28 research outputs found

    CARP institutional assessment in a post-2008 transition scenario: Reforms for the agrarian justice system

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    Nuorten aikuisten vaateostokäyttäytyminen ja inflaation vaikutus siihen

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    Opinnäytetyössä Nuorten aikuisten vaateostokäyttäytyminen ja inflaation vaikutus siihen tutkitaan nuorten aikuisten vaateostokäyttäytymistä ja sitä onko inflaatiolla ollut vaikutusta siihen. Opinnäytetyötä varten laadittiin kysely, johon vastasi Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulun Rauman kampuksen liiketalouden opiskelijat. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaista opiskelevien nuorten aikuisten vaateostokäyttäytyminen on, ovatko he huomanneet inflaation vaikutuksen vaatteiden hinnoissa ja onko hintojen nouseminen vaikuttanut heidän vaateostokäyttäytymiseensä. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin määrällisenä eli kvantitatiivisena tutkimuksena. Kysely toteutettiin Google forms ohjelmassa ja se välitettiin kohderyhmälle Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulun viestinnän välittämällä sähköpostilla. Kyselyyn vastaaminen oli vapaaehtoista ja siihen vastattiin anonyymisti. Kaikki kysymykset löytyvät opinnäytetyön lopusta, liitteet osiosta. Tutkimus suoritettiin keväällä 2024. Keskeisemmät tutkimuksen kysymykset olivat paljonko opiskelijat käyttävät kuukaudessa rahaa vaatteisiin, onko hintojen nousu vaikuttanut ostopäätöksiin, onko huomannut inflaation vaikutuksen vaatteiden hinnoissa, ostaako nykypäivänä vaatteita enemmän netistä vai kivijalkamyymälöistä ja miksi ostaa juuri sieltä? Tutkimuksesta todettiin, että enemmistö vastanneista opiskelijoista on huomannut hintojen nousun vaatteissa. Korkeammat hinnat ovat vaikuttaneet monen vastaajan vaateostokäyttäytymiseen. Kyselyn tulosten perusteella nettikauppojen suosio on selkeästi suurempaa, kuin kivijalkamyymälöiden. Isoimmat tähän vaikuttavat tekijät olivat helppous, laaja valikoima ja hinnat

    Deciphering the biochemical crosstalk of histone sumoylation in human chromatin

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2021The histone code hypothesis states that posttranslational modifications (PTMs) of amino acids at the histone protein termini can combinatorially regulate key DNA processes such as replication, repair, and transcription. The flexible histone termini extend beyond the globular octameric core of the nucleosome core particle, composed of a tetramer of histones H3 and H4, and two dimers of histone H2A and H2B. This octameric protein core tightly wraps about ~147 bp of DNA, and helps to package the vast eukaryotic genome in the small nuclear volume. Proteins that install, remove, or bind to histone PTMs, or marks, work together to modulate the histone PTM landscape and to regulate DNA-templated processes. The biochemical relationship between histone marks is also called crosstalk, and this may be positive or negative, depending on if a histone mark promotes the installation or removal of subsequent marks, respectively. The dysregulation of these proteins and the histone PTM landscape can have deleterious effects on human health, including cancer development and neurodegenerative diseases. Therefore, understanding the biochemical mechanisms underlying the histone code will serve to improve our understanding of how genomic processes are regulated to maintain cellular homeostasis. One histone mark that is poorly studied in cells is histone sumoylation. It was first reported in 2003 as a modification of H4 in human cells and associated with transcriptional repression. The Chatterjee lab has found that H4 Lys12 sumoylation (H4K12su) stimulates demethylase and deacetylase activities within the transcriptionally repressive LSD1-CoREST1-HDAC1 complex. Key to this stimulation is the non-canonical sumo-interacting motif (SIM) within CoREST1. I have characterized the SUMO-CoREST1 SIM interaction using two-dimensional NMR and found that despite differing in sequence from typical SIMs, the CoREST1 SIM binds to the same cleft on SUMO that all SIMs have been observed to bind. Importantly, mutation of the hydrophobic CoREST1 SIM residues to alanine resulted in significant inhibition of binding to SUMO in NMR. We are currently using NMR to investigate the effect of mutations within the CoREST1 SIM that have been observed in somatic cancers. To directly address the function of H4K12su in transcription, I investigated SUMO’s biochemical crosstalk with histone acetylation, a histone mark associated with and critical for active gene transcription. Using in vitro histone acetyltransferase assays and mass spectrometry I found that H4K12su inhibits p300 acetyltransferase activity on H4 in octamers, nucleosomes, chromatinized plasmids, and in cells. Chromatin incorporating H4K12su was also a poor template for in vitro transcription in human nuclear extracts. Additionally, I discovered a new negative biochemical crosstalk between H4K12su and transcriptionally relevant H3 Lys4 methylation by the COMPASS/Set1 methyltransferase in vitro. Cellular experiments confirmed this negative crosstalk between the transcription start and end sites of annotated protein-coding human genes. Collectively, my thesis work has revealed that H4K12su directly inhibits transcription, and may do so in part by the inhibition of histone acetyl- and methyltransferases. Lastly, many mass spectrometric studies have identified sites of sumoylation by SUMO2/3 on human histones but none of them have been well biochemically validated. I have therefore sought to demonstrate histone sumoylation in vivo on both H4 and H2B, that latter which has not been previously shown in the literature. Incorporation of a trypsin cut site at the C-terminus of SUMO will allow us to discretely identify sites of sumoylation and validate them in cellular assays

