед которыми открывается возможность проявлять публикационную и иную активность. Установлено, что в целом положительное значение таких изменений имеет, однако, оборотную сторону, поскольку исследователь поставлен перед необходимостью целенаправленно стремиться к высоким наукометрическим показателя

    Lexis of Friendship: Perspectives for the Study

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    The article presents a brief overview of the works on the Russian lexis of the semantic field of “Friendship”. It is noted that the attention of the authors is focused on the functioning of the words drug ‘friend’, druzhba ‘friendship’, druzhnyy ‘friendly’,druzhit ‘be friends’as units of the Russian literary language. It is shown that in the speech of Russian dialect speakers these words have slightly different meanings and connotations.В статье представлен краткий обзор работ, посвященных русской лексике семантического поля «Дружба». Отмечается, что внимание авторов публикаций сконцентрировано на функционировании слов друг, дружба, дружный, дружить как единиц русского литературного языка. Показано, что в речи носителей русских народных говоров эти слова имеют несколько иные значения и коннотации

    Russian Vocabulary of Experience: Motives of Movement

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    Изложены результаты исследования одного из сегментов лексико-семантического поля «Опыт». Статья посвящена лексическим репрезентантам метафоры движения. Особое внимание уделяется диалектным фактам: пройти горы и норы, пройти Москву и Ладогу, Волга ходит долго, знать дорогу к Каме. Используется ономасиологический подход. Мотивационный анализ доказывает активность мотивов движения в данном массиве слов и фразеологизмов. Дается обоснование мотивов, лежащих в основе метафоры движения.The results of the research of one of the segments of the lexical-semantic field “Experience” are presented in the article. The article is devoted to lexical representatives of the metaphor of the mov ment. The specific attention is devoted to dialect facts: to go through mountains and burrows, to pass Moscow and Ladoga, the Volga goes a long time, to know the way to Kama. Onomasiological approach is used. Motivational analysis proves the activity of motives of movement in a given array of words and phraseological units

    Reframing the Word vdokhnovlat’ [inspire]: From Option to Mission

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    The dynamics of the conceptual content of the Russian word inspire is revealed. The reconstruction of the “communicative plot”, which acts as a referent for the analyzed nomination is carried out. Based on the materials of the National Corpus of the Russian Language, as well as texts posted on Internet resources, a selection of text fragments with the word inspire was made. The analysis of the word collocation has been carried out with the aim of its semantic reconstruction. It is argued that the word has undergone a “value reframing”. The word inspire is seen as one of the means of lexical representation of the phenomenon of influence in social networks. It is reported to have come to be used frequently in blogs in the form of 1 person: I inspire. It is emphasized that this feature does not correspond to the traditional word use of this linguistic unit in previous years. It is argued that the grammatical and semantic features of the functioning of this word in modern speech practice indicate the modification of the value category assigned to this linguistic sign. © 2022 by the authors.21-011-31221; Russian Foundation for Basic Research, РФФИThe reported study was funded by RFBR and EISR, project no. 21-011-31221 “Evo-lution of youth self-identification in the era of multicrisis: language and discourse” For citation Leontyeva T. V. Reframing the Word vdokhnovlat’ [inspire]: From Option to Mis-sion. Critique and Semiotics, 2022, no. 1, pp. 158–182. (in Russ.) DOI 10.25205/ 2307-1737-2022-1-158-18

    Language Indices of Unity and Animosity

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    The results of the implementation of the scientific project “The Semantics of Unity and Animosity in Russian Lexis and Phraseology: Language System and Discourse” supported by the Russian Science Foundation are presented. It is based on the thesis that language acts as a way of indexing referents — realities and ideas about reality. The semantic-motivational approach to the study of the vocabulary and phraseology of unity and enmity confirms that the ways of conceptualizing reality are characterized by regular reproducibility. The study of the semantics of words, especially in the context of changes in the lexical composition of the Russian, one way or another affects not only linguistic, but also worldview issues. The examples show that a linguistic unit “alone” can serve as a cultural sign if it is highly specific for a historical era. The study of arrays of new words is recognized as informative for solving the applied problem of monitoring sociocultural transformations. It is reported that the executors of the project have prepared “A Dictionary of Actual Vocabulary of Unity and Animosity in the Russian at the Beginning of the 21st Century” (2021) and “1000 Words of Unity and Animosity at the Beginning of the 21st Century: An Ideographic Dictionary” (2022)

