260 research outputs found

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    Burials of Raqfet Cave in the context of the Late Natufian

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    A gazdasági elit képzettsége és rekrutációja a 20. század végén

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    A kilencvenes években három felmérést vezettem, melyek a kortárs gazdasági elit összetételét voltak hivatva feltárni. Mivel mostanában összegeztem e tárgyú kutatási eredményeimet, úgy éreztem, helyénvaló, ha itt most egy Karády Viktor számára kiemelt kérdés, a képzettség szerepét világítom meg az elit vonatkozásában

    A Gravetti kultúra kőeszközkészítésési technológiájának alapesetei Magyarországon = Lithic technology of the Gravettian in Hungary

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    A kutatás feltárta a Gravetti egység elnevezés alatt csoportosított három időszak, a Pavlovi (29-28 ezer éves), Ságvári (19-18 ezer éves) és az Epigravetti (18-13 ezer éves) pattintott kőmegmunkálási technológia alapeseteit. Az eredmények szerint három különböző kőpattintási szemlélet uralkodott a tárgyalt korszakokban. A legidősebb egyszerű pengekészítésből és csekély szilánkelőállításból áll, melyben a Kárpát-medencén túli nyersanyagokat gazdaságosabban használta ki, mint a helyieket. A Ságvári fázist is egyszerű pengegyártás jellemez, melyet erősen befolyásolt a kavics nyersanyag mérete. Ezen felül egy szisztematikus szilánkelőállítást is használt. Nyersanyag-felhasználására nem jellemző a Kárpát-medencén túli források kiaknázása. Az Epigravetti speciális módon, készítette pengéit. Ez a technológia alapvetően különbözik az előbbi kettőtől. Emellett, technológiájában elenyésző a szilánkelőállítás is. Nyersanyagai között a helyi típusokat viszonylag gazdaságtalanul, nagy mennyiségű melléktermék és hulladék termelésével használta fel, de jobban hasznosították a Kárpát-medencén túlról származó nyersanyagokat, mint a helyileg hozzáférhetőket. Az alapkutatásban elért eredmények felhasználhatók a magyarországi Gravetti, Ságvári és Epigravetti új, technológiai szemléletű összegzésére a lelőhelyeken talált nyersanyagok által kirajzolt földrajzi területen elhelyezkedő, hasonló korú és kultúrájú leletanyagok hasonló szempontú összefüggésében. | The research revealed the lithic technology of the three members of the Gravettian Entity. According to the results three distinct operational schemas characterize the technologies. The oldest member, the Gravettian (29-28 k years old) applied a simple blade technology accompanied with a moderate flake production. This was based upon both local and distant raw materials. Latter were more economically used than the former ones. The Ságvárian (19-18 k years old)is also characterized by a simple blade technology, but the flake production is more pronounced and systematic. The blade technology was strongly affeted by the small size of the pebbles used in the production. The raw material procurement exploited mainly sources within the arch of the Carpathians. The Epigravetti was specialized on straight blades which was the result of a special blade technology involving opposite striking platform cores. Flake production played a minor role. Local raw materials were used up uneconomically, producing masses of waste flakes, while distant origin flints prove high economic technological process. The results achieved can further be used to review the Gravettian, Ságvárian, and Epigravettian in technological perspective in relation with the contemporaneous sites situating in the range of the raw material source areas of the studied sites

    Entrepreneurial Inclination and Entrepreneurship in Hungary and in Europe

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    The lecture has two parts. The first part – based upon Eurobarometer data - briefly investigates the proportion and social characteristics of potential entrepreneurs in European comparative perspective. It proves that the Hungarian data are close to the European average. The second part – based on Hungarian panel data (1992-2007) - examines the predictive force of entrepreneurial inclination upon future entrepreneurial career and well-being. The results reveal that potential and actual entrepreneurship have strong social similarities and lasting connections despite the great volatility of both. Entrepreneurial inclination and more concrete plans have influenced the entrepreneurial career chances with nearly identical force, without cancelling each other’s effect. Entrepreneurial motivation has also to do with subjective well-being. The “push” factors of initial dissatisfaction with work and material conditions have lost their significance while the connection between entrepreneurial inclination and satisfaction with future perspectives persists in the longer run. The matrix of original motivation and further career provides a typology of four economic actors: that of “conscious” employees, “blocked”, “forced” and „conscious” entrepreneurs

    Az információs technológia terjedésének társadalmi hatásairól

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    Cadres and managers: changing patterns of recruitment of economic leaders in a planned economy

