35 research outputs found

    The Effect of Default Mode Network Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Open-Minded Cognition

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    Open-Minded Cognition (OMC) refers to the extent to which an individual is willing to consider others’ ideas. It has been shown to be correlated with Openness to Experience (Price et al., 2015), which is associated with the Default Mode Network (DMN) (Beaty et al., 2016). The Earned Dogmatism Effect asserts that individuals are more closed-minded to others’ ideas when they perceive themselves to be an expert relative to others (Ottati et al., 2018). We investigate whether enhancing the probability of firing in the DMN or rDLFPC via transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) could enhance OMC and decrease Earned Dogmatism Effect

    Evaluación del tratamiento periodístico del periodismo ciudadano en los seguidores del Facebook Roger García Noticias. Lima. 2021

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    La presente investigación desarrollada lleva como problemática general: ¿Cuál es el nivel de evaluación del tratamiento periodístico del periodismo ciudadano en los seguidores del Facebook Roger García Noticias? y como objetivo general: Interpretar el nivel de evaluación del tratamiento periodístico del periodismo ciudadano en los seguidores de la página de Facebook Roger García Noticias. Asimismo, la investigación es de tipo básico y de diseño no experimental, teniendo un enfoque cuantitativo y un nivel descriptivo. Además, se utilizó técnica la escala de Likert y como instrumento de recolección de datos la encuesta con 20 ítems asignados, donde tuvo como población aplicada 128 seguidores de la página, el instrumento fue revisado por 3 expertos en la materia de ciencias de la comunicación. Donde se concluyó que con respecto a los resultados obtenidos del objetivo general que aquellos que integran la comunidad de la página de Facebook Roger García Noticias, sostienen que la información que se publica en la página tiene un buen tratamiento periodístico del periodismo ciudadano, por consiguiente, dan afirmación de que dicha información si cumple con lo establecido en el objetivo

    Relación entre el marketing sensorial y el comportamiento del consumidor en clientes recurrentes de tiendas retail de la ciudad de Lima Metropolitana en el periodo junio 2022- junio 2023

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    En la presente investigación se ha explorado de la literatura científica del Marketing Sensorial y el Comportamiento del Consumidor. Teniendo en cuenta que el Marketing sensorial es una disciplina relativamente nueva, no se cuenta con evidencia suficiente; sin embargo, los documentos seleccionados aportaron un valor significativo a la presente revisión. Se ha llevado a cabo una investigación de tipo descriptivo correlacional, con un instrumento a través de un cuestionario que incluyó una muestra de 384 personas, Juniores de 18 años, residentes de Lima metropolitana y que son clientes habituales de tiendas retail. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el Marketing sensorial tiene un impacto positivo en el comportamiento del consumidor. Esta disciplina nos brinda la capacidad de predecir dicho comportamiento, lo cual es de gran utilidad para reducir los errores al implementar estrategias de introducción o posicionamiento de nuevos productos y servicios.The present research has explored the scientific literature on Marketing sensorial and Consumer Behavior. Considering that Marketing sensorial is a relatively new discipline, there is not enough evidence available. However, the selected documents provided significant value to the current review. Descriptive correlational research has been conducted, using a questionnaire instrument, which included a sample of 384 individuals who are over 18 years old, residents of metropolitan Lima, and regular customers of retail stores. The obtained results indicate that Marketing sensorial has a positive impact on consumer behavior. This discipline provides us with the ability to predict such behavior, which is of great utility in reducing errors when implementing strategies for introducing or positioning new products and services

    Influence of Acute Turkesterone Dosing on Resting Metabolic Rate and Substrate Utilization in Recreationally-active Males

