1,825 research outputs found

    Fluoroscopic Surrogate for Pharyngeal Strength: The Pharyngeal Constriction Ratio (PCR)

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    The pharyngeal constriction ratio (PCR), derived directly from videofluoroscopy without the need for manometry, requires validation as a surrogate for pharyngeal strength. A correlation of −0.70 was previously identified between PCR and pharyngeal clearing pressures (PP) on separate fluoroscopic and manometric studies. As PP increases, PCR decreases. The objective of the current study was to evaluate the correlation between PCR and PP in 25 patients undergoing simultaneous fluoroscopy and pharyngeal manometry. The effect of the manometric catheter on PCR was also investigated. The correlation between the PCR and averaged pharyngeal clearing pressures was −0.72 (p < 0.001). All patients with a PCR > 0.25 had a PP < 60 mmHg. PCR did not differ significantly as a consequence of the manometric catheter. Results suggest the utility of an objective fluoroscopic measure in assessing pharyngeal strength when manometry may not be available or possible

    Emerging technologies in physics education

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    Three emerging technologies in physics education are evaluated from the interdisciplinary perspective of cognitive science and physics education research. The technologies - Physlet Physics, the Andes Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), and Microcomputer-Based Laboratory (MBL) Tools - are assessed particularly in terms of their potential at promoting conceptual change, developing expert-like problem-solving skills, and achieving the goals of the traditional physics laboratory. Pedagogical methods to maximize the potential of each educational technology are suggested.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Journal of Science Education and Technology; 20 page

    A mixed methods approach to evaluating community drug distributor performance in the control of neglected tropical diseases

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    BACKGROUND: Trusted literate, or semi-literate, community drug distributors (CDDs) are the primary implementers in integrated preventive chemotherapy (IPC) programmes for Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) control. The CDDs are responsible for safely distributing drugs and for galvanising communities to repeatedly, often over many years, receive annual treatment, create and update treatment registers, monitor for side-effects and compile treatment coverage reports. These individuals are 'volunteers' for the programmes and do not receive remuneration for their annual work commitment. METHODS: A mixed methods approach, which included pictorial diaries to prospectively record CDD use of time, structured interviews and focus group discussions, was used to triangulate data on how 58 CDDs allocated their time towards their routine family activities and to NTD Programme activities in Uganda. The opportunity costs of CDD time were valued, performance assessed by determining the relationship between time and programme coverage, and CDD motivation for participating in the programme was explored. RESULTS: Key findings showed approximately 2.5 working weeks (range 0.6-11.4 working weeks) were spent on NTD Programme activities per year. The amount of time on NTD control activities significantly increased between the one and three deliveries that were required within an IPC campaign. CDD time spent on NTD Programme activities significantly reduced time available for subsistence and income generating engagements. As CDDs took more time to complete NTD Programme activities, their treatment performance, in terms of validated coverage, significantly decreased. Motivation for the programme was reported as low and CDDs felt undervalued. CONCLUSIONS: CDDs contribute a considerable amount of opportunity cost to the overall economic cost of the NTD Programme in Uganda due to the commitment of their time. Nevertheless, programme coverage of at least 75 %, as required by the World Health Organisation, is not being achieved and vulnerable individuals may not have access to treatment as a consequence of sub-optimal performance by the CDDs due to workload and programmatic factors

    Paleolimnological Assessment of Six Lakes on the Kissimmee Chain, with Implications for Restoration of the Kissimmee-Okeechobee-Everglades system, Florida, USA

