12 research outputs found

    Caracterización eléctrica de mecanismos de conducción en aislantes con propiedades de conmutación resistiva

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    En este trabajo se llevan a cabo diversos experimentos de caracterización eléctrica sobre muestras metal-aislante-metal (MIM) y metal-aislante-semiconductor (MIS) enmarcados en el estudio del fenómeno de conmutación resistiva, esto es, el cambio reversible entre diferentes estados de resistencia en los dispositivos en cuestión tras recibir un estímulo eléctrico determinado. Se examinan tres tipos de muestras distintas según su estructura cuyos comportamientos son muy diferentes entre sí, lo que resulta en la necesidad de emplear una amplia gama de técnicas de caracterización. La realización de este estudio debe entenderse a partir de la colaboración del Grupo de Caracterización de Materiales y Dispositivos Electrónicos, grupo de investigación de la Universidad de Valladolid en el que se realiza, con otros grupos y centros de investigación. Es especialmente determinante para la elaboración de este trabajo la colaboración con el Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona y la Universidad de Tartu, centros donde se manufacturan las muestras caracterizadas. El escrito que aquí se presenta es fruto del vínculo que se establece entre el autor y el grupo de investigación a partir de la realización de las prácticas en empresa durante el verano de 2021 y que permanece durante todo el curso escolar 2021/2022 a través de una beca de colaboración con departamentos universitarios concedida por el Ministerio de Educación.Departamento de Electricidad y ElectrónicaGrado en Físic

    El teorema de Poincaré-Hopf

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    El trabajo que aquí se presenta busca, desde un punto de vista principalmente geométrico, ofrecer una vía de demostración de una versión particular del teorema de Poincaré-Hopf para el caso de superficies compactas sumergidas en R3. El desarrollo que aquí se expone busca distanciarse del tradicional estudio local de las superficies mediante parametrizaciones, resultando un trabajo enmarcado mayormente en el ámbito de la Geometría Diferencial global que se alinea con los objetivos de la geometría moderna. Para finalizar el desarrollo de la parte geométrica de la prueba del teorema de Poincaré-Hopf que aquí se expone, se prueba una versión también global del conocido teorema de Gauss-Bonnet, alejada de la formulación original en términos de triángulos geodésicos y relacionada con el índice de los ceros de un campo vectorial tangente a la superficie, cuyas propiedades se estudian exhaustivamente.Departamento de Algebra, Geometría y TopologíaGrado en Matemática

    Bullying in Adolescents Practising Sport: A Structural Model Approach

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    This article aims to analyse the relationship between the bullying aggressor and bullying victim profile related to practising or not practising sport in adolescents living in southern Spain. The research includes male and female participants aged between 12 and 16 years in different secondary schools in the provinces of Andalusia, Ceuta and Melilla in the period between February 2022 and June 2022. The study aims to extend the existing scientific, theoretical and empirical knowledge on the influence of playing sport or not on disruptive bullying attitudes in adolescents. To this end, two initial hypotheses were designed; the first hypothesises that bullying victim behaviours are associated with future bullying aggressor behaviours when practising sport; and the second states that victim behaviours are associated with future bullying aggressor behaviours when not practising sport. To verify them, SPSS software was used for the preliminary analysis of the scale and sociodemographic profile. Additionally, the study is based on structural equation modelling methodology and variance-based methods employing SmartPLS v3.3 software. The results show the importance of sport or physical activity to reduce the chances of carrying out bullying actions on other peers and/or classmates. Therefore, it is considered necessary to prevent bullying in the classroom by implementing sports intervention programmes in educational centres

    Variability and power enhancement of current controlled resistive switching devices