    CARP Institutional Assessment in a Post-2008 Transition Scenario: Reforms for the Agrarian Justice System

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    The study focused on the implications of a post 2008 CARP transition scenario for the agrarian law and justice system. It addressed the conflicts after the award of certificates of land ownership awards (CLOA) or emancipation patents (EP). There are six types of conflicts within the agrarian sector: 1) dispute between landowners and the farmer beneficiary; 2) conflict between landowner and the state; 3) conflict between the farmer beneficiary and the state; 4) conflict between farmer beneficiaries; 5) disputes between putative landowners that delay or affect the implementation of any part of the agrarian reform program; and 6) disputes involving participants in the agrarian reform program and third parties. Some of the recommendations are: (a) the principal mode to settle disputes between landowners and farmer beneficiaries should be through compulsory arbitration; (b) the DARAB and the BALA should be restructured to allow compulsory arbitration; (c) the still applicable provisions of the Agricultural Land Reform Code, the relationship of agrarian reform with the Public Land Act and the Property Registration Decree should be included in the statute that will extend the CARP; and (d) the continued training programs for all adjudicators, arbitrators and agrarian reform lawyers and paralegals should be provided to include alternative dispute processing methodologies.land reform, land, property law/ agricultural policy

    CARP Institutional Assessment in a Post-2008 Transition Scenario : Reforms for the Agrarian Justice System

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    The study focused on the implications of a post 2008 CARP transition scenario for the agrarian law and justice system. It addressed the conflicts after the award of certificates of land ownership awards (CLOA) or emancipation patents (EP). There are six types of conflicts within the agrarian sector : 1) dispute between landowners and the farmer beneficiary; 2) conflict between landowner and the state; 3) conflict between the farmer beneficiary and the state; 4) conflict between farmer beneficiaries; 5) disputes between putative landowners that delay or affect the implementation of any part of the agrarian reform program; and 6) disputes involving participants in the agrarian reform program and third parties. Some of the recommendations are : (a) the principal mode to settle disputes between landowners and farmer beneficiaries should be through compulsory arbitration; (b) the DARAB and the BALA should be restructured to allow compulsory arbitration; (c) the still applicable provisions of the Agricultural Land Reform Code, the relationship of agrarian reform with the Public Land Act and the Property Registration Decree should be included in the statute that will extend the CARP; and (d) the continued training programs for all adjudicators, arbitrators and agrarian reform lawyers and paralegals should be provided to include alternative dispute processing methodologies.land reform, land, property law/ agricultural policy

    The evolution of recreation activities for older adult : how should older adults spend their free time?