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    'Diese Abhandlung untersucht die Selektionskriterien für Führungskräfte in der ungarischen und einigen anderen osteuropäischen Planwirtschaften. Sie untersucht den Zusammenhang dieser Kriterien mit Bildung und Karriereverläufen von Kadern und Managern. Die Veränderungen werden als 'Kadrifizierung' und Professionalisierung interpretiert. Es wird gezeigt, dass sich die 'reziproken' Beziehungen zwischen politischer Loyalität und Fachwissen in den Dekaden des Sozialismus leicht zugunsten des Fachwissens verschoben haben. Neben der Balance zwischen Loyalität und Kompetenz unterlagen die Auswahlkriterien, die in der Personalpolitik eine wichtige Rolle spielten auch anderen teilweise dramatischen Veränderungen. Ziel der Untersuchung ist es zu zeigen, dass trotz der grundlegenden Ähnlichkeiten sozialistischer Industrialisierungsprozesse, erhebliche Unterschiede zwischen den osteuropäischen Gesellschaften besonders in Bezug auf die Geschwindigkeit des Kaderwandels und der Bedeutung der 'Bildungsvoraussetzungen' der Wirtschaftseliten bestanden haben. Im Zuge der ökonomischen Reform Ungarns hat der Grad an Professionalisierung zugenommen, obwohl der Anteil der Parteimitglieder weiterhin extrem hoch blieb. Erst mit dem Beginn der Systemtransition nahm die Bedeutung von Parteizugehörigkeit ab während Netzwerke zunehmend eine wichtige Rolle in der Selektion der Eliten spielten.' (Autorenreferat)'This paper is about the criteria of selection of leaders of the Hungarian - and some other East European - planned economies. It deals with the connections of these criteria with education and career patterns. It interprets the changes in terms of professionalization and cadrification. It argues that because this processes are interwoven the emphasis between loyalty and education (or to put it in the immanent terminology of personnel policy: among the categories of political responsibility, professional knowledge and the skills of leadership) has been slightly altered during the decades of state socialism. But behind the balance of loyalty and competence those social variables which were seriously taken into account in the personnel policy have been changed frequently and sometimes dramatically. It is intended to disclose that despite the basic similarities of socialist industrialization there were differences among the Eastern European societies, concerning the pace of cadre changes and the social-educational composition of the economic elites. It also suggests that one has to distinguish two levels of economic leadership from the very beginning of nationalization. In the light of empirical evidence the criteria of recruitment in the case of the planners-controllers and in the case of the enterprise managers were different. According to the Hungarian experiences the economic reform supported the process of professionalization, although the proportion of party members remained extremely high. With the systemic changes party membership lost and networks gained importance in the selection of the elite. Despite the importance of the subject literature on leaders in planned economies is rather scanty. A greater part of articles are managerial studies, while empirical contributions mainly survey the political elites rather than the leaders involved in the economic control sphere and at the helm of enterprises, a layer which is more difficult to reconstruct empirically. It is a specific feature of research on Hungarian leaders to use case studies or interviews. These methods, though most suitable for exploring the attitudes and interests of leader, mark out the boundaries of analysis as well. The data and information in the following represent mostly the Hungarian, and partly the Soviet, Polish and Czechoslovakian developments.' (author's abstract

    Supranational Attachment of European Elites and Citizens

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    New lithic evidence of the Aurignacian in Hungary

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    The Aurignacian in Hungary is characterized by abundant bone points. “Classic” Aurignacian stone tool types such as nosed and carinated endscrapers are not well- represented in these assemblages. Recently, two Aurignacian sites with high frequencies of these endscrapers were found near Nagyréde, in the area of Mátra Mountains in northeast Hungary. The stone tool kit composition of these sites signifies a typologically diverse and unique Aurignacian appearance in Hungary

    Potential entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurial inclination in Hungary, 1988-2011

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    Contents: I. Entrepreneurial inclination during state socialism: - On entrepreneurial inclination; - Crisis, expectations, entrepreneurial inclination; - Where do entrepreneurs come from? On the third way, the second economy, and entrepreneurial inclination; ____ II. Entrepreneurial spirit and post-socialist transformation: - The upswing of entrepreneurial inclination between 1988 and 1990; - Entrepreneurship and perception of economic changes in the early 1990s; _____ III. Long-term changes and a European comparative perspective: - From crisis to crisis: long-term change of entrepreneurial inclination; - The effect of entrepreneurial inclination upon entrepreneurial career and well-being; - Entrepreneurial inclination in comparative perspective