1,895 research outputs found

    Cupid & Psyche

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    The Tale of Cupid and Psyche was a research topic easily curated by the three of us. We as a collective decided upon which rendition of the story we would like to reference from, as well as represent details from other renditions that fit our analysis. We all had specific details in mind that we wanted to discuss and represent, specifically Cupid\u27s relation to Venus as well as Psyche\u27s butterfly wings. Before we began conversing on ideas about individual topics, we all discussed what the story meant to us, and why we wanted to research it. Our biggest inspiration was the idea that this was Luna\u27s bedtime story, something so beautifully attached to her childhood that she wanted to represent the story and discuss it in further detail. Mars and Leo were both interested in the story for various reasons, but the sentiment Luna had solidified the decision on Cupid and Psyche. Faculty Sponsor: Lisa Higgin

    Guest-induced structural deformation in Cu-based metal-organic framework upon hydrocarbon adsorption

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    In a world where capture and separation processes represent above 10% of global energy consumption, novel porous materials, such as Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) used in adsorption-based processes are a promising alternative to dethrone the high-energy-demanding distillation. Shape and size tailor-made pores in combination with Lewis acidic sites can enhance the adsorbate-adsorbent interactions. Understanding the underlying mechanisms of adsorption is essential to designing and optimizing capture and separation processes. Herein, we analyze the adsorption behaviour of light hydrocarbons (methane, ethane, ethylene, propane, and propylene) in two synthesized copper-based MOFs, Cu-MOF-74 and URJC-1. The experimental and computational adsorption curves reveal a limited effect of the exposed metal centers on the olefins. The lower interaction Cu-olefin is also reflected in the calculated enthalpy of adsorption and binding geometries. Moreover, the diamond-shaped pores' deformation upon external stimuli is first reported in URJC-1. This phenomenon is highlighted as the key to understanding the adsorbent's responsive mechanisms and potential in future industrial applications.</p

    Willingness to Pay of Rice Farmers for an Improved Weather and Seasonal Climate Information

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    This study aims to measure the value of a nonmarketed public good, the improvement of weather and seasonal climate information, using the contingent valuation method. It also determined the factors affecting willingness-to-pay (WTP) of farmers for improved weather and seasonal climate information and drew policy implications and identified strategies to improve weather and seasonal climate information for better risk management in agricultural production. The study applied both parametric and nonparametric methods to estimate the mean WTP of farmers. The payment is in terms of crop harvest, but a monetary equivalent value was computed. Results of the logistic regression showed a WTP of PhP 633 per ha per cropping for an improvement of weather and seasonal climate forecast or a total value of PhP 5,141,745 per cropping. Meanwhile, Turnbull estimation results suggest a lower bound value of PhP 420 per ha per cropping and an upper bound value of PhP 1,086 per ha per cropping or a total value of PhP 3,409,495 to PhP 8,809,200. Farmers’ WTP are significantly influenced by the bid price and socioeconomic variables such as size of the household, attendance in trainings, farm area, and percent of harvest sold in the market. Overall, there is a high value placed by rice farmers in the quality of information received regarding weather and seasonal climate. By estimating the value of a nonmarketed good such as an improvement in weather and seasonal forecast, it can serve as basis for formulating climaterelated policies and strategies to improve the resilience of the agricultural sector

    Light absorption properties of mesoporous barium hexaferrite, BaFe12O19

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    Light absorption properties are one of the most important characteristics of semiconductor materials, since it is related to particle size, electric resistance, powder density, and dielectric constant. Barium hexaferrite (BaFe12O19) particles were synthesized by ceramic and chemical co-precipitation method. Light absorption properties were studied in relation to the particle size, morphology, and surface porosity. The band gap was calculated by the Kubelka-Munk method from the obtained experimental absorption spectrum. Band gap energies of 1.82 and 1.86 eV were estimated for the particles synthesized by the ceramic method and for the co-precipitation method respectively. The results show that both synthesized BaFe12O19 samples can be effectively excited with visible light irradiation. In addition to this, due to its other good characteristics such as its magnetic properties, high resistance to corrosion, and chemical stability, make the barium hexaferrite an excellent material for diverse technological applications

