30 research outputs found

    Non-equilibrium spin noise spectroscopy of a single quantum dot operating at fiber telecommunication wavelengths

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    We report on the spin and occupation noise of a single, positively charged (InGa)As quantum dot emitting photons in the telecommunication C-band. The spin noise spectroscopy measurements are carried out at a temperature of 4.2 K in dependence on intensity and detuning in the regime beyond thermal equilibrium. The spin noise spectra yield in combination with an elaborate theoretical model the hole-spin relaxation time of the positively charged quantum dot and the Auger recombination and the electron-spin relaxation time of the trion state. The extracted Auger recombination time of this quantum dot emitting at 1.55 μm is comparable to the typical Auger recombination times on the order of a few μs measured in traditionally grown InAs/GaAs quantum dots emitting at around 900 nm

    Comprehensive molecular landscape of cetuximab resistance in head and neck cancer cell lines

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    Cetuximab is the sole anti-EGFR monoclonal antibody that is FDA approved to treat head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). However, no predictive biomarkers of cetuximab response are known for HNSCC. Herein, we address the molecular mechanisms underlying cetuximab resistance in an in vitro model. We established a cetuximab resistant model (FaDu), using increased cetuximab concentrations for more than eight months. The resistance and parental cells were evaluated for cell viability and functional assays. Protein expression was analyzed by Western blot and human cell surface panel by lyoplate. The mutational profile and copy number alterations (CNA) were analyzed using whole-exome sequencing (WES) and the NanoString platform. FaDu resistant clones exhibited at least two-fold higher IC50 compared to the parental cell line. WES showed relevant mutations in several cancer-related genes, and the comparative mRNA expression analysis showed 36 differentially expressed genes associated with EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors resistance, RAS, MAPK, and mTOR signaling. Importantly, we observed that overexpression of KRAS, RhoA, and CD44 was associated with cetuximab resistance. Protein analysis revealed EGFR phosphorylation inhibition and mTOR increase in resistant cells. Moreover, the resistant cell line demonstrated an aggressive phenotype with a significant increase in adhesion, the number of colonies, and migration rates. Overall, we identified several molecular alterations in the cetuximab resistant cell line that may constitute novel biomarkers of cetuximab response such as mTOR and RhoA overexpression. These findings indicate new strategies to overcome anti-EGFR resistance in HNSCC.This work was supported by Barretos Cancer Hospital and the Public Ministry of Labor Campinas (Research, Prevention, and Education of Occupational Cancer) in Campinas, Brazil, CAPESDFATD (88887.137283/2017-00). INFG is the recipient of a FAPESP Ph.D. fellowship (2017/22305-9)

    From harmful Microcystis blooms to multi-functional core-double-shell microsphere bio-hydrochar materials

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    Harmful algal blooms (HABs) induced by eutrophication is becoming a serious global environmental problem affecting public health and aquatic ecological sustainability. A novel strategy for the utilization of biomass from HABs was developed by converting the algae cells into hollow mesoporous biohydrochar microspheres via hydrothermal carbonization method. The hollow microspheres were used as microreactors and carriers for constructing CaO2 core-mesoporous shell-CaO2 shell microspheres (OCRMs). The CaO2 shells could quickly increase dissolved oxygen to extremely anaerobic water in the initial 40 min until the CaO2 shells were consumed. The mesoporous shells continued to act as regulators restricting the release of oxygen from CaO2 cores. The oxygen-release time using OCRMs was 7 times longer than when directly using CaO2. More interestingly, OCRMs presented a high phosphate removal efficiency (95.6%) and prevented the pH of the solution from rising to high levels in comparison with directly adding CaO2 due to the OH− controlled-release effect of OCRMs. The distinct core-doubleshell micro/nanostructure endowed the OCRMs with triple functions for oxygen controlled-release, phosphorus removal and less impact on water pH. The study is to explore the possibility to prepare smarter bio-hydrochar materials by utilizing algal blooms

