11,912 research outputs found

    Ferromagnetic ordering in graphs with arbitrary degree distribution

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    We present a detailed study of the phase diagram of the Ising model in random graphs with arbitrary degree distribution. By using the replica method we compute exactly the value of the critical temperature and the associated critical exponents as a function of the minimum and maximum degree, and the degree distribution characterizing the graph. As expected, there is a ferromagnetic transition provided < \infty. However, if the fourth moment of the degree distribution is not finite then non-trivial scaling exponents are obtained. These results are analyzed for the particular case of power-law distributed random graphs.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Exchange-Repairs: Managing Inconsistency in Data Exchange

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    In a data exchange setting with target constraints, it is often the case that a given source instance has no solutions. In such cases, the semantics of target queries trivialize. The aim of this paper is to introduce and explore a new framework that gives meaningful semantics in such cases by using the notion of exchange-repairs. Informally, an exchange-repair of a source instance is another source instance that differs minimally from the first, but has a solution. Exchange-repairs give rise to a natural notion of exchange-repair certain answers (XR-certain answers) for target queries. We show that for schema mappings specified by source-to-target GAV dependencies and target equality-generating dependencies (egds), the XR-certain answers of a target conjunctive query can be rewritten as the consistent answers (in the sense of standard database repairs) of a union of conjunctive queries over the source schema with respect to a set of egds over the source schema, making it possible to use a consistent query-answering system to compute XR-certain answers in data exchange. We then examine the general case of schema mappings specified by source-to-target GLAV constraints, a weakly acyclic set of target tgds and a set of target egds. The main result asserts that, for such settings, the XR-certain answers of conjunctive queries can be rewritten as the certain answers of a union of conjunctive queries with respect to the stable models of a disjunctive logic program over a suitable expansion of the source schema.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figures, submitted to the Journal on Data Semantic

    A search for magnetic fields on central stars in planetary nebulae

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    One of the possible mechanisms responsible for the panoply of shapes in planetary nebulae is the presence of magnetic fields that drive the ejection of ionized material during the proto-planetary nebula phase. Therefore, detecting magnetic fields in such objects is of key importance for understanding their dynamics. Still, magnetic fields have not been detected using polarimetry in the central stars of planetary nebulae. Circularly polarized light spectra have been obtained with the Focal Reducer and Low Dispersion Spectrograph at the Very Large Telescope of the European Southern Observatory and the Intermediate dispersion Spectrograph and Imaging System at the William Herschel Telescope. Nineteen planetary nebulae spanning very different morphology and evolutionary stages have been selected. Most of central stars have been observed at different rotation phases to point out evidence of magnetic variability. In this paper, we present the result of two observational campaigns aimed to detect and measure the magnetic field in the central stars of planetary nebulae on the basis of low resolution spectropolarimetry. In the limit of the adopted method, we can state that large scale fields of kG order are not hosted on the central star of planetary nebulae.Comment: Paper accepted to be published in Astronomy and Astrophysics on 20/01/201

    Laboratory investigation of visible shuttle glow mechanisms

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    Laboratory experiments designed to uncover mechanistic information about the spectral and spatial characteristics of shuttle glow were conducted. The luminescence was created when a pulse of O atoms traveling at orbital velocities was directed toward NO molecules previously adsorbed to aluminum, nickel, and Z306 Chemglaz (a common baffle black) coated surfaces held at various temperatures. Spectral and spatial measurements were made using a CCD imaging spectrometer. Corroborative spectral information was recorded in separate measurements using a scanning monochromator and gated photomultiplier arrangement. The e-folding distance at several temperatures was calculated from images of the surface glow using the photometrics image processing capability of the imaging spectrometer. The e-folding distance was not altered as a function of incoming O beam velocity. The results are presented and the observations provide direct evidence that the visible shuttle glow results from recombination of oxygen atoms and surface bound NO

    Na-O anticorrelation and HB. IX. Kinematics of the program clusters. A link between systemic rotation and HB morphology?

