88 research outputs found

    Impaired ATP synthase assembly associated with a mutation in the human ATP synthase subunit 6 gene

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    Mutations in human mitochondrial DNA are a well recognized cause of disease. A mutation at nucleotide position 8993 of human mitochondrial DNA, located within the gene for ATP synthase subunit 6, is associated with the neurological muscle weakness, ataxia, and retinitis pigmentosa (NARP) syndrome. To enable analysis of this mutation in control nuclear backgrounds, two different cell lines were transformed with mitochondria carrying NARP mutant mitochondrial DNA. Transformant cell lines had decreased ATP synthesis capacity, and many also had abnormally high levels of two ATP synthase sub-complexes, one of which was F1-ATPase. A combination of metabolic labeling and immunoblotting experiments indicated that assembly of ATP synthase was slowed and that the assembled holoenzyme was unstable in cells carrying NARP mutant mitochondrial DNA compared with control cells. These findings indicate that altered assembly and stability of ATP synthase are underlying molecular defects associated with the NARP mutation in subunit 6 of ATP synthase, yet intrinsic enzyme activity is also compromised

    Iterative orthology prediction uncovers new mitochondrial proteins and identifies C12orf62 as the human ortholog of COX14, a protein involved in the assembly of cytochrome c oxidase

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    BACKGROUND: Orthology is a central tenet of comparative genomics and ortholog identification is instrumental to protein function prediction. Major advances have been made to determine orthology relations among a set of homologous proteins. However, they depend on the comparison of individual sequences and do not take into account divergent orthologs. RESULTS: We have developed an iterative orthology prediction method, Ortho-Profile, that uses reciprocal best hits at the level of sequence profiles to infer orthology. It increases ortholog detection by 20% compared to sequence-to-sequence comparisons. Ortho-Profile predicts 598 human orthologs of mitochondrial proteins from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe with 94% accuracy. Of these, 181 were not known to localize to mitochondria in mammals. Among the predictions of the Ortho-Profile method are 11 human cytochrome c oxidase (COX) assembly proteins that are implicated in mitochondrial function and disease. Their co-expression patterns, experimentally verified subcellular localization, and co-purification with human COX-associated proteins support these predictions. For the human gene C12orf62, the ortholog of S. cerevisiae COX14, we specifically confirm its role in negative regulation of the translation of cytochrome c oxidase. CONCLUSIONS: Divergent homologs can often only be detected by comparing sequence profiles and profile-based hidden Markov models. The Ortho-Profile method takes advantage of these techniques in the quest for orthologs

    NDUFS4 deletion triggers loss of NDUFA12 in Ndufs4−/− mice and Leigh syndrome patients: A stabilizing role for NDUFAF2

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    Mutations in NDUFS4, which encodes an accessory subunit of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) complex I (CI), induce Leigh syndrome (LS). LS is a poorly understood pediatric disorder featuring brain-specific anomalies and early death. To study the LS pathomechanism, we here compared OXPHOS proteomes between various Ndufs4−/− mouse tissues. Ndufs4−/− animals displayed significantly lower CI subunit levels in brain/diaphragm relative to other tissues (liver/heart/kidney/skeletal muscle), whereas other OXPHOS subunit levels were not reduced. Absence of NDUFS4 induced near complete absence of the NDUFA12 accessory subunit, a 50% reduction in other CI subunit levels, and an increase in specific CI assembly factors. Among the latter, NDUFAF2 was most highly increased. Regarding NDUFS4, NDUFA12 and NDUFAF2, identical results were obtained in Ndufs4−/− mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) and NDUFS4-mutated LS patient cells. Ndufs4−/− MEFs contained active CI in situ but blue-native-PAGE highlighted that NDUFAF2 attached to an inactive CI subcomplex (CI-830) and inactive assemblies of higher MW. In NDUFA12-mutated LS patient cells, NDUFA12 absence did not reduce NDUFS4 levels but triggered NDUFAF2 association to active CI. BN-PAGE revealed no such association in LS patient fibroblasts with mutations in other CI subunit-encoding genes where NDUFAF2 was attached to CI-830 (NDUFS1, NDUFV1 mutation) or not detected (NDUFS7 mutation). Supported by enzymological and CI in silico structural analysis, we conclude that absence of NDUFS4 induces near complete absence of NDUFA12 but not vice versa, and that NDUFAF2 stabilizes active CI in Ndufs4−/− mice and LS patient cells, perhaps in concert with mitochondrial inner membrane lipids