    Discrimination of Kinetic Models by a Combination of Microirradiation and Fluorescence Photobleaching

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    AbstractFluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) is an excellent tool to measure the chemical rate constants of fluorescently labeled proteins in living cells. Usually FRAP experiments are conducted with the protein concentrations being in a steady state, i.e., when the association and dissociation of the proteins are equilibrated. This is a strong limitation because situations in which rate constants change with time are of great scientific interest. In this study, we present an approach in which FRAP is used shortly after DNA damage introducing laser microirradiation, which results in the recruitment of the DNA clamp protein proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) to DNA lesions. We establish different kinetic models that are compatible with the observed PCNA recruitment data if FRAP is not used. By using FRAP at different time points during protein accumulation, we can not only exclude two out of three models, but we can also determine the rate constants with increased reliability. This study thus demonstrates the feasibility of using FRAP during protein recruitment and its application in the discrimination of possible kinetic models

    Antioxidant-induced changes of the AP-1 transcription complex are paralleled by a selective suppression of human papillomavirus transcription.

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    Considering the involvement of a redox-regulatory pathway in the expression of human papillomaviruses (HPVs), HPV type 16 (HPV-16)-immortalized human keratinocytes were treated with the antioxidant pyrrolidine-dithiocarbamate (PDTC). PDTC induces elevated binding of the transcription factor AP-1 to its cognate recognition site within the viral regulatory region. Despite of increased AP-1 binding, normally indispensable for efficient HPV-16 transcription, viral gene expression was selectively suppressed at the level of initiation of transcription. Electrophoretic mobility supershift assays showed that the composition of the AP-1 complex, predominantly consisting of Jun homodimers in untreated cells, was altered. Irrespective of enhanced c-fos expression, c-jun was phosphorylated and became primarily heterodimerized with fra-1, which was also induced after PDTC incubation. Additionally, there was also an increased complex formation between c-jun and junB. Because both fra-1 and junB overexpression negatively interferes with c-jun/c-fos trans-activation of AP-1-responsive genes, our results suggest that the observed block in viral transcription is mainly the consequence of an antioxidant-induced reconstitution of the AP-1 transcription complex. Since expression of the c-jun/c-fos gene family is tightly regulated during cellular differentiation, defined reorganization of a central viral transcription factor may represent a novel mechanism controlling the transcription of pathogenic HPVs during keratinocyte differentiation and in the progression to cervical cancer

    Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Early DNA Damage Response Proteins on Complex DNA Lesions

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    The response of cells to ionizing radiation-induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) is determined by the activation of multiple pathways aimed at repairing the injury and maintaining genomic integrity. Densely ionizing radiation induces complex damage consisting of different types of DNA lesions in close proximity that are difficult to repair and may promote carcinogenesis. Little is known about the dynamic behavior of repair proteins on complex lesions. In this study we use live-cell imaging for the spatio-temporal characterization of early protein interactions at damage sites of increasing complexity. Beamline microscopy was used to image living cells expressing fluorescently-tagged proteins during and immediately after charged particle irradiation to reveal protein accumulation at damaged sites in real time. Information on the mobility and binding rates of the recruited proteins was obtained from fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP). Recruitment of the DNA damage sensor protein NBS1 accelerates with increasing lesion density and saturates at very high damage levels. FRAP measurements revealed two different binding modalities of NBS1 to damage sites and a direct impact of lesion complexity on the binding. Faster recruitment with increasing lesion complexity was also observed for the mediator MDC1, but mobility was limited at very high damage densities due to nuclear-wide binding. We constructed a minimal computer model of the initial response to DSB based on known protein interactions only. By fitting all measured data using the same set of parameters, we can reproduce the experimentally characterized steps of the DNA damage response over a wide range of damage densities. The model suggests that the influence of increasing lesion density accelerating NBS1 recruitment is only dependent on the different binding modes of NBS1, directly to DSB and to the surrounding chromatin via MDC1. This elucidates an impact of damage clustering on repair without the need of invoking extra processing steps. © 2013 Tobias et al

    3D replicon distributions arise from stochastic initiation and domino-like DNA replication progression.

