40 research outputs found


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    Adanya penelitian ini dikarenakan adanya masalah yang terjadi di sekitar tahun 2019-2021 di seluruh dunia, termasuk Indonesia, yaitu pandemi Covid-19 yang berpengaruh terhadap kegiatan perekonomian, khusunya di industri Food and Beverage. Hal ini berdampak pada profitabilitas perusahaan yang berbisnis di bidang Food and Beverage serta terdaftar pada Bursa Efek Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara perputaran kas (X1), perputaran piutang usaha (X2), perputaran persediaan (X3), dan dummy pandemi (X4) secara parsial terhadap profitabilitas (Return On Asset) (X4). Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini sebanyak 57 perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Food and Beverage. Hasil yang diperoleh ialah perputaran kas, perputaran piutang usaha, dan dummy pandemi tidak berpengaruh terhadap profitabilitas, namun perputaran persediaan berpengaruh terhadap profitabilitas perusahaan

    Gallbladder Wall Thickening for Early Detection of Plasma Leakage in Dengue Infected Adult Patients

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    Background: plasma leakage is defined as ?20% elevation of hematocrit from baseline or decrease in convalescence or evidence of plasma leakage such as pleural effusion, ascites or hypoproteinaemia/hypoalbuminaemia. These signs of plasma leakage, in the early phase, are usually difficult to ascertain by physical examination and laboratory tests where the patient is only reflecting a mild degree of plasma leakage. This study aimed to investigate whether gallbladder wall thickening (GBWT) in the early phase of the disease can be used to detect the occurrence of plasma leakage in dengue patients. Methods: a diagnostic study was conducted among dengue patients. Patients with fever less than 3 days, positive results of non-structural protein 1 antigen dengue and RT-PCR examination were included consecutively. Laboratory tests and chest and abdominal ultrasonography examination were also performed daily from day-3 to day-7 of fever to confirm the occurrence of plasma leakage using WHO 1997 criteria during treatment. Results: there were 69 patients included in this study. Male patients were found more frequently (52.2%), average age was 24.2 years, and 46 patients (66.7%) presented with secondary dengue infection. On the third day of fever, 37 patients presented with GBWT, 30 of which showed plasma leakage during treatment. Out of 46 patients found to have plasma leakage during treatment, 12 patients had presented with plasma leakage on the third day of fever. Sensitivity and specificity of GBWT on the third day of fever were 65% (95% CI: 0,51-0,79) and 70% (95% CI: 0.51-0.88); PPV and NPV were 81% (95% CI: 0.68-0.94) and 50% (95% CI: 0.33-0.67); LR (+) and LR (-) were 2.14 (95% CI: 1.12-4.12) and 0.5 (95% CI: 0.31-0.81), respectively. Conclusion: gallbladder wall thickening in the early phase of the disease can be used to detect the occurrence of plasma leakage in adult dengue infected patients

    The Differences Between Interleukin-6 and C-reactive Protein Levels Among Adult Patients of Dengue Infection with and without Plasma Leakage

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    Aim: to determine the differences in IL-6 and CRP levels among groups of dengue infection patients with and without plasma leakage. Methods:a cross-sectional study was conducted in adult patients with dengue infection who were treated at Cipto Mangunkusumo and Persahabatan Hospital between 1 March 2014 and 1 April 2015. The study analyzed differences in IL-6 and CRP levels on the 3rd and 5th day of fever in both groups, as well as differences in each group. Interleukin-6 and CRP levels in both groups, was analyzed using unpaired t-test or MannWhitney and in each group, the data was subsequently analyzed using paired t-test or Wilcoxon test. Results: the samples of study consisted of 24 subjects with plasma leakage and 20 subjects without plasma leakage. The level of IL-6 for groups with and without plasma leakage for the 3rd and the 5th day of fever were 8.56 (1.85-96.15) vs. 3.80 (1.94-81.93) pg/mL (p=0.069) and 4.30 (1.60-70.28) vs. 2.76 (1.26-11.67) pg/mL (p=0.025), respectively; while for CRP level, there were 10.1 (4.3-36.5) vs 6.8 (3.0-21.6) mg/L (p=0.014) and 5.0 (2.0-20.1) vs 2.9 (0.1-9.9) mg/L (p=0.048). The level of IL-6 on the 3rd and the 5th day of fever in the group with and without plasma leakage were 8.56 (1.85-96.15) vs. 4.30 (1.60-70.28) pg/mL (p=0.037) and 3.80 (1.94-81.93) vs. 2.76 (1.26-11.67) pg/mL (p=0.005). The level of CRP on the 3rd and 5th day of fever in the group with and without plasma leakage were 10.1 (4.3-36.5) vs. 5.0 (2.0-20.1) mg/L (p=0.0001) and 6.8 (0.3-21.6) vs. 2.9 (0.1-9.9) mg/L (p=0.0001). Conclusion:there was no difference in IL-6 level on the 3rd day of fever between the two groups; while on the 5th day of fever, the IL-6 level was higher in the group with plasma leakage. The level of CRP on the 3rd and the 5th day of fever were higher in the group with plasma leakage. The levels of IL-6 and CRP on the 3rd day of fever were higher than the levels on the 5th day of fever in both groups


