133 research outputs found

    Typha latifolia paludiculture effectively improves water quality and reduces greenhouse gas emissions in rewetted peatlands

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    Paludiculture, the cultivation of crops on wet or rewetted agricultural peatlands, sustainably integrates productive land use with the provision of multiple ecosystem services. Paludiculture crops thrive under waterlogged conditions that stimulate nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) removal from soil and water and convert serious drainage-induced carbon (C) losses to C sequestration. Nutrient uptake by paludicrops can prevent mobilisation after rewetting and provide opportunities for purification of nutrient-rich water. Uncertainty remains, however, if and to what extent N loading and a subsequent increase in biomass productivity affect nutrient cycling as well as emissions of the potent greenhouse gases methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). In this study, we use mesocosms with rewetted peat to investigate the effect of different N sources in surface water on biomass production of Typha latifolia, a typical paludiculture crop, and the emissions of CH4 and N2O. Organic (Azolla filiculoides; urea) or mineral (KNO3 ; NH4NO) N was supplied either a single time (steady state) or repeatedly (pulse) to simulate a total surface water load of 150 kg N ha(-1) . We found that N stimulated aboveground and belowground biomass production and nutrient uptake by T. latifolia. These effects were absent in Azolla treatments. Whereas after two months CH4 emissions arose to substantial amounts (> 10 mg CH4 m(-2) day(-1)) in unvegetated mesocosms loaded with organic N, they remained very low (<1 mg CH4 m(-2) day(-1)) in vegetated mesocosms, despite the labile C pool in the extensive belowground biomass and organic N loading. Overall, N2O emissions were close to zero and were only detected episodically after NO(3)(- )loading, irrespective of plant presence. Our findings support that T. latifolia as a paludicrop effectively removes various forms of N and P when harvested, and strongly mitigates CH4 emission after the rewetting of agricultural peat soils compared to unvegetated conditions

    A novel mesocosm set-up reveals strong methane emission reduction in submerged peat moss Sphagnum cuspidatum by tightly associated methanotrophs

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    Wetlands present the largest natural sources of methane (CH_4) and their potential CH_4 emissions greatly vary due to the activity of CH_4-oxidizing bacteria associated with wetland plant species. In this study, the association of CH_4-oxidizing bacteria with submerged Sphagnum peat mosses was studied, followed by the development of a novel mesocosm set-up. This set-up enabled the precise control of CH_4 input and allowed for monitoring the dissolved CH_4in a Sphagnum moss layer while mimicking natural conditions. Two mesocosm set-ups were used in parallel: one containing a Sphagnum moss layer in peat water, and a control only containing peat water. Moss-associated CH_4 oxidizers in the field could reduce net CH_4 emission up to 93%, and in the mesocosm set-up up to 31%. Furthermore, CH_4 oxidation was only associated with Sphagnum, and did not occur in peat water. Especially methanotrophs containing a soluble methane monooxygenase enzyme were significantly enriched during the 32 day mesocosm incubations. Together these findings showed the new mesocosm setup is very suited to study CH_4 cycling in submerged Sphagnum moss community under controlled conditions. Furthermore, the tight associated between Sphagnum peat mosses and methanotrophs can significantly reduce CH_4 emissions in submerged peatlands

