
Meteorological factors in Earth-satellite propagation


Using the COMSTAR D/4 28.56 GHz beacon as a source, a differential gain experiment was performed by connecting a 5-meter paraboloidal antenna and a 0.6-meter paraboloidal antenna alternately to the same receiver. Substantial differential gain changes were observed during some, but not all, rain events. A site-diversity experiment was implemented which consists of two 28.56 GHz radiometers separated by 9 km. The look-angle corresponds to that of the D/4 beacon, and data were obtained with one radiometer during several weeks of concurrent beacon operation to verify the system calibration. A theoretical study of the effect of scattering from a nonuniform rain distribution along the path is under way to aid in interpreting the results of this experiment. An improved empirical site diversity-gain model was derived from data in the literature relating to 34 diversity experiments. Work on the experiment control and data acquisition system is continuing with a view toward future experiments

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