137 research outputs found

    Interactions between Aquatic Plants and Cyanobacterial Blooms in Freshwater Reservoir Ecosystems

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    Climate change and nutrient pollution are echoed by worldwide increasing trends in the frequency, duration, and toxicity of cyanobacterial (blue-green algal) blooms. Therefore, searching for the best options to mitigate blooms is relevant and timely. Aquatic vascular plants offer a promising solution through biological control. In this study, we use reservoirs regularly affected by intensive blooms (the Kyiv and Kaniv Reservoirs of the Dnipro River, Ukraine) to investigate whether macrophytes may inhibit or reduce the massive development of cyanobacteria. Special attention was paid to plants with floating leaves and free-floating plants since data on their effects on cyanobacteria are controversial. On the basis of field and satellite observations, the spatial distribution of cyanobacterial blooms and aquatic macrophyte patches was assessed. Multispectral images captured by satellites Sentinel-2a (S2A) and Sentinel-2b (S2B) were used. In addition, based on data from field observations, a comparative analysis of phytoplankton and physical and chemical parameters between areas of the reservoirs overgrown and not overgrown by macrophytes was carried out. The obtained results indicate that in macrophyte patches phytoplankton structure differed from that observed in open waters. However, in areas of reservoirs dominated by floating-leaf plants or free-floating plants, a significant decrease in phytoplanktic or cyanobacterial biomass was not observed. This is most likely due to the fact that these macrophytes did not reduce the concentration of biogenic substances to a level that would limit cyanobacterial growth. On the contrary, intensive overgrowth of floating-leaf plants (in particular, Trapa natans) along the river sections of the reservoirs, as well as other factors, contributed to nitrogen and phosphorus enrichment. Therefore, in the face of relevant nutrient supply, these ecological groups of macrophytes (floating-leaf plants and free-floating plants) have not shown statistically significant effectiveness in controlling the process of cyanobacterial blooms in reservoir ecosystems

    Social-communicative innovations in anti-corruption activities (Regional aspect)

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    © 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. The essence and character of implementation of social communications technologies in the process of anti-corruption activities of organs of power and civil society have been analyzed. The authors based their research on the social communications approach and the “Corruption formula” determined by R.Klitgaard. Based on the analysis of the results opinion surveys, dissatisfaction of the population with the outcomes of anti-corruption policy carried out by the government, demand for transition from declarativity of the principle of transparency of the government to open data, to expansion of anti-corruption enforcement initiated by citizens have been acknowledged. To solve the problems detected integrative communication technologies have been suggested

    Information and the media conditions of extremism's prevention

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    © Medwell Journals, 2016.The study is devoted to the investigation of the information and communication problems of law enforcement of anti-extremist legislation in Russia. It presents the dynamics of statistical data on the offenses of an extremist nature and quantity index of wrongful warnings and convictions relating to the information and media sector. Analysis of sociological data nationwide survey allowed to determine public opinion on the prohibitive measures in the Internet space and to develop anti-extremist recommendations of the information and media field. Extremism as violence in the socio-political practice poses a danger to the government and citizens and inadequate forms of anti-extremism countering are dangerous for the free functioning of media and communication

    “The paradox of plenty” or learning informal relations in the field of using natural resources

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    © 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, London.The experience of many countries shows that their mineral supply has an ambiguous effect on the level and dynamics of economic development and, ultimately, on its international competitiveness. This article discusses the relationship between the exploitation of natural resources and the presence of a corrupt economy through the example of some oil-rich countries—Nigeria, Iraq, and Venezuela

