29 research outputs found

    Correlação entre a apresentação clínica do paciente e a recidiva no hematoma subdural crônico / Correlation between patient clinical presentation and recurrence in chronic subdural hematoma

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    Objetivos: A presente pesquisa buscou avaliar as condições clínicas de entrada e evolução em casos de hematoma subdural crônico (HSDC), a prevalência de sua recidiva e possíveis associações e correlações entre os parâmetros abordados no estudo e a recidiva do HSDC. Metodologia: Estudo observacional e retrospectivo baseado em 114 casos de HSDC, analisando parâmetros identificados durante internamento hospitalar, posteriormente analisados estatisticamente. Resultados: A prevalência da recidiva do HSDC constatada na amostra foi de 26,32%. Observou-se associação significativa entre crise convulsiva durante internamento e a recidiva do HSDC (p=0.004 e Odds ratio = 6,30), assim como entre reabordagem cirúrgica e a recidiva (p<0,0001 e Odds Ratio tendendo ao infinito). Existe correlação muito forte entre a reabordagem cirúrgica e recidiva (?=0,91 e p< 0,001). Houve também correlação entre crise convulsiva durante o internamento e a recidiva do HSDC, fraca, porém positiva (?=0,26 e p=0,005). Conclusão: A prevalência do fenômeno na amostra esteve de acordo com a encontrada na literatura. Observou-se associação e correlação positiva para crise convulsiva durante internamento e reabordagem cirúrgica quando analisados em conjunto a recidiva do HSDC.

    Neurological telerehabilitation in the COVID-19 era – current perspectives through a bibliometric analysis

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    ObjectiveTo identify bibliometric parameters and research trends regarding to telerehabilitation of patients with stroke in the COVID-19 era.MethodologyThis is an integrative review carried out in the Scopus database, from June to July 2021, through the Biblioshiny graphical interface, provided by the Bibliometrix program. The search terms used were “Stroke,” “COVID-19” and “Telerehabilitation.” Results were filtered by publication date from 2019 onwards. No language restrictions were imposed.ResultsTwenty two articles were included in the study and the results were presented in the form of figures demonstrating that the journal Frontiers in Neurology was the one with the most relevant studies and the author with the highest number of citations. The Brazilian Academy of Neurology was the institution with the greatest number of studies and China ranked first as the country with the greatest scientific production. The authors used recent references in their work. A thematic map showed the centrality and density of the words presented and, finally, a three-field graph showed a strong intimacy between countries, keywords and authors.ConclusionA greater interest in the subject was observed in China with greater relevance of journals and institutions focused on neurology. However, despite telerehabilitation being an effective alternative in the context of the pandemic, few studies have explored this modality

    A new comprehensive trait database of European and Maghreb butterflies, Papilionoidea

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    Trait-based analyses explaining the different responses of species and communities to environmental changes are increasing in frequency. European butterflies are an indicator group that responds rapidly to environmental changes with extensive citizen science contributions to documenting changes of abundance and distribution. Species traits have been used to explain long- and short-term responses to climate, land-use and vegetation changes. Studies are often characterised by limited trait sets being used, with risks that the relative roles of different traits are not fully explored. Butterfly trait information is dispersed amongst various sources and descriptions sometimes differ between sources. We have therefore drawn together multiple information sets to provide a comprehensive trait database covering 542 taxa and 25 traits described by 217 variables and sub-states of the butterflies of Europe and Maghreb (northwest Africa) which should serve for improved trait-based ecological, conservation-related, phylogeographic and evolutionary studies of this group of insects. We provide this data in two forms; the basic data and as processed continuous and multinomial data, to enhance its potential usage

    Prospective randomized study designed to compare aesthetics, functional and clinical results between minipterional and pterional craniotomies