    Imagery Representatives of Reliability and Unreliability in Russian Phraseology

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    The phraseological units characterizing a reliable and unreliable person are analyzed. The material was selected by the criterion of the presence in the definition or in the context of the environment of words reliable or unreliable and related words. The technique of revealing the motivational attributes of different levels is presented according to the criterion of various degrees of abstractness from the figurative embodiment: private motives, cross-cutting motives and motivational dominants. On the basis of the motivational analysis of the phraseological material portraits-meta-descriptions are composed, which include cross-cutting motives: reliable - this is someone who can delegate other people’s difficulties; who is able to protect; who is able to act for another; who belongs to his circle; unreliable - this is someone who cannot delegate other people’s difficulties; who is changeable; who is incapable of acting for the other (cooperate); who is double-natured (double-faced); who cannot protect; who betrays. The author believes that words reliable and unreliable can be regarded as interpretative in the sense in which Yu. D. Apresyan interprets verbs to harm, to sin, to abuse, to punish, to whitewash, to support , etc. The idea is that the revealed cross-cutting motives in this case objectify the content of the concepts “reliable” and “unreliable”, which is hidden behind the definitional semantics “one who you can rely on”

    The role of the social vocabulary research in the Russian language teaching practice (on the example of zoomorphic nominations Homo Socialis)

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    The relevance of the investigated problem is stipulated by the necessity to solve a problem of multicultural humanitarian education and formation of tolerance of students to unfamiliar culture. The purpose of the article is to research educational potential of metaphorical vocabulary in different languages, such as zoomorphic naming units of a man in his social roles and functions. The leading approach to the study of this problem is a communicatively oriented approach to training highly qualified specialist, the future teacher of Russian as a foreign language or an interpreter. The study produced the following results: the possibility to use ethno-linguistic study of Russian language results is illustrated; a selection of lexical items and phraseologic- zoomorphism, which nominate people on the social roles and functions - tat teacher can use in the classroom, is presented; the technique of analysis of the vocabulary in which social seme is located in different zones of the word, is presented; the necessity of the use of research results in the practice of teaching in higher school in order to ensure the formation of socio-cultural and communicative competence of students is substantiated. The results can be applied in the organization of educational process in higher educational institutions. The article may be useful to researchers in the field of pedagogy, to teachers, to post-graduate students, to graduate students and students of the following specialties: Russian as a foreign language, Russian language in the practice of interpretation. © 2016 Leontyeva et al

    Functions of the Advertising Text in the Context of Linguistics

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    Данная статья посвящена вопросам использования рекламного текста в обучении русскому языку как иностранному. Обосновывается мысль о лингводидактическом потенциале рекламного текста. Представлены результаты анализа научной литературы с точки зрения выделяемых исследователями функций рекламы, имеющих значение для образовательного процесса.This article is devoted to the use of the advertising text in teaching Russian as a foreign language. This article substantiates the idea of linguo-didactic potential of the advertising text. The author presents the results of the analysis of the scientific literature from the perspective of the distinguished researchers of the functions of advertising, relevance to the educational process

    Combination ‘New Sincerity’ in Lexicographic Aspect

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    The question of the lexicographic description of idiomatic expressions with a new component in the composition, which have become widespread both in the texts of the official media and on other Internet resources, is considered. The relevance of the study is determined by the lexicographic practice of fixing neologisms in explanatory dictionaries of various types. It is noted that expressions built according to the “new + noun” model: new sincerity, new reality, new sociality, new normality, new romance, etc., include the second component, which names the phenomenon of socio-cultural or moral spheres, which has long been known by native speakers. Using the example of the idiom new sincerity and the lexeme sincerity, it is shown that the semantic scope of the meanings of these language units differs significantly. The authors come to the conclusion that the lexeme sincerity names a property inherent in a person, is evaluated by native speakers as an ethical category, and is often used in a number of nominations of other traditional values, such as courage, honesty, nobility, etc. It is proved that the expression new sincerity, denoting, same as sincerity, the openness of a person, first of all indicates not the property of the communicant, but his goal — to attract the attention of other people in the public space with the frankness of self-expression