19 research outputs found

    Europe's Architectural Identity – a visualisation method of ideas

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    Europe is also architecture. When Jacques Derrida counts philosophy, democracy and the Enlightenment, architecture is an essential gap. There is a number of artistic expressions, but amongst them architecture, as the space that we live in, plays an exposed role. Architecture is a criterion, a tradition that truly belongs to Europe. A debate on the architectural artistic representation of Europe from the past to the future will consolidate a place for Europe in the world. And this place does not, at least not in the principal sense, yield to the imperialist tradition. On the contrary, Europe’s architecture consists mainly of civilian or clerical buildings. Built architecture though is subject to its deterioration, while the intellectual achievement of architectural projecting and design are what will be left of Europe’s history. Architectural ideas are almost timeless as they always negotiate ourselves in our environment. But ideas are rarely acknowledged as deserved. In most cases, architecture that does not meet today’s needs is considered as part of building archaeology. But there is much more in historic architecture, a wealth of inspirations. Architecture has always been more than buildings. This artistic surplus needs to be exposed, to be presented as a timeless intellectual achievement that goes far beyond its original historical intention. For this we have developed a method that visualizes architectonic ideas. The presentation aims to demonstrate and illustrate this method by several projects developed by the authors in cooperation with archaeological research institutions like Cologne Cathedral and its Predecessors (by order of and exhibited in Cologne Cathedral), The Metropolis of Pergamon (within the German Research Fund Excellence Cluster TOPOI, actually exhibited in Leipzig as part of Sharing Heritage, the European Cultural Heritage Year 2018), The Palatine Palaces (by order of the German Archaeological Institute, both latter exhibited in the Pergamon Museum Berlin).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Die visuelle Repräsentation prägt die Architektur. Sowohl ihre Produktion als auch die Art und Weise, wie sie wahrgenommen und begriffen wird, sind maßgeblich durch die Medien ihrer Darstellung bestimmt. Von der ersten Skizze über die Präsentation im Wettbewerb bis zum suggestiven Schaubild für die Kommunikation und Vermarktung werden seit jeher Verfahren der visuellen Modellierung und bildlichen Repräsentation eingesetzt. Mit der Digitalisierung der Architektur erfährt nicht nur das Entwerfen, sondern auch das Visualisieren von Architektur einen grundlegenden Wandel, der sich über das digitale Bild vollzieht

    Zur Dialektik des digitalen Bildes im Architekturprozess

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    Authenticity and Communication

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    Authenticity is not an absolute and constant quality inherent in an object or an experience; it is constructed in the process of research. Actors inscribe and attribute it to both material objects and subjective processes like communication and consumption. This article from the research group seeks on the one hand to reflect on the historical scope of action and action patterns among actors from various disciplines between the conflicting priorities of authentication and communication, and on the other to find ways to visualize and operationalize attribution processes through joint reflection. When we look at both history and the discussions fifty years after the Venice Charter, its idea to hand on historic monuments “in the full richness of their authenticity” has turned into an abundance of vibrant action and decision- making

    Diagrammatik der Architektur

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    Ist das ›unruhige Enzephalogramm‹, mit dem James Graham Ballard 1975 in seinem architekturkritischen Klassiker ›High Rise‹ die Silhouette von London gleichsetzt, schon gelesen worden? Oder selbstkritischer gefragt: Warum kann das Diagramm einen wesentlichen Aspekt zeitgenössischer Bildtheorie darstellen, während diese Kategorie im architektonischen Diskurs immer noch von den komplexen, letztlich aber instrumentell ausgerichteten Ansätzen der 1990er Jahre bestimmt wird? Auf einer Kölner Tagung im Januar 2011 wurde die Diagrammatik der Baukunst unter Berücksichtigung aktueller Ansätze der Bild- und Kulturtheorien neu bewertet. Die in diesem Band publizierten Beiträge aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen – Architektur, Pädagogik, Kunstgeschichte, Informatik – zu Themenbereichen vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart belegen, dass diagrammatische Darstellungen und Denkmuster in allen Bereichen der Architektur wichtig werden können, sei es für Lehre, Entwurf, Ausführung, Vermittlung oder Analyse. Ihre Fähigkeit, Momente der Operationalität, der Evidenz und der Spur zu vereinen, lassen sie zu einer Gelenkstelle zwischen verschiedenen zeitlichen und räumlichen Manifestationen von Architektur und ihren Medien werden


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    This paper aims to show how a historical innovative engineering achievement can be mediated visually without having to study the underlying mathematics. The current dissertation examines the history and construction of the four crossing towers that Cologne Cathedral has had in the course of its history. Although depicted in numerous illustrations of the past centuries, their concrete appearance remains largely hidden. Documents from the cathedral archives allow us to reconstruct both its construction and its appearance. In the process, discrepancies between construction planning and execution as well as between execution and seemingly detailed visual reproduction for the public come to light. Here, however, we are concerned with its penultimate and final version, built between 1848 and 1880 and then slightly altered after the destruction of the Second World War. This raises the question of whether its mid-twentieth-century form does not require a revision to its late-nineteenth- century completion in order not to resurrect the original appearance, a twelfth-century design after all, as the completion of this already infinite building site. An important argument is precisely that engineering innovation which made the form planned in the Middle Ages possible under the demands of the 20th century