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    Whitmore TJ, Riedinger-Whitmore MA, Reed ZE, Curtis JH, Yang H, Evans DE, Cropper NR, Alvarado KS, Lauterman FM, Scott A, Leonard CR, Franklin DL. 2020. Paleolimnological assessment of six lakes on the Kissimmee Chain, with implications for restoration of the Kissimmee–Okeechobee–Everglades system, Florida, USA. Lake Reserv Manage. 36:218–242. The Kissimmee Basin in south central Florida contains a large, freshwater network that includes the Kissimmee River and nearly 2 dozen lakes that are headwaters of the Florida Everglades. Management of these lakes is an important part of Everglades restoration. We report a paleolimnological investigation of 6 lakes in the Upper Kissimmee Basin. Engineering activities connected the lakes and permanently altered hydrology in the 19th and 20th centuries. The lakes were naturally meso-eutrophic, but changes in lake levels and nutrient loading contributed to different degrees of eutrophication. Cyanobacteria were present historically at low levels in Lakes East Tohopekaliga, Cypress, and Tohopekaliga, but increased during the 20th century. Lake Jackson lacked cyanobacteria until recently, but Lakes Kissimmee and Marian have had high levels of cyanobacteria since predisturbance times. Profound changes in the lakes occurred after engineering activities eliminated natural large fluctuations in water levels that periodically dried large portions of the basins. Salt-tolerant biological indicators previously alternated with freshwater organisms. Large water-level fluctuations moderated aquatic-plant standing crops and reduced organic matter accumulation. Lakes Kissimmee and Marian showed greatest evidence of former associated wetlands, but lacked large variations in water levels. We recommend disconnecting these lakes from each other and from the Kissimmee River to reestablish large, natural fluctuations in water levels that were part of healthy ecosystem function. Former wetlands should be restored to slow the downstream cascade of nutrients to Lake Okeechobee and the Everglades. This study demonstrates that paleolimnology is useful for assessing hydrological changes that potentially affect lake restoration efforts

    Morphology, fluid Motion and Predation by the Scyphomedusa Aurelia Aurita

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    Although medusan predators play demonstrably important roles in a variety of marine ecosystems, the mechanics of prey capture and, hence, prey selection, have remained poorly defined. A review of the literature describing the commonly studied medusa Aurelia aurita (Linnaeus 1758) reveals no distinct patterns of prey selectivity and suggests that A. aurita is a generalist and feeds unselectively upon available zooplankton. We examined the mechanics of prey capture by A. aurita using video methods to record body and fluid motions. Medusae were collected between February and June in 1990 and 1991 from Woods Hole, Massachusetts and Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, USA. Tentaculate A. aurita create fluid motions during swimming which entrain prey and bring them into contact with tentacles. We suggest that this mechanism dominates prey selection by A. aurita. In this case, we predict that medusae of a specific diameter will positively select prey with escape speeds slower than the flow velocities at their bell margins. Negatively selected prey escape faster than the medusan flow velocity draws them to capture surfaces. Faster prey will be captured by larger medusac because flow field velocity is a function of bell diameter. On the basis of prey escape velocities and flow field velocities of A. aurita with diameters of 0.8 to 7.1 cm, we predict that A. aurita will select zooplankton such as barnacle nauplii and some slow swimming hydromedusae, while faster copepods will be negatively selected

    Development of an invasively monitored porcine model of acetaminophen-induced acute liver failure

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    Background: The development of effective therapies for acute liver failure (ALF) is limited by our knowledge of the pathophysiology of this condition, and the lack of suitable large animal models of acetaminophen toxicity. Our aim was to develop a reproducible invasively-monitored porcine model of acetaminophen-induced ALF. Method: 35kg pigs were maintained under general anaesthesia and invasively monitored. Control pigs received a saline infusion, whereas ALF pigs received acetaminophen intravenously for 12 hours to maintain blood concentrations between 200-300 mg/l. Animals surviving 28 hours were euthanased. Results: Cytochrome p450 levels in phenobarbital pre-treated animals were significantly higher than non pre-treated animals (300 vs 100 pmol/mg protein). Control pigs (n=4) survived 28-hour anaesthesia without incident. Of nine pigs that received acetaminophen, four survived 20 hours and two survived 28 hours. Injured animals developed hypotension (mean arterial pressure; 40.8+/-5.9 vs 59+/-2.0 mmHg), increased cardiac output (7.26+/-1.86 vs 3.30+/-0.40 l/min) and decreased systemic vascular resistance (8.48+/-2.75 vs 16.2+/-1.76 mPa/s/m3). Dyspnoea developed as liver injury progressed and the increased pulmonary vascular resistance (636+/-95 vs 301+/-26.9 mPa/s/m3) observed may reflect the development of respiratory distress syndrome. Liver damage was confirmed by deterioration in pH (7.23+/-0.05 vs 7.45+/-0.02) and prothrombin time (36+/-2 vs 8.9+/-0.3 seconds) compared with controls. Factor V and VII levels were reduced to 9.3 and 15.5% of starting values in injured animals. A marked increase in serum AST (471.5+/-210 vs 42+/-8.14) coincided with a marked reduction in serum albumin (11.5+/-1.71 vs 25+/-1 g/dL) in injured animals. Animals displayed evidence of renal impairment; mean creatinine levels 280.2+/-36.5 vs 131.6+/-9.33 mumol/l. Liver histology revealed evidence of severe centrilobular necrosis with coagulative necrosis. Marked renal tubular necrosis was also seen. Methaemoglobin levels did not rise >5%. Intracranial hypertension was not seen (ICP monitoring), but there was biochemical evidence of encephalopathy by the reduction of Fischer's ratio from 5.6 +/- 1.1 to 0.45 +/- 0.06. Conclusion: We have developed a reproducible large animal model of acetaminophen-induced liver failure, which allows in-depth investigation of the pathophysiological basis of this condition. Furthermore, this represents an important large animal model for testing artificial liver support systems

