46 research outputs found

    The profile of some inflammatory cytokines in gingival crevicular fluid of an young diabetic population

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    Rezumat. Interrelaţia diabet zaharat (DZ) status parodontal este un subiect care preocupa deopotriva lumea medicala stomatologica dar si pe cei in slujba ameliorarii si terapiei bolilor de nutritie si metabolism. In studiul de faţă ne‑am propus investigarea statusului parodontal pe un lot tanar cu DZ, prin monitorizarea clinică şi imunobiochimică la nivel local. Bilantul cli‑ nic (aprecierea statusului parodontal) şi investigaţiile de laborator (local în fluidul gingival — FCG) au fost realizate pe două loturi (44 copii si adolescenţi, cu varste intre 6‑18 ani), 22 fără afectare sistemică şi 22 cu DZ, ambele cu variate grade de alterare parodontală. Investigarea locală a răspunsului imunoinflamator generat în contextul sistemic, a vizat eva‑ luarea nivelelor locale ale unor citokine: interleukina 1β (IL‑1β), IL‑4 si IL‑5, precum şi factorul de necroză tumorală (TNF α), prin tehnici de flow citometrie. Studiul de faţă permite investigarea si evaluarea dereglarilor imunobiochimice rezultate in urma alterarii tesutului parodontal in con‑ textul bolii diabetice. Corelaţiile între potenţialul apoptotic al unora dintre citokine sugerează că afectarea atasamentului clinic la copiii şi adolescenţii cu DZ, poate fi, cel putin în parte, atribuită valorilor semnificativ crescute ale citokinelor din clasa TNF α, IL‑1β si IL‑5. La copiii si adolescentii cu diabet, este foarte importanta recunoaşterea şi manipularea terapeutică a sistemului imun, modularea ţintită a unor citokine specifice putand repre‑ zenta unul din factorii importanti în îngrijirea copilului si adolescentului diabetic.Summary. The bivalent relationship diabetes mellitus (DM) – periodontal health and disease (PD) has represented a significant interest over the years, both for dental doctors and those that treat metabolic and nutritional disorders. In this view, the present study investigated the periodontal status in a juve‑ nile population with DM, through the clinical and immune‑biochemical evaluation of some soluble chemical mediators in the gingival crevicular fluid (GCF). Clinical (periodontal status) and laboratory investigations examining the interrelation between DM and PD were performed upon 44, systemically healthy (n=22) and diabetic (n=22) children and adolescents, both with various degrees of periodontal modification. Investigation of the local (GCF) expression of the interleukin 1β, IL‑4, IL‑5 and tumor necrotic factor — TNFα has been achieved by flow cytometry. Our study allowed evaluation of the immuno‑biochemical disequilibrium resulted from the diabetes‑induced periodontal tissue injury. Correlations between apoptotic potential of some cytokines suggest that clinical attachment loss in diabetic children and adolescents could be, at least partly attributed to significant elevated levels of TNFα, IL — 1β and IL‑5. Taking into consideration the binomial relationship between DM and PD, recognition and manipulation of the immune system by targeted modulation of some specific cytokines could represent one of the important facts in the diabetic child and adoles‑ cent care

    Development and characterization of novel films based on sulfonamide-chitosan derivatives for potential wound dressing

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    The objective of this study was to develop new films based on chitosan functionalized with sulfonamide drugs (sulfametoxydiazine, sulfadiazine, sulfadimetho-xine, sulfamethoxazol, sulfamerazine, sulfizoxazol) in order to enhance the biological effects of chitosan. The morphology and physical properties of functionalized chitosan films as well the antioxidant effects of sulfonamide-chitosan derivatives were investigated. The chitosan-derivative films showed a rough surface and hydrophilic properties, which are very important features for their use as a wound dressing. The film based on chitosan-sulfisoxazol (CS-S6) showed the highest swelling ratio (197%) and the highest biodegradation rate (63.04%) in comparison to chitosan film for which the swelling ratio was 190% and biodegradation rate was only 10%. Referring to the antioxidant effects the most active was chitosan-sulfamerazine (CS-S5) which was 8.3 times more active than chitosan related to DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging ability. This compound showed also a good ferric reducing power and improved total antioxidant capacity

    Evaluation of crosslinked chitosan hydrogels as carriers for prolonged delivery of some novel nitric oxide donor compounds based on theophylline and paracetamol

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    The hydrogels of crosslinked chitosan with different glutaraldehyde amounts have been "in vitro" tested as carriers for prolonged release of some drugs for inflammatory and bronchopulomonary diseases. These hydrogels have been loaded with two novel nitric oxide donors, derivatives of 7-[2-nitroxyacethyl-oxy-3-(4-acethyl-amino-phenoxy)-propyl]-8-R-1, 3-dimethyl-xanthine compounds (R=H, NO2 for 65 and respectively 77 compounds) designed as multitarget drugs and parent compounds as paracetamol, theophylline, two xanthine derivatives 7-[2-hydroxy-3-(4-acethyl-amino-phenoxy)- propyl]-8-R-1,3-dimethyl-xanthine derivatives with (R=H, NO2 for D1 and respectively D2) and their release was evaluated in an acidic solution (pH=2.2) simulating the gastric fluid. Results have been correlated with the swelling behaviour which was also followed in acidic media with pH=2.2. The relationships between the release profiles and kinetics and matrix characteristics and/or drug properties have been established