    Repetitive desiccation events weaken a salt marsh mutualism

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    1. Salt marshes suffered large‐scale degradation in recent decades. Extreme events such as hot and dry spells contributed significantly to this, and are predicted to increase not only in intensity, but also in frequency under future climate scenarios. Such repetitive extreme events may generate cumulative effects on ecosystem resilience. It is therefore important to elucidate how marsh vegetation responds to repetitive stress, and whether changes in key species interactions can modulate vegetation resilience.2. In this study, we investigated how moderate but repetitive desiccation events, caused by the combined effects of drought and high temperatures, affect cordgrass (<i>Spartina alterniflora</i>), the dominant habitat‐forming grass in southeastern US salt marshes. In a 4‐month field experiment, we simulated four consecutive desiccation events by periodically excluding tidal flooding and rainfall, while raising temperature. We crossed this desiccation treatment with the presence/absence of ribbed mussels (<i>Geukensia demissa</i>) – a mutualist of cordgrass known to enhance its desiccation resilience – and with grazing pressure by the marsh periwinkle (<i>Littoraria irrorate</i>) that is known to suppress cordgrass’ desiccation resilience. 3. We found that each subsequent desiccation event deteriorated sediment porewater conditions, resulting in high salinity (53 ppt), low pH‐levels (3.7) and increased porewater Al and Fe concentrations (≈800 μmol/L and ≈1,500 μmol/L) upon rewetting. No effects on porewater chemistry were found as a result of snail grazing, while ribbed mussels strongly mitigated desiccation effects almost to control levels and increased cordgrass biomass by approximately 128%. Importantly, although cordgrass generally appeared healthy above‐ground at the end of the experiment, we found clear negative responses of the repetitive desiccation treatment on cordgrass below‐ground biomass, on proline (osmolyte) levels in shoots and on the number of tillers (−40%), regardless of mussel and/or snail presence.4. <i>Synthesis</i>. Even though the mutualism with mussels strongly mitigated chemical effects in the sediment porewater throughout the experiment, mussels could not buffer the adverse ecophysiological effects observed in cordgrass tissue. Our results therefore suggest that although mussels may alleviate desiccation stress, the predicted increased frequency and intensity of hot dry spells may eventually affect saltmarsh resilience by stressing the mutualism beyond its buffering capacity

    Effects of nitrogen fertilization on diazotrophic activity of microorganisms associated with Sphagnum magellanicum

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    In pristine ombrotrophic Sphagnum-dominated peatland ecosystems nitrogen (N) is often a limiting nutrient, which is replenished by biological N-2 fixation and atmospheric N deposition. It is, however, unclear which impact long-term N deposition has on microbial N-2 fixing activity and diazotrophic diversity, and whether phosphorus (P) modulates the response. Therefore, we studied the impact of increased N deposition and N depletion on microbial N-2 fixation and diazotrophic diversity associated with the peat moss Sphagnum magellanicum, and their interaction with P availability.Nitrogenase activities of S. magellanicum-associated microorganisms were determined by acetylene reduction assays (ARA) and N-15(2) tracer methods on mosses from two geographically distinct locations with different N deposition histories, high or low N deposition, and in samples depleted in N (grown 3 years in the greenhouse) versus recent field samples. The short-term response to increased N deposition was tested for mosses differing in N and P fertilization histories. In addition, diversity of diazotrophic microorganisms was assessed by nifH gene amplicon sequencing of N-depleted mosses.We showed distinct and persistent differences in diazotrophic communities and their activities associated with S. magellanicum from sites with high versus low N deposition. Initially, diazotrophic activity was six times higher for the low N site. During incubation and repeated ARA, however, this activity strongly decreased, while it remained stable for the high N site. Activity for the high N site could not be increased by long-term experimental N deprivation. Short-term, experimental N application had an inhibitory effect on N-2 fixation for both sites, which was not observed in mosses with high indirect P availability.We conclude that although N deposition negatively affects N-2 fixation as also shown in previous studies, long-term effects of N deprivation on the diazotrophic activity and community are more complex. Furthermore, our results indicated that P availability might be an important factor in modulating the response of Sphagnum-associated diazotrophs to N deposition.</p

    Self-facilitation and negative species interactions could drive microscale vegetation mosaic in a floating fen

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    Aim: The formation of a local vegetation mosaic may be attributed to local variation in abiotic environmental conditions. Recent research, however, indicates that self-facilitating organisms and negative species interactions may be a driving factor. In this study, we explore whether heterogeneous geohydrological conditions or vegetation feedbacks and interactions could be responsible for a vegetation mosaic of rich and poor fen species. Location: Lake Aturtaun, Roundstone Bog, Ireland. Methods: In a floating fen, transects were set out to analyze the relation between vegetation type and rock–peat distance and porewater electrical conductivity. Furthermore, three distinct vegetation types were studied: rich fen, poor fen and patches of poor fen within rich fen vegetation. Biogeochemical measurements were conducted in a vertical profile to distinguish abiotic conditions of distinct vegetation types. Results: Geohydrological conditions may drive the distribution of poor and rich fen species at a larger scale in the floating fen, due to the supply of minerotrophic groundwater. Interestingly, both rich and poor fen vegetation occurred in a mosaic, when electrical conductivity values at 50 cm depth were between 300 µS/cm and 450 µS/cm. Although environmental conditions were homogeneous at 50 cm, they differed markedly between rich and poor fen vegetation at 10 cm depth. Specifically, our measurements indicate that poor fen vegetation lowered porewater alkalinity, bicarbonate concentrations and pH. No effects of rich fen vegetation at 10 cm depth on biogeochemistry was measured. However, rich fen litter had a higher mineralization rate than poor fen litter, which increases the influence of minerotrophic water in rich fen habitat. Conclusions: These results strengthen our hypothesis that species can drive formation of vegetation mosaics under environmentally homogeneous conditions in a floating fen. Positive intraspecific self-facilitating mechanisms and negative species interactions could be responsible for a stable coexistence of species, even leading to local ecosystem engineering by the species, explaining the local vegetation mosaic at the microscale level in a floating fen