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    We use accurate radial velocities for 1981 member stars in 20 Galactic globular clusters, collected within our large survey aimed at the analysis of the Na-O anti-correlation, to study the internal kinematics of the clusters. We performed the first systematic exploration of the possible connections between cluster kinematics and the multiple populations phenomenon in GCs. We did not find any significant correlation between Na abundance and either velocity dispersion or systemic rotation. We searched for systemic rotation in the eight clusters of our sample that lack such analysis from previous works in the literature (NGC2808, NGC5904, NGC6171, NGC6254, NGC6397, NGC6388, NGC6441, and NGC6838). These clusters are found to span a large range of rotational amplitudes, from ~0.0 km/s (NGC6397) to ~13.0 km/s (NGC6441). We found a significant correlation between the ratio of rotational velocity to central velocity dispersion (V_{rot}/sigma_0) and the Horizontal Branch Morphology parameter (B-R)/(B+R+V). V_{rot}/sigma_0 is found to correlate also with metallicity, possibly hinting to a significant role of dissipation in the process of formation of globular clusters. V_{rot} is found to correlate well with (B-R)/(B+R+V), M_V, sigma_0 and [Fe/H]. All these correlations strongly suggest that systemic rotation may be intimately linked with the processes that led to the formation of globular clusters and the stellar populations they host.Comment: Accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysics. Pdflatex, 16 pages, 16 pdf figures. The position angles of the rotation axes have been corrected, since the values reported in the previous version were erroneous. The results of the analysis are unchanged. The manuscript has also been processed by a language edito

    Complexity transitions in global algorithms for sparse linear systems over finite fields

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    We study the computational complexity of a very basic problem, namely that of finding solutions to a very large set of random linear equations in a finite Galois Field modulo q. Using tools from statistical mechanics we are able to identify phase transitions in the structure of the solution space and to connect them to changes in performance of a global algorithm, namely Gaussian elimination. Crossing phase boundaries produces a dramatic increase in memory and CPU requirements necessary to the algorithms. In turn, this causes the saturation of the upper bounds for the running time. We illustrate the results on the specific problem of integer factorization, which is of central interest for deciphering messages encrypted with the RSA cryptosystem.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure

    The Multi-center Evaluation of the Accuracy of the Contrast MEdium INduced Pd/Pa RaTiO in Predicting FFR (MEMENTO-FFR) Study.

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    AIMS: Adenosine administration is needed for the achievement of maximal hyperaemia fractional flow reserve (FFR) assessment. The objective was to test the accuracy of Pd/Pa ratio registered during submaximal hyperaemia induced by non-ionic contrast medium (contrast FFR [cFFR]) in predicting FFR and comparing it to the performance of resting Pd/Pa in a collaborative registry of 926 patients enrolled in 10 hospitals from four European countries (Italy, Spain, France and Portugal). METHODS AND RESULTS: Resting Pd/Pa, cFFR and FFR were measured in 1,026 coronary stenoses functionally evaluated using commercially available pressure wires. cFFR was obtained after intracoronary injection of contrast medium, while FFR was measured after administration of adenosine. Resting Pd/Pa and cFFR were significantly higher than FFR (0.93±0.05 vs. 0.87±0.08 vs. 0.84±0.08, p<0.001). A strong correlation and a close agreement at Bland-Altman analysis between cFFR and FFR were observed (r=0.90, p<0.001 and 95% CI of disagreement: from -0.042 to 0.11). ROC curve analysis showed an excellent accuracy (89%) of the cFFR cut-off of ≤0.85 in predicting an FFR value ≤0.80 (AUC 0.95 [95% CI: 0.94-0.96]), significantly better than that observed using resting Pd/Pa (AUC: 0.90, 95% CI: 0.88-0.91; p<0.001). A cFFR/FFR hybrid approach showed a significantly lower number of lesions requiring adenosine than a resting Pd/Pa/FFR hybrid approach (22% vs. 44%, p<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: cFFR is accurate in predicting the functional significance of coronary stenosis. This could allow limiting the use of adenosine to obtain FFR to a minority of stenoses with considerable savings of time and costs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The normal chemistry of multiple stellar populations in the dense globular cluster NGC 6093 (M 80)

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    We present the abundance analysis of 82 red giant branch stars in the dense, metal-poor globular cluster NGC 6093 (M 80), the largest sample of stars analyzed in this way for this cluster. From high resolution UVES spectra of 14 stars and intermediate resolution GIRAFFE spectra for the other stars we derived abundances of O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Y, Zr, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu. On our UVES metallicity scale the mean metal abundance of M 80 is [Fe/H]=-1.791+/-0.006+/-0.076 (+/-statistical +/-systematic error) with rms=0.023 (14 stars). M 80 shows star to star variations in proton-capture elements, and the extension of the Na-O anticorrelation perfectly fit the relations with (i) total cluster mass, (ii) horizontal branch morphology, and (iii) cluster concentration previously found by our group. The chemistry of multiple stellar populations in M 80 does not look extreme. The cluster is also a typical representative of halo globular clusters for what concerns the pattern of alpha-capture and Fe-group elements. However we found that a significant contribution from the s-process is required to account for the distribution of neutron-capture elements. A minority of stars in M 80 seem to exhibit slightly enhanced abundances of s-process species, compatible with those observed in M 22 and NGC 1851, although further confirmation from larger samples is required.Comment: 18 pages, 21 figures, 10 tables; accepted for publication on Astronomy and Astrophysic
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