11 research outputs found
The Effect of Academic Supervision and Teacher Participation in Teacher Work Group to Teachers Performance Catholic Religion Education on North Sulawesi Province - Indonesia
This research aimed to describe and analyze: 1) the effect of the academic supervision toward teacher performance, 2) the effect of the participation of Teacher Working Groups toward teacher performance, and 3) the effect of the academic supervision, and the participation of Teacher Working Groups simultaneously toward teacher performance teacher performance of Catholic education in North Sulawesi. Survey method was implemented with qualitative approach. Population unit were 144 teachers. Research sample were 59 teachers which randomly selected from 144. Questionnaire with Likert scale was the technique used to collect the data. Testing the hypothesis were using simple and multiple correlation analysis. The result of data analysis showed that: 1) there was effect of the academic supervision toward teacher performance, 2) there was effect of of the participation of Teacher Working Groups toward teacher performance, and 3) there was effect of the academic supervision, and the participation of Teacher Working Groups toward teacher performance teacher performance of Catholic education in North Sulawesi. Based on these conclusion, it could be recommended that: 1) for Catholic religious education teachers, to involve themselves in the activities of teacher working groups so that they can improve teacher performance, 2) for the principal, to be active and more optimal in carrying out supervision, 3) for BIMAS Catholic North Sulawesi, so that the principal's quality improvement program is added to Catholic religious education teachers and facilitates supervision activities from the principal. Keywords: Academic Supervision, Participation of Teacher Working Groups, Teacher Performance. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-15-01 Publication date:May 31st 201
The Effect of School Head Competency and Motivation on Teacher Performance (Study on Elementary School Sub District Wenang, Manado City, Indonesia)
This research aimed to describe and analyze: 1) the effect of school principals' competencies on teacher performance, 2) the effect of motivation on teacher performance, and 3) the effect of the principal competence and motivation simultaneously on the performance of State Primary School Teachers in Wenang District, Manado City. Survey method was implemented with qualitative approach. Population unit were 162 teachers. Research sample were 62 teachers which randomly selected from 162. Questionnaire with Likert scale was the technique used to collect the data. Testing the hypothesis were using simple and multiple correlation analysis.The result of data analysis showed that: 1) there was effect of school principals' competencies on teacher performance, 2) there was effect of motivation on teacher performance, and 3) there was effect of the principal competence and motivation on the performance of State Primary School Teachers in Wenang District, Manado City.Based on these conclusion, it could be recommended that: 1) hopely, this research can be useful as a contribution of thought in the effort to develop the science of education management, especially in relation to the competence of principals and motivation with teacher performance, 2) hopely, this research can be used as input to other educators in Wenang Subdistrict, Manado City in the context of developing and fostering teacher performance in the future. Keywords: principal competence, motivation, teacher performance. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-14-01 Publication date:May 31st 201
The Effect of Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance Emergency Installation
This research aimed to describe and analyze: 1) the effect of the organizational culture toward the performance of emergency department employees, 2) the effect of the job satisfaction toward the performance of emergency department employees, and 3) the effect of the organizational culture and the job satisfaction simultaneously toward the performance of emergency department employees.Survey method was implemented with qualitative approach. Population unit were 167 teachers. Research sample were 63 teachers which randomly selected from 167. Questionnaire with Likert scale was the technique used to collect the data. Testing the hypothesis were using simple and multiple correlation analysis.The result of data analysis showed that: 1) there was effect of the organizational culture toward the performance of emergency department employees, 2) there was effect of the job satisfaction toward the performance of emergency department employees, and 3) there was effect of the organizational culture and the job satisfaction toward the performance of emergency department employees, RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandow Manado.Based on these conclusion, it could be recommended that: 1) organizational culture should get attention from all institutional devices, such as; the leaders of hospitals, doctors, administrative staff, laboratory personnel, and the community, 2) the efforts to improve employee performance, it is expected that hospital leaders need to pay attention to policies, such as; job satisfaction for employees. Keywords: Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction, Employees performance. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-14-02 Publication date:May 31st 201
Manajemen praktek kerja lapangan pada program keahlian teknik komputer dan jaringan di SMK Prima Sejahtera Kotamobagu
The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the management of Field Work Practice (PKL) Computer and Network Engineering Expertise Program at SMK Prima Sejahtera Kotamobagu, in terms of Planning, Implementation and Evaluation. This research is a type of qualitative research with research procedures that produce descriptive data. The methods used by researchers to collect data are observation, interviews and documentation studies. The subjects of this research are the Principal, Deputy for Public Relations, Head of the Computer and Network Engineering Department (TKJ), Supervising Teacher. After the data is collected, the data is analyzed including data reduction, and conclusion drawing. Based on the results of the study, it shows that the PKL planning stage includes: 1) PKL committee formation and coordination, 2) Industry mapping, 3) Administrative preparation (such as: making submission letters and submission procedures, making submission and withdrawal letters, making PKL activity schedules), 4) Determination of PKL place, 5) Debriefing. The stages of implementation activities: 1) Delivery of PKL students, 2) PKL implementation process in the Business World / Industrial World (DUDI), 3) PKL program monitoring, 4) Journal preparation of daily PKL activities, and 5) Withdrawal of PKL students. The PKL evaluation stage includes: 1) Completion of the journal which is carried out after the pick-up of students, 2) PKL assessment based on the results of coordination by industry and school supervisors and based on the results of reports/journals