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    DNA replication dynamics in cells from higher eukaryotes follows very complex but highly efficient mechanisms. However, the principles behind initiation of potential replication origins and emergence of typical patterns of nuclear replication sites remain unclear. Here, we propose a comprehensive model of DNA replication in human cells that is based on stochastic, proximity-induced replication initiation. Critical model features are: spontaneous stochastic firing of individual origins in euchromatin and facultative heterochromatin, inhibition of firing at distances below the size of chromatin loops and a domino-like effect by which replication forks induce firing of nearby origins. The model reproduces the empirical temporal and chromatin-related properties of DNA replication in human cells. We advance the one-dimensional DNA replication model to a spatial model by taking into account chromatin folding in the nucleus, and we are able to reproduce the spatial and temporal characteristics of the replication foci distribution throughout S-phase

    Conversion of HPV 18 positive non-tumorigenic HeLa-fibroblast hybrids to invasive growth involves loss of TNF-α mediated repression of viral transcription and modification of the AP-1 transcription complex

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    AP-1 represents a transcription factor, which plays a pivotal role in initiating and maintaining the expression of human papillomavirus (HPV) oncoproteins E6 and E7 during HPV-linked carcinogenesis of the uterine cervix. AP-1 stands as a synonym for different proteins such as c-Jun, JunB, JunD, c-Fos, FosB as well as the Fos-related antigens Fra-1 and Fra-2, which can either homo- or heterodimerize to build up a functional transcription complex. AP-1 is mainly considered as a positive regulator, which binds to cognate DNA sequences within the viral upstream regulatory region. By using non-tumorigenic HeLa-fibroblast hybrids ('444'), their tumorigenic segregants ('CGL3') as well as HPV 18 positive HeLa cells as a experimental model system, evidence is provided that AP-1 composition differs considerably between these cell lines. In nuclear extracts obtained from non-tumorigenic cells, Jun-family members (in the order c-Jun>JunD>JunB) were mainly heterodimerized with Fra-1, a protein, known to be involved in the abrogation of AP-1 activity under certain experimental conditions. In contrast, Fra-1 concentration is low in extracts from tumorigenic cells. Conversely, c-Fos, the canonical dimerization partner of Jun proteins is expressed in substantial quantity in HeLa- and 'CGL3' cells, but it is completely absent in AP-1 complexes from non-tumorigenic '444' cells. Ectopical expression of c-fos under a heterologous promoter in '444'-cells induces tumorigenicity and a change of the Jun/Fra-1 ratio towards a constellation initially detected in 'CGL3'-and HeLa cells. Furthermore, conversion to tumorigenicity is accompanied with a resistance against TNF-alpha, a cytokine, capable to selectively suppress HPV 18 transcription in formerly non-malignant cells. These data propose a novel role for AP-1 as an essential component of an inter- and intracellular surveillance mechanism negatively controlling HPV transcription in non-tumorigenic cells

    Hollow silver alginate microspheres for drug delivery and surface enhanced Raman scattering detection

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    Multifunctional silver alginate hydrogel microspheres are assembled via a template assisted approach using calcium carbonate cores. Sodium alginate is immobilized into the highly porous structure of calcium carbonate microspheres followed by cross-linking in the presence of silver ions. The simultaneous processes of the growth of silver nanoparticles in the alginate matrix and the removal of the calcium carbonate template are triggered by ascorbic acid. The abundance of silver nanoparticles and their interparticular junctions in the alginate network allow for the detection of solutes using Raman spectroscopy using the surface of the plasmonic microspheres. Rhodamine B was used to illustrate the potential applications of such multifunctional plasmonic alginate hydrogel microspheres for sensing at low concentrations. A proof of principle for using such particles for the quick identification of microorganisms is then demonstrated using the Escherichia coli bacterium