    On the way to the ideal state: Internet against corruption

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    © 2017 Serials Publications. The article is devoted to the research of discursive practices in the Internet environment on anticorruption issues. The research objective is to analyze the online-communications of the Russian authorities and citizens on the issues of anticorruption policy implementation. The methodological basis of the research is systemic-communicative approach; its theoretical basis is the conception of an Open society by K. Popper. Basing on the analysis of international rankings and all-Russia opinion polls on corruption issues, Internet freedom and quality of state administration, the authors come to the conclusion that the social-information anomie on anticorruption issues is strengthening. This type of anomie reflects the contradiction between the prescriptive, official information and the descriptive one, which ascertains the actual state of affairs in the society. The information gap leads to the reduction of level of trust to the existing power institutions, to the growth of social-political entropy, to social-network mobilization of the citizens. The analysis of the causes and conditions, which maintain the information misbalance, revealed the incongruence between the technological preparedness of the Russian state for its functions' implementation via the Internet and the level of thestates' social-political preparedness for the open anticorruption dialog

    Factors of motivation in the professional activity of medical staff

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    © 2017. The article presents an analysis of the satisfaction of medical staff with material, organizational, and moralpsychological conditions of professional activity. The research method is sociological poll of the personnel of medical-sanitary department of Kazan Federal University - "University Clinic" (Kazan, Tatarstan Republic, Russian Federation). The research objective is to reveal the attitude of the medical staff to the existing working conditions and the process of the medical institution reorganization. Basing on the analysis of the obtained sociological data, the priority factors motivating the labor activity are defined, the problem zones demanding managerial decisions are revealed, recommendations are suggested aimed at satisfaction of the value-motivation demands of the medical staff

    Modeling of genetic processes underlying the development of resistance to fipronil in the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say)

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    The main method of pest control is by applying chemical insecticides. The efficacy of insecticides is reduced due to the development of resistance by pest populations. This is an especially important problem with the Colorado potato beetle. There are different strategies for the use of insecticides to slow the development of resistance. Based on long lasing research, we propose a hypothesis about delaying the development of resistance by applying insecticides at low doses. To test this hypothesis, we have built predictive discrete genetic models of resistance in Colorado potato beetle populations. The model based on the classical equations of population genetics has been supplemented by various factors. Calculations of the survival rates of Colorado potato beetle individuals were carried out taking into account the statistical regularities of the distribution of the toxic substance after treatment by insecticides. We have calculated the survival rates of different genotypes using a lognormal distribution after changing the insecticide dose two-fold or more. The factor of differentiated mortality during the winter was additionally introduced into the model. The use of phenetic markers of nonspecific resistance to environmental factors allowed us to compute the model with mediated intergenic interactions. Various hypotheses about strategies in overcoming resistance have been tested using this model. Calculations demonstrated that the use of insecticides at minimum effective doses (low dose) leads to a slower increase in the proportion of resistant individuals in populations of the Colorado potato beetle for two seasons. Resistance develops much more slowly following alternate treatment with insecticides from different chemical classes. The best strategy is through off-season treatment with insecticides of different chemical classes at lower doses

    Глины Республики Беларусь в качестве инженерных барьеров при захоронении радиоактивных отходов

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    Тhe criteria for compliance with which the properties and characteristics of clays from industrially exploited deposits of the Republic of Belarus were assessed in order to determine the possibility of their further use as part of the underlying screen of the radioactive waste disposal facility (RWDF) of the Belarusian NPP are defined. The performed experimental analysis of clay samples from 12 deposits of the Republic of Belarus showed that clays from the “Gorodnoye” deposits of the Brest region and the “Markovskoye” deposits of the Gomel region have optimal quality indicators for use as part of the RWDF engineering barrier (underlying screen). It has been established that these clay samples have high sorption properties for 137Cs and 85Sr radionuclides. The values of the degree of sorption of 137Cs and 85Sr radionuclides from an aqueous solution for the above clay samples are about 99 %, and the values of the quantitative indicator of sorption the coefficient of distribution of radionuclides – are about 104 l/kg. Over time, the fixation of 137Cs on the studied clay samples increases; as part of the underlying RWDF screen, these clays will be an effective anti-migration barrier to prevent the migration of radionuclides into the environment in the event of depressurization of radioactive waste packages.Определены критерии, на соответствие которым проведена оценка свойств и характеристик глин из промышленно эксплуатируемых месторождений Республики Беларусь с целью определения возможности их дальнейшего использования в составе подстилающего экрана пункта захоронения радиоактивных отходов (ПЗРО) Белорусской АЭС. Выполненный экспериментальный анализ образцов глин 12 месторождений Республики Беларусь показал, что оптимальными показателями по качеству для использования в составе инженерного барьера ПЗРО (подстилающий экран) обладают глины месторождений «Городное» Брестской области и «Марковское» Гомельской области. Установлено, что данные образцы глин обладают высокими сорбционными свойствами в отношении радионуклидов 137Cs и 85Sr. Значения степени сорбции радионуклидов 137Cs и 85Sr из водного раствора для перечисленных образцов глин составляют около 99 %, а значения коэффициента распределения радионуклидов (количественный показатель сорбции) – порядка 104 л/кг. С течением времени фиксация 137Cs на исследованных образцах глин увеличивается, то есть в составе подстилающего экрана ПЗРО данные глины будут являться эффективным барьером для предотвращения миграции радионуклидов в окружающую среду в случае разгерметизации упаковок с радиоактивными отходами