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    Producción CientíficaIn this work, the unipolar resistive switching behaviour of Ni/HfO2/Si(n+) devices is studied. The structures are characterized using both current and voltage sweeps, with the device resistance and its cycle-to-cycle variability being analysed in each case. Experimental measurements indicate a clear improvement on resistance states stability when using current sweeps to induce both set and reset processes. Moreover, it has been found that using current to induce these transitions is more efficient than using voltage sweeps, as seen when analysing the device power consumption. The same results are obtained for devices with a Ni top electrode and a bilayer or pentalayer of HfO2/Al2O3 as dielectric. Finally, kinetic Monte Carlo and compact modelling simulation studies are performed to shed light on the experimental results.Junta de Andalucía - FEDER (B-TIC-624-UGR20)Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) (project 20225AT012)Ramón y Cajal (grant RYC2020-030150-I

    Mycorrhizal types associated with Mediterranean woody plant species across the Andalusian Red Natura 2000

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    [Description of methods used for collection/generation of data] We use available information from mycorrhizal databases to assign mycorrhizal type and status to our sampled plant species. Two databases were reviewed, Bueno et al. (2017) and FungalRoot (2020). Bueno et al. has info at the species level, while FungalRoot has multiple observations per species. For this reason, a species was assigned to a particular mycorrhizal type, whether the number of observations was equal or higher than 70 %, otherwise we assigned multiple associations. In the case of species that did not match with both databases, mycorrhizal type was assigned based on information at the genus, tribe or family level. Once each species was classified to a particular mycorrhizal type, we followed to assign their status. References: - Soudzilovskaia, N. A., Vaessen, S., Barcelo, M., He, J., Rahimlou, S., Abarenkov, K., ... & Tedersoo, L. (2020). FungalRoot: global online database of plant mycorrhizal associations. New Phytologist, 227(3), 955-966. - Bueno, C. G., Moora, M., Gerz, M., Davison, J., Öpik, M., Pärtel, M., ... & Zobel, M. (2017). Plant mycorrhizal status, but not type, shifts with latitude and elevation in Europe. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 26(6), 690-699.Our aim was to register and characterize, throughout bibliographic review of published databases, the mycorrhizal type (AM, ECM, ERM, NM, AM+NM, ECM+NM,ERM+NM, ECM+AM+NM) and status (OM, FM, NM) of Mediterranean woody plant species sampled across the Andalusian Red Natura 2000. Here, we included a total of 211 plant species sampled across 32 plant communities from 16 protected areas distributed within the Andalusian RedNatura 2000.This work was funded (1) by Proyecto FEDER SUMHAL-Sustainability for Mediterraean Hospost in Andalusia integrating LifeWatch ERIC [Work Package 5. Task 5.1.2. Development of the data standard. Repository development.] (LifeWatch ERIC – FEDER, POPE 2014-2020; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain); (2) Proyecto COEXMED I: Coexistence of woody plants in Mediterranena forests: intransitive interactions and negative density dependence in recruitment dynamics (CGL2012-36776, FEDER y Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain); (3) Proyecto COEXMED II: Especificidad de las interacciones adulto-juvenil durante el reclutamiento de plantas leñosas: complementariedad de caracteres funcionales e interacciones plant-antagonista (CGL2015-69118-C2-1-P, FEDER y Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain); (4) Proyecto REPNETS-Redes de reemplazamiento en bosques: variación ecogeográfica e influencia de las comunidades de hongos de la filosfera y de las interacciones planta-suelo (PGC2018-100966-B-I00, FEDER - Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain); (5) CSIC is acknowledged for supporting Open Access publication.Mediterranean_woody_plants_mycorrhizal_type-status.csv [shows the list of woody plant species sampled across the Andalusian Red Natura 2000 with their respective assignment of mycorrhizal type and status based on 'Mycorrhizal_type_Bueno.csv' and 'Mycorrhizal_type_FungalRoot.csv'] Mycorrhizal_type_Bueno.csv [has proccessed information about plant species mycorrhizal type from Bueno et al. (2017)] Mycorrhizal_type_FungalRoot.csv [has proccessed information about plant species mycorrhizal type from FungalRoot (2020)] Plant_taxonomic_info.csv [shows the list of woody plant species with their taxonomic adscription Class/Order/Family/Genus] Plant_community_info.csv [has information about sampled plant communities] Metadata.csv [records information about the meaning of columns in 'Mediterranean_woody_plants_mycorrhizal_type-status.csv', 'Mycorrhizal_type_Bueno.csv', 'Mycorrhizal_type_FungalRoot.csv', 'Plant_taxonomic_info.csv', and 'Plant_community_info.csv ' files]Peer reviewe

