87 research outputs found

    Near-unity quantum yields from chloride treated CdTe colloidal quantum dots

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    Colloidal quantum dots (CQDs) are promising materials for novel light sources and solar energy conversion. However, trap states associated with the CQD surface can produce non‐radiative charge recombination that significantly reduces device performance. Here a facile post‐synthetic treatment of CdTe CQDs is demonstrated that uses chloride ions to achieve near‐complete suppression of surface trapping, resulting in an increase of photoluminescence (PL) quantum yield (QY) from ca. 5% to up to 97.2 ± 2.5%. The effect of the treatment is characterised by absorption and PL spectroscopy, PL decay, scanning transmission electron microscopy, X‐ray diffraction and X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy. This process also dramatically improves the air‐stability of the CQDs: before treatment the PL is largely quenched after 1 hour of air‐exposure, whilst the treated samples showed a PL QY of nearly 50% after more than 12 hours

    Charge dynamics at heterojunctions for PbS/ZnO colloidal quantum dot solar cells probed with time-resolved surface photovoltage spectroscopy

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    Time-resolved laser-pump X-ray-photoemission-probe spectroscopy of a ZnO (101 ⎯ ⎯ 0 101¯0 ) substrate with and without PbS quantum dots (QDs) chemically linked to the surface is performed, using laser photon energies resonant with and below the band gap energy of the substrate (λ = 372 and 640 nm, hν = 3.33 and 1.94 eV). Charge injection from the photoexcited QDs to ZnO is demonstrated through the change in the surface photovoltage of the ZnO substrate observed when the heterojunction is illuminated with 1.94 eV radiation. The measured carrier dynamics are limited by the persistent photoconductivity of ZnO, giving dark carrier lifetimes of the order of 200 μs in a depletion layer at the interface. The chemical specificity of soft X-rays is used to separately measure the charge dynamics in the quantum dots and the substrate, yielding evidence that the depletion region at the interface extends into the PbS QD layer

    The effect of membrane curvature on the conformation of antimicrobial peptides: implications for binding and the mechanism of action

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    Short cationic antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are believed to act either by inducing transmembrane pores or disrupting membranes in a detergent-like manner. For example, the antimicrobial peptides aurein 1.2, citropin 1.1, maculatin 1.1 and caerin 1.1, despite being closely related, appear to act by fundamentally different mechanisms depending on their length. Using molecular dynamics simulations, the structural properties of these four peptides have been examined in solution as well as in a variety of membrane environments. It is shown that each of the peptides has a strong preference for binding to regions of high membrane curvature and that the structure of the peptides is dependent on the degree of local curvature. This suggests that the shorter peptides aurein 1.2 and citropin 1.1 act via a detergent-like mechanism because they can induce high local, but not long-range curvature, whereas the longer peptides maculatin 1.1 and caerin 1.1 require longer range curvature to fold and thus bind to and stabilize transmembrane pores

    Small Changes in the Primary Structure of Transportan 10 Alter the Thermodynamics and Kinetics of its Interaction with Phospholipid Vesicles

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    ABSTRACT: The kinetics and thermodynamics of binding of transportan 10 (tp10) and four of its variants to phospholipid vesicles, and the kinetics of peptide-induced dye efflux, were compared. Tp10 is a 21-residue, amphipathic, cationic, cell-penetrating peptide similar to helical antimicrobial peptides. The tp10 variants examined include amidated and free peptides, and replacements of tyrosine by tryptophan. Carboxy-terminal amidation or substitution of tryptophan for tyrosine enhance binding and activity. The Gibbs energies of peptide binding to membranes determined experimentally and calculated from the interfacial hydrophobicity scale are in good agreement. The Gibbs energy for insertion into the bilayer core was calculated using hydrophobicity scales of residue transfer from water to octanol and to the membrane/ water interface. Peptide-induced efflux becomes faster as the Gibbs energies for binding and insertion of the tp10 variants decrease. If anionic lipids are included, binding and efflux rate increase, as expected because all tp10 variants are cationic and an electrostatic component is added. Whether the most important effect of peptide amidation is the change in charge or an enhancement of helical structure, however, still needs to be established. Nevertheless, it is clear that the changes in efflux rate reflect the differences in the thermodynamics of binding and insertion of the free and amidated peptide groups. We have recently reported a detailed investigation (1) o

    Combined systems approaches reveal highly plastic responses to antimicrobial peptide challenge in Escherichia coli

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    Obtaining an in-depth understanding of the arms races between peptides comprising the innate immune response and bacterial pathogens is of fundamental interest and will inform the development of new antibacterial therapeutics. We investigated whether a whole organism view of antimicrobial peptide (AMP) challenge on Escherichia coli would provide a suitably sophisticated bacterial perspective on AMP mechanism of action. Selecting structurally and physically related AMPs but with expected differences in bactericidal strategy, we monitored changes in bacterial metabolomes, morphological features and gene expression following AMP challenge at sub-lethal concentrations. For each technique, the vast majority of changes were specific to each AMP, with such a plastic response indicating E. coli is highly capable of discriminating between specific antibiotic challenges. Analysis of the ontological profiles generated from the transcriptomic analyses suggests this approach can accurately predict the antibacterial mode of action, providing a fresh, novel perspective for previous functional and biophysical studies

    A Rigidity-Enhanced Antimicrobial Activity: A Case for Linear Cationic α-Helical Peptide HP(2–20) and Its Four Analogues

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    Linear cationic α-helical antimicrobial peptides are referred to as one of the most likely substitutes for common antibiotics, due to their relatively simple structures (≤40 residues) and various antimicrobial activities against a wide range of pathogens. Of those, HP(2–20) was isolated from Helicobacter pylori ribosomal protein. To reveal a mechanical determinant that may mediate the antimicrobial activities, we examined the mechanical properties and structural stabilities of HP(2–20) and its four analogues of same chain length by steered molecular dynamics simulation. The results indicated the following: the resistance of H-bonds to the tensile extension mediated the early extensive stage; with the loss of H-bonds, the tensile force was dispensed to prompt the conformational phase transition; and Young's moduli (N/m2) of the peptides were about 4∼8×109. These mechanical features were sensitive to the variation of the residue compositions. Furthermore, we found that the antimicrobial activity is rigidity-enhanced, that is, a harder peptide has stronger antimicrobial activity. It suggests that the molecular spring constant may be used to seek a new structure-activity relationship for different α-helical peptide groups. This exciting result was reasonably explained by a possible mechanical mechanism that regulates both the membrane pore formation and the peptide insertion

    Prediction of Antibacterial Activity from Physicochemical Properties of Antimicrobial Peptides

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    Consensus is gathering that antimicrobial peptides that exert their antibacterial action at the membrane level must reach a local concentration threshold to become active. Studies of peptide interaction with model membranes do identify such disruptive thresholds but demonstrations of the possible correlation of these with the in vivo onset of activity have only recently been proposed. In addition, such thresholds observed in model membranes occur at local peptide concentrations close to full membrane coverage. In this work we fully develop an interaction model of antimicrobial peptides with biological membranes; by exploring the consequences of the underlying partition formalism we arrive at a relationship that provides antibacterial activity prediction from two biophysical parameters: the affinity of the peptide to the membrane and the critical bound peptide to lipid ratio. A straightforward and robust method to implement this relationship, with potential application to high-throughput screening approaches, is presented and tested. In addition, disruptive thresholds in model membranes and the onset of antibacterial peptide activity are shown to occur over the same range of locally bound peptide concentrations (10 to 100 mM), which conciliates the two types of observations