    Conservation assessment and planning for the Yellow Tailed Woolly Monkey (Oreonax flavicauda) in Peru

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    The yellow-tailed woolly monkey (Oreonax flavicauda) is classified as Critically Endangered and is listed by the IUCN Primate Specialist Group as one of the top 25 most endangered primate species in the world. Its distribution is restricted to the Tropical Andes Biodiversity Hotspot. Between March and June 2007 we conducted a preliminary survey of O. flavicauda in Amazonas and San Martin states, Peru. We surveyed eleven forest fragments which are known to be part of the distribution range of O. flavicauda and gained information on further seven sites. We also collected secondary data on current habitat threats, local communities’ practices and views of conservation by using semi-structured interviews. Since the last field survey of this species in 1980 the area has undergone high levels of deforestation and many populations of the species now exist in isolated forest patches. Habitat destruction and hunting are still the main threats for O. flavicauda. The main aim of this study was to gather up-to-date information on the actual status and conservation opportunities for O. flavicauda in different areas of San-Martin and Amazonas departments. This information is meant for use in encouraging and assisting future conservation initiatives for this species

    Simultaneous adsorption of quinoline and dibenzothiophene over Ni-based mesoporous materials at different Si/Al ratio

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    In this study, two mesoporous materials such as MCM-41 and Ni/MCM-41 were modified with Al at different Si/Al ratios. The mesoporous materials were proved as sorbents of heterocyclic nitrogen and sulfur compounds employing quinoline (Q) and dibenzothiophene (DBT), respectively, as model molecules of that precursor pollutants at the same concentrations of ppmw of nitrogen and sulfur (N:S = 1 ratio). The sample with the highest Si/Al ratio showed the highest specific surface, and at low Si/Al decreased the specific surface. With X-ray diffraction (XRD) the Ni containing in MCM-41, there is a clear trend and the highly hexagonal ordered sample is the one without Al and once the Al is added, the hexagonal ordering is highly modified. Employing NH3-TPD and NMR revealed that the samples with Si/Al = 5 and 16 have higher Lewis acid sites than another ratio of Si/Al. The modification successfully added small amounts of Ni that did not collapse the pore structure but increased the density of surface (acidic) groups that in turn favored the uptake of the sulfur compound through π-complexation adsorption mechanism. It is also possible to recognize that the samples with a Si/Al ratio of 5 and 16 revealed the presence of the highest surface density of weak acid sites for both sorbents. Adsorption experiments were carried out in a batch adsorption system at 313 K and atmospheric pressure using a model mixture from diesel containing: DBT, Q, and 40 ml of dodecane. The sulfur adsorption was substantially improved when Ni was incorporated to MCM-41; for example, at 250 ppmw of N uptake of DBT was almost twice than MCM-41 alone. This result would indicate that Ni/MCM-41 could remove both molecules but mainly the nitrogen molecule at high concentrations. The Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherms were used for all materials considering Q in the presence of DBT depending on the Si/Al ratio. This behavior did not happen for the DBT whose behavior was modelled by an isotherm of the Freundlich type for Ni/MCM-41 and adsorbed in acid sites and multilayer. Lastly, experimental results indicated that MCM-41 with Si/Al = ∞ has the highest (Q/DBT) selectivity of 13,390 at 50 ppmw N compared to another Si/Al ratio, for example, at 250 ppmw N

    Selective adsorption of nitrogen compounds using silica-based mesoporous materials as a pretreatment for deep hydrodesulfurization