    Evaluation of probiotic lactobacillus as adjuvants for nasal immunization with chimeric pneumococcal vaccine

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    Vaccine protection against photogenic gram-positive bacteria including different species ofstreptococci is an important problem of contemporary molecular biology. Streptococcal infections are mostcommon bacterial infections surpassing by the economic losses all the infections excluding influenza. The gatesof streptococcal infection, oral cavity or vagina, are covered with immune and non-immune mucosal cells thatare the first line of defenses. Subcutaneous immunization not always stimulate the local immunity on mucosalsurfaces. On the other hand, mucosal vaccination can provide an appropriate local immune response togetherwith systemic protection. However, mucosal immunization often requires usage of special and effectiveadjuvants especially in case of vaccines based on recombinant proteins.For protection against Streptococcus pneumoniae infection, two chimeric recombinant proteins (PSPF andPSP) have been tested as vaccines. Recombinant proteins PSPF and PSP carry immunogenic epitopes fromthe respiratory pathogen including PspA, Spr1875 and PsaA. PSPF structure also carries a fraction of flagellin-FliC molecule in comparison with PSP, which does not have this fragment. This portion of PSPF was includedas internal adjuvant intended for the stimulation of Toll-like receptor 5.In this work, the adjuvant capacity of two probiotic strains, Lactobacillus rhamnosus CRL1505 andL. rhamnosus L32 was evaluated. It was demonstrated that both lactic acid bacteria strains were able to provideadjuvant effects by enhancing the mucosal and systemic immune responses after their co-administration withthe recombinant chimeric protein PSPF. The adjuvant effect of both Lactobacillus strains was significantlydecreased after their thermal inactivation. However, the cell walls of bacteria showed a marked adjuvant activity.An improved protection against several S. pneumoniae serotypes after mucosal immunization of infant micewith PSPF vaccine with probiotic strains or their cell walls was also demonstrated here.The recombinant chimeric protein PSPF administered with immunomodulatory probiotic strains or theirbacterial components would be a promising vaccine for immunization of humans against S. pneumoniae,particularly in children.Одной из наиболее актуальных задач медико-биологической науки является создание вакцинных препаратов против патогенных стрептококков – самых распространенных бактериаль-ных возбудителей заболеваний человека, экономический ущерб от которых уступает лишь потерям от гриппозной инфекции. Входными воротами стрептококковой инфекции являются слизистые обо-лочки респираторного и мочеполового тракта. Парентеральный способ введения вакцин не всегда позволяет добиваться одинаково эффектив-ной стимуляции местного иммунитета на слизистых оболочках, а вакцины, вводимые через слизи-стые оболочки, способны эффективно стимулировать иммунную защиту в области введения, а также обеспечить развитие системного иммунного ответа. Введение через слизистые оболочки вакцинных препаратов белковой природы требует исполь-зования специальных эффективных и безопасных адъювантов, поскольку рекомбинантные белки обычно проявляют недостаточную ммуногенность при таком способе введения. В работе в качестве вакцинных адъювантов при мукозальной иммунизации лабораторных животных пневмококковыми химерными рекомбинантными белками PSPF и PSP были апробированы два штамма пробиотиков – Lactobacillus rhamnosus CRL1505 и L32. Рекомбинантные химерные белки PSPF и PSP несут в своей структуре несколько иммуногенных эпитопов PspA, Spr1875, PsaA и предназначены для вакцинации против инфекции Streptococcus pneumoniae. Белки, отличие которых связано с присутствием в струк-туре PSPF участка молекулы флагеллина – FliC, по-разному стимулировали иммунный ответ при совместном введении с двумя штаммами пробиотиков. Установлено, что оба исследованных штам-ма L. rhamnosus были способны оказывать адъювантный эффект при интраназальном введении вак-цинных белков, проявлявшийся в усилении секреторного и гуморального иммунного ответа на со-вместно введенный рекомбинантный химерный белок PSPF. Выраженной стимуляции продукции специфических IgA носовых смывов и IgG сыворотки крови на PSP под влиянием L. rhamnosus L32 не происходило. Адъювантный эффект от вводимых лактобациллярных препаратов существенно сни-жался после температурной инактивации бактерий, однако препарат клеточных стенок L. rhamnosus CRL1505 проявлял выраженную активность. Стимуляция иммунного ответа адъювантами приводила к усилению протективного эффекта вакцины в экспериментах на лабораторных животных, инфици-рованных S. pneumoniae. Установлено, что некоторые штаммы лактобацилл, в частности Lactobacillus rhamnosus CRL1505 и L32, могут быть использованы в качестве адъювантов в составе мукозальных вакцин, однако эта способность зависит от свойств вакцинного препарата и формы введения пробиотиков.Fil: Leontieva, G. F.. Institute of Experimental Medicine; RusiaFil: Kramskaya, T. A.. Institute of Experimental Medicine; RusiaFil: Grabovskaya, K. B.. Institute of Experimental Medicine; Rusia; RusiaFil: Filimonova, V. Yu.. Institute of Experimental Medicine; Rusia; RusiaFil: Laiño, Jonathan Emiliano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos; ArgentinaFil: Villena, Julio Cesar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos; ArgentinaFil: Alvarez, Gladis Susana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos; ArgentinaFil: Danilenko, V. N.. Academy of Sciences. Institute of General Genetics. Head, Division of Fundamental Genetic Studies in Biotechnology; RusiaFil: Suvorov, A. N.. St. Peterburg State University; Rusia. Institute of Experimental Medicine. Head, Division of Molecular Microbiology; Rusi


