22 research outputs found

    Acute effects of different intensities on the muscle power production in football players : a systematic review

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    O desenvolvimento de potĂȘncia muscular encontra-se entre as estratĂ©gias mais buscadas por treinadores e comissĂ”es tĂ©cnicas no cenĂĄrio esportivo. Recentemente, o uso de cargas Ăłtimas para a prescrição de exercĂ­cios emergiu como uma abordagem altamente efetiva, uma vez que visa encontrar e utilizar a carga / intensidade em que a maior produção de potĂȘncia muscular Ă© observada. Em esportes como o futebol, permanece desconhecida a zona de intensidade em que a maior produção aguda de potĂȘncia muscular Ă© observada. O presente estudo teve como objetivo, atravĂ©s de uma revisĂŁo sistemĂĄtica, verificar os efeitos de diferentes intensidades (i.e. % de carga em relação Ă  força muscular mĂĄxima [1-RM] e Ă  massa corporal total) na produção aguda de potĂȘncia muscular de membros inferiores em jogadores de futebol. A partir de uma busca eletrĂŽnica nas bases de dados PubMed, Scopus e Web of Science, 6345 possĂ­veis estudos foram encontrados. ApĂłs as etapas de triagem, um total de 193 artigos contemplaram os critĂ©rios de elegibilidade do presente trabalho. Cinco estudos foram selecionados para inclusĂŁo no presente trabalho. Os resultados apontaram que o exercĂ­cio de meio agachamento com cargas entre 46% e 76% da massa corporal e o agachamento com salto realizados com cargas correspondentes Ă  altura de salto de 20cm ou velocidade propulsiva mĂ©dia (VPM) de 1m.s1 apresentaram maior produção de potĂȘncia. Embora os resultados apontem cargas Ăłtimas para o treinamento de potĂȘncia de membros inferiores em atletas de futebol, sĂŁo necessĂĄrios estudos com critĂ©rios de avaliação padronizados.The development of muscular power is among the most sought-after strategies by coaches and staffs in sports. Recently, the use of optimal training loads for exercise prescription has emerged as a highly effective approach since it seeks to find and utilize the load / intensity in which the highest muscular power output is observed. In sports as football, the optimal load for power production remains unknown. Through a systematic review, the present study had the aim to verify the effects of different intensities (e.g. load percentage relative to maximal strength [1-RM] and body mass) in the acute power output of lower limbs in football athletes. Throughout research in the electronic databases PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science, 6345 studies were found. After research trials, 193 studies matched the stablished selection criteria for this study. Five studies were selected for the study. The results pointed the optimal load for the half squat is between 46% and 76% of the athletes’ body mass; the load for the jump squat was when a jump height of 20cm was attained, also the optimal load found was 1m.s-1 when the intensity was measured by the mean propulsive velocity (VPM). Although the results suggest optimal loads for power training of lower limbs in football athletes, studies with standardized assessment parameters are required