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    This research is intended to know the effect of product quality and trust on customer loyalty at PT Trio Estro Casuar. The method of analysis used in this study were quantitative analysis and obtained questionnaires for data used. The customer of PT Trio Estro Casuar were the population for this research, of which is 125 customers. The technique used for sampling is the Non-Probability sampling technique which uses saturated sampIing with a sample of 125 customers of PT Trio Estro Casuar. Furthermore, the collected data were analyzed using muItiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing to determine the effect of product quality and trust on customer loyalty at PT Trio Estro Casuar using the SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) calculation tool version 25. The resuIts of this study indicate that Product quality and trust have a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty at PT Trio Estro Casuar. Product quality variable partially has a positive and significant effect on the customer Ioyalty variable and the trust variable partially has a positive and significant effect on the customer Ioyalty variable. SimultaneousIy, product quality and trust have a positive and significant effect on customer IoyaIty at PT Trio Estro Casuar

    Prothrombin Fragment 1.2 (F1.2) in Relation with Plasma Leakage Dan Thrombocytopenia in Dengue Infection

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    Latar belakang: Manifestasi klinis demam berdarah Dengue (DBD) adalah kebocoran plasma dan trombositopenia. Salah satu teori penyebab kedua hal tersebut adalah kadar trombin yang meningkat akibat aktivasi koagulasi. Kadar trombin dapat diwakili oleh kadar F1.2. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kadar F1.2 dengan kebocoran plasma dan trombositopenia pada infeksi Dengue. Metode: Desain penelitian ini adalah potong lintang, mengggunakan plasma EDTA dari pasien terinfeksi virus Dengue. Subyek penelitian adalah 10 subyek dengan kebocoran plasma dan 10 subyek tanpa kebocoran plasma pada infeksi Dengue, 6 sampel berpasangan untuk perbandingan fase kritis dan fase konvalesen, 26 sampel untuk uji korelasi antara kadar F1.2 dengan jumlah trombosit. Hasil: Penelitian menunjukkan kadar F1.2 pada pasien terinfeksi virus Dengue dengan kebocoran plasma (rerata ± 2SD) 147,4 ± 105,82 pg/mL lebih tinggi secara bermakna dibanding tanpa kebocoran plasma 51,3 ±39,92 pg/mL. Kadar F1.2 pada fase kritis dengan median 186,3 (108,6-223,2) pg/mL lebih tinggi secara bermakna dibanding fase konvalesen 46,5 (27,4-51,9) pg/mL. Terdapat korelasi negatif yang bermakna dengan kekuatan sedang antara kadar F1.2 dengan jumlah trombosit, nilai r = - 0,609. Kesimpulan: Terdapat peningkatan aktivasi koagulasi yang ditunjukkan dengan peningkatan kadar F1.2 pada fase kritis, berkaitan dengan kebocoran plasma dan trombositopenia pada pasien terinfeksi virus Dengue. Kata kunci: infeksi Dengue, kebocoran plasma, trombin, fragmen protrombin (F1.2), trombositopenia Background: Clinical manifestations of Dengue hemorrhagic fever are plasma leakage and thrombocytopenia. Both manifestations are thought to be caused by an increased thrombin level due to activation of coagulation. The aim of this study is to look for any association between F1.2 level and plasma leakage and also between F1.2 level and thrombocytopenia in Dengue infected patients. Methods: This study used EDTA plasma from patients infected with Dengue virus. The study design was cross sectional. The thrombin level was represented by the prothrombin fragment 1.2 (F1.2) level. Twenty subjects were enrolled in this study, consisted of 10 subjects with plasma leakage and 10 without plasma leakage, 6 pairs of samples in critical phase and convalescent phase, 26 samples for correlation test between F1.2 level and platelet count. Results: In this study, it was found that the F1.2 level in patients with plasma leakage (mean ± 2 SD) 147.4 ± 105.82 pg/mL is significantly higher compared to patients without plasma leakage 51.3 ±39.92 pg/mL, and the F1.2 level in critical phase has a median of 186.3 (108.6-223.2) pg/mL which is significantly higher compared to convalescent phase 46.5(27.4-51.9) pg/mL. Also it was found that a medium negative correlation between F1.2 level and the thrombocyte count existed, r = - 0.609. Conclusion: The results of the study suggest that there was increased coagulation activation at critical phase in patients infected with Dengue virus associated with plasma leakage and thrombocytopenia

