24 research outputs found

    Implementation of Muhammadiyah Orphanage

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    Muhammadiyah is an Islamic based community organization and one of the biggest religious community organization in Indonesia.As their contribution in community, Muhammadiyah works on three charitable works, which are: Education, Health service, and Orphanage.These three charitable works has been well developed and give a big contribution in Indonesia building.The orphanage management in Muhammadiyah has a unique characteristic. These orphanages are built, managed, and developed by the people of Muhammadiyah voluntarily.The spirit of Orphanage management in Muhammadiyah is based on what has been written inside Surah Al-Maa’uun in the Holy Quran.This spirit that brings out Muhammadiyah as a religious community organization that own the largest numbers of Orphanage in the world. Unfortunately, the numbers of Orphanage in Muhammadiyah is less supported by its management and service quality.Those orphanage have not been yet fully apply a proportional and professional management. The analysis of Muhammadiyah orphanage in Malang Raya in regard to Quinn’s typology, could be explained as follow.First, Orphanage with group culture.This group culture features internal support from the manager, the caregivers, and the orphans.It is a dynamic orphanage that focus on the group loyalty and protection.The tendency of the manager, the caregivers, and the orphans is to protect and ask commitment from each sides.Second is the orphange with a hierarchy or rational developing model.This kind of orphanage might not care too much about love and caring for the orphans, but they pay more attention in creating new things that could develop the orphanage.They tend to obey any instructions from their leader and search for the aims of organization in order to be benefited materially

    Local values in local political culture and democracy; A review of hermeneutics among local elites

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    The reforms provided space for local elites, both traditionally based (Bangsawan) and political elites (Bureaucrats-Politicians) to contest in the arena of local democracy. It is in this arena that the value of the political culture of local elites is tested whether it can strengthen democracy or on the contrary weaken democracy in the midst of the process towards its death.(Ziblatt, 2019) where democracy, which actually places the people as the main focal point, becomes "blunted" by political oligarchy and personal elite domination (Fatah & Deni, 2019).(Fatah & Deni, 2019). Using Gadamer's Phenomenological and Hermeneutic Methods, this research analyses the actions of local elites in interpreting the local values of Jou Se Ngofa Ngare in the 2020 Ternate City Regional Election Arena. This research aims to find the meaning of Jou Se Ngofa Ngare local values in strengthening the cultural values of local politics and democracy. The results of the study revealed that [1] The meaning of local values in local political culture and democratic values is interpreted by local elites through the process of history, pre-understanding (prejudice), tradition and value authority of leaders (Sultan / Kolano) and cultural symbols [2] The stronger the meaning and application of local values, the stronger the meaning and application of the relationship between leaders (Jou) and the people (Ngofa Ngare) in strengthening local political culture and democratic valu

    Social Construction of School Committee for Quality Education in Elementary Schools

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    This study aims to analyze the social construction of the school committee in efforts to improve the quality of education in Public Elementary Schools (SDN) in Tulungagung Subdistrict, Tulungagung Regency. This research employs a qualitative approach by collecting data through observation, interviews, and document analysis. The findings of this study indicate that the school committee, in its role of providing considerations, support body, control body, and mediator in the school, has made a significant contribution to improving the quality of education in SDN. The school committee is involved in lesson planning, school budget decision-making, and educational program development. Additionally, the school committee acts as a mediator between the school, parents, and the community in conveying aspirations, input, and socialization related to school programs. Supportive factors such as cooperation among the school, committee, and parents, as well as accountability reports on community assistance, also contribute to the improvement of education quality. The school committee actively participates by providing financial support, manpower, and intellectual support, as well as supporting school facilities, infrastructure, and financial procurement. The implications of this research highlight the importance of the school committee's role as an actor influencing the quality of education in SDN, emphasizing the need for good collaboration among the school committee, school authorities, parents, and the community to achieve optimal educational quality improvement