    Physical and physiological profile of young athletes in roller skating

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    Introdução: A Patinação ArtĂ­stica Ă© um esporte em ascensĂŁo, principalmente a modalidade sobre rodas. O esporte possui vĂĄrias modalidades com diferentes perfis fĂ­sicos e fisiolĂłgicos, contudo existe uma limitação de informaçÔes relacionadas ao perfil de jovens atletas de patinação artĂ­stica sobre rodas. Objetivo: Identificar o perfil fĂ­sico e fisiolĂłgico de jovens atletas de patinação artĂ­stica sobre rodas. Materiais e MĂ©todos: A amostra foi composta por oito atletas de diferentes modalidades da Patinação ArtĂ­stica sobre Rodas com idades entre 11 e 15 anos do sexo feminino de nĂ­vel nacional. O perfil fĂ­sico e fisiolĂłgico foi determinado atravĂ©s das variĂĄveis de composição corporal, consumo mĂĄximo de oxigĂȘnio (VO2pico), torque muscular, potĂȘncia anaerĂłbica de membros inferiores, flexibilidade e nĂ­vel de atividade fĂ­sica. Resultados: O VO2pico apresentou valores mĂ©dios de 50,6 ± 4,9 ml.kg-1 .min-1 , torque isomĂ©trico 136 ± 62 Nm, concĂȘntrico 107 ± 46 Nm, excĂȘntrico 145 ± 63 Nm, flexibilidade de 39,8 ± 8,0 cm, CMJ 29,2 ± 3,1 cm, SJ 23,6 ± 3,5 cm, %G de 26,9 ± 3,9, %MLG 73,1 ± 3,9, MM 34,9 ± 7,2 Kg, MA 13,4 ± 5,1 Kg, CMO 2097 ± 478 g, DMO 1,124± 0,15 g/cm2 e nĂ­vel de atividade fĂ­sica 9,3 ± 4,7 horas de treino por semana. ConclusĂŁo: As atletas de patinação artĂ­stica sobre rodas de nĂ­vel nacional tĂȘm resultados mĂ©dios bons de aptidĂŁo cardiorrespiratĂłria, de torque muscular, de flexibilidade dos isquiotibiais, da altura dos saltos e uma carga horĂĄria de treinos semanais mĂ©dia baixa.Introduction: Figure Skating is a sport on the rise, especially the sport on wheels. The sport has several modalities with different physical and physiological profiles, however there is a limitation of information related to the profile of young athletes of figure skating on wheels. Objective: To identify the physical and physiological profile of young figure skating athletes on wheels. Materials and methods: The sample consisted of eigth athletes from different modalities of Figure Skating on Wheels aged between 11 and 15 years of female scans of national level. The physical and physiological profile was determined through the variables of body composition, maximum oxygen consumption (VO2peak), muscle torque, anaerobic power of the lower limbs, flexibility, and level of physical activity. Results: VO2peak presented mean values of 50.6 ± 4.9 ml.kg-1 .min-1 , isometric torque 136 ± 62 Nm, concentric torque 107 ± 46 Nm, eccentric torque 145 ± 63 Nm, flexibility of 39.8 ± 8.0 cm, CMJ 29.2 ± 3.1 cm, SJ 23.6 ± 3.5 cm, %FM 26.9 ± 3.9, %FFM 73.1 ± 3.9, MM 34.9 ± 7.2 Kg, FM 13.4 ± 5.1 Kg, BMC 2097 ± 478 g, BMD 1.124 ± 0.15 g/cm2 and physical activity level 9.3 ± 4.7 hours training per week. Conclusion: Figure skating athletes on national-level wheels have good average results of cardiorespiratory fitness, muscle torque, hamstring flexibility, jump height, and a low average weekly workout workload

    Interdisciplinarity in the methodology of teaching in Health: A Literature Review.

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    The objective of this article is to carry out a sweep of the current medical literature on the relationship between interdisciplinarity in the methodology of teaching in Health. keywords “Teaching, Health, Interdisciplinarity, Health Education”. Articles with more than 20 years of publication or that did not fit within the scope of the research were excluded. In all, 10 articles that fit within the search patterns were selected. It is concluded that most publications promote the need for changes in Health Education in higher education and in learning, knowledge and management of the SUS, in order to promote the Significant Learning of graduates in their professional careers.The objective of this article is to carry out a sweep of the current medical literature on the relationship between interdisciplinarity in the methodology of teaching in Health. keywords “Teaching, Health, Interdisciplinarity, Health Education”. Articles with more than 20 years of publication or that did not fit within the scope of the research were excluded. In all, 10 articles that fit within the search patterns were selected. It is concluded that most publications promote the need for changes in Health Education in higher education and in learning, knowledge and management of the SUS, in order to promote the Significant Learning of graduates in their professional careers

    Acometimento da supra-renal associado Ă  paracoccidioidomicose

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    A supra-renal foi estudada em 60pacientes com paracoccidioidomicose. Dentre eles, 10(16,7%) apresentavam alteraçÔes anatĂŽmicas ou funcionais das supra-renais. As lesĂ”es glandulares associaram-se Ă  paracoccidioidomicose disseminada, com evolução da doença de pelo menos cinco anos sem tratamento e com hipotensĂŁo arterial sistĂȘmica. NĂŁo houve associação entre alteraçÔes anatomoclĂ­nicas supra-renais e alteraçÔes raĂĄiolĂŽgicaspulmonares. Esses dados revelam a importĂąncia da avaliação sistemĂĄtica da função supra-renal em portadores de formas disseminadas da paracoccidioidomicose.<br>Sixty patients with paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) were studied, with special regard to adrenal involvement. Ten patients (16.7%) had adrenal ab-normalities associated with hypotension, a disseminated form of the disease and more than five years of evolution without treatment. No statistical association between adrenal anatomo-clinical alterations and radiological pulmonary abnormalities was observed. These data point out to the importance of systematic evaluation of adrenal function in patients with disseminated PCM

    Authors’ reply to Dr. Malerbi: "Insulin glargine in a Brazilian state: should the government disinvest?"

