410 research outputs found

    8He Spectroscopy in Stopped Pion Absorption By 9Be

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    Level structure of 8He has been studied in the reaction of stopped pion absorption by 9Be nuclei. The missing mass spectrum in the range 0 MeV ≤ MM ≤ 10 MeV has been described by the superposition of phase-space distributions and the three states of 8He. Parameters of these states have been compared with data of other experimental and theoretical works

    Phytopathological screening and molecular marker analysis of wheat germplasm from Kazakhstan and CIMMYT for resistance to tan spot

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    Tan spot caused by the fungus Pyrenophora tritici-repentis is an important leaf spot disease in wheat growing areas throughout the world. The study aims to identify wheat germplasm resistant to tan spot based on phytopathological screening and molecular marker analysis. A collection of 64 common wheat germplasms, including cultivars and breeding lines from Kazakhstan and CIMMYT, was assessed for tan spot resistance in greenhouse conditions and characterized using the Xfcp623 molecular marker, diagnostic for the Tsn1 gene. All wheat cultivars/lines varied in their reaction to tan spot isolate race 1, ranging from susceptible to resistant. Most accessions studied (53 %) were susceptible to Ptr race 1. Spring wheat cultivars were more susceptible to race 1 than winter wheat cultivars. As a result of genotyping, an insensitive reaction to Ptr ToxA was predicted in 41 wheat cultivars (64 %). The tsn1 gene carriers identified included 27 Kazakhstani and 14 CIMMYT cultivars/lines, demonstrating insensitivity to Ptr ToxA. The majority of the Tsn1 genotype were sensitive to race 1 and showed susceptibility to the pathogen in the field. Disease scores from seedling stage positively correlated with field disease ratings. Of particular interest are 27 wheat accessions that demonstrated resistance to spore inoculation by Ptr race 1, were characterized by insensitivity to ToxA and showed field resistance to the pathogen. The results of this study will contribute to wheat breeding programs for tan spot resistance with Marker Assisted Selection using the closely flanking markers


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    The aim of the research was to study the effect of genetic predictors of thrombotic/ischemic events in children with the developed complications and born mature or premature. Material and methods. A prospective follow-up monitoring of 47 patients (inpatients of the State Novosibirsk Regional Clinical Hospital) with thrombotic complications, the analysis of their medical records were carried out. The homeostasis system parameters, carriage of polymorphic variants of genes predisposing to thrombotic complications were accomplished for the children during the follow-up period. Results and discussion. Thrombotic and/or related ischemic events are more common in premature infants, herewith the severe cerebral ischemia and venous thrombosis localized in various vessels predominated over these complications. The state of the blood coagulation system in children with thrombotic/ischemic events is characterized by hypercoagulation shifts in the external and internal cascades of blood coagulation and accompanied by the increase in the D-dimers level. Among polymorphic variants of genes of hemostasis system the occurrence of polymorphic variant FV Leiden (rs6025) is higher in the study group compared to the European population (χ2 = 7.454; p = 0.025). The obtained data indicate the need for extended diagnostic studies of hemostasis system and genetic search for «thrombogenic» predisposition in children, especially premature, residing in intensive care units for the presence of thrombotic readiness in order to timely predict the development of possible thrombotic and ischemic complications

    Irrational attitudes of young people

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    This article is devoted to an empirical study of the irrational attitudes of young people. The level of their severity is described. It is indicated that there was a pronounced presence of catastrophization and obligation attitudes towards themselvesДанная статья посвящена эмпирическому исследованию иррациональных установок молодых людей. Описывается уровень их выраженности. Указывается, что выраженное наличие имели установки катастрофизации и долженствования в отношении себ

    Повышаем квалификацию, совмещая полезное с интересным

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    У статті автори діляться досвідом кафедри англійської мови технічного спрямування № 2 НТУУ «КПІ» у сфері підвищення кваліфікації викладачів та розповідають про те, в яких закладах і як саме вони здійснювали таку діяльність та чому змогли навчитись у 2006-2007 навчальному році.The article tells about the professional development activity of the teachers of English Language for Technical Purposes Department #2. The authors also make a short review of the seminars in which the teachers of their department participated in 2006-2007 academic year.В статье авторы делятся опытом кафедры английского языка №2 НТУУ «КПИ» в сфере повышения квалификации преподавателей и рассказывают о том, в каких заведениях и как именно они осуществляли такую деятельность, а также чему смогли научиться в 2006-2007 учебном году

