32 research outputs found


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    This study determines the appropriateness of assessment modes in Senior High School Physical Education Standards. This study utilized both qualitative and quantitative design, specifically the descriptive-correlational survey method with regression analysis. Furthermore, the researchers used a purposive sampling technique to determine respondents of the study that has been conducted in the University of San Jose-Recoletos Senior High School Department since the focus of the study is very prevalent and practiced in the said locale. Findings revealed that the best assessment mode used in senior high school physical education classes for formative assessment is games, while summative assessment is quarterly assessments and performance assessments primarily through demonstration. The researchers recommend that Physical Education teachers integrate games in the assessment modes they utilized to provide interest to the learners and simultaneously increase their academic performance.  Article visualizations

    Effect of combination glipizide GITS/metformin on fibrinolytic and metabolic parameters in poorly controlled type 2 diabetic subjects

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    WSTĘP. Wyniki badań epidemiologicznych wskazują, że podwyższone stężenie inhibitora aktywatora plazminogenu 1 (PAI-1) w surowicy krwi może być wskaźnikiem lub predyktorem przyspieszonego rozwoju choroby wieńcowej u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2. Celem pracy było określenie, czy poprawa wyrównania metabolicznego, niezależnie od rodzaju stosowanych leków doustnych, wpływa na stężenie PAI-1 u chorych ze znaczną hiperglikemią. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Do badania zakwalifikowano 91 chorych. Po okresie 4 tygodni, w którym pacjenci nie przyjmowali żadnych leków, chorych losowo przydzielono do grupy leczonej glipizydem GITS (w dawce maksymalnej 20 mg, n = 46) lub grupy otrzymującej metforminę (maksymalnie 2550 mg, n = 45) w monoterapii. Po okresie monoterapii wprowadzono leczenie skojarzone, dodając drugi lek do preparatu już stosowanego. U wszystkich pacjentów przed i po randomizacji oraz podczas badania oznaczono glikemię (na czczo i po posiłku), stężenie HbA1c, fruktozaminy oraz PAI-1. U części chorych zmierzono również wątrobową produkcję glukozy (HGO, hepatic glucose output) oraz oznaczono rozkład brzusznej tkanki tłuszczowej. WYNIKI. Wyrównanie glikemii na początku badania było niezadowalające (średnie stężenie HbA1c 10,4 &plusmn; 0,2% w grupie glipizydu GITS; 10,0 &plusmn; 0,2% w grupie metforminy), ale poprawiło się istotnie w obu grupach, stosujących monoterapię oraz w wyniku leczenia skojarzonego (p < 0,0001 vs. wyniki wyjściowe), co oceniono na podstawie badania tolerancji posiłku, stężenia fruktozaminy oraz HGO. Masa ciała oraz rozkład brzusznej tkanki tłuszczowej nie zmieniły się istotnie w żadnej z grup. Stężenie PAI-1 było wyjątkowo wysokie (5-10-krotnie wyższe od wartości prawidłowych) na początku badania (202 &plusmn; 12 ng/ml w grupie glipizydu GITS; 201 &plusmn; 13 ng/ml w grupie metforminy), ale istotnie obniżyło się podczas badania, w sposób porównywalny w monoterapii w obu grupach. Podczas leczenia skojarzonego stężenie to uległo dalszemu obniżeniu. WNIOSKI. W przypadkach nasilonej hiperglikemii stężenie PAI-1 jest również znacznie podwyższone. Obniżenie hiperglikemii za pomocą leku nasilającego wydzielanie insuliny, glipizydu GITS lub metforminy, stosowanych w monoterapii, w porównywalny sposób powoduje obniżenie stężenia PAI-1.INTRODUCTION. Epidemiological studies have implicated increased plasminogen-activated inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) as a marker or predictor of accelerated coronary atherosclerotic disease in type 2 diabetes. We sought to determine whether metabolic control, independent of its oral mode of implementation, affects PAI-1 in patients with marked hyperglycemia. MATERIAL AND METHODS. A total of 91 subjects were screened, subjected to a 4-week drug washout, and randomized to daily treatment with glipizide GITS (maximum 20 mg, n = 46) or metformin (maximum 2,550 mg, n = 45) as monotherapy. After monotherapy, combination therapy was initiated by adding the second agent to the regimen. Plasma glucose (fasting and postprandial), HbA1c, fructosamine, and PAI-1 were assayed before and after randomization and sequentially thereafter in all subjects; hepatic glucose output (HGO) and abdominal fat distribution were each measured in a subset of subjects. RESULTS. Glycemic control was markedly impaired at baseline (mean HbA1c 10.4 &#177; 0.2% glipizide GITS; 10.0 &#177; 0.2% metformin) but improved comparably with each agent as monotherapy and in combination (P < 0.0001 vs. baseline), as assessed with meal tolerance studies, fructosamine values, and HGO. Body weight and abdominal fat distribution did not change significantly in either group. PAI-1 concentrations were extraordinarily high (5- to 10-fold more than normal) at baseline (202 &#177; 12 ng/ml glipizide GITS; 201 &#177; 13 ng/ml metformin) but declined comparably, and significantly, after treatment with either agent as monotherapy and decreased further with combination therapy. CONCLUSIONS. When hyperglycemia is profound, increases in PAI-1 are also profound. Control of hyperglycemia with either glipizide GITS, an insulin secretagogue, or metformin as monotherapy comparably ameliorates elevated PAI-1