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    Modulatory effects of three probiotic bacterial strains (Lactobacillus rhamnosus K32 (L), Bifidobacterium longum GT15 (B, Enterococcus faecium L-3 (E) on expression level and contents of key cytokines were studied using PCR techniques with reverse transcription, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Both cell cultures and an experimental model of intestinal dysbiosis were used in this study.The genes encoding bacteriocins, surface membrane component, pili and exopolysaccharides involved in host immune system modulation were previously identified in the B and Ebacterial strains.Investigation of probiotic strains and effects of their supernatants expression of cytokines in cell cultures of promonocyte origin (HTP-1) showed increased expression of TNFα, due to E and L supernatants. Moreover, the Bl culture induced IL-8 and IL-10 expression.In a model of Wistar rats with ampicillinand metronidazole-induced intestinal dysbiosis corrected with probiotics we have shown that the dysbiosis was accompanied by sufficient alterations in microbiota composition (Klebsiella spp. overgrowth and low contents of Faecalobacterium prausnitzii) that were observed only in the animals untreated with probiotics (control), or after administration of L.In contrast to these results, the animals treated with E and B, the following changes were revealed: 1) low expression of proinflammatory cytokines IL-8, TNFα, MCP-1 inmesenteric lymph nodes and appropriate changes of their serum contents, 2) increased serum content of the anti-inflammatory TGFβ cytokine. Hence, the present study, having used two complementary models, has detected some individual features of immune modulation produced by the probiotictic strains of L. rhamnosus K32, B. longum GT15 и E. faecium L-3 which exert differential effects upon the intestinal microbiota