    Cardiopulmonary factors associated with atrial fibrillation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Aim. To study the relationships between clinical and functional features of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and status of cardiovascular system with focus on identifying factors associated with the atrial fibrillation (AF) in patients with COPD.Material and methods. Patients (n=94) with COPD out of exacerbation and airways obstruction of 2-4 degree (GOLD 2013) were examined. The spirometry, daily pulse oximetry, 24-hour ECG and blood pressure monitoring with vascular wall stiffness estimation, echocardiography were performed. Levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (CRP) werealso assessed.Results. AF paroxysms were found in 46 patients, including newly diagnosed ones in 22 patients. According to the results of multiple correlation analysis, the frequency of AF paroxysms correlated with forced expiratory volume in 1 sec (FEV1) (R=-0.348; p=0.013), minimum oxygen saturation of the blood (min%SpO2) (R=-0.356; p=0.011), CRP level (R=0.442; p=0.001), the sizes of both atria (p<0.001), isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT) of left ventricle (LV) (R=0.350; p=0.022), the right ventricle (RV) size (R=0.478; p<0.001), systolic blood pressure level in the pulmonary artery (PASP) (р<0.001), vascular stiffness - pulse wave velocity in aorta (PWao) (p=0.001). The influence of FEV1 on the left atrium volume index (χ2=7.0; p=0.008) and IVRT LV (χ2=7.9; p=0.005) was revealed. Correlations between min%SpO2 and IVRT and PWao were observed.Conclusion. Severe bronchial obstruction, hypoxemia, systemic inflammation with increase in vascular stiffness (PWao) and myocardium remodeling (increase in the sizes of both atria, PASP, RV size and diastolic dysfunction of LV) are the factors that associated with the occurrence of AF in patients with COPD

    The managerial mechanism of future competitive technical specialists vocational training: The Russian experience

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The relevance of the paper is reasoned by the search for adequate mechanisms to manage vocational training of future competitive technical specialists. Modern economies demand the training of technical specialists’ new generation ready to project and engineering, production and technological, organizational and management, science and research, service and operational professional activities, as well as the fulfillment of skilled work using modern equipment for the developed technological process. One of the variants of the organization of vocational training of future competitive technical specialists is based on the integration of educational curricula of different levels (primary, secondary and high). The purpose of the paper is to develop a managerial mechanism for future competitive technical specialists’ training based on the integration of educational curricula at different levels (primary, secondary and high). The leading method is the method of action research, allowing obtain new knowledge on the managerial mechanism for vocational training of specialists, capable of a certain type of practical activities, self-organization and competitiveness on the labor market through the integration of primary, secondary and high levels of educational curricula. The article defines the essence of integrated educational curricula of primary, secondary and high levels of vocational training; it justifies the organization of control and assessment procedures of students’ vocational training through the integration of educational curricula at different levels; proposes an algorithm of students’ selection to study on integrated educational curricula. Paper Submissions can be useful for research and teaching staff of technical specialists’ vocational training system, experts of training and retraining centers in the training content’s selection and structuring of research universities’ scientific and pedagogical staff development

    Updated Report Acceleration of Polarized Protons to 120-150 GeV/c at Fermilab

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    The SPIN@FERMI collaboration has updated its 1991-95 Reports on the acceleration of polarized protons in Fermilab's Main Injector, which was commissioned by Fermilab. This Updated Report summarizes some updated Physics Goals for a 120-150 GeV/c polarized proton beam. It also contains an updated discussion of the Modifications and Hardware needed for a polarized beam in the Main Injector, along with an updated Schedule and Budget.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figure

    Взаимосвязи в системе мать – плацента – ребенок при состоянии тромботической готовности и гематогенных тромбофилиях