    Comparison of Absolute Neutrophil Count between Hospital and Community Acquired Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Infection

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    Introduction. The virulence factors from community acquired-methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) mainly due to toxins like Panton Valentin Leukocidin (PVL) and Phenol Soluble Modulin (PSM). Both of toxins cause decrease of value through neutrophil lysis. This study aimed to identify different value of absolute neutrophil count between hospital and community acquired MRSA. Methods. A cross sectional was conducted which included subjects who were infected by MRSA and hospitalized during 2012-2017. Classification of MRSA were divided due to its sensitivity and resistance to non-beta lactam antibiotics. Isolate that resistance to ≤ 2 antibiotics were classified as CA-MRSA. The others with resistance to ≥ 3 antibiotics were classified as hospital acquired MRSA. Absolute neutrophils count (ANC) were collected 24 hours from the positive MRSA culture. Data were analyzed by using independent T test and Mann-Whitney test. Results. We collected 62 subjects infected by MRSA which 35 subjects were HA-MRSA and 27 subjects were CA-MRSA. The median of ANC from CA-MRSA was 7,410.7 (1,147.3-26,560.2) and HA-MRSA was 16,198.0 (3,921.6-28,794.1) with p value < 0.001. Conclusion. There was a different value of absolute neutrophil count in infections due to community and hospital acquired MRSA

    Imaging Modalities Role InRecurrent Acute Pancreatitis Diagnosis

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    Recurrent acute pancreatitis (RAP) is a potentially life-threatening pancreatic disorder. Itrequires a combination of medical and interventional skills to diagnose, determine the etiology, and treat the condition. Recurrencesoccur in 25-30% of all acute pancreatitis cases. The most common cause of RAP is gallstone (microlithiasis). Imaging modalities become an important aspect to evaluate multiple microlithiasis. In this case, we report a 52 years oldoverweight female with RAP and fatty liver ofunknown etiology.We suspected gallstone as the cause of RAP. Physical examination considered normal. Ultrasound and abdominal CT scan wasperformed in whichfatty liver were founded. Since the gallstone is not clearly found with radiologic imaging, we decide to undergoEndoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography(ERCP)procedure to evaluatea possibility of microlithiasis. ERCPresult showed a multiple microlithiasis, thus we evacuate the stones. Clinical outcome post ERCP and evacuationprocedure was good. We concluded that the best imaging modalities to evaluate microlithiasis in RAP with normal ultrasound and abdominal CT scan is ERCP


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    The Association of Lipoprotein Changes and the Development of Plasma Leakage in Dengue Infection

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    There&rsquo;s interrelationship between infection and lipoprotein. This is a cohort prospective study which conducted November 2010 &ndash; February 2011. This study aimed to assess the changes of HDL-C, LDL-C, total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), in acute and critical phase of dengue infection and its association with plasma leakage. Subjects who had fever 48 hours or less and Dengue NS1 antigen test positive were admitted to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta. We examined clinical and CBC daily; level of albumin, HDL-C, LDL-C, TC, TG; ultrasound to find ascites and pleural effusion. Among 51 subjects, 21 subjects (41%) had plasma leakage. There were significant lower of HDL-C, LDL-C, and higher TG in critical phase than acute phase. In critical phase, subjects with plasma leakage had a significant lower HDL-C level [26.3 (8.2) vs 33.1 (12.1) mg/dL, p=0.029] but not for LDL-C, TC, and TG. They also had a significantly higher reduction in HDL-C [19.6 (9.1) vs 11.5 (5.8) mg/dL, p&lt;0.0001] and TC [25.1 (20.0) vs 15.2 (14.5) mg/dL, 0.045] over the course of acute to critical phase. Lipoprotein changes during dengue infection were more pronounced among subjects who developed plasma leakage. The higher reduction in HDL-C is associated with the development of plasma leakage. &nbsp

    Cause of Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Bleeding in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Patient

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    Dengue fever is an acute mosquito-transmitted disease caused by the dengue fever virus which had clinical manifestations range from fever to severe hemorrhage, shock, and death.1 There were 500,000 cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever and 25,000 deaths due to dengue annually worldwide. Bleeding is one of the major problems encountered in dengue fever. The reported prevalence of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in dengue patients varies from 5% to 30%. The pathogenesis of hemorrhage could be multifactor and include vasculopathy, platelet deficiency, and dysfunction, and blood coagulation defects. We presented here a case of 27 years-old male patient who had clinical manifestation of hematemesis on his third day of fever