16,629 research outputs found

    Critical Collapse in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Gravity in Five and Six Dimensions

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    Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity (EGB) provides a natural higher dimensional and higher order curvature generalization of Einstein gravity. It contains a new, presumably microscopic, length scale that should affect short distance properties of the dynamics, such as Choptuik scaling. We present the results of a numerical analysis in generalized flat slice co-ordinates of self-gravitating massless scalar spherical collapse in five and six dimensional EGB gravity near the threshold of black hole formation. Remarkably, the behaviour is universal (i.e. independent of initial data) but qualitatively different in five and six dimensions. In five dimensions there is a minimum horizon radius, suggestive of a first order transition between black hole and dispersive initial data. In six dimensions no radius gap is evident. Instead, below the GB scale there is a change in the critical exponent and echoing period.Comment: 21 pages, 39 figures, a couple of references and two new figures adde

    Respons Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Tiga Varietas Sorgum (Sorghum Bicolor (L.) Moench) Dengan Perbedaan Sistem Pengolahan Tanah

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    Growth and Yield Response of Three Sorghum Varieties (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) onDifferent Soil Tillage. The aim of this research was to compare growth and yield of three varieties ofsorghum on different soil tillage. It was conducted at Pasar 1, Tanjung Sari, Medan about 25 mabove sea level on June to October 2012 by using Split Plot Design with two factors. The first factorwas sorghum variety (Sangkur, Kawali, Numbu) and the second one were different soil tillage (notillage, once tillage, twice tillage). The research land had sandy loam soil texture. The results ofresearch showed that growth and yield of Sangkur, Kawali, and Numbu weren\u27t effected by soiltillage treatment but without tillage treatment showed the best result. Numbu had better result onshoot dry weight (59.29%), biomass weight (59.37%), root volume (64.83%), yield per sample(59.42%), and 1000 grains weight (56.83%) compared with other varieties. The interaction betweensorghum variety and different soil tillage had no significantly effect on growth and yield of sorghum

    Variability of Objectively Measured Sedentary Behavior

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    The primary purpose of this study was to evaluate variability of sedentary behavior (SB) throughout a 7-d measurement period and to determine if G7 d of SB measurement would be comparable with the typical 7-d measurement period. Methods: Retrospective data from Ball State University_s Clinical Exercise Physiology Laboratory on 293 participants (99 men, 55 T 14 yr, body mass index = 29 T 5 kgImj2; 194 women, 51 T 12 yr, body mass index = 27 T 7 kgImj2) with seven consecutive days of data collected with ActiGraph accelerometers were analyzed (ActiGraph, Fort Walton Beach, FL). Time spent in SB (either G100 counts per minute or G150 counts per minute) and breaks in SB were compared between days and by sex using a two-way repeated-measures ANOVA. Stepwise regression was performed to determine if G7 d of SB measurement were comparable with the 7-d method, using an adjusted R2 of Q0.9 as a criterion for equivalence. Results: There were no differences in daily time spent in SB between the 7 d for all participants. However, there was a significant interaction between sex and days, with women spending less time in SB on both Saturdays and Sundays than men when using the 100 counts per minute cut-point. Stepwise regression showed using any 4 d would be comparable with a 7-d measurement (R2 9 0.90). Conclusions: When assessed over a 7-d measurement period, SB appears to be very stable from day to day, although there may be some small differences in time spent in SB and breaks in SB between men and women, particularly on weekend days. The stepwise regression analysis suggests that a measurement period as short as 4 d could provide comparable data (91% of variance) with a 1-wk assessment. Shorter assessment periods would reduce both researcher and subject burden in data collection

    Meteorological factors in Earth-satellite propagation

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    Using the COMSTAR D/4 28.56 GHz beacon as a source, a differential gain experiment was performed by connecting a 5-meter paraboloidal antenna and a 0.6-meter paraboloidal antenna alternately to the same receiver. Substantial differential gain changes were observed during some, but not all, rain events. A site-diversity experiment was implemented which consists of two 28.56 GHz radiometers separated by 9 km. The look-angle corresponds to that of the D/4 beacon, and data were obtained with one radiometer during several weeks of concurrent beacon operation to verify the system calibration. A theoretical study of the effect of scattering from a nonuniform rain distribution along the path is under way to aid in interpreting the results of this experiment. An improved empirical site diversity-gain model was derived from data in the literature relating to 34 diversity experiments. Work on the experiment control and data acquisition system is continuing with a view toward future experiments

    Ballistic spin transport in exciton gases

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    Traditional spintronics relies on spin transport by charge carriers, such as electrons in semiconductor crystals. This brings several complications: the Pauli principle prevents the carriers from moving with the same speed; Coulomb repulsion leads to rapid dephasing of electron flows. Spin-optronics is a valuable alternative to traditional spintronics. In spin-optronic devices the spin currents are carried by electrically neutral bosonic quasi-particles: excitons or exciton-polaritons. They can form highly coherent quantum liquids and carry spins over macroscopic distances. The price to pay is a finite life-time of the bosonic spin carriers. We present the theory of exciton ballistic spin transport which may be applied to a range of systems where bosonic spin transport has been reported, in particular, to indirect excitons in coupled GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells. We describe the effect of spin-orbit interaction of electrons and holes on the exciton spin, account for the Zeeman effect induced by external magnetic fields, long range and short range exchange splittings of the exciton resonances. We also consider exciton transport in the non-linear regime and discuss the definitions of exciton spin current, polarization current and spin conductivity.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Dynamics and pattern formation in invasive tumor growth

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    In this work, we study the in-vitro dynamics of the most malignant form of the primary brain tumor: Glioblastoma Multiforme. Typically, the growing tumor consists of the inner dense proliferating zone and the outer less dense invasive region. Experiments with different types of cells show qualitatively different behavior. Wild-type cells invade a spherically symmetric manner, but mutant cells are organized in tenuous branches. We formulate a model for this sort of growth using two coupled reaction-diffusion equations for the cell and nutrient concentrations. When the ratio of the nutrient and cell diffusion coefficients exceeds some critical value, the plane propagating front becomes unstable with respect to transversal perturbations. The instability threshold and the full phase-plane diagram in the parameter space are determined. The results are in a good agreement with experimental findings for the two types of cells.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Optimal capital growth with convex shortfall penalties

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    The optimal capital growth strategy or Kelly strategy, has many desirable properties such as maximizing the asympotic long run growth of capital. However, it has considerable short run risk since the utility is logarithmic, with essentially zero Arrow-Pratt risk aversion. Most investors favor a smooth wealth path with high growth. In this paper we provide a method to obtain the maximum growth while staying above a predetermined ex-ante discrete time smooth wealth path with high probability, with shortfalls below the path penalized with a convex function of the shortfall so as to force the investor to remain above the wealth path. This results in a lower investment fraction than the Kelly strategy with less risk, and lower but maximal growth rate under the assumptions. A mixture model with Markov transitions between several normally distributed market regimes is used for the dynamics of asset prices. The investment model allows the determination of the optimal constrained growth wagers at discrete points in time in an attempt to stay above the ex-ante path