217 research outputs found
EFL Students’ Perception of Using Grammarly in Undergraduate Paper Writing
This research discusses about EFL Students’ Perception of Using Grammarly in Undergraduate Paper Writing. The objective of this study was aimed to elaborate the challenges faced by students’ in writing a research paper by using Grammarly and investigated the students’ perception of using Grammarly in undergraduate paper writing. This study used descriptive qualitative method, involved 23 students’ of English Education who used Grammarly in writing a paper. Brief rating scales questionnaires were used to gather the data. The results showed that students’ responded positively to the use of Grammarly in undergraduate paper writing. Most of the students agreed that using Grammarly makes the process of writing more clearly, easy, and fascinating. Grammarly can help students’ in correcting the grammatical errors and plagiarism in their writing. However, writing a paper should be with the correct and good grammar so that the reader can easily to found out the meaning and also more understandable the paper. The researcher suggested for the next research to focus on the teacher perception of using Grammarly to assist the students’ in writing a research paper
Efek Ekstrak Rimpang Kunyit (Curcuma Domestica Val.) sebagai Larvasida Aedes Aegypti Vektor Penyakit Demam Dengue dan Demam Berdarah Dengue di Kota Banjarbaru
Demam Dengue (DD) dan Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) merupakan bagian dari masalah kesehatan di Indonesia. Case Fatality Rate (CFR) di kota Banjarbaru sebesar 1,9% (2006), 1,8% (2007), 0,00% (2008) dan 5,11% (2009) dengan vektor nyamuk Aedes aegypti. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas ekstrak rimpang kunyit sebagai larvasida Ae.aegypti di lingkungan Perumahan untuk membantu mengatasi permasalahan kasus DD dan DBD serta menerapkannya di beberapa kecamatan di Kota Banjarbaru. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan sampel yang diambil dengan metode convenience sampling. Subyek penelitian adalah masyarakat yang berada di 5 wilayah Puskesmasdi 5 kecamatan dengan total sampel sebanyak 50 buah rumah yang dipilih berdasarkan jumlah kasus DBD yang terjadi. Analisis data menggunakan uji regresi untuk mengetahui hubungan antara lama waktu pemaparan (waktu mati) dengan jumlah kematian jentik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak rimpang kunyit efektif dalam membunuh larva Ae.aegypti. Kemampuan ekstrak rimpang kunyit membunuh maksimal pada 3 jam pertama dengan rata kematian 3-4 larva dan kemudian menurun pada jam berikutnya dengan kematian rata-rata 2-1 larva. Waktu yang diperlukan untuk membunuh seluruh populasi larva yang diuji kurang dari 24 jam. Hasil uji statistik dengan menggunakan regresi menunjukkan ada hubungan sebesar 36,5% antara waktu kematian larva dengan jumlah kematian larva dan memungkinkan ada faktor lain yang mempengaruhi kematian larva yaitu dosis, air, jenis pelarut, daya tahan larva (tergantung instar), pencampuran dan tempat kegiatan
Implementasi E-arsip Pada Kanwil Kementerian Agama Provinsi Bengkulu
Making E - Records Implementation at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion is strived for perfection in the administration of archives that has not be integrated , systemic , and often comprehensive document management - document remains piecemeal by sections - sections , recording archives - still manually archive all of which are not apart from the common understanding and interpretation of the records are still limited and narrow by various groups , including among state officials to make the job was not effective and efficient when faced with the need for quick information . Data collection method used is through observation and literature and the latter is making software through a structured analysis and design .Based on a review of theory, analysis, and implementation is done on the conclusion that the Archives has the functionality and usefulness in supporting the activities of the state and the implementation function adininistrasi - management functions , in addition to the information in the records should be maintained in a system called records management ( e - Archive ) which is the management of the entire data file , so that later in the process of data retrieval and archival information becomes easier , quite accurate and quite valid , and can assist the organizers in accordance with archival principles , kaedah and archival standards
E-Commerce For Village Information System Using Agile Methodology
With the entry into the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0, the development of digitization of various aspects at the village level began. The level of use of mobile devices in the commercial transactions of society is now a massive number of users. It happens not only in large transactions but also in small transactions. With the community's high interest in the use of smartphone devices, this is a different opportunity to explore the potential of each village by helping the community, tiny and medium enterprises in conducting transactions, sales, and marketing online through the village government website. The village information system itself requires an e-commerce feature on its page to help small and medium enterprises in the area to sell products online through a simple page display. This research aims to design and develop new features of the village system that plays a role in the field of e-commerce with the Direct Message transaction method. The system development methodology used is Agile with Scrum as a framework. The Agile Model is a short-term development model that requires rapid adaptation and development to changes in any form. This e-commerce feature is for local communities, especially Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises, so their products' marketing reach is even more outstanding while being recorded in the village system