    Plant below-ground fungi interactions database for 42 Mediterranean woody plant species across Europe and North Africa

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    [Description of methods used for collection/generation of data] In order to characterize the assemblage of plant below-ground associated fungi in 42 Mediterranean woody species, we collate our own data, from molecular identification of AM (see Garrido et al. 2023 for a complete description of the methods) and EcM fungi (see Prieto et al. 2022 for a complete description of the methods), with bibliographic information containing molecular data for root-associated fungi, for the studied plant species, from MaarjAM database for AM (Opik et al. 2010) and from bibliographic review for EcM fungi. The bibliographic review for EcM molecular data was performed with the following terms: "Genus_species" AND "Ectomyco*" OR "EcM" AND "OTU" OR "VT".Our aim was to register and characterize, through collating our own data with those from bibliographic reviews of published databases including root-associated fungi molecular data, the mycobiome of Mediterranean woody plant species across Europe and North Africa. Here, we reported a total of 439 fungus taxa associated with the roots of 42 woody species, involving 3086 plant belowground-fungus interactions.This work was funded (1) by Proyecto FEDER SUMHAL-Sustainability for Mediterranean Hospost in Andalusia integrating LifeWatch ERIC [Work Package 5. Task 5.1.2. Development of the data standard. Repository development.] (LifeWatch ERIC – FEDER, POPE 2014-2020; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain); (2) Proyecto COEXMED I: Coexistence of woody plants in Mediterranena forests: intransitive interactions and negative density dependence in recruitment dynamics (CGL2012-36776, FEDER y Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain); (3) Proyecto COEXMED II: Especificidad de las interacciones adulto-juvenil durante el reclutamiento de plantas leñosas: complementariedad de caracteres funcionales e interacciones plant-antagonista (CGL2015-69118-C2-1-P, FEDER y Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain); (4) Proyecto REPNETS-Redes de reemplazamiento en bosques: variación ecogeográfica e influencia de las comunidades de hongos de la filosfera y de las interacciones planta-suelo (PGC2018-100966-B-I00, FEDER - Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain); (5) CSIC is acknowledged for supporting Open Access publication.Plant_below-ground_fungi_interactions_database_for_42_Mediterranean_woody_species_across_Europe_and_North_Africa.csv [shows root-associated fungus interactions, determined by molecular techniques, for 42 Mediterranean woody species] Plant_taxonomic_info.csv [shows the list of woody plant species with their taxonomic adscription Class/Order/Family/Genus] Metadata.csv [records information about the meaning of columns in 'Plant_below-ground_fungi_interactions_database_for_42_Mediterranean_woody_species_across_Europe_and_North_Africa.csv' and 'Plant_taxonomic_info.csv ' files]Peer reviewe

    Composition and cover of dominant woody species in plant communities across the Andalusian Red Natura 2000 (Directiva Habitats 92/43/CEE)