    The Professional and Psycho-Emotional Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Medical Care—A Romanian GPs’ Perspective

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    The aim of this study was to assess the psycho-emotional impact and the adjustment degree of Romanian general practitioners (GPs) in the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic context. With a cross-sectional design, the study included 677 GPs to whom a validated questionnaire based on different items targeting three factors was sent: burden of prevention, presence of stress symptoms, and adjustment to pandemic. The burden of prevention and the adjustment effort to the pandemic were felt significantly more by female doctors and by GPs working in associated offices. The case definition quality, the support received, the professional life changes, and the stress symptoms proved to be the main predictors for the adjustment to pandemic. The adjustment measurement questionnaire can be used in further studies to identify the most supportive public health practices in difficult epidemiological contexts

    Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity of Some New 1,3,4-Thiadiazole and 1,2,4-Triazole Compounds Having a D,L-Methionine Moiety

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    New 1,3,4-thiadiazole, 5a-e, and 1,2,4-triazolecompounds 6a-c, containing a D,L-methionine moiety were synthesized by intramolecular cyclization of 1,4-disubstituted thiosemicarbazides 4a-e in acid and alkaline media, respectively. The potential antimicrobial effects of the synthesized compounds were investigated using the Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Bacillus antracis ATCC 8705, Bacillus cereus ATCC 10987, Sarcina lutea ATCC 9341 and Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 strains. The newly synthesized compounds exhibited promising activities against Bacillus antracis and Bacillus cereus

    Design, Synthesis and the Biological Evaluation of New 1,3-Thiazolidine-4-ones Based on the 4-Amino-2,3-dimethyl-1-phenyl-3-pyrazolin-5-one Scaffold

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    New thiazolidine-4-one derivatives based on the 4-aminophenazone (4-amino-2,3-dimethyl-1-phenyl-3-pyrazolin-5-one) scaffold have been synthesized as potential anti-inflammatory drugs. The pyrazoline derivatives are known especially for their antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, but recently there were synthesized new compounds with important antioxidant, antiproliferative, anticancer and antidiabetic activities. The beneficial effects of these compounds are explained by nonselective inhibition of cyclooxygenase izoenzymes, but also by their potential scavenging ability for reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. The structure of the new compounds was proved using spectroscopic methods (FR-IR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, MS). The in vitro antioxidant potential of the synthesized compounds was evaluated according to the ferric reducing antioxidant power, phosphomolydenum reducing antioxidant power, DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging assays. The chemical modulation of 4-aminophenazone (6) through linkage to thiazolidine-propanoic acid derivatives 5a–l led to improved antioxidant potential, all derivatives 7a–l being more active than phenazone. The most active compounds are the derivatives 7e, and 7k, which showed the higher antioxidant effect depending on the antioxidant assay considered

    Evaluation of crosslinked chitosan hydrogels as carriers for prolonged delivery of some novel nitric oxide donor compounds based on theophylline and paracetamol

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    The hydrogels of crosslinked chitosan with different glutaraldehyde amounts have been "in vitro" tested as carriers for prolonged release of some drugs for inflammatory and bronchopulomonary diseases. These hydrogels have been loaded with two novel nitric oxide donors, derivatives of 7-[2-nitroxyacethyl-oxy-3-(4-acethyl-amino-phenoxy)-propyl]-8-R-1, 3-dimethyl-xanthine compounds (R=H, NO2 for 65 and respectively 77 compounds) designed as multitarget drugs and parent compounds as paracetamol, theophylline, two xanthine derivatives 7-[2-hydroxy-3-(4-acethyl-amino-phenoxy)- propyl]-8-R-1,3-dimethyl-xanthine derivatives with (R=H, NO2 for D1 and respectively D2) and their release was evaluated in an acidic solution (pH=2.2) simulating the gastric fluid. Results have been correlated with the swelling behaviour which was also followed in acidic media with pH=2.2. The relationships between the release profiles and kinetics and matrix characteristics and/or drug properties have been established

    Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of New 1,3-Thiazolidine-4-one Derivatives of 2-(4-Isobutylphenyl)propionic Acid

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    New thiazolidine-4-one derivatives of 2-(4-isobutylphenyl)propionic acid (ibuprofen) have been synthesized as potential anti-inflammatory drugs. The structure of the new compounds was proved using spectral methods (FR-IR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, MS). The in vitro antioxidant potential of the synthesized compounds was evaluated according to the total antioxidant activity, the DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging assays. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and free radicals are considered to be involved in many pathological events like diabetes mellitus, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, infections and more recently, in inflammation. It is known that overproduction of free radicals may initiate and amplify the inflammatory process via upregulation of genes involved in the production of proinflammatory cytokines and adhesion molecules. The chemical modulation of acyl hydrazones of ibuprofen 3a–l through cyclization to the corresponding thiazolidine-4-ones 4a–n led to increased antioxidant potential, as all thiazolidine-4-ones were more active than their parent acyl hydrazones and also ibuprofen. The most active compounds are the thiazolidine-4-ones 4e, m, which showed the highest DPPH radical scavenging ability, their activity being comparable with vitamin E