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    The purpose of this study is to understand the relationships in the mother-placenta-child system in case of hematogenous thrombophilia and thrombotic state of readiness in pregnant women.Materials and methods. The research group consisted of 454 patients, was divided into two subgroups: the 1st subgroup included 225 women (pregnant and, subsequently, obstetric patients) and the 2nd subgroup included their 229 infants who were in the perinatal center of State Novosibirsk Regional Clinical Hospital. At 3–5 days of life 75 newborns from the 2nd sub-group underwent hemostatic system assessment. 42 healthy newborns from somatically healthy mothers (without thrombophilia) were included in the control group. The assessment of their hemostatic system was carried out to determine the performance of reference values.Results. The relationships between the health condition of newborns and hemostatic system disorders in mothers with thrombotic state of readiness, hematogenous thrombophilia, and morphohistological changes in the placenta were studied. The researchers analyzed labour and delivery records, pathomorphological examination of a placenta, neonatal records, and assessed the hemostatic system. A number of complications were detected during a gestational process and an early neonatal period. The correlation analysis has established a relationship in the mother – placenta – child system in a number of factors affecting children’s health outcomes. To correct above mentioned abnormalities preventive measures can be taken. They allow to avert the development of perinatal complications in case of hematogenous thrombophilia and (or) thrombotic readiness.Цель исследования – выявление взаимосвязей в системе мать – плацента – ребенок при наличии гематогенной тромбофилии и (или) состоянии тромботической готовности у женщин во время беременности.Материал и методы. В группу исследования были включены 454 пациента, распределенных на две подгруппы: 1-я – 225 женщин (беременных и в последующем рожениц) и 2-я – 229 их новорожденных, находившихся в отделениях перинатального центра ГБУЗ НСО «Государственная Новосибирская областная клиническая больница». На 3–5-е сут жизни 75 новорожденным из 2-й подгруппы проведено исследование показателей системы гемостаза. В группу контроля входили 42 здоровых новорожденных от соматически здоровых матерей (без тромбофилии). Им проведено исследование системы гемостаза для определения показателей референсных значений.Результаты. Изучены взаимосвязи между нарушениями системы гемостаза у матерей с состоянием тромботической готовности, гематогенной тромбофилией, морфогистологическими изменениями в последе и состоянием здоровья новорожденных. Проведены анализ историй родов, патоморфологического исследования последа и историй развития новорожденных, оценка системы гемостаза. Выявлен ряд осложнений в течении гестационного процесса и раннего неонатального периода. Корреляционный анализ установил наличие взаимосвязей в системе мать – плацента – ребенок по ряду факторов, влияющих на показатели состояния здоровья детей. Для коррекции указанных нарушений могут быть применены на практике профилактические мероприятия, позволяющие предупреждать развитие перинатальных осложнений при гематогенной тромбофилии и (или) тромботической готовности

    Risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and heart remodeling in sambo veterans

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    Introduction. The benefits of exercise for the cardiovascular system are apparent. However, the influence of predominantly strength exercises throughout life has not been sufficiently studied. This work details the studies around the structure and function of the heart in sambo veteran athletes residing in the Russian Federation (RF) and the Azerbaijan Republic (AR) as well as the frequency of risk factors for their cardiovascular system.Methods. We examined 55 male athletes aged 45.4 ± 8.3 yrs: 24 sambo veterans from RF (group “RF”), 10 sambo veterans from AR (group “AR”) and 21 persons representing control group (“CG”) (chess, bowling), RF. Questionnaires, analysis of ideal health factors, recording of electrocardiogram in 12 leads, echocardiography, stress test with oxygen analysis were carried out.Results. Maximum exercise power and peak oxygen consumption were higher in the “RF” and “AR” groups compared to the “CG” group. The main abnormalities were hypertrophy of interventricular septum (n = 11, 32.3 %) and left ventricular wall (n = 3, 8.8 %). Concentric left ventricular remodeling was predominant in the “AR” group (5 vs. 1, p < 0.05) and greater left ventricular volume in the “RF” group (65.1 vs. 52.0 ml/m2, p < 0.05). Lower physical performance and the presence of dyslipidemia were significantly associated with parameters reflecting concentric left ventricular remodeling (“AR” group). Various ideal health factors were absent in 10–80 % of the examinees. A total of 7 (20.6 %) veterans were found to have a high risk of cardiovascular diseases according to the questionnaire.Conclusion. Prolonged wrestling exercises allow veterans to maintain high aerobic capacity. Concentric remodeling of myocardium of the left ventricle is combined with higher indices of dyslipidemia in the group “AR” which may be connected to low physical activity and eating habits after sport practice