1,702 research outputs found

    Átmenetifém-katalízis a klórfenolok teljes kémiai lebontásában = Transition metal catalysis in the complete chemical degradation of chlorophenols

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    A projekt során több különböző területen értünk el jelentős új kutatási eredményeket. Leírtuk a Fe(III)(TPPS) kompplex reakcióját hidrogén-peroxiddal és peroxomonoszulfát-ionnal. Kifejlesztettünk egy módszert fotokémiai reakciók diódasoros spektrofotométerrel való vizsgálatára, s a módszer hasznát több rendszerben is igazoltuk: a kén(IV) autooxidációját és a jód-klorátion rendszerben tapasztalható fotokémiai hatásokat vizsgáltuk részletesen. Tanulmányotuk halogenidionok fotoreakcióit, amelyek a klórfenolok oxidációja során is lényegesek lehetnek. Elvégeztük a klórfenolok oxidációjában igen hasznosnak bizonyult reganes, a peroxomonoszulfát-ion egyszerű szervetlen reakcióinak kinetikai elemzését. Fényt derítettünk a ferroin/ferriin rendszer néhány, eddig fel nem ismert sajátságára. Szerkezet-reaktivitást összefüggést kerestünk különböző módon szubsztituált klórfenolok és a cérium(IV) közötti reakcióban. Amerikai partnerünkkel együttműködve részletesen megvizsgáltuk és értlemeztük a Fe(III)TAML komplex oxidálószerekkel való reakcióját, és azonosítottuk katalitikus hatásért felelős aktív részecskéket. Az eredmények nyilvánosságra hozatalának formái: 7 lektorált közlemény tudományos folyóiratban, 1 könyvrészlet, 2 egyetemi meghívásos előadás, 11 konferenciaelőadás vagy poszter, 6 akadémiai munkabizottsági előadás. Várható még 3 vagy 4 lektorált közlemény tudományos folyóiratban, 2-5 előadás akadémiai munkabizottsági ülésen és konferencián. | New results were reached in several different fileds. The kinetics of the reaction between Fe(III)(TPPS) and hydrogen peroxide or peroxomonosulfate ion has been described. A method has been developed to study photochemical reaction using a diode array spectrophotometer: it has been illustrated by extensive experiments in sulfur(IV) autoxidation and in the interpretation of photochemical effects observed in the iodine ? chlorate ion reaction. Photochemical reactions of halide ions have been characterized as an import aspect in the oxidation of chlorophenols. Simple reactions of the peroxomonosulfate ion, which is a very useful reagent in unraveling the mechanism of chlorophenol oxidation, have also been studied in great detail. Some previously unknown chemistry of the ferrin/ferroin system has been discovered. Structure-reactivity relationships have been found in chlorophenol-cerium(IV) reactions. In cooperation with an American coworker, a detailed study of teh properties of Fe(III)TAML has been carried out and the catalytically active species have been identified. The results were published in 7 scientific papers, 1 book chapter, 2 invited lectures at universities, 11 conference lectures or posters and 6 lectures at the appropriate working group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The publication of 3 or 4 more papers and 2-5 conference lectures or posters can also be expected in the near future based on the project results

    Arenas of Expectations for Hydrogen Technologies

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    Technological options can be regarded as variations in an evolutionary development process. The variations are put forward by their respective technological communities and are selected by technology selectors. Building on the notion of quasi-evolutionary technology development we show how technological communities secure their position on R&D agendas through feeding and maintaining expectations in arenas of expectations. We examine this process by studying the expectations work of the community that tries to develop metal hydrides for the on-board storage of hydrogen for mobile applications. Metal hydrides are proposed as a promising alternative to gaseous and liquid hydrogen storage but are yet underdeveloped. Its proponents however, succeed in convincing their sponsors of the future potential of metal hydrides. In this paper we show how expectations of this technological option are raised and maintained by its developers and how this has kept them on hydrogen technology agendas for over 40 years.alternative fuel, energy storage, hydrogen, mobility, on-board