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    [Description of methods used for collection/generation of data] The composition and cover of dominant woody species (shrubs and trees), with the capacity to act as nurse plants, was characterized in plant communities across the Andalusian Red Natura 2000 (Directiva Habitats 92/43/CEE). The composition and cover (m^2 and %) of woody species in each plant community were sampled throughout two main methodologies: 1) plot-based, composition and cover at the understory layer was estimated in 1 plot [50 x 50 m] and 2500 m^2 of total sampled area; 2) transect-based, composition and cover in the canopy and understory layers, together with dead and overlapping individuals, was estimated in 20 transects [10 x 50 m], representing 100 squares [10 x 10 m] and a total sampled area of 10000 m^2. Complete descriptions of the methodological procedures can be found in Alcántara et al. (2019) and Verdú et al. (2022). The plots/transects were randomly distributed, trying to cover the largest possible area within each locality to avoid sampling bias. References: - Directiva 92/43/CEE del Consejo, de 21 de mayo de 1992, relativa a la conservación de los hábitats naturales y de la fauna y flora silvestres. - Alcántara, J. M., Garrido, J. L., Montesinos‐Navarro, A., Rey, P. J., Valiente‐Banuet, A., & Verdú, M. (2019). Unifying facilitation and recruitment networks. Journal of Vegetation Science, 30(6), 1239-1249. DOI: 10.1111/jvs.12795 - Verdú, M., Garrido, J. L., Alcántara, J. M., Montesinos‐Navarro, A., Aguilar, S., Aizen, M. A., et al. (2022). RecruitNet: A global database of plant recruitment networks. Ecology, e3923. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.3923Our aim was to characterize the composition and cover of dominant woody plant species, with the capacity to act as nurse plants, in plant communities across the Andalusian Red Natura 2000 (Directiva Habitats 92/43/CEE). The study was developed in 32 plant communities across 16 protected areas distributed within the Andalusian RedNatura 2000. The present dataset can help to assess plant community dynamics of Mediterranean woody species. Here, we stress the importance incorporating abundance or cover for all co-occurring woody species together with ecological interactions, not just individual records, as key elements in assessing the state of ecosystems.This work was funded (1) by Proyecto FEDER SUMHAL-Sustainability for Mediterraean Hospost in Andalusia integrating LifeWatch ERIC [Work Package 5. Task 5.1.2. Development of the data standard. Repository development.] (LifeWatch ERIC – FEDER, POPE 2014-2020; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain); (2) Proyecto COEXMED I: Coexistence of woody plants in Mediterranena forests: intransitive interactions and negative density dependence in recruitment dynamics (CGL2012-36776, FEDER y Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain); (3) Proyecto COEXMED II: Especificidad de las interacciones adulto-juvenil durante el reclutamiento de plantas leñosas: complementariedad de caracteres funcionales e interacciones plant-antagonista (CGL2015-69118-C2-1-P, FEDER y Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain); (4) Proyecto REPNETS-Redes de reemplazamiento en bosques: variación ecogeográfica e influencia de las comunidades de hongos de la filosfera y de las interacciones planta-suelo (PGC2018-100966-B-I00, FEDER - Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain); (5) CSIC is acknowledged for supporting Open Access publication.Composition_and_cover_woody_plant_species.csv [shows the list of woody plant species per sampled plant community with the information of cover (m^2) and relative cover (%) per plant species] Plant_community_&_sampling_info.csv [has information about sampled plant communities and sampling methods] Metadata.csv [records information about the meaning of columns in 'Composition_and_ cover_woody_plant_species.csv' and 'Plant_community_&_sampling_info.csv']Peer reviewe

    Plant canopy-recruit interactions in plant communities across the Andalusian Red Natura 2000 communitary interest habitats (Directive Habitats 92/43/CEE)