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    AbstrakMitra program pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah Majelis Pelayanan Sosial (MPS) pada Pimpinan Daerah Muhammadiyah di Kabupaten Malang. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh MPS adalah ketiadaan kebaharuan informasi tentang kinerja MPS melalui website Pengurus Daerah Muhammadiyah (PDM). Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan pengurus MPS Kabupaten Malang, majelis ini belum cukup mampu melakukan upaya-upaya penyempaian informasi dengan menggunakan kemajuan teknologi. Keterbatasan SDM untuk lebih meningkatkan peran dan fungsi organisasi pelayanan sosial dalam menyediakan data dan informasi masih sangatlah kurang. Padahal pengelolaan website organisasi mutlak dibutuhkan sebagai bagian dari penguatan citra dan kecepatan informasi. Dengan demikian, pelatihan pengelolaan website merupakan langkah yang tepat untuk menjawab kebutuhan publik sekaligus menjadi upaya penguatan tata kelola organisasi MPS Kab. Malang. Secara teknis, pelatihan ini melibatkan: 1) tim IT sebagai pihak yang bertanggungjawab secara struktural 2) tim pengabdian sebagai narasumber yang menyampaikan materi tentang manajemen keorganisasian, teknis penulisan berita dan pengelolaan media daring. Hasil pelatihan pengelolaan website MPS telah mencapai target. Pengurus MPS telah mampu mengumpulkan dan melakukan kategorisasi data yang layak dipublikasikan. Hal ini ditandai dengan 1) kemampuan mereka untuk menyusun naskah berita berdasarkan nilai kepentingan dan kebutuhan publik; 2) kemampuan mengumpulkan data dan informasi yang telah diperoleh sebelumnya untuk diedit sebagai materi website; dan 3) kemampuan memperbaharui tampilan website dan menautkan dengan admin yang mengurusi website PDM.AbstractThe partner of the community service program is the Social Services Council (MPS) at the Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership in Malang Regency. The problem faced by MPS is the lack of updated information about MPS performance through the website of Muhammadiyah Regional Head (PDM). Based on the results of interviews with MPS administrators, this board division has not been able to carry out efforts to disseminate information using technological progress. There were lack of human resources to enhance the role and function of social service organizations in providing data and information. The optimalization of management of an organization's website is absolutely necessary as part of strengthening the image and spread of information. Thus, training on website management is a strategy to answer public needs as well as an effort to strengthen the organizational governance of MPS in Malang Regency. Technically, this training involved: 1) the IT administrator who responsible structurally in the board of management 2) the community service team of UMM as the speakers that internalized the subjects of organizational management, technical news writing and online media management. The results of the training on managing the MPS website have reached the target. MPS administrators has been able to collect and categorize data for online publication. This is indicated by 1) their ability to compile news texts based on the value of public interests and needs; 2) the ability to collect data and information previously obtained to be edited as website material; and 3) the ability to update the website appearance and link with the admin who manage the PDM website.The partner of the community service program is the Social Services Council (MPS) at the Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership in Malang Regency. The problem faced by MPS is the lack of updated information about MPS performance through the website of Muhammadiyah Regional Head (PDM). Based on the results of interviews with MPS administrators, this board division has not been able to carry out efforts to disseminate information using technological progress. There were lack of human resources to enhance the role and function of social service organizations in providing data and information. The optimalization of management of an organization's website is absolutely necessary as part of strengthening the image and spread of information. Thus, training on website management is a strategy to answer public needs as well as an effort to strengthen the organizational governance of MPS in Malang Regency. Technically, this training involved: 1) the IT administrator who responsible structurally in the board of management 2) the community service team of UMM as the speakers that internalized the subjects of organizational management, technical news writing and online media management. The results of the training on managing the MPS website have reached the target. MPS administrators has been able to collect and categorize data for online publication. This is indicated by 1) their ability to compile news texts based on the value of public interests and needs; 2) the ability to collect data and information previously obtained to be edited as website material; and 3) the ability to update the website appearance and link with the admin who manage the PDM website

    Manajemen Organisasi layanan Manusia

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    Public’s Perception on Social Media towards New Normal during Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia: Content Analysis on Religious Social Media Account

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    Religious activities usually bring large numbers of people together in certain places. However, in the current Covid-19 pandemic situation, gathering activities can increase the possibility of a faster spread of the virus. For this reason, this research aims to determine the people's perceptions on the implementation status of new normal on religious-based social media accounts. This research was conducted by using the content analysis research model. The data were collected through purposive sampling technique from the status and comments of some religious Instagram accounts. The data were collected from seven different Instagram accounts.The result showed that most people who follow religious accounts on Instagram disagree with the implementation of new normal. The results of this research can be used as considerations for the government in determining additional policies regarding the application of new normal to achieve the expected goals