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    This thesis is about how older people should change their lifestyle after retirement. The main content of this thesis points out the importance of leisure and how it has evolved over time. The human population is steadily aging hence the increasing numbers of older adults who are more prone to falling in unfavorable environments, relative to younger people. Leisure activities can therefore be used as a preventive method for the aforementioned likelihood, as well as to improve the physical and mental health of the elderly. The researchers aim to encourage older adults to enjoy nature and the environment as form of stress relief and socialization, pursuant to well-being. Loneliness and social isolation are among the most common problems faced by older adults worldwide. About 35% of elderly people suffer from loneliness, which can lead to serious health consequences. There has been a notable lack of discussion on this particular problem, as well as a shortage of projects available to remedy the same. Keywords: Elderly, leisure, recreation, physical activity, present, and future.  We would like to take this opportunity to thank our thesis advisor, Árni Guðmundsson for his guidance, professional insight, and support despite the limitations of the Covid-19 pandemic. He was very attentive and keen to help and guide us. We would also like to thank our family and friends for all of their support, patience, and assistance rendered to us during the process of completing our thesi

    “How should I behave after the pandemic?” Impact on travel behaviour and perspective during pandemic COVID-19: Chinese and Filipinos immigrants in Iceland

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    The aim of this thesis is to investigate the changes in travel behavior of the Chinese and Filipinos living in Iceland during the pandemic. The COVID-19 virus has caused a global negative impact on the economy, society, and tourism. Among them, the most influential is the tourist behavior. The frequency of travel during COVID-19 has suffered a significant drop. For this paper a qualitative approach methodology was used, deploying open interviews as a means of data collection. Data was collected by interviewing Chinese and Filipino immigrants in Iceland. The data collected was then analyzed to draw conclusions. Based on interviews with 8 interviewees. The aim of the research was mainly to investigate consumption patterns, hotel stays, travel methods, and choice of travel destinations to understand the changes in the interviewees’ travel behavior after COVID-19. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the travel behavior of Chinese and Filipino tourists. It can distinguish the travel behavior, consumption and accommodation habits of the two groups for travel agencies or travel-related organizations. During the period of stagnation in tourism, it is possible to better develop and launch tourism products and creativity that are more in line with these two groups. Thesis research can benefit local travel agencies, hotels, airlines and other tourism-related businesses. The collected information will also help to understand future travel consumption habits, needs, sightseeing activities, car rentals, among other things, to improve or develop new travel products and services