The Effect of Leadership Commitment and Integrity on the Effectiveness of Education Bimas Catholic North Sulawesi Province - Indonesia
This research aimed to describe and analyze: 1) the effect of leadership commitment toward the effectiveness of BIMAS Catholic North Sulawesi, 2) the effect of integrity toward the effectiveness of BIMAS Catholic North Sulawesi, and 3) the effect of leadership commitment and integrity simultaneously toward the effectiveness of BIMAS Catholic North Sulawesi.Survey method was implemented with qualitative approach. Population unit were 92 employees. Research sample were 48 which randomly selected from 92. Questionnaire with Likert scale was the technique used to collect the data. Testing the hypothesis were using simple and multiple correlation analysis.The result of data analysis showed that: 1) there was effect of leadership commitment toward the effectiveness of BIMAS Catholic North Sulawesi, 2) there was effect of integrity toward the effectiveness of BIMAS Catholic North Sulawesi, and 3) there was effect of leadership commitment and integrity simultaneously toward the effectiveness of BIMAS Catholic North Sulawesi. Based on these conclusion, it could be recommended that: 1) the selection of Catholic BIMAS leaders in the regions needs to consider the level of commitment of their prospective leaders so that in their leadership they will receive support from all stakeholders, 2) Providing flexibility for employees, extension workers, supervisors and other stakeholders to express and create so that they can explore the potential within themselves so that the expected goals can be achieved. Keywords: Leadership Commitment, Integrity, Effectiveness. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-15-03 Publication date:May 31st 201
Student Self Management to Continue to Higher Education
It becomes a reason for students to continue their studies to a higher level of education, namely higher education. According to Hardjana (1994:12) that "Higher Education is an educational unit that organizes higher education". Higher education can also be interpreted as an educational institution that organizes education and various kinds of expertise, for example: in the fields of education, economics, law, psychology, engineering, health and others in accordance with Law No. 20 of 2003 stipulates that higher education is an academic , polytechnics, high schools, institutes or universities determined by the government. In essence, every student has a tendency or interest to continue their studies to a higher level. This type of research is a survey method with a quantitative approach where researchers collect information by compiling questions using questionnaires to respondents. The quantitative approach in this study is in the nature of testing existing theories, namely to test the effect of student time management, parental support, peer support and achievement motivation on the interest in continuing their education to tertiary education in public high schools in South Minahasa Regency starting from theory, hypothesis, observation then confirmation. Place and Time The research was carried out in a high school environment in South Minahasa Regency. The research population is all students of class III (three) SMA totaling 532 students, the research sample is 215 students. The research results show that : Student Time Management has a direct positive and significant effect on Student Achievement Motivation in State Senior High Schools in South Minahasa Regency. That is, if students' time management increases, the achievement motivation will also increase. Parental support has a positive and significant direct effect on achievement motivation in students at public high schools in South Minahasa regency. That is, if parental support increases, achievement motivation will increase. Peers have a direct positive and significant effect on the achievement motivation of students in public high schools in South Minahasa regency. That is, the more good friends, the achievement motivation will increase. Student Time Management has a direct positive and significant effect on the Interest in Continuing Education to Higher Education in Students at State Senior High Schools in South Minahasa Regency. That is, if students' time management becomes better, the interest in continuing their education to tertiary education will increase. Parental support has a positive and significant direct effect on the interest in continuing education to tertiary institutions for students in public high schools in South Minahasa regency. That is, if parental support increases, the interest in continuing their education to tertiary education will also increase. Peers have a direct positive and significant effect on the Interest in Continuing Education to Higher Education in Students at State Senior High Schools in South Minahasa Regency. That is, if there are more good friends, the interest in continuing their education to higher education will increase. Achievement Motivation has a direct positive and significant effect on the Interest in Continuing Education to Higher Education in Students at State Senior High Schools in South Minahasa Regency. That is, if achievement motivation increases, the interest in continuing education to tertiary education will also increase. Student Time Management has a significant effect on Interest in Continuing Education to Higher Education in mediation with Student Achievement Motivation in State Senior High Schools in South Minahasa Regency. That is, if students' time management does not make a major contribution to continuing their education to tertiary institutions, it can be mediated with achievement motivation so that the interest in continuing their education to tertiary institutions will be even greater. Parental support has a significant effect on interest in continuing education to tertiary institutions mediated by achievement motivation in students at public high schools in South Minahasa regency. That is, if parental support does not make a major contribution to continuing education to tertiary institutions, it can be mediated with achievement motivation so that the interest in continuing education to tertiary institutions will be even greater. Peers have a significant effect on the Interest in Continuing Education to Higher Education mediated by the Achievement Motivation of Students in State Senior High Schools in South Minahasa Regency. That is, if peers do not make a major contribution to continuing their education to tertiary institutions, they can be mediated with achievement motivation so that the interest in continuing their education to tertiary institutions will be even greater. Keywords: Student, Self Management, Education, Higher Education DOI: 10.7176/JEP/14-2-04 Publication date: January 31st 202
