90 research outputs found

    Using MSG to monitor the evolution of severe convective storms over East Mediterranean Sea and Israel, and its response to aerosol loading

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    Convective storms over East Mediterranean sea and Israel were tracked by METEOSAT Second Generation (MSG). The MSG data was used to retrieve time series of the precipitation formation processes in the clouds, the temperature of onset of precipitation, and an indication to aerosol loading over the sea. Strong correlation was found between the aerosol loading and the depth above cloud base required for the initialization of effective precipitation processes (indicated by the effective radius = 15 µm threshold). It seems from the data presented here that the clouds' response to the aerosol loading is very short

    Clouds-Aerosols-Precipitation Satellite Analysis Tool (CAPSAT)

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    International audienceA methodology for representing much of the physical information content of the METEOSAT Second Generation (MSG) geostationary satellite using red-green-blue (RGB) composites of the computed physical values of the picture elements is presented. The physical values are the solar reflectance in the solar channels and brightness temperature in the thermal channels. The main RGB compositions are (1) "Day Natural Colors", presenting vegetation in green, bare surface in brown, sea surface in black, water clouds as white, ice as magenta; (2) "Day Microphysical", presenting cloud microstructure using the solar reflectance component of the 3.9 ?m, visible and thermal IR channels; (3) "Night Microphysical", also presenting clouds microstructure using the brightness temperature differences between 10.8 and 3.9 ?m; (4) "Day and Night", using only thermal channels for presenting surface and cloud properties, desert dust and volcanic emissions; (5) "Air Mass", presenting mid and upper tropospheric features using thermal water vapor and ozone channels. The scientific basis for these rendering schemes is provided, with examples for the applications. The expanding use of these rendering schemes requires their proper documentation and setting as standards, which is the main objective of this publication

    The time-space exchangeability of satellite retrieved relations between cloud top temperature and particle effective radius

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    International audienceA 3-minute 3-km rapid scan of the METEOSAT Second Generation geostationary satellite over southern Africa was applied to tracking the evolution of cloud top temperature (T) and particle effective radius (re) of convective elements. The evolution of T-re relations showed little dependence on time, leaving re to depend almost exclusively on T. Furthermore, cloud elements that fully grew to large cumulonimbus stature had the same T-re relations as other clouds in the same area with limited development that decayed without ever becoming a cumulonimbus. Therefore, a snap shot of T-re relations over a cloud field provides the same relations as composed from tracking the time evolution of T and re of individual clouds, and then compositing them. This is the essence of exchangeability of time and space scales, i.e., ergodicity, of the T-re relations for convective clouds. This property has allowed inference of the microphysical evolution of convective clouds with a snap shot from a polar orbiter. The fundamental causes for the ergodicity are suggested to be the observed stability of re for a given height above cloud base in a convective cloud, and the constant renewal of growing cloud tops with cloud bubbles that replace the cloud tops with fresh cloud matter from below

    Example of a self-consistent solution for a fermion on domain wall

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    We discuss a self-consistent solution for a fermion coupled to static scalar field in the form of a kink (domain wall). In particular, we study the case when the fermion occupies an excited non-zero frequency level in the presence of the domain wall field. The effect of the domain wall profile distortion is calculated analytically.Comment: 9 pages, no figures; minor corrections, one reference added, results unchange

    Perturbative approach to the hydrogen atom in strong magnetic field

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    The states of hydrogen atom with principal quantum number n <= 3 and zero magnetic quantum number in constant homogeneous magnetic field H are considered. The perturbation theory series is summed with the help of Borel transformation and conformal mapping of the Borel variable. Convergence of approximate energy eigenvalues and their agreement with corresponding existing results are observed for external fields up to n^3 H ~ 5. The possibility of restoring the asymptotic behaviour of energy levels using perturbation theory coefficients is also discussed.Comment: LaTeX, 8 pages with 5 eps figure

    Stable branches of a solution for a fermion on domain wall

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    We discuss the case when a fermion occupies an excited non-zero frequency level in the field of domain wall. We demonstrate that a solution exists for the coupling constant in the limited interval 1<g<gmax≈1.651<g<g_{max}\approx 1.65. We show that indeed there are different branches of stable solution for gg in this interval. The first one corresponds to a fermion located on the domain wall (1<g<2π41<g<\sqrt[4]{2\pi}). The second branch, which belongs to the interval 2π4≤g≤gmax\sqrt[4]{2\pi}\le g\le g_{max}, describes a polarized fermion off the domain wall. The third branch with 1<g<gmax1<g<g_{max} describes an excited antifermion in the field of the domain wall.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, references adde

