167 research outputs found

    Il Contributo della vitamina D nel rischio di sclerosi multipla attraverso la dieta: studio caso-controllo basato su popolazione

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    Aim: Vitamin D has a key role in MS, by preventing and repairing the myelin damage. Its deficiency is due to lack of sun exposure, diet patterns or a low supplementation. An adequate dietary intake of vitD during adolescence is reported to be protective. Methods: The international multicentre case–control study of environmental risk factors in MS (EnvIMS Study) aimed to examine the effect of past exposures (diet, sunlight and lifestyle) on the disease risk. An ad hoc postal self-administered questionnaire was used to record exposure to food items in teenage. The intake of vitD was computed by multiplying the amount in a portion by the frequency of intake. Results: Among 1991 Italian participants (684 cases, 1307 controls) an inverse association was found between MS and consumption of fish/seafood (OR=0.80; 95%IC 0.65-0.97), in particular anchovies and sardines (0.60; 0.40-0.90), mackerel (0.66; 0.48-0.92), and with smoked meat (0.74; 0.58-0.95) and yogurt (0.80; 0.65-0.98) (adjusted for sex, smoke habit, sun exposure and vitD supplementation). A higher estimated overall mean (±SD) intake of vitD was reported in controls vs cases, and through fish consumption. Conclusions: Dietary patterns show differences between MS patients and age-/sex-matched controls. A higher overall intake of vitD was reported in controls than in cases likely reflecting more frequent consumption of vitD rich fish. Acknowledgements: FISM 2007/R/14, 2008/R/19

    Osservazioni istochimiche e immunoistochimiche sull'ipofisi anteriore di un cane affetto da malattia di Cushing

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    Gli adenomi del lobo anteriore dell'ipofisi sono neoplasie benigne piuttosto frequenti. Essi mostrano aspetto circoscritto e accrescimento non invasivo nei confronti dei tessuti circostanti. Il tumore a cellule secernenti ACTH, che colpisce le cellule cromofobe della pars anteriore dell'ipofisi, è uno di questi e viene associato alla sindrome di Cushing, causando evidente ipercortisolemia per stimolazione della corteccia surrenale. Un cane meticcio, femmina, di 7 anni, in terapia per sospetta Sindrome di Cushing e pervenuto a morte, è stato sottoposto ad accurato esame necroscopico, durante il quale si procedeva tra l'altro a prelevare ghiandole surrenali, polmone, fegato, cute, muscoli e intera ghiandola pituitaria. Su detti organi veniva eseguito l'esame istopatologico per la ricerca delle lesioni tipiche determinate dalla sindrome. Sulla ghiandola pituitaria, aumentata notevolmente di volume, venivano eseguite indagini istopatologiche specifiche, mediante colorazione OFG, per differenziare gli istotipi costituenti la pars anteriore. Tale colorazione ha consentito di riscontrare e identificare tra le cellule pituitarie gli elementi acidofili, basofili e cromofobi; queste ultime cellule, aumentate di numero, erano d'aspetto omogeneo e formavano un nucleo compatto e con scarso stroma al centro della ghiandola. La caratterizzazione cromatica e la differenziazione dai restanti istotipi ha reso possibile identificare la neoplasia come adenoma ipofisario di tipo "diffuso", caratterizzato per l'appunto da cellule disposte a strati, con scarso stroma e debole vascolarizzazione. Per verificare l'ormonoattività  delle cellule neoplastiche si è proceduto all'esame immunoistochimico per la ricerca dell'ACTH. Il risultato di tale indagine ha dato esito positivo, confermando l'intensa attività secernente delle cellule oggetto di studio

    Potentially Toxic Elements (PTEs) in Cultivated Soils from Lombardy (Northern Italy): Spatial Distribution, Origin, and Management Implications

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    This work aims to quantify the contribution of agricultural practices to diffuse pollution in cultivated soils. Two samples (the first from the top layer and the second from a depth of about 100 cm) were retrieved from about 1000 soil profiles and analyzed for their potentially toxic elements (PTEs) content (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, Mn). In addition, we collected dedicated soil profiles for three specific types of land use and agronomic practice, namely vine-, cereal- and rice-growing areas. Baseline concentrations and distribution maps were produced. Statistical data treatment, coupled with the results of the dedicated soil profiles, enabled the identification of precise pollution sources and processes. In cultivated soils, PTEs contents prove to be generally well below the Italian regulatory limits, with the exception of Cu in vineyard soils, due to the long-lasting use of Cu-based pesticides. South of Milan and in other urban areas, we attribute the top soil enrichment in Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn to industrial activities and urban settlement. Ni sporadically exceeds regulatory standards, but its association with Mn and its depth distribution point to a natural origin, mostly due to the occurrence of serpentine. The project demonstrates that although agriculture, especially in the form of vineyards and of intensive cultivation, certainly contributes to pollution, such contribution is exceeded by that deriving from industry and road traffic

    Hydrogeological conceptual model of a highly impacted watershed: the case study of Oglio river (n Italy)

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    Oglio River watershed, Italy, water bodies, TANGRAM, groundwater discharge

    Human mesenchymal stem cells from chorionic villi and amniotic fluid are not susceptible to transformation after extensive in vitro expansion.

