3 research outputs found

    Quran recitation therapy reduces the depression levels of hemodialysis patients

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    Background: Depression is one of the serious neuropsychiatric complications in CKD patients because of its high prevalence, leading to decline in the quality of life, and the potential to increase the risk of death. The psycho spiritual therapy that potential to be developed for provide support and decrease depression level is Quran recitation therapy. But studies on the effectiveness of Quran recitation therapy are still limited. The aim of this study was to reveal the effect of Quran recitation therapy on depression level of CKD patients undergoing hemodialysis in Hemodialysis Unit of dr. Soepraoen Hospital, Malang, Indonesia.Methods: This study was a quasy-experimental that compared the decrease of depression score level between treatment (n=14) and control group (n=14) before and after Quran recitation therapy. The subjects were CKD patients with hemodialysis who had moderate and severe depression based on screening results using BDI (Beck's Depression Inventory). Treatment group got Quran recitation therapy twice with one week interval. Data was analyzed using independent t-test.Results: The depression score in the treatment group showed a significantly higher reduction than the control group. Decrease level of depression in the treatment group was 17.43±9.00, while in the control group 7±7.19 (p=0.002, p<0.05).Conclusions: This results show that Quran recitation therapy is an effective non-pharmacological therapy to overcome depression in CKD patients undergoing hemodialysis. This study adds the evidence based practice of Quran recitation therapy as Islamic psychotherapy in the clinical setting

    Rise of Local Economy: Emerging Phenomenon Ponggawa Aquaculture and Export Shrimp Processing Industry in the Mahakam Delta

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    Kegagalan sistem pengelolaan hutan di Dunia Ketiga telah menyebabkan kemerosotan hutan dan menciptakan kemiskinan pada desa-desa di pinggir hutan. Dalam hal tersebut, kegiatan pertambakan di kawasan Delta Mahakam dengan konversi Kawasan Budi daya Kehutanan, sangat menarik dicermati karena mampu menggerakkan kapitalisasi pertambakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkapkan secara historis dan kontekstual, terjadinya penguasaan hutan mangrove oleh migran Bugis dan pengaruhnya terhadap proses pembentukan ekonomi lokal di kawasan Delta Mahakam. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses pembentukan ekonomi lokal terjadi akibat beroperasinya kegiatan industri perikanan ekspor pada 1974 yang membuka ruang bagi kehadiran pedagang perantara pada area-area yang tidak mampu ditangani langsung Perusahaan. Banyak diantara pengusaha lokal yang sukses adalah para ponggawa pengikut yang berhasil melakukan ekstensifikasi USAha, dengan memanfaatkan momentum “keunggulan pada kesempatan pertama untuk memulai”, pasca pelarangan trawl pada 1983. Meskipun aktivitas ekonomi tersebut berdampak pada Perubahan tatanan ekologi lokal, akibat “pembiaran negara” atas Kawasan Budi daya Kehutanan, yang menjadi ajang konversi pertambakan pribadi. Dengan hegemoni kulturalnya, para ponggawa mampu melakukan “eksploitasi” melalui penciptaan struktur pasar yang monopolistis atau monopsonistis, sehingga terjadi monopoli bahan mentah dan akumulasi kapital yang mendorong dilakukannya indutrialisasi perikanan ekspor oleh Ponggawa. Meskipun demikian, pola hubungan pertambakan masih menyisakan ruang resiprositas yang melekat pada tradisi passe', sehingga mereduksi pola hubungan yang cenderung ekploitatatif. Pola hubungan patron-klien yang adaptif seperti inilah yang kemudian menopang keberlangsungan ekonomi lokal-pertambakan yang sarat persaingan dan ketidakpastian


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    Each people have a trust to the product that they use for daily activity, such as a cellular phone which almost all people are using this product for communicating tool to each other. But not just only for communication purpose, each cellular phone is used by the user for entertaining purpose. Talking about cellular phone, Samsung is one of the most cellular phones that famous in Indonesia, we can see this product everywhere, and many people are using Samsung product, starting from the cheapest one to the most expensive prices, and its users from school age to workers level. As a product, Samsung is one of the famous brands which successful to attract its users and any potential user to use the product. The level of people trust to this product is higher than other products. The trust itself is not coming too easy, Samsung has to convince the customers or potential customers of what benefit that they will get by using Samsung product, and also the fixed product reputation will be able to attract customers’ attention. This research aims to find out the relationship of brand communication, brand image, and brand trust that influences brand loyalty. This research itself is using a statistical the modeling structural equations. The sampling method that applied by the researcher is a random sampling to 130 users (students, workers) of Samsung cellular phone (any types, and prices) in Jakarta, Surabaya, and Tangerang City. The results showed that brand communication influences brand image, brand communication influences brand trust, brand image has an effect on brand trust, and brand trust has an influence on brand loyalty of the Samsung customers