6 research outputs found

    Febrile rhabdomyolysis of unknown origin in refugees coming from West Africa through the Mediterranean

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    Abstract Objectives Cases of undiagnosed severe febrile rhabdomyolysis in refugees coming from West Africa, mainly from Nigeria, has been observed since May 2014. The aim of this study was to describe this phenomenon. Methods This was a multicentre retrospective observational study of cases of febrile rhabdomyolysis reported from May 2014 to December 2016 in 12 Italian centres. Results A total of 48 cases were observed, mainly in young males. The mean time interval between the day of departure from Libya and symptom onset was 26.2 days. An average 8.3 further days elapsed before medical care was sought. All patients were hospitalized with fever and very intense muscle aches. Creatine phosphokinase, aspartate aminotransferase, and lactate dehydrogenase values were abnormal in all cases. The rhabdomyolysis was ascribed to an infective agent in 16 (33.3%) cases. In the remaining cases, the aetiology was undefined. Four out of seven patients tested had sickle cell trait. No alcohol abuse or drug intake was reported, apart from a single reported case of khat ingestion. Conclusions The long incubation period does not support a mechanical cause of rhabdomyolysis. Furthermore, viral infections such as those caused by coxsackievirus are rarely associated with such a severe clinical presentation. It is hypothesized that other predisposing conditions like genetic factors, unknown infections, or unreported non-conventional remedies may be involved. Targeted surveillance of rhabdomyolysis cases is warranted

    A 40-Year-Old Man with Ulcerated Skin Lesions Caused by Bites of Safari Ants

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    We report a 40-year old man in Uganda with ulcerated skins lesions, hypotension, and anaphylaxis caused by bites of safari ants. Treatment was successful. Physicians should be aware of anaphylaxis caused by ant bites

    Hyperglycemia in Severe Falciparum Malaria: A Case Report

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    Occasionally, malaria may present with unusual signs and symptoms. We report a case of an uncommon presentation of Plasmodium falciparum infection in a 59-year-old Ethiopian immigrant, which initially presented with hyperglycaemia and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS). Reports of unusual presentations of malaria are few and cases of severe malaria with hyperglycaemia are rarely described. As hyperglycaemia is associated to most severe malaria and high mortality, our aim is to catch the attention of the physicians on this entity

    Infections Due to the Newly Described Species Mycobacterium parascrofulaceum

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    We report on four cases of infection by the recently described species Mycobacterium parascrofulaceum. In two cases the mycobacterium was isolated from AIDS patients, while in the others it was responsible for pulmonary disease in elderly men. Our findings suggest that M. parascrofulaceum is an opportunistic pathogen, like many other nontuberculous mycobacterial species