    Block sequential adriamycin CMF – optimal non-myeloablative chemotherapy for high risk adjuvant breast cancer?

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    After the publication of the 10-year survival data from Milan on the adjuvant use of the block sequential regimen consisting of four cycles of adriamycin followed by eight cycles of intravenous CMF, many centres adopted this as standard of care for high risk, multiple node-positive breast cancer. For this reason it was identified as the standard arm for the Anglo-Celtic adjuvant high-dose chemotherapy trial. This study reports on the experience of this regimen in 329 women with early breast cancer involving at least four axillary nodes, who were treated outside any adjuvant chemotherapy trial. At a median follow-up of 3 years, the overall 5-year disease-free survival is 61%, and the overall survival is 70%. These data confirm the efficacy of this regimen in non-trial patients, and, for the same high risk subgroup, indicate that this approach offers an outcome at least as good as that seen in the CALGB 9344 AC-Taxol arm, and the NCIC days 1 and 8 CEF

    Non-Linear Interactions between Consumers and Flow Determine the Probability of Plant Community Dominance on Maine Rocky Shores

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    Although consumers can strongly influence community recovery from disturbance, few studies have explored the effects of consumer identity and density and how they may vary across abiotic gradients. On rocky shores in Maine, recent experiments suggest that recovery of plant- or animal- dominated community states is governed by rates of water movement and consumer pressure. To further elucidate the mechanisms of consumer control, we examined the species-specific and density-dependent effects of rocky shore consumers (crabs and snails) on community recovery under both high (mussel dominated) and low flow (plant dominated) conditions. By partitioning the direct impacts of predators (crabs) and grazers (snails) on community recovery across a flow gradient, we found that grazers, but not predators, are likely the primary agent of consumer control and that their impact is highly non-linear. Manipulating snail densities revealed that herbivorous and bull-dozing snails (Littorina littorea) alone can control recovery of high and low flow communities. After ∼1.5 years of recovery, snail density explained a significant amount of the variation in macroalgal coverage at low flow sites and also mussel recovery at high flow sites. These density-dependent grazer effects were were both non-linear and flow-dependent, with low abundance thresholds needed to suppress plant community recovery, and much higher levels needed to control mussel bed development. Our study suggests that consumer density and identity are key in regulating both plant and animal community recovery and that physical conditions can determine the functional forms of these consumer effects

    The antisaccade task as an index of sustained goal activation in working memory: modulation by nicotine

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    The antisaccade task provides a laboratory analogue of situations in which execution of the correct behavioural response requires the suppression of a more prepotent or habitual response. Errors (failures to inhibit a reflexive prosaccade towards a sudden onset target) are significantly increased in patients with damage to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and patients with schizophrenia. Recent models of antisaccade performance suggest that errors are more likely to occur when the intention to initiate an antisaccade is insufficiently activated within working memory. Nicotine has been shown to enhance specific working memory processes in healthy adults. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We explored the effect of nicotine on antisaccade performance in a large sample (N = 44) of young adult smokers. Minimally abstinent participants attended two test sessions and were asked to smoke one of their own cigarettes between baseline and retest during one session only. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Nicotine reduced antisaccade errors and correct antisaccade latencies if delivered before optimum performance levels are achieved, suggesting that nicotine supports the activation of intentions in working memory during task performance. The implications of this research for current theoretical accounts of antisaccade performance, and for interpreting the increased rate of antisaccade errors found in some psychiatric patient groups are discussed
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