20,157 research outputs found

    Automated construction of lightweight, simple, field-erected structures

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    The feasibility of automation of construction processes which could result in mobile construction robots is examined. The construction of a large photovoltaic power plant with a peak power output of 100 MW is demonstrated. The reasons to automate the construction process, a conventional construction scenario as the reference for evaluation, and a list of potential cost benefits using robots are presented. The technical feasibility of using robots to construct SPS ground stations is addressed

    The design of low cost structures for extensive ground arrays

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    The development of conceptual designs of solar array support structures and their foundations including considerations of the use of concrete, steel, aluminum, or timber are reported. Some cost trends were examined by varying selected parameters to determine optimum configurations. Detailed civil/structural design criteria were developed. Using these criteria, eight detailed designs for support structures and foundations were developed and cost estimates were made. As a result of the study wind was identified as the major loading experienced by these low height structures, whose arrays are likely to extend over large tracts of land. Proper wind load estimating is considered essential to developing realistic structural designs and achieving minimum cost support structures. Wind tunnel testing of a conceptual array field was undertaken and some of the resulting wind design criteria are presented. The SPS rectenna system designs may be less sensitive to wind load estimates, but consistent design criteria remain important

    Black Holes at the IceCube Neutrino Telescope

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    If the fundamental Planck scale is about a TeV and the cosmic neutrino flux is at the Waxman-Bahcall level, quantum black holes are created daily in the Antarctic ice-cap. We re-examine the prospects for observing such black holes with the IceCube neutrino-detection experiment. To this end, we first revise the black hole production rate by incorporating the effects of inelasticty, i.e., the energy radiated in gravitational waves by the multipole moments of the incoming shock waves. After that we study in detail the process of Hawking evaporation accounting for the black hole's large momentum in the lab system. We derive the energy spectrum of the Planckian cloud which is swept forward with a large, O (10^6), Lorentz factor. (It is noteworthy that the boosted thermal spectrum is also relevant for the study of near-extremal supersymmetric black holes, which could be copiously produced at the LHC.) In the semiclassical regime, we estimate the average energy of the boosted particles to be less than 20% the energy of the neutrino-progenitor. Armed with such a constraint, we determine the discovery reach of IceCube by tagging on "soft" (relative to what one would expect from charged current standard model processes) muons escaping the electromagnetic shower bubble produced by the black hole's light descendants. The statistically significant 5-sigma excess extends up to a quantum gravity scale ~ 1.3 TeV.Comment: Matching version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    A target for production of radioxenons

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    A liquid cesium target has been developed which allows the production and separate identification of the neutron deficient isotopes of xenon. The present report describes irradiations utilizing 34 to 41 MeV protons to produce millicurie quantities of Xe-127 and Xe-129m. At higher energies, however, the target could be used without modification to produce xenon isotopes as light as 119

    A novel laser ranging system for measurement of ground-to-satellite distances

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    A technique was developed for improving the precision of laser ranging measurements of ground-to-satellite distances. The method employs a mode-locked laser transmitter and utilizes an image converter tube equipped with deflection plates in measuring the time of flight of the laser pulse to a distant retroreflector and back. Samples of the outgoing and returning light pulses are focussed on the photocathode of the image converter tube, whose deflection plates are driven by a high-voltage 120 MHz sine wave derived from a very stable oscillator. From the relative positions of the images produced at the output phosphor by the two light pulses, it is possible to make a precise determination of the fractional amount by which the time of flight exceeds some large integral multiple of the period of the deflection sinusoid

    Cost-effective use of liquid nitrogen in cryogenic wind tunnels, phase 2

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    Cryogenic seal tests were performed and Rulon A was selected for the subject nutating positive displacement expander. A four-chamber expander was designed and fabricated. A nitrogen reliquefier flow system was also designed and constructed for testing the cold expander. Initial tests were unsatisfactory because of high internal friction attributed to nutating Rulon inlet and outlet valve plates. Replacement of the nutating valves with cam-actuated poppet valves improved performance. However, no net nitrogen reliquefaction was achieved due to high internal friction. Computer software was developed for accurate calculation of nitrogen reliquefaction from a system such as that proposed. These calculations indicated that practical reliquefaction rates of 15 to 19 percent could be obtained. Due to mechanical problems, the nutating expander did not demonstrate its feasibility nor that of the system. It was concluded that redesign and testing of a smaller nutating expander was required to prove concept feasibility

    Amino acids as regulators of gene expression

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    The role of amino acids as substrates for protein synthesis is well documented. However, a function for amino acids in modulating the signal transduction pathways that regulate mRNA translation has only recently been described. Interesting, some of the signaling pathways regulated by amino acids overlap with those classically associated with the cellular response to hormones such as insulin and insulin-like growth factors. The focus of this review is on the signaling pathways regulated by amino acids, with a particular emphasis on the branched-chain amino acid leucine, and the steps in mRNA translation controlled by the signaling pathways
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