The educational management quality is poor and weak. Massive works have been issued to increase its quality. However, those approaches work independently and separately, as a consequence, it does not solve the problem comprehensively. Philosophical and Christian education approaches are far from attention. Ellen White as a Christian education philosopher with an American background shares a potential concept to the tension. This essay employs qualitative research methods and literature study to formulate White's holistic approach concerning total quality management. In sum, with her anthropological and religious features, she argues that spiritual, physical, and mental dimensions should work together in harmony to establish the expected result in educational total quality management in Indonesia.BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT: Manajemen mutu terpadu pendidikan masih lemah dan buruk. Banyak pekerjaan yang telah dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kualitasnya. Namun, pendekatan-pendekatan dilakukan secara terpisah dan sendiri-sendiri, sebagai akibatnya, persoalan tidak terselesaikan secara utuh. Pendekatan filsafat dan pendidikan Kristen masih kurang mendapatkan perhatian. Ellen White sebagai filsuf pendidikan Kristen dengan latar belakang Amerika memberikan konsep yang menjanjikan untuk percakapan ini. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif disertai studi literatur, penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengformulasikan pendekatan holistik White sehubungan dengan manajemen mutu terpadu. Sebagai kesimpulan, dengan kekhasan antropologi dan agamanya, dia berpendapat bahwa dimensi rohani, fisik dan pikiran harus bekerja sama dalam keharmonisan untuk menciptakan hasil yang diharapkan pada manajemen mutu terpadu terhadap pendidikan di Indonesia
Pengaruh Gaya Mengajar Komando terhadap Gerak Dasar Servis Atas pada Permainan Bola Voli
Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah apakah gaya mengajar komando dapat memberikan pengaruh terhadap servis atas pada permainan bola voli? Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh gaya mengajar komando terhadap gerak dasar servis atas pada permainan bola voli. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah melalui kajian dan analisis dengan mengumpulkan bukti-bukti luar yang sudah pernah diteliti oleh peneliti sebelumnya. Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah data hasil analisis kajian pustaka sesuai dengan variabel penelitian. Hipotesa penelitian adalah gaya mengajar komando dapat memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap gerak dasar servis atas pada permainan bola voli. Teknik analisa data yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan analisis data deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk membuktikan dan menguji hipotesis penelitian tentang pengaruh gaya mengajar komando terhadap servis atas pada permainan bola voli. Berdasarkan kajian dan analisis dari beberapa hasil penelitian terdahulu yang relevan dengan penelitian ini, secara deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa keseluruhan yakni delapan hasil penelitian (100%) menunjukkan bahwa gaya mengajar komando memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel terikat. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah gaya mengajar komando memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap servis atas pada permainan bola voli
Implementation of Academic Management at the As-Siddiq Kie Raha Islamic Institute (IAI) North Maluku
In managing an educational institution, a representative academic administration management system is needed that is able to manage and provide data and information within the scope of educational institutions, namely to manage curriculum data, manage data on courses offered in semesters, manage class schedules, and plan student studies. , management of student grades, management of student attendance, management of facilities and infrastructure as well as academic information and resources available at the university. This research was conducted at the As-Sidiq Kie Raha Institute of Islam (IAI) North Maluku located in Ternate City.
Data analysis in this research is analysis using three general approaches or implementations. In this implementation there are 3 components of interactive model analysis, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. Based on several research findings and discussion, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. Implementation of academic management at the As-Siddiq Kie Raha Islamic Institute (IAI) North Maluku, is not yet optimal, systematic and directed, there is no standard academic management model for In its application, all of this happens because this university is still new so that the structural officials of the teaching staff and educational staff in their environment do not have experience, understand and understand and obey academic regulations, main tasks and functions, so that academic management does not work as expected by stakeholder
Management Strategy for Quality Improvement of Madrasah-Based Education in North Sulawesi
This research focuses on the management of madrasa-based education quality improvement strategies in North Sulawesi. The research was conducted at three madrasah, namely Manado State Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs Negeri 1 Manado), Bitung State Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs Negeri 1 Bitung) and Kotamobagu State Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs Negeri 1 Kotamobagu). The research method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the Strategic Planning for improving the quality of madrasa-based education at MTs Negeri 1 Manado, MTs Negeri 1 Bitung and MTs Negeri 1 Kotamobagu City is carried out by involving all components of madrasas and stakeholders in an effort to improve the quality of madrasa education while still referring to Islamic values as a characteristic of madrasas. The implementation of the strategy to improve the quality of madrasa-based education is realized by implementing work programs in planning for improving the quality of madrasas such as education and training/training, workshops, seminars, organized by the government, ministries and universities. The impact of implementing strategies to improve the quality of education in madrasas can be seen from a number of indicators such as increased learning outcomes, which can be seen from academic and non-academic achievements achieved by students in various activities, and competitions