    The (193-209) 17-residues peptide of bovine b-casein is transported through Caco-2 monolayer

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    Although the bioavailability of large peptides with biological activity is of great interest, the intestinal transport has been described for peptides up to only nine residues. \u3b2-casein (\u3b2-CN, 193-209) is a long and hydrophobic peptide composed of 17 amino acid residues (molecular mass 1881 Da) with immunomodulatory activity. The present work examined the transport of the \u3b2-CN (193-209) peptide across Caco-2 cell monolayer. In addition, we evaluated the possible routes of the \u3b2-CN (193-209) peptide transport, using selective inhibitors of the different routes for peptide transfer through the intestinal barrier. The results showed that the \u3b2-CN (193-209) peptide resisted the action of brush-border membrane peptidases, and that it was transported through the Caco-2 cell monolayer. The main route involved in transepithelial transport of the \u3b2-CN (193-209) peptide was transcytosis via internalized vesicles, although the paracellular transport via tight-junctions could not be excluded. Our results demonstrated the transport of an intact long-chain bioactive peptide in an in vitro model of intestinal epithelium, as an important step to prove the evidence for bioavailability of this peptide

    Milk protein fractions moderately extend the duration of satiety compared with carbohydrates independently of their digestive kinetics in overweight subjects.

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    Digestive kinetics are believed to modulate satiety through the modulation of nutrient delivery. We hypothesised that the duration of satiety could be extended by modulating the kinetics of dietary amino acid delivery in overweight subjects, using snacks containing casein and whey protein. In the present study, eighty-two subjects underwent a first satiety test where they received a control snack containing 60 g maltodextrin. For the next 5 d, the subjects consumed a liquid protein snack containing 30 g carbohydrates and 30 g proteins (casein, whey protein or an equal mix of the two; n 26-28 per group). The subjects then underwent a second satiety test after ingesting the protein snack. The time period elapsing between the snack and request for lunch, food intake at lunch and satiety scores were recorded. A subgroup of twenty-four subjects underwent a digestive and metabolic investigation after ingesting their protein snack. Gastric emptying times were 2·5, 4 and 6 h for whey protein, mix and casein, respectively, displaying different kinetics of appearance of dietary N in plasma but without affecting pancreatic and gastrointestinal hormones. Compared with the control snack, proteins extended the duration of satiety (+17 min, P= 0·02), with no difference between the protein groups. The satiating effect of proteins was greater in subjects who ate their lunch early after the snack (below the median value, i.e. 2 h) at the control test (+32 min, P= 0·001). Energy intake at lunch was not modulated by proteins. The satiating effect of proteins is efficient in overweight subjects, especially when the duration of satiety is short, but independently of their digestive and plasma amino acid kinetics

    Discrimination of cheese products for authenticity control by infrared spectroscopy

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    Quality and authenticity control serve as the customers' and manufacturers' insurance, and thus the development of analytical tools providing these tasks represents an important step of each product development. The control of authenticity in food manufacturing is even more important due to the direct influence of its products on the health of the population. This study sought to develop an easy to use and robust method for the authenticity control of cheese products. The method is based on the measurement of infrared spectra of the gas phase obtained by heating of selected cheese under controlled conditions. Two different procedures, that is, treatment of samples in a desiccator and their freeze-drying, were compared, and also various temperatures and heating times were studied. It was found that suitable fingerprint infrared spectra can be obtained by both techniques; however, freeze-drying offered faster analysis times. The sample heating temperature and time were evaluated using advanced statistical approaches, and it was found that suitable results could be obtained using 120 °C heating for 90 min. This method was tested for the authenticity control of two cheese families, Tvaruzky and Romadur, for which four cheese products were evaluated and successfully discriminated for each family. This method can be potentially used as a cheap and easy to use alternative to other commercially available options