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    The adsorption of quinoline (Q) and dibenzothiophene (DBT)—model compounds for nitrogen and sulfur in diesel fuels—over mesoporous SBA-15, SBA-16, and MCM-41 was studied. The Langmuir model was suitable for describing the adsorption of nitrogen-containing compounds from a simulated diesel fuel. A pseudo-second order kinetic model better fitted the Q adsorption data than a first-order rate model when describing the adsorption rates on all materials. Comparison of the adsorption of Q and DBT confirmed that the nitrogen compound was selectively removed, and MCM-41 was found to have better adsorption characteristics than SBA-15 and SBA-16. DBT was not adsorbed in any experiment. The adsorbents were characterized using N2-physisorption, powder X-ray diffraction, and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy to describe the morphologies of the adsorbents. The characterization results revealed that the specific area and the structure of the adsorbent are key parameters required to explain the adsorption process

    Zn supported on Zr modified mesoporous SBA-15 as sorbents of pollutant precursors contained in fossil fuels: Si/Zr ratio effect

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    The adsption processes have become an additional alternative to hydrotreatment processes of oilderived middle distillates. The crucial point is the type of adsorbent employed. SBA-15 mesoporous materials were used to adsorb quinoline (Q) and dibenzothiophene (DBT) as N- and S-containing model species, espectively, contained in a model mixture mimicking middle distillates. Q and DBT in dodecane solutions (50-250 ppm and 500 ppm, respectively) were used to that end. In order to improve the adsorption properties, SBA-15 was modified, incorporating zirconium at Si/Zr weight ratios of 5, 16, 60, and 150. At those ratios, Q was adsorbed preferably, whereas DBT was removed only below 10%. To increase the amount of S dsorbed, Zn was incorporated at 2 wt. %. At 250 ppm (sol. concentration) of N, the amount adsorbed of Q and DBT on the material without Zn (Si/Zr=5) was 1.51 and 0.02 mmolgads -1, respectively. The results were notably different when Zn was incorporated in adsorbents. In these case, amounts of adsorbed Q and DBT were 2.2 and 1.3 mmolgads -1, respectively, showing that metal sites are essential to adsorb DBT

    Effect of Ni on MCM-41 in the Adsorption of Nitrogen and Sulfur Compounds to Obtain Ultra-Low-Sulfur Diesel

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    Adsorption of heterocyclic sulfur and nitrogen compounds like dibenzothiophene (DBT) and quinoline (Q), respectively, was carried out using mesostructured adsorbent MCM-41 and Ni/MCM-41 in calcined (C) and reduced (R) form. These materials were proved in a batch adsorption system using a model fuel diesel: a mixture of dodecane, DBT and Q with the same concentrations of ppmw of sulfur and nitrogen at 313 K and atmospheric pressure. When MCM-41 was impregnated with Ni, an important modification of the adsorption properties was observed, for example, the uptake of DBT was increased and this adsorption was twice in Ni/MCM-41 in reduce form than in the calcined form. On the other hand, for the nitrogen adsorption of Q diminished by 62 and 58%, considering Ni/MCM-41 in reduce form and in calcined form as adsorbent, respectively. This is a significant achievement regarding the desulfurization and denitrogenation, especially for commercial diesel without pretreatment. Moreover, the kinetic results were adjusted with second order considering Q as nitrogen and DBT as sulfur molecule. Data fitting for Q was achieved better by the Langmuir model for all materials than the Freundlich model, meanwhile the experimental adsorption data of DBT was fitted to the Freundlich model for Ni/MCM-41 calcinated and reduced form

    Relevamiento de prácticas y calidad de pulverización en la zona de Bahía Blanca y Cnel. Rosales