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    [Description of methods used for collection/generation of data] Woody plant communities included in the Directive Habitats 92/43/CEE were sampled across the Andalusian Red Natura 2000. We focused mainly on shrub and tree species with the capacity to act as nurse plants. Each plant community was sampled throughout plots (16, 25 x 25 m) or transects (20, 10 x 50 m); each transect was divided into 5 [10 x 10 m] squares (100 squares per plant community). In total the sampled area per plant community was 10000 m^2. Complete descriptions of the methodological procedures can be found in Alcántara et al. (2019) and Verdú et al. (2022). In each square, the list of canopy plant species, with the capacity to act as nurses, and the number of recruiting plant species within it was recorded. The squares were randomly distributed, trying to cover the largest possible area within each locality to avoid sampling bias. References: - Directiva 92/43/CEE del Consejo, de 21 de mayo de 1992, relativa a la conservación de los hábitats naturales y de la fauna y flora silvestres. - Alcántara, J. M., Garrido, J. L., Montesinos‐Navarro, A., Rey, P. J., Valiente‐Banuet, A., & Verdú, M. (2019). Unifying facilitation and recruitment networks. Journal of Vegetation Science, 30(6), 1239-1249. DOI: 10.1111/jvs.12795 - Verdú, M., Garrido, J. L., Alcántara, J. M., Montesinos‐Navarro, A., Aguilar, S., Aizen, M. A., et al. (2022). RecruitNet: A global database of plant recruitment networks. Ecology, e3923. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.3923Our aim was to register the frequency of plant-plant interactions, between canopy and recruiting species, in plant communities across the Andalusian Red Natura 2000. The study was developed in 32 plant communities across 16 protected areas distributed within the Andalusian RedNatura 2000. The present dataset can help to assess plant community dynamics of Mediterranean woody species through recruitment networks. Here, we stress the importance of recording ecological interactions, not just individual records, as key elements in assessing the state of ecosystems.This work was funded (1) by Proyecto FEDER SUMHAL-Sustainability for Mediterraean Hospost in Andalusia integrating LifeWatch ERIC [Work Package 5. Task 5.1.2. Development of the data standard. Repository development.] (LifeWatch ERIC – FEDER, POPE 2014-2020; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain); (2) Proyecto COEXMED I: Coexistence of woody plants in Mediterranena forests: intransitive interactions and negative density dependence in recruitment dynamics (CGL2012-36776, FEDER y Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain); (3) Proyecto COEXMED II: Especificidad de las interacciones adulto-juvenil durante el reclutamiento de plantas leñosas: complementariedad de caracteres funcionales e interacciones plant-antagonista (CGL2015-69118-C2-1-P, FEDER y Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain); (4) Proyecto REPNETS-Redes de reemplazamiento en bosques: variación ecogeográfica e influencia de las comunidades de hongos de la filosfera y de las interacciones planta-suelo (PGC2018-100966-B-I00, FEDER - Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain); (5) CSIC is acknowledged for supporting Open Access publication.Canopy-Recruit_Interactions_REDNATURA_2000.csv [shows the list of plant species canopy paired with plant recruit species per sampled plant community with the information of the observed frequency of interaction] Plant_community_&_sampling_info.csv [has information about sampled plant communities and sampling methods] Metadata.csv [records information about the meaning of columns in Canopy-Recruit_Interactions_REDNATURA_2000.csv' and 'Plant_community_&_sampling_info.csv' files]Peer reviewe

    RecruitNet: A global database of plant recruitment networks

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    Plant recruitment interactions (i.e., what recruits under what) shape the composition, diversity, and structure of plant communities. Despite the huge body of knowledge on the mechanisms underlying recruitment interactions among species, we still know little about the structure of the recruitment networks emerging in ecological communities. Modeling and analyzing the community-level structure of plant recruitment interactions as a complex network can provide relevant information on ecological and evolutionary processes acting both at the species and ecosystem levels. We report a data set containing 143 plant recruitment networks in 23 countries across five continents, including temperate and tropical ecosystems. Each network identifies the species under which another species recruits. All networks report the number of recruits (i.e., individuals) per species. The data set includes >850,000 recruiting individuals involved in 118,411 paired interactions among 3318 vascular plant species across the globe. The cover of canopy species and open ground is also provided. Three sampling protocols were used: (1) The Recruitment Network (RN) protocol (106 networks) focuses on interactions among established plants ("canopy species") and plants in their early stages of recruitment ("recruit species"). A series of plots was delimited within a locality, and all the individuals recruiting and their canopy species were identified; (2) The paired Canopy-Open (pCO) protocol (26 networks) consists in locating a potential canopy plant and identifying recruiting individuals under the canopy and in a nearby open space of the same area; (3) The Georeferenced plot (GP) protocol (11 networks) consists in using information from georeferenced individual plants in large plots to infer canopy-recruit interactions. Some networks incorporate data for both herbs and woody species, whereas others focus exclusively on woody species. The location of each study site, geographical coordinates, country, locality, responsible author, sampling dates, sampling method, and life habits of both canopy and recruit species are provided. This database will allow researchers to test ecological, biogeographical, and evolutionary hypotheses related to plant recruitment interactions. There are no copyright restrictions on the data set; please cite this data paper when using these data in publications