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are promising candidates for cell therapy and tissue engineering. Increasing evidence suggests that MSCs isolated from fetal tissues are more plastic and grow faster than adult MSCs. In this study, we characterized human mesenchymal progenitor cells from chorionic villi (CV) and amniotic fluid (AF) isolated during the first and second trimesters, respectively, and compared them with adult bone marrow-derived MSCs (BM). We evaluated 10 CV, 10 AF, and 6 BM samples expanded until the MSCs reached senescence. We used discarded cells from prenatal analyses for all the experiments. To evaluate the replicative stability of these cells, we studied the telomerase activity, hTERT gene transcription, and telomere length in these cells. Spontaneous chromosomal alterations were excluded by cytogenetic analysis. We studied the expression of c-myc and p53, tumor-associated genes, at different passage in culture and the capacity of these cells to grow in an anchorage-independent manner by using soft agar assay. We isolated homogeneous populations of spindle-shaped CV, AF, and BM cells expressing mesenchymal immunophenotypic markers throughout the period of expansion. CV cells achieved 14 ± 0.9 logs of expansion in 118 days and AF cells achieved 21 ± 0.9 logs in 118 days, while BM cells achieved 11 × 0.4 logs in 84 days. Despite their high proliferation capacity, fetal MSCs showed no telomerase activity, no hTERT and c-myc transcriptions, and maintained long, stable telomeres. A constant expression level of p53 and a normal karyotype were preserved throughout long-term expansion, suggesting the safety of fetal MSCs. In conclusion, our results indicate that fetal MSCs could be an alternative, more accessible resource for cell therapy and regenerative medicine

    Differences in the kinetic of the first meiotic division and in active mitochondrial distribution between prepubertal and adult oocytes mirror differences in their developmental competence in a sheep model

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    Our aim is to verify if oocyte developmental potential is related to the timing of meiotic progression and to mitochondrial distribution and activity using prepubertal and adult oocytes as models of low and high developmental capacity respectively. Prepubertal and adult oocytes were incorporated in an in vitro maturation system to determine meiotic and developmental competence and to assess at different time points kinetic of meiotic maturation, 2D protein electrophoresis patterns, ATP content and mitochondria distribution. Maturation and fertilization rates did not differ between prepubertal and adult oocytes (95.1% vs 96.7% and 66.73% vs 70.62% respectively for prepubertal and adult oocytes). Compared to adults, prepubertal oocytes showed higher parthenogenesis (17.38% vs 2.08% respectively in prepubertals and adults; P<0.01) and polispermy (14.30% vs 2.21% respectively in prepubertals and adults; P<0.01), lower cleavage rates (60.00% vs 67.08% respectively in prepubertals and adults; P<0.05) and blastocyst output (11.94% vs 34.% respectively in prepubertals and adults; P<0.01). Prepubertal oocytes reached MI stage 1 hr later than adults and this delay grows as the first meiotic division proceeds. Simultaneously, the protein pattern was altered since in prepubertal oocytes it fluctuates, dropping and rising to levels similar to adults only at 24 hrs. In prepubertal oocytes ATP rise is delayed and did not reach levels comparable to adult ones. CLSM observations revealed that at MII, in the majority of prepubertal oocytes, the active mitochondria are homogenously distributed, while in adults they are aggregated in big clusters. Our work demonstrates that mitochondria and their functional aggregation during maturation play an active role to provide energy in terms of ATP. The oocyte ATP content determines the timing of the meiotic cycle and the acquisition of developmental competence. Taken together our data suggest that oocytes with low developmental competence have a slowed down energetic metabolism which delays later development

    Long QT syndrome and left ventricular non-compaction in a family with KCNH2 mutation: A case report

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    Background: Left ventricular non-compaction (LVNC) is an abnormality of the myocardium, characterized by prominent left ventricular trabeculae and deep inter-trabecular recesses. Long QT syndrome (LQTS) is a cardiac ion channelopathy presenting with a prolonged QT interval on resting electrocardiogram and is associated with increased susceptibility to sudden death. The association between LVNC and LQTS is uncommon. Case presentation: We report an Italian family with a novel pathogenic KCNH2 variant who presented with clinical features of LVNC and LQTS. The proband came to our attention after two syncopal episodes without prodromal symptoms. His ECG showed QTc prolongation and deep T wave inversion in anterior leads, and the echocardiogram fulfilled LVNC criteria. After that, also his sister was found to have LQTS and LVNC, while his father only presented LQTS. Conclusions: Physicians should be aware of the possible association between LVNC and LQTS. Even if this association is rare, patients with LVNC should be investigated

    Survival of Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients in Northern Italy: A Population-Based Cohort Study by the ITA-COVID-19 Network

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    Introduction: COVID-19 case fatality rate in hospitalized patients varies across countries and studies. Reliable estimates, specific for age, sex, and comorbidities, are needed to monitor the epidemic, to compare the outcome in different settings, and to correctly design trials for COVID-19 interventions. The aim of this study was to provide population-based survival curves of hospitalized COVID-19 patients.Materials and Methods: A cohort study was conducted in three areas of Northern Italy, heavily affected by SARS-CoV-2 infection (Lombardy and Veneto Regions, and Reggio Emilia province), using a loco-regional COVID-19 surveillance system, linked to hospital discharge databases. We included all patients testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 RNA by RT-PCR on nasopharyngeal/throat swab samples who were hospitalized from 21 February to 21 April 2020. Kaplan-Meier survival estimates were calculated at 14 and 30 days for death in any setting, stratifying by age, sex, and the Charlson Index.Results: Overall, 42,926 hospitalized COVID-19 patients were identified. Patients' median age was 69 years (IQR: 57-79), 62.6% were males, and 6.0% had a Charlson Index >= 3. Survival curves showed that 22.0% (95% CI 21.6-22.4) of patients died within 14 days and 27.6% (95% CI 27.2-28.1) within 30 days from hospitalization. Survival was higher in younger patients and in females. The negative impact of comorbidities on survival was more pronounced in younger age groups.Conclusion: The high fatality rate observed in the study (28% at 30 days) suggests that studies should focus on death as primary endpoint during a follow-up of at least one month
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