    Áhrif svefns á lífsánægju og vellíðan ungmenna á grunnskólaaldri

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    Nægilegur svefn er talinn nauðsynlegur þáttur og eitt af grundvallaratriðunum þegar kemur að heilsu og lífsgæðum ungmenna. Svefn er talin hafa áhrif á andlegan, líkamlegan, tilfinningalegan og félagslegan þroska barna. Á unglingsárum fer svefnlengd minnkandi hjá eldri ungmennum sem leiðir oft til ýmisskonar vanlíðanar. Svefnleysi hefur verið tengt við geðræn vandamál eins og kvíða, þunglyndi, ofvirkni og athyglisvanda. Einnig getur svefnleysi ýtt undir áhættuhegðun, hegðunarvandamál, og áfengis- og fíkniefnaneyslu. Mikilvægt er að skoða þætti sem geta haft áhrif á svefn og líðan ungmenna til að komast að því hvernig er hægt að fyrirbyggja og koma í veg fyrir röskun á svefni og líðan barna. Það er hægt að gera með því að átta sig á tengslum svefns við aðrar breytur. Markmið þessarar rannsóknar er að skoða tengsl svefns við lífsánægju og vellíðan á barna á grunnskólaaldri. Aðferð: Notast var við gögn úr HBSC rannsókn sem var lögð fyrir nemendur 6. bekkjar, 8. bekkjar og 10. bekkjar árið 2018. Öllum grunnskólum á landinu var boðið að taka þátt. Úrtakshópurinn er því stór, 6102 nemendur, og endurspeglar vel skiptingu ungmenna á Íslandi þegar kemur að kyni og búsetu. Breyturnar sem notast var við í þessari rannsókn voru aldur, kyn, búseta, fjölskyldugerð og efnahagsstaða fjölskyldu. Þessar breytur voru svo rannsakaðar í tengslum við svefnlengd, hvort nemendur næðu viðmiðum um lágmarks svefnþörf. Einnig voru þessar breytur rannsakaðar í tengslum við vellíðan og lífsánægju. Notast var við SPSS forritið við úrvinnslu gagna og voru framkvæmd tölfræðiprófin kí-kvaðrat og Pearsons r fylgnistuðull. Niðurstöður: Svefnlengd nemanda fer minnkandi með hækkandi aldri og ungmenni í 6. bekk og 8. bekk ná meiri svefni en ungmenni í 10. bekk. Flestir nemendur í 6. bekk og 8. bekk ná ráðlögðum viðmiðum um svefnlengd en aðeins rétt rúmlega helmingur nemenda í 10. bekkjar ná þessum viðmiðum. Þegar lífsánægja er mæld kemur í ljós að ungmenni í 6. bekk eru ánægðust og fer lífsánægja dvínandi með hækkandi aldri. Einnig líður nemendum í 6. bekk oftast vel í skólanum og síðan dregur úr góðri líðan í skóla með hækkandi aldri. Þegar kemur að tengslum á milli lífsánægju og svefnlengdar er hægt að finna marktæka veika jákvæða fylgni í öllum hópum. Ályktanir: Hægt er að álykta að ungmenni sem sofa lengur meta lífsánægju sína meiri. Í niðurstöðum var að finna marktækan mun í öllum hópum, en þó er þörf á frekari rannsóknum um áhrifaþætti svefns og lífsánægju.  Sufficient sleep is considered a fundamental and essential factor in health and quality of life among children and adolescents. Sleep affects children's mental, physical, emotional, and social developments significantly. Sleep duration decreases in older children during adolescence and often leads to various kinds of discomfort. Sleep deprivation in adolescents has been linked to psychiatric disorders, including anxiety, depression, hyperactivity and lack of attention. Insufficient sleep has also been linked to risk-taking behaviors, behavioral disorders and alcohol and substance abuse among adolescents. Increased recognition of the factors that can affect sleep among children and adolescents is essential to determine which preventive measures are relevant for the children and adolescents as well as to improve their well-being. This can be done by understanding the association between sleep and other variables. This study aims to analyze the association between the amount of sleep, life satisfaction and well-being among children and adolescents in primary school. Methods: Data from a previous research paper based on The Health Behavior in School-Aged Children (HBSC) were used in this present study. All primary schools in Iceland were invited to participate. The participants in the present study were students in the 6th, 8th, and 10th grades. The sample group was large, consisting of 6102 primary school students, therefore reflecting well on the division of children in Iceland regarding gender and residence. The variables used in this study were the students’ age, gender, place of residence, family structure and their family’s financial status. The association of the following variables to the amount of sleep was studied to see whether students were meeting the recommended amount of sleep. The association of the following variables to well-being and life satisfaction were also studied. Statistical analyses were performed using IBM SPSS software. The association and correlation between variables were tested using the chi-square and Pearson’s r correlation coefficient. Results: The amount of sleep among students appeared to decrease in coordination with increased age. Students in 6th and 8th grade were getting adequate sleep, unlike the older children in 10th grade, who were not getting as much sleep. Most students in 6th grade and 8th grade attain the recommended sleep duration, but only over half of older children in 10th grade achieve these recommendations. Considering the opinion of the students about their life satisfaction, it proved that the younger students are perceiving better wellness than the older children. Life satisfaction significantly decreases with an increased age, which also corresponds to the perception of well-being in school. Students in 6th grade perceived better well-being, but gradually decreased as they got older. As for the association between life satisfaction and sleep duration, a remarkably weak positive correlation was found in all groups. Conclusion: It may be concluded that the younger students who sleep longer perceive greater life satisfaction. This study indicates significant differences in the results in all the groups. However, further research is needed to study the association of other factors that influence children’s sleep and life satisfaction.

    Trust begets trust

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