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    Introdução: O acesso pterional é uma das craniotomias mais utilizadas. Entretanto, apresenta algumas desvantagens, como a dissecação ampla do músculo temporal, que pode causar atrofia e deformidade do contorno facial. A craniotomia minipterional descrita em 2007 propiciou exposição anatômica semelhante a da craniotomia pterional clássica. Objetivos: Comparar os resultados clínicos, funcionais e estéticos dos dois acessos cirúrgicos destinados ao tratamento de aneurismas da circulação anterior. Métodos: Cinquenta e oito doentes, com aneurismas rotos (40) e não rotos (18) foram admitidos no estudo. No grupo A, 28 indivíduos foram submetidos à craniotomia minipterional. No grupo B, 30 doentes foram operados com a craniotomia pterional clássica. Doentes com hematomas intracranianos, aneurismas do segmento oftálmico e aneurismas gigantes foram excluídos. Os resultados estéticos foram analisados por meio de dois métodos. No primeiro, uma autoavaliação utilizava uma régua escalonada de 0 a 100, na qual o zero representou o melhor resultado e 100 o pior resultado na percepção do próprio doente. Fotografias dos doentes foram mostradas a dois observadores independentes. Os resultados foram classificados como ótimo, bom, regular e mau (de acordo com uma escala pré-determinada). A gradação da atrofia foi mensurada por meio de três métodos, utilizando a tomografia computadorizada de crânio. No primeiro, observou-se a percentagem de redução do complexo músculo temporal, tecido subcutâneo e pele. No segundo método, a percentagem de redução da espessura do músculo temporal foi analisada isoladamente. O terceiro método foi a mensuração da volumetria do músculo temporal, tecido subcutâneo e pele calculados a partir da margem superior do arco zigomático até a linha temporal superior utilizando-se o software OsiriX (Pixmeo Sarl Geneva/ Suíça OsiriX). Para os resultados clínicos e funcionais, foi utilizada a Escala de Rankin modificada. Outras variáveis, como paralisia do ramo frontal do nervo facial, hemorragia pós-operatória, fistula liquórica, hidrocefalia e mortalidade, também foram analisadas. Resultados: Em ambos os grupos, os dados demográficos e as características pré-operatórias foram similares. A satisfação com o resultado estético foi observada em 79% (19) no grupo A e 52% (13) no grupo B (p=0,07). O valor médio da régua foi 27 no grupo A e 45,8 no grupo B (p=0,03). Quando somente doentes classificados como Rankin modificado 0 ou 1 foram analisados, o valor médio da régua foi de 25,2 no grupo A e 39,4 no grupo B (p=0,11). Dois avaliadores independentes analisaram as fotografias dos doentes e o coeficiente de correlação kappa para os resultados estéticos foi de 0,73. De acordo com os mesmos ótimo e bom, foram observados em 87% (21) no grupo minipterional e 48% (12) no grupo pterional. A percentagem de redução do músculo temporal, subcutâneo e pele (método 1) foi de 14,9% no grupo A e 24,3% no grupo B (p=0,01). Quando somente o músculo temporal foi analisado (método 2), a percentagem de redução foi de 12,7% no grupo A e 22% no grupo B (p=0,005). A redução volumétrica das estruturas (método 3) foi de 14,8% no grupo A e 24,5% no grupo B (p=0,012). Na avaliação clínica no 6? mês, os valores da Escala de Rankin modificada foram similares (p=0,99). O óbito ocorreu em 4 doentes no grupo A e 5 doentes no grupo B (p=1,0). Conclusão: Os resultados clínicos demonstraram que a craniotomia minipterional é um procedimento seguro, com prognóstico similar ao da técnica convencional. Os resultados cosméticos foram melhores com menor deformidade no contorno facial, uma vez que a percentagem de redução da espessura, do volume do músculo temporal, do tecido subcutâneo e da pele foi menor com a técnica proposta. A craniotomia minipterional foi a melhor alternativa em relação à craniotomia pterional clássica para tratar aneurismas rotos e não rotos da circulação anteriorIntroduction: The pterional approach is one of the most commonly used craniotomy. However it has disadvantages, such as complete dissection of the temporalis muscle. This may lead to muscular atrophy and facial deformity. The minipterional craniotomy was described in 2007 and the anatomic exposure provided by the pterional and minipterional approaches were similar in