    Site and hybrid-specific agrotechnical models in sweet corn production

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    The effect of three agrotechnical factors (sowing time, fertilization, plant density) and two genotypes on the crop yield of sweet corn was examined on chernozem soil in the Hajdúság region in two different crop years. Compared to the 30-year average, the climate was dry and warm in 2009 and humid in 2010. The experiments were conducted at the Látókép Research Site of the University of Debrecen. In the experiments we applied two sowing times (end of April, end of May), six fertilization levels (control, N30+PK, N60+PK, N90+PK, N120+PK, N150+PK) and two crop density levels (45 thousand ha-1, 65 thousand ha-1). The hybrids we used were Jumbo and Enterprise. As regards the requirements of sweet corn production, the crop year of 2009 was dry and warm. The effect of moisture deficiency was more adverse on the crop yields with the second sowing time. On the contrary, the other examined year (2010) was significantly humid; the precipitation was 184 mm above the 30-year average and the temperature was average.In the dry and hot crop year, the best yields were obtained with the hybrid Jumbo (25677 kg-1) at 65 thousand ha-1 plant density level on the average of the fertilization levels. The crop yields of Enterprise were also the highest at high plant density level (24444 kg ha-1). With the second sowing time the highest yields were obtained at the higher plant density level (65 thousand ha-1) with both hybrids (Jumbo 18978 kg ha-1, Enterprise 18991 kg ha-1), which confirmed the good adaptation capability of these hybrids at high plant density level. In humid crop year with early sowing time the highest yielding hybrid was Enterprise (at 45 thousand ha-1 crop density level 20757 kg-1), at the same time, Jumbo was best yielding at the higher plant density level (18781 kg-1). With the second sowing time the highest crop yield was obtained with Enterprise again (20628 kg ha-1 at 65 thousand ha-1 plant density level). With this sowing time the average yields of Jumbo, was 18914 kg ha-1 respectively. We found that dry crop year and early sowing time provided the best conditions for sweet corn production; the highest yields were obtained under these circumstances, which might be the results of the outstanding water management of chernozem  soils


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    Trata-se de um estudo desenvolvido em uma instituição de ensino superior estadual sediada no centro oeste brasileiro, com o objetivo de analisar a autoavaliação institucional com ênfase nas fragilidades e fortalezas na construção do plano de desenvolvimento institucional, com vistas a responder como a Autoavaliação Institucional (AAI) interfere neste processo. Compreende uma pesquisa aplicada, qualitativa com caráter descritivo, exploratório, bibliográfica e documental, onde por meio do método Hermenêutico, com a contribuição das técnicas de Análise de Conteúdo, Transcrição, Análise documental e Triangulação foi possível descrever quanto a AAI na Instituição, conhecer quanto a construção do Plano de Desenvolvimento Institucional (PDI), e, relacionar às fragilidades e fortalezas entre AAI e o PDI. Restou demonstrado que as fortalezas e fragilidades entre AAI e a construção do PDI da UNEMAT interferem diretamente na construção de um plano de desenvolvimento institucional coeso e inovador. Conclui-se que não basta avaliar para cumprir a lei e manter o status de universidade com cursos reconhecidos, a AAI deve oferecer subsídios fidedignos para um planejamento voltado à excelência no ensino superior. Assim, deve haver um alinhamento entre AAI e PDI para o alcance evidente do desenvolvimento institucional

    Inclusion of natural zeolite (clinoptilolite) in finishing ration of feedlot beef cattle

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    Includes bibliographical references.2022 Fall.To assess the effects of Zeolite (ZE, clinoptilolite) inclusion on in vitro rumen fermentation. A modified procedure from Tilley and Terry (1963) was used to determine alfalfa in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) in the presence or absence of ZE. Test tubes (n=96) were placed in a 39 °C bath and were blocked based on hours 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, and 48. Substrate consisted of dried alfalfa grinded through a 1mm screen using a Wily Mill. Treatments consisted of, Control (no ZEl inclusion), and 0.05g ZE, for each 1 gram of alfalfa. After incubation, IVDMD was calculated 24 hours after drying period. Data was analyzed using a randomized block design. The IVDMD was found to be similar across all treatments (P > 0.8464). The IVDMD was significantly different when incubated for the varying lengths of time (P 0.68) were found to be similar across treatments. Total dry matter intake was decreased for animals that were fed zeolite at 1% of diet DM (P < 0.01). There was no difference (P = 0.40) in mortality and morbidity between treatments. Liver abscess rate was found to be independent (P = 0.54) of treatment. These data indicate that under the conditions of this experiment the addition of zeolite to steam flaked corn-based finishing diets does not impact final body weight, ADG or feed efficiency but decreases DMI of feedlot cattle when zeolites are added to the diet at 1% of diet DM

    Assessing nanotechnologies: the future of reflexive co-evolution

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    In search of relevance: The changing contract between science and society

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    This paper presents a framework to study the historical development of the relationship between science and society. We elaborate this relationship as a contract that specifies the mission of scientific research, the rationales for public support for science, and the conditions under which scientists work. These three structural elements will always be part of the contract, but their specific content can vary. The credibility cycle, as a model for scientific practice, helps to describe and understand the consequences of a changing contract for the work of individual scientists. A brief case study of chemistry in the Netherlands demonstrates the usefulness of the framework. We show how concepts of relevance have changed since 1975 and how this affects the practice of academic chemistry.relevance, contract, credibility cycle, chemistry

    Cultural history and technology : theory, concepts, and examples from the Netherlands

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    Based on a lecture and using examples from my own research, the paper suggests ways of doing a cultural-historical analysis of debates about technolog