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    Turkesterone is a relatively novel phytoecdysteroid compound that has become increasingly popular amongst recreationally active adults seeking to improve body composition. Although many of the these hypothetical benefits arose from prior rodent data demonstrating enhanced substrate utilization, no data presently exist amongst humans in this regard. PURPOSE: to determine the effect of multiple turkesterone doses on both resting metabolic rate (RMR) and substrate utilization in a healthy human population. METHODS: Eleven recreationally active males (23.3±2.2y) visited the laboratory on three occasions separated by at least seven days and were randomized in single-blind, placebo-controlled, and counter-balanced crossover fashion to either 2000mg cellulose placebo (PLA), 1000mg turkesterone + 1000mg placebo, (1000T) or 2000mg (2000T) turkesterone. RMR and respiratory exchange ratio were assessed using a metabolic cart for 20 minutes prior to supplement provision (i.e. baseline [PRE)), as well as 60-minutes (POST60M), 120-minutes (POST120M), and 180-minutes (POST180M) post-acute supplementation timepoints at each visit. RMR, as well as both carbohydrate (CHO) and Fat (FAT) oxidation were analyzed using a two-way (condition [PLA, 1000T, 2000T] x time [PRE, POST60M, POST120M, POST180M) ANOVA with repeated measures at a significance level of pRESULTS: Analyses failed to reveal any significant condition, time, nor interaction effects for RMR, nor CHO or FAT oxidation (p\u3e0.05). Nonetheless, both 1000T (2.7%, 5.6%, and 7.8%) and 2000T (0.7%, 4.2%, and 3.6%) increased mean RMR above baseline at POST60M, POST120M, and POST180M timepoints, respectively. Conversely, PLA decreased mean RMR by 0.9% and 0.7% at POST60M and POST120M, respectively. Incidentally, the 1000T condition displayed increased mean FAT oxidation by 1.85, 5.34, and 7.96% at the POST60M, POST120M, and POST180M timepoints, respectively, and when compared to the consistent decreases observed with both PLA and 2000T. CONCLUSION: Although these data fail to display a significant turkesterone-mediated enhancement in the investigated metabolic parameters, there were interesting mean differences that should be further explored to determine any longitudinal and/or exercise-dependent permissive impacts on RMR and substrate utilization

    Agresividad y bienestar psicológico en personas privadas de su libertad por delitos contra la vida, cuerpo y salud. Chiclayo

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar la relación entre Agresividad y bienestar psicológico, en personas privadas de su libertad por delitos contra la vida, cuerpo y salud. Con una muestra de 178 internos del sexo masculino, mayores de 18 años, los cuales accedieron de forma voluntaria a la aplicación de los instrumentos. El cuestionario de agresividad de Buss y Perry AQ, adaptada por Ortecho, D. (2021) y la escala de bienestar psicológico de los autores: Díaz, et al. Adaptada por Álvarez, N. (2019). Por consiguiente, se utilizó el tipo de investigación básica y un diseño no experimental de tipo descriptico correlacional. Los resultados presentan un coeficiente igual a 0.13 y un nivel de significancia superior a 0.05, que manifiesta que no existe relación entre las variables. Además, Concluyéndose que el nivel de agresividad es alto manifestándose en agresiones física con un 39.3% y hostilidad con 39.9%. Asimismo, el bienestar psicológico es predominante en el nivel alto, con un 61.2%. Por último, se resalta la relación entre algunas de las dimensiones de ambas variables (agresión física, verbal y la ira) se asocian de forma directa y significativamente con la dimensión autonomí

    Reducción de turbidez mediante los coagulantes naturales (Moringa oleifera) y (Opuntia ficus-indica) en aguas superficiales de la Quebrada Huaycoloro, 2022

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    La contaminación hídrica es generada por el crecimiento poblacional mediante actividades antropogénicas e industriales, por lo que se optó analizar los parámetros de turbidez, pH, conductividad eléctrica y SDT como indicadores para determinar el nivel de contaminación y la calidad de agua. La presente investigación comprende un diseño experimental que determinó los porcentajes de reducción de turbidez de la (moringa oleifera) y (opuntia ficus-indica) en aguas de la Quebrada Huaycoloro. Se empleó el método estándar de agua y aguas residuales a través del test de jarras y un equipo multiparámetro, teniendo como técnica a la observación e instrumentos a la cadena de custodia y fichas de recolección de datos. El análisis estadístico confirmó que la (opuntia ficus-indica) logró reducir 48,10% de turbidez con una dosis de 65 mg/L, a diferencia de la (moringa oleifera) que tuvo un desempeño ligeramente significativo obteniendo 48,57% de reducción de turbidez con una dosis de 40mg/L. En conclusión, tanto el polvo de semillas de moringa como la penca de tuna son coagulantes naturales eficientes en la reducción de contaminantes, siendo la (moringa oleifera) el más óptimo, convirtiéndose en una alternativa sostenible y ecoamigable a diferencia de los coagulantes químico