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    Se entiende por “Pulverización Sustentable” a la aplicación de productos fitosanitarios de manera racional, a fin de poder continuar produciendo a lo largo del tiempo sin degradar el medio, teniendo en cuenta aspectos ambientales, económicos y sociales (FAO 2002; AGN, 2012). Algunas consideraciones básicas para incrementar la eficiencia de aplicación son: detectar la plaga correctamente, cuantificar si se encuentra por encima del umbral de daño económico que justifique la aplicación, elegir el agroquímico correcto y aplicar la dosis exacta. Asimismo, es necesario regular correctamente la pulverizadora a fin de asegurar entre los principales aspectos una adecuada calidad de aplicación, apuntar a tratar las malezas en el momento óptimo, aplicar con buenas condiciones ambientales y corregir el vehículo en el cual viajará el producto plaguicida (Leiva, 1996 y 1996; Casafe, 2000). Las tarjetas hidrosensibles son una herramienta para la regulación de la pulverizadora, que permiten realizar un recuento manual del número de impactos por cm2 (con lupa de mano) o utilizando programas de computación donde se pueden obtener los siguientes parámetros: Diámetro Volumétrico Medio, Diámetro Numérico Medio, Factor de dispersión y Cobertura, entre otros (Leiva, 1995). A continuación, se realiza una breve descripción de cada uno: Diámetro Volumétrico Medio (DVM, DV0,5): es el diámetro de gota que divide al volumen pulverizado en dos partes iguales. Este parámetro define la aspersión de acuerdo al tamaño de gota, determinando la posición de llegada de la misma, arriba o debajo de la planta. Si la plaga se encuentra en el estrato superior será necesaria la gota grande, mientras que si plaga se encuentra en el estrato inferior es necesario la gota pequeña (Figura 1). El tamaño de gota se clasifica de la siguiente manera: Muy fina (menos de 100µ) Fina-pequeña ( de 100 a 200µ) Media ( de 200 a300µ) Gruesa (de 300 a 400µ) Muy gruesa (más de 400µ) • Diámetro Numérico Medio (DNM): es el diámetro de gota que divide a la población total de gotas formadas, en dos mitades numéricamente iguales. • Factor o coeficiente de Dispersión (FD): es la relación entre los dos anteriores: DVM/DNM, define la uniformidad de la gota a asperjar. Cuanto más estrecho o próximo a 1 es la relación, es mayor la uniformidad en el tamaño de gota. Si el objetivo a controlar se encuentra solo arriba o solo abajo de la planta necesito uniformidad de tamaño y si se encuentra arriba y abajo necesito desuniformidad de gota, o sea gotas grandes y chicas. • Cobertura (gotas/cm2) es un indicador del grado esperado de cobertura del blanco con el líquido pulverizado y se expresa en densidad de gotas por cm². A igual volumen, gotas más chicas, dan mayor cobertura. En función a lo presentado, cabe aclarar que no existe una regla general para una mejor aplicación, sino que es importante conocer la plaga objetivo, momento del cultivo, condiciones climáticas, entre otros para poder definir una correcta pulverización. Para una mejor interpretación, a continuación, se describen algunos ejemplos: Un herbicida se puede aplicar con gota mediana cuando es sistémico y su blanco es la hoja de la maleza (ej. Glifosato), cuando su acción es de contacto la gota debe ser pequeña (el objetivo no sólo es la hoja de la maleza, sino también la yema axilar). Para roya en trigo la gota puede ser algo mayor porque lo importante es alcanzar la hoja bandera. Un insecto ubicado dentro del follaje al que trataremos con un insecticida piretroide (con fuerte acción de contacto) debe ser asperjado con gota pequeña para asegurar contacto (Leiva, 2011). Le presente trabajo es un relevamiento de pulverizaciones realizado en Establecimientos rurales de la zona de Bahía Blanca y Cnel. Rosales con productores vinculados a trabajos de mejora tecnológica con los extensionistas de la Agencia Bahía Blanca del INTA Bordenave.EEA BalcarceFil: Lauric, Miriam Andrea. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bordenave. Agencia de Extensión Rural Bahía Blanca; Argentina.Fil: De Leo, Gerónimo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bordenave. Agencia de Extensión Rural Bahía Blanca; Argentina.Fil: Torres Carbonell, Carlos Alberto. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bordenave. Agencia de Extensión Rural Bahía Blanca; Argentina.Fil: Luna, M. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Pergamino; Argentina.Fil: Vigna, Mario. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bordenave; Argentina