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    Dear Editor, We thank Dr. Malerbi for his comments regarding the systematic review [1]: “Insulin Glargine in the Brazilian State: Should the Government Disinvest? An Assessment Based on a Systematic Review” [2]. In particular, we thank Dr. Malerbi for pointing out the recently published ORIGIN study [3] clarifying the situation regarding insulin glargine and its neutral effects on the development of cancer following the previous observations of Hemkens et al. and Jonasson et al. [4, 5]. This will be welcomed by patients. However, we were concerned by his comments that we “seem to have prepared their review with the primary motivation of justifying—both on administrative and juridical grounds—the denial from the government to dispense insulin analogues to those diabetic patients who need them”

    Insulin glargine in a Brazilian state : should the government disinvest? an assessment based on a systematic review

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    Introduction and Objective: The costs of the insulin analogue (insulin glargine) have been growing appreciably in the State of Minas Gerais in Brazil, averaging 291 % per year in recent years. This growth has been driven by an increasing number of successful law suits and a 536 % price difference between insulin glargine and neutral protamine Hagedorn (NPH) insulin. One potential way to address this is to undertake a systematic review assessing the efficacy and safety of insulin glargine analogue compared with NPH insulin in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), and, as a result, provide published data to support future recommended activities by the State of Minas Gerais. These could include maintaining it on the list of the Public Health System (SUS) provided there is a price reduction. Alternatively, the review could provide potential arguments to defend against future law suits should the authorities decide to delist insulin glargine. Methods: A systematic review of published studies researching the effectiveness of insulin glargine in patients with T1DM between January 1970 and July 2009 in MEDLINE (PubMed), the Latin American and Caribbean Centre on Health Sciences Information, the Cochrane Controlled Trials Databases and the National Health Service Centre for Reviews and Dissemination. Inclusion criteria included insulin glargine on its own or combined with other insulin formulations. Only randomised controlled clinical trials were included. Initially, the titles of all studies were assessed by two independent reviewers before being potentially discarded, with the quality of papers assessed using a modified Jadad scale. The outcome measures included blood levels of glycated haemoglobin, episodes of hypoglycaemia, adverse effects and the reduction of microvascular and macrovascular end-organ complications of T1DM. Results: Out of 803 studies found in the selected databases, only eight trials met the inclusion criteria. Most of the studies were of poor methodological quality or had a high risk of bias, with a mean score of 2.125 on the Jadad scale. No study could be classified as double-blind, and only one study documented the increased efficacy of insulin glargine in relation to both glycaemic control and hypoglycaemic episodes. Typically, there was no significant difference between insulin glargine and NPH insulins. Conclusions: This systematic review showed no therapeutic benefit of insulin glargine over other insulin formulations studied when analysing together glycaemic control and the frequency and severity of hypoglycaemia. We therefore recommend to the State Authority to delist insulin glargine or renegotiate a price reduction with the manufacturer. This systematic review provides support for this decision as well as documentation to combat potential law suits if discussions are unsatisfactory

    Type 2 diabetes: prevalence and associated factors in a Brazilian community - the BambuĂ­ health and aging study

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    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Diabetes is an increasing cause of death in developing countries. Our objective was to describe the prevalence and clinical factors associated with diabetes and impaired fasting glycemia among adults (18-59 years) and elderly adults (60+ years). DESIGN AND SETTING: Population based, cross-sectional study in BambuĂ­, Brazil. METHODS: 816 adult and 1,494 elderly participants were interviewed; weight, height and blood pressure measured; and blood samples collected. Diabetes was defined as plasma fasting glucose > 126 mg/dl and/or use of hypoglycemic agents; impaired fasting glycemia as glycemia of 110-125 mg/dl. Associations were investigated using multinomial logistical regression (reference: fasting glycemia 240 mg/dl; for elderly adults, with family history of diabetes, body-mass index of 25-29 kg/mÂČ, body-mass index > 30 kg/mÂČ, increased waist-to-hip ratio, low HDL-cholesterol triglyceridemia of 200-499 mg/dl and triglyceridemia > 500 mg/dl. Among adults, impaired fasting glycemia remained associated negatively with male sex and positively with ages of 40-59 years, physical inactivity and increased waist-to-hip ratio; among the elderly, with alcohol consumption, overweight, obesity and triglycerides > 200 mg/dl. CONCLUSIONS: The results reinforce the importance of interventions to reduce physical inactivity, alcohol consumption, obesity and dyslipidemia, so as to prevent increasing incidence of diabetes