28 research outputs found

    Бюджет домохозяйств: сущность, финансовые ресурсы формирования, государственное регулирование

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    Цель статьи - теоретическое обоснование бюджета домашнего хозяйства и влияния на него со стороны государства, практический анализ формирования доходной и расходной частей бюджета домохозяйств

    Border skirmishes and the question of belonging: An authoethnographic account of everyday exclusion in multicultural society

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    Transnational migration has transformed most European countries, making the problem of how to 'integrate' an increasingly popular topic in public debates and social policy. It is assumed that as long as the newcomer learns the language, adapts to the local customs and finds work, s/he will be integrated and welcomed with open arms as a full-fledged member of society. Based on an autoethnography of our experiences as US-born, long-term and fully 'integrated' residents of the Netherlands, one of Europe's most multicultural societies, we have explored some of the subtle, well-intentioned practices of distancing and exclusion that are part of the fabric of everyday life. We will show how, contrary to the official discourse of integration, 'Dutch-ness' as a white/ethnic national identity is continuously constructed as a 'we', which excludes all 'others'. And, indeed, we have discovered that, paradoxically, the closer the 'other' comes to being completely assimilated into Dutch society, the more the symbolic borders of national belonging may need to be policed and tightened. © The Author(s) 2011

    Het visioen van Constantijn. Een gebeurtenis die de wereld veranderde (tweede druk)

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    Eutropius, Korte geschiedenis van Rome; een historisch overzicht, vertaling Vincent Hunink, toelichting door Jona Lendering

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    Eutropius, Korte geschiedenis van Rome; een historisch overzicht, vertaling Vincent Hunink, toelichting door Jona Lendering

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    Het visioen van Constantijn. Een gebeurtenis die de wereld veranderde

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    Het visioen van Constantijn. Een gebeurtenis die de wereld veranderde (tweede druk)

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    Tacitus, In moerassen en donkere wouden. De Romeinen in Germanië

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    The Antiochus Cylinder

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    Fagrådet for vann- og avløpsteknisk samarbeid i Indre Oslofjord

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    Rapporten gir en kort oversikt over resultatene fra overvåkingen foretatt for Fagrådet for vann- og avløpsteknisk samarbeid i Indre Oslofjord i 2012. En mer utfyllende presentasjon av resultatene er gitt i en vedleggsrapport (NIVA rapport l.nr.6534-2013). Undersøkelsene omfatter fysiske, kjemiske og biologiske forhold. Overvåkingen i 2012 ble gjennomført av NIVA i samarbeid med Universitetet i Oslo