    Towards a high precision calculation for the pion-nucleus scattering lengths

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    We calculate the leading isospin conserving few-nucleon contributions to pion scattering on 2^2H, 3^3He, and 4^4He. We demonstrate that the strong contributions to the pion-nucleus scattering lengths can be controlled theoretically to an accuracy of a few percent for isoscalar nuclei and of 10% for isovector nuclei. In particular, we find the π\pi-3^3He scattering length to be (62±4±7)×10−3mπ−1(62 \pm 4\pm 7)\times 10^{-3} m_{\pi}^{-1} where the uncertainties are due to ambiguities in the π\pi-N scattering lengths and few-nucleon effects, respectively. To establish this accuracy we need to identify a suitable power counting for pion-nucleus scattering. For this purpose we study the dependence of the two-nucleon contributions to the scattering length on the binding energy of 2^2H. Furthermore, we investigate the relative size of the leading two-, three-, and four-nucleon contributions. For the numerical evaluation of the pertinent integrals, aMonte Carlo method suitable for momentum space is devised. Our results show that in general the power counting suggested by Weinberg is capable to properly predict the relative importance of NN-nucleon operators, however, it fails to capture the relative strength of NN- and (N+1)(N+1)-nucleon operators, where we find a suppression by a factor of 5 compared to the predicted factor of 50. The relevance for the extraction of the isoscalar π\pi-N scattering length from pionic 2^2H and 4^4He is discussed. As a side result, we show that beyond the calculation of the π\pi-2^2H scattering length is already beyond the range of applicability of heavy pion effective field theory.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figures, 10 table

    Predictive powers of chiral perturbation theory in Compton scattering off protons

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    We study low-energy nucleon Compton scattering in the framework of baryon chiral perturbation theory (Bχ\chiPT) with pion, nucleon, and Δ\Delta(1232) degrees of freedom, up to and including the next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO). We include the effects of order p2p^2, p3p^3 and p4/Δp^4/\varDelta, with Δ≈300\varDelta\approx 300 MeV the Δ\Delta-resonance excitation energy. These are all "predictive" powers in the sense that no unknown low-energy constants enter until at least one order higher (i.e, p4p^4). Estimating the theoretical uncertainty on the basis of natural size for p4p^4 effects, we find that uncertainty of such a NNLO result is comparable to the uncertainty of the present experimental data for low-energy Compton scattering. We find an excellent agreement with the experimental cross section data up to at least the pion-production threshold. Nevertheless, for the proton's magnetic polarizability we obtain a value of (4.0±0.7)×10−4(4.0\pm 0.7)\times 10^{-4} fm3^3, in significant disagreement with the current PDG value. Unlike the previous χ\chiPT studies of Compton scattering, we perform the calculations in a manifestly Lorentz-covariant fashion, refraining from the heavy-baryon (HB) expansion. The difference between the lowest order HBχ\chiPT and Bχ\chiPT results for polarizabilities is found to be appreciable. We discuss the chiral behavior of proton polarizabilities in both HBχ\chiPT and Bχ\chiPT with the hope to confront it with lattice QCD calculations in a near future. In studying some of the polarized observables, we identify the regime where their naive low-energy expansion begins to break down, thus addressing the forthcoming precision measurements at the HIGS facility.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, RevTeX4, revised version published in EPJ

    Determination of the scalar polarizabilities of the proton using beam asymmetry Σ3\Sigma_{3} in Compton scattering

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    The scalar dipole polarizabilities, αE1\alpha_{E1} and βM1\beta_{M1}, are fundamental properties related to the internal dynamics of the nucleon. The currently accepted values of the proton polarizabilities were determined by fitting to unpolarized proton Compton scattering cross section data. The measurement of the beam asymmetry Σ3\Sigma_{3} in a certain kinematical range provides an alternative approach to the extraction of the scalar polarizabilities. At the Mainz Microtron (MAMI) the beam asymmetry was measured for Compton scattering below pion photoproduction threshold for the first time. The results are compared with model calculations and the influence of the experimental data on the extraction of the scalar polarizabilities is determined.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Observation of the Higgs Boson of strong interaction via Compton scattering by the nucleon

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    It is shown that the Quark-Level Linear σ\sigma Model (QLLσ\sigmaM) leads to a prediction for the diamagnetic term of the polarizabilities of the nucleon which is in excellent agreement with the experimental data. The bare mass of the σ\sigma meson is predicted to be mσ=666m_\sigma=666 MeV and the two-photon width Γ(σ→γγ)=(2.6±0.3)\Gamma(\sigma\to\gamma\gamma)=(2.6\pm 0.3) keV. It is argued that the mass predicted by the QLLσ\sigmaM corresponds to the γγ→σ→NN\gamma\gamma\to\sigma\to NN reaction, i.e. to a tt-channel pole of the γN→Nγ\gamma N\to N\gamma reaction. Large -angle Compton scattering experiments revealing effects of the σ\sigma meson in the differential cross section are discussed. Arguments are presented that these findings may be understood as an observation of the Higgs boson of strong interaction while being part of the constituent quark.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure
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