    Recovering wetland biogeomorphic feedbacks to restore the world's biotic carbon hotspots

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    Biogeomorphic wetlands cover 1% of Earth's surface but store 20% of ecosystem organic carbon. This disproportional share is fueled by high carbon sequestration rates and effective storage in peatlands, mangroves, salt marshes, and seagrass meadows, which greatly exceed those of oceanic and forest ecosystems. Here, we review how feedbacks between geomorphology and landscape-building vegetation underlie these qualities and how feedback disruption can switch wetlands from carbon sinks into sources. Currently, human activities are driving rapid declines in the area of major carbon-storing wetlands (1% annually). Our findings highlight the urgency to stop through conservation ongoing losses and to reestablish landscape-forming feedbacks through restoration innovations that recover the role of biogeomorphic wetlands as the world's biotic carbon hotspots

    Ecological restoration of rich fens in Europe and North America: from trial and error to an evidence-based approach

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    Fens represent a large array of ecosystem services, including the highest biodiversity found among wetlands, hydrological services, water purification and carbon sequestration. Land use change and strong drainage has severely damaged or annihilated these services in many parts of North America and Europe, which urges the need of restoration plans at the landscape level. We review the major constraints for the restoration of rich fens and fen water bodies in agricultural areas in Europe and disturbed landscapes in North America: 1) habitat quality problems: drought, eutrophication, acidification, and toxicity, 2) recolonization problems: species pools, ecosystem fragmentation and connectivity, genetic variability, invasive species, and provide possible solutions. We discuss both positive and negative consequences of restoration measures, and their causes. The restoration of wetland ecosystem functioning and services has, for a long time, been based on a trial and error approach. By presenting research and practice on the restoration of rich fen ecosystems within agricultural areas, we demonstrate the importance of biogeochemical and ecological knowledge at different spatial scales for the management and restoration of biodiversity, water quality, carbon sequestration and other ecosystem services, especially in a changing climate. We define target processes that enable scientists, nature managers, water managers and policy makers to choose between different measures and to predict restoration prospects for different types of deteriorated fens and their starting conditions

    Water level and vegetation type control carbon fluxes in a newly-constructed soft-sediment wetland

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    Wetlands support unique biodiversity and play a key role in carbon cycles, but have dramatically declined in extent worldwide. Restoration is imperative yet often challenging to counteract loss of functions. Nature-based solutions such as the creation of novel ecosystems may be an alternative restoration approach. Targeted restoration strategies that account for the effects of vegetation on greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes can accelerate the carbon sink function of such systems. We studied the relationships between vegetation, bare soil, and GHG dynamics on Marker Wadden in the Netherlands, a newly-created 700-ha freshwater wetland archipelago created for nature and recreation. We measured CO2 and CH4 fluxes, and soil microbial activity, in three-year-old soils on vegetated, with distinct species, and adjacent bare plots. Our results show that CH4 fluxes positively related to organic matter and interacted between organic matter and water table in bare soils, while CH4 fluxes positively related to plant cover in vegetated plots. Similarly, Reco in bare plots negatively related to water table, but only related positively to plant cover in vegetated plots, without differences between vegetation types. Soil microbial activity was higher in vegetated soils than bare ones, but was unaffected by substrate type. We conclude that GHG exchange of this newly-created wetland is controlled by water table and organic matter on bare soils, but the effect of vegetation is more important yet not species-specific. Our results highlight that the soil and its microbial community are still young and no functional differentiation has taken place yet and warrants longer-term monitoring