    Influence of Acute Turkesterone Dosing on Serum Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) and Subjective Digestibility Scores in Recreationally-active Males

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    Turkesterone is a relatively novel phytoecdysteroid compound that has become increasingly popular amongst recreationally active demographics. Despite prior in vitro data suggesting that this compound may support enhanced body composition via both insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1)-mediated protein synthesis, no human evidence exists in this regard nor how well its digestibility is tolerated. PURPOSE: To determine the effect of multiple turkesterone doses on serum IGF-1 and to report any gastrointestinal (GI) distress symptoms in a healthy human sample. METHODS: Eleven recreationally active males (23.3±2.2y) visited the laboratory on three occasions separated by at least seven days and were randomized in single-blind, placebo-controlled, and counter-balanced crossover fashion to either 2000mg cellulose placebo (PLA), 1000mg turkesterone + 1000mg placebo, (1000T) or 2000mg (2000T) turkesterone. Venous blood was sampled to determine serum IGF-1 concentrations and a GI distress questionnaire was (nausea, vomiting, heartburn symptoms, etc.) administered both at baseline (PRE), as well as 3-hours (POST3H) and 24-hours (POST24H) post-acute supplementation at each visit. Serum IGF-1 was analyzed using a two-way (condition [PLA, 1000T, 2000T] x time [PRE, POST3H, POST24H]) ANOVA with repeated measures at a significance level of pRESULTS: Analyses failed to reveal any significant condition (p=.180; ηp2=0.228), time (p=0.227; ηp2=.390), nor interaction effects (p=0.547; ηp2=0.211) for serum IGF-1. Moreover, no participants reported any GI distress symptoms across any condition and/or time permutation. CONCLUSION: Although the current study did not find any significant IGF-1-associated serum alterations to multiple acute turkesterone doses in the times assessed, there were fortunately no adverse GI symptoms experienced by the participants across any dose throughout the investigation. Nevertheless, these data support turkesterone supplementation is well tolerated and thus future research should build upon our analysis by employing a longitudinal supplementation regimen alongside an exercise intervention to elucidate the potential long-term and anabolism-permissive impacts of this compound on the presently-explored and additional associated parameters

    Reconstructing single-cell karyotype alterations in colorectal cancer identifies punctuated and gradual diversification patterns

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    Central to tumor evolution is the generation of genetic diversity. However, the extent and patterns by which de novo karyotype alterations emerge and propagate within human tumors are not well understood, especially at single-cell resolution. Here, we present 3D Live-Seq—a protocol that integrates live-cell imaging of tumor organoid outgrowth and whole-genome sequencing of each imaged cell to reconstruct evolving tumor cell karyotypes across consecutive cell generations. Using patient-derived colorectal cancer organoids and fresh tumor biopsies, we demonstrate that karyotype alterations of varying complexity are prevalent and can arise within a few cell generations. Sub-chromosomal acentric fragments were prone to replication and collective missegregation across consecutive cell divisions. In contrast, gross genome-wide karyotype alterations were generated in a single erroneous cell division, providing support that aneuploid tumor genomes can evolve via punctuated evolution. Mapping the temporal dynamics and patterns of karyotype diversification in cancer enables reconstructions of evolutionary paths to malignant fitness

    Colors of Life

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    Our inspiration for this piece came from the medical term “cerebral death,” meaning that there is irreversible damage to the brain that has caused the end of independent respiration. Without the capacity to form action potentials our ability to do things as important as form a heartbeat would be impaired. We chose to use black pen for the drawing of the DNA strands to illustrate the overall simplicity of its role in our lives. The watercolor was used as the action potential -the center of our image- to depict the complexity and importance of action potentials in the continuation of life