the total area of exposure and angular view. Objectives: This prospective randomized study was designed to compare the clinical, functional and aesthetic results of two surgical techniques for microsurgical clipping of anterior circulation aneurysms. Methods: Overall, 58 eligible patients admitted with ruptured and unruptured anterior circulation aneurysms were enrolled in the study. In group A, 28 patients were operated with the minipterional technique. In Group B 30 patients were operated according to the classical pterional craniotomy. Patients with intracranial haematomas, ophthalmic aneurysms and giant aneurysms were excluded. The aesthetic results were analyzed with 2 methods. In the first, the patients were showed to a rule, with a scale from 0 to 100, in which 0 mean the best result and 100 the worst result. Photos were taken and showed to two independent observers, the results were classified as excellent, good, regular or poor, according to a pre-determined scale. The degree of atrophy was measured with three methods. In the first one, the authors observed the percentage of thick reduction in the temporal muscle, subcutaneous tissue and skin. In the second method the percentage of thick reduction of the isolated temporal muscle was observed and the third the volumetric analysis of the temporal muscle, subcutaneous tissue and skin was calculated from the superior edge of zygomatic arch to superior temporal line using the OsiriX software (OsiriX - Pixmeo Sarl Geneva/Suíça). The functional results were compared using the Modified Rankin Score. Others variables such frontal facial palsy, post-operative hemorrhage, cerebrospinal fistulas, hydrocephalus and mortality were also analyzed. Results: In both groups the demographic and pre-operative characteristics were similar. The satisfaction with aesthetic results were observed in 79% (19) in group A and 52% (13) in group B (p=0,07). The mean value observed in the rule was 27 in group A and 45,8 in group B (p=0,03). When patients classified as Rankin Modified Score of 0 or 1 only were included the mean value observed in the rule was 25,2 in group A and 39,4 in group B (p=0,11). Two independent observers analyzed the patients photos and the kappa coefficient correlation for the aesthetic results was 0,73. According to them excellent and good results were observed in 87% (21) in minipterional group and 48% (12) in the pterional group. The degree of atrophy of temporal muscle, subcutaneous tissue and skin (method 1) was14,9% in group A and 24,3% in group B (p=0,01). The measurement of temporal muscle (method 2) revealed that the degree of atrophy was 12,7% in group A and 22% in group B (p=0,005). The volumetric reduction of the structures (method 3) was 14,8% in group A and 24,5% in group B (p=0,012). Rankin Modified Score was similar in both groups in the 6-month evaluation (p=0,99). Mortality occurred in 4 patients in group A and 5 patients in group B (p=1,0). Conclusion: These clinical results indicate that the minipterional is a safe procedure. We can estimate the better cosmetic results with less facial contour deformity since the percentage of thick and volumetric reduction in temporal muscle, subcutaneous tissue and skin were demonstrated. It can be an excellent and better alternative to the classical pterional approac

    Lateral suboccipital retrosigmoid retrocondylar approach for foramen magnum meningiomas

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    Objective: The objective of the study was to describe our approach and the surgical technique and analyze its safety and the outcome for foramen magnum meningiomas (FMMs). Methods: From 1986 to 2016, 15 FMM patients were operated on using the lateral suboccipital retrocondylar approach. Results: In this series, there were 12 (80%) female and 3 (20%) male patients. The patients ranged in age from 33 to 63 years. There was no operative dead, but two patients died during the follow-up period, which varied from 1 to 24 years (mean, 10.2 years). Twelve patients (80%) achieved Glasgow Outcome Scale 4 or 5. Gross total resection was achieved in 13 (86.6.7%) patients. Conclusions: The majority of FMM can be safely removed using the lateral suboccipital retrocondylar approach without condylar resection, associated to meticulous microsurgical technique