    TEFM (c17orf42) is necessary for transcription of human mtDNA

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    Here we show that c17orf42, hereafter TEFM (transcription elongation factor of mitochondria), makes a critical contribution to mitochondrial transcription. Inactivation of TEFM in cells by RNA interference results in respiratory incompetence owing to decreased levels of H- and L-strand promoter-distal mitochondrial transcripts. Affinity purification of TEFM from human mitochondria yielded a complex comprising mitochondrial transcripts, mitochondrial RNA polymerase (POLRMT), pentatricopeptide repeat domain 3 protein (PTCD3), and a putative DEAD-box RNA helicase, DHX30. After RNase treatment only POLRMT remained associated with TEFM, and in human cultured cells TEFM formed foci coincident with newly synthesized mitochondrial RNA. Based on deletion mutants, TEFM interacts with the catalytic region of POLRMT, and in vitro TEFM enhanced POLRMT processivity on ss- and dsDNA templates. TEFM contains two HhH motifs and a Ribonuclease H fold, similar to the nuclear transcription elongation regulator Spt6. These findings lead us to propose that TEFM is a mitochondrial transcription elongation factor

    Nijmegen paediatric CDG rating scale: a novel tool to assess disease progression

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    Congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDG) are a group of clinically heterogeneous inborn errors of metabolism. At present, treatment is available for only one CDG, but potential treatments for the other CDG are on the horizon. It will be vitally important in clinical trials of such agents to have a clear understanding of both the natural history of CDG and the corresponding burden of disability suffered by patients. To date, no multicentre studies have attempted to document the natural history of CDG. This is in part due to the lack of a reliable assessment tool to score CDG’s diverse clinical spectrum. Based on our earlier experience evaluating disease progression in disorders of oxidative phosphorylation, we developed a practical and semi-quantitative rating scale for children with CDG. The Nijmegen Paediatric CDG Rating Scale (NPCRS) has been validated in 12 children, offering a tool to objectively monitor disease progression. We undertook a successful trial of the NPCRS with a collaboration of nine experienced physicians, using video records of physical and neurological examination of patients. The use of NPCRS can facilitate both longitudinal and natural history studies that will be essential for future interventions

    C7orf30 specifically associates with the large subunit of the mitochondrial ribosome and is involved in translation

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    In a comparative genomics study for mitochondrial ribosome-associated proteins, we identified C7orf30, the human homolog of the plant protein iojap. Gene order conservation among bacteria and the observation that iojap orthologs cannot be transferred between bacterial species predict this protein to be associated with the mitochondrial ribosome. Here, we show colocalization of C7orf30 with the large subunit of the mitochondrial ribosome using isokinetic sucrose gradient and 2D Blue Native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (BN-PAGE) analysis. We co-purified C7orf30 with proteins of the large subunit, and not with proteins of the small subunit, supporting interaction that is specific to the large mitoribosomal complex. Consistent with this physical association, a mitochondrial translation assay reveals negative effects of C7orf30 siRNA knock-down on mitochondrial gene expression. Based on our data we propose that C7orf30 is involved in ribosomal large subunit function. Sequencing the gene in 35 patients with impaired mitochondrial translation did not reveal disease-causing mutations in C7orf30

    ACAD9, a complex I assembly factor with a moonlighting function in fatty acid oxidation deficiencies

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    Oxidative phosphorylation and fatty acid oxidation are two major metabolic pathways in mitochondria. Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase 9 (ACAD9), an enzyme assumed to play a role in fatty acid oxidation, was recently identified as a factor involved in complex I biogenesis. Here we further investigated the role of ACAD9's enzymatic activity in fatty acid oxidation and complex I biogenesis. We provide evidence indicating that ACAD9 displays enzyme activity in vivo. Knockdown experiments in very-long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (VLCAD)-deficient fibroblasts revealed that ACAD9 is responsible for the production of C14:1-carnitine from oleate and C12-carnitine from palmitate. These results explain the origin of these obscure acylcarnitines that are used to diagnose VLCAD deficiency in humans. Knockdown of ACAD9 in control fibroblasts did not reveal changes in the acylcarnitine profiles upon fatty acid loading. Next, we investigated whether catalytic activity of ACAD9 was necessary for complex I biogenesis. Catalytically inactive ACAD9 gave partial-to-complete rescue of complex I biogenesis in ACAD9-deficient cells and was incorporated in high-molecular-weight assembly intermediates. Our results underscore the importance of the ACAD9 protein in complex I assembly and suggest that the enzymatic activity is a rudiment of the duplication even