The Use of Whatsapp Video Calls in Teaching Speaking Using Role Play Activity
The present study is aimed at observing the teacher’s way of implementing WhatsApp video calls in teaching speaking using role-play activities and investigating the students’ perceptions of the use of WhatsApp video calls in teaching speaking using role-play to improve speaking skills. The present study uses a qualitative case study. Research instruments consist of online classroom observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The sample of the present study involved fourteen students in grade eight and one English teacher at an Islamic junior high school in Tasikmalaya as a sample in this research. Thus, the use of WhatsApp video calls in teaching speaking by role-play activity is beneficial to improving students’ English performance. The students' perceptions of the use of WhatsApp video call in teaching speaking using role-play activity to improve speaking skills showed that the students consider it an attractive learning activity, positive activity, and it is easy to use. Based on the findings, it is recommended for English teachers to apply technology such as WhatsApp and role-play techniques, especially in teaching speaking so that the student’s speaking performance can improve
Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar Siswa dalam Pembelajaran IPS Menggunakan Metode Diksusi di Kelas III SD
This study aimed to obtain information and describes the increased activity of students using the discussion method in teaching social science in grade III SDN 34 Pontianak City.The research method used is descriptive method with classroom action research (PTK).The study subjects is 34 student.Data collection techniques with a data collector that is the assessment sheet learning ability of teachers to plan, implement learning,and the sheet on student learning activities.This research was done 2 cycles,the results showed that (1) On the ability of teachers plan learning in the first cycle of the first meeting (average 2,9) second meeting (average 3,11), the second cycle of the first meeting (average 3,22) second meeting (average 3,44). (2) On the ability of teachers to implement the first meeting of the learning cycle (average 2,47), second meeting (average 2,77), the second cycle of the first meeting (average 3,12) second meeting (average 3,32). (3) The first cyle student learning activities (average 53,22 %) second cycle (average 63,23%), there is an increase of 10,01 %
Strategi Peningkatan Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Persepsi Guru di SMP
This study aimed to describe the strategy of increasing the perception-based character education teacher at junior high school number one Bermani Ilir Kepahiang Regency. This research apprach used is descriptive qualitative because they collected and analysis is more qualitative, which aims to understand the meaning behind the they looks.The results of this study stated that the strategy of increasing the perception-based character education teacher done through the integration of character education into everyday learning. The school has tried as much as possible to improve the srategy of character education through the process of planning, organizing, implementation, evaluation and follow-up recommendation in order to approach perfection in accordance with the applicable procedures
Evaluasi sifat mekanik baja paduan rendah bedasarkan komposisi kimia dan suhu perlakuan panas menggunakan teknik exploratory data analysis (EDA)
This research aims to evaluate the relationship between the chemical composition of low alloy steel, temperature, and the mechanical properties of low alloy steel using Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) techniques. The low alloy steel dataset is visualized using a correlation heat map, which shows a relationship between the mechanical properties of low alloy steel and its chemical composition and heat treatment temperature. Based on the results of the correlation heat map, an evaluation is carried out using scatterplots. The visualization results with scatterplots show a trend line indicating a linear relationship between YS and the elements V, Ni, and Mn, as well as a positive relationship between TS and V. In addition, there are determination coefficients (R²) that show how well the trend line can explain the variation of the data. The R² values obtained for V are 0.405, Ni is 0.226, Mn is 0.159, and Mo is 0.130, while El and RA have a positive correlation with temperature with R²values of 0.166 and 0.320, respectively. It can be concluded that the evaluation results using scatterplots and R² show that variations in chemical composition and heat treatment temperature affect the mechanical properties of low alloy steel. The correlations that occur between these variables can help in determining the pattern of the relationship and evaluating how well the trend line can explain the variation of the data. The use of correlation heat maps and scatter plots can help in decision-making and developing low-alloy steel materials that meet specific needs
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