79 research outputs found
The Literary Culture of Russian-Speaking Israel. Disputes Around The “Nationality” of Literature
Original issue: “Archiwum Emigracji” 2014, no. 1-2 (20-21)https://apcz.umk.pl/AE/article/view/AE.2014.00
The influence of temperature on rehydration and sorption properties of freeze-dried strawberries
The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of heating shelf temperature on selected physical properties of freeze-dried strawberries. Frozen strawberries were freeze-dried at heating shelf temperature of 10, 30, 50 and 70°C for 24 hours.
Rehydration, adsorption rate and sorption isotherms were determined for freeze-dried strawberries. With increase the temperature of heating shelves in the range 10-50°C, rehydration capacity was increased. After 30 minutes of the rehydration process there was a decrease in water content, which is probably connected with changes in structure. Sorption isotherms were included to II isotherms type and have a sigmoidal shape characteristic for most food products. For the mathematical description Peleg’s model was used. For freeze-dried strawberries obtained in the range from 10 to 50°C isotherms have the same courses. Increase of temperature to 70°C resulted in obtaining the lowest water content in the water activity range from 0.113 to 0.648. There is a statistically significant influence of temperature of heating shelf on water vapour sorption for freeze-dried strawberries. For fruit freeze-dried in 30°C there was the highest water vapour sorption rate
The man in the grip of the soviet system: On julius margolin’s work journey to the land of the Ze-Ka
The article focuses on Julius Margolin’s life and memoirs. Margolin was born in Pinsk, survived the Sovietization of Poland, and then spent five years in Soviet gulags. He witnessed the cruel history and functioning of the Soviet regime. The analysis is made on the basis of Margolin’s work Journey to the Land of the Ze-Ka, in which he wanted to show to the world the truth about the Soviet totalitarian system. In that way he intended to fight for freedom of millions of people and for human rights
Intelektualista w łagrze. Perspektywa Julija Margolina
The aim of this article is to attempt to discuss the report of Yuliy Margolin from the Soviet Gulag. A Journey to the Land of Ze-Ka is an original work, written from the perspective of a prisoner, who is mostly an intellectual, a philosopher, an excellent observer and interpreter of European reality. The author of the article tries to prove that for Margolin the superior value in the Gulag is the mind, which wins over emotions and thanks to that allows to preserve dignity and humanity. The analysis of identity, carried out by Margolin, allows us to read his testimony in the context of contemporary identity research in extreme situations, where instead of building up our own self, we are fighting for our moral values. As it turns out, the basic foundation of identity is freedom. The article also undertakes a preliminary analysis of Margolin’s concept of hate as the most destructive force for the human individual and the intellect. The mind, according to Margolin, effectively defends freedom, and hate kills free thought, destroys goodness, and consequently leads to dehumanization. The research allows us to call Margolin a rationally thinking humanist, an intellectual who is against historical fatalism, who constantly analyses current events and human behaviour, without losing faith in the mind and the human individual.The aim of this article is to attempt to discuss the report of Yuliy Margolin from the Soviet Gulag. A Journey to the Land of Ze-Ka is an original work, written from the perspective of a prisoner, who is mostly an intellectual, a philosopher, an excellent observer and interpreter of European reality. The author of the article tries to prove that for Margolin the superior value in the Gulag is the mind, which wins over emotions and thanks to that allows to preserve dignity and humanity. The analysis of identity, carried out by Margolin, allows us to read his testimony in the context of contemporary identity research in extreme situations, where instead of building up our own self, we are fighting for our moral values. As it turns out, the basic foundation of identity is freedom. The article also undertakes a preliminary analysis of Margolin’s concept of hate as the most destructive force for the human individual and the intellect. The mind, according to Margolin, effectively defends freedom, and hate kills free thought, destroys goodness, and consequently leads to dehumanization. The research allows us to call Margolin a rationally thinking humanist, an intellectual who is against historical fatalism, who constantly analyses current events and human behaviour, without losing faith in the mind and the human individual
Świat (nie)kontrolowanych emocji. O literaturoterapii Victorii Reicher
The article deals with the therapeutic aspects of literature. The research material is the prose of Victoria Reicher, a writer who represents the younger generation of Russian-Israeli olim. The author analyses selected works from Yoshka’s house and Telling tales to the left collections. In the texts analyzed, the author sees specific patterns of behavior, typical not only of Russian-speakingrepatriates in Israel but also describing the contemporary human, immersed in the chaos of this world. One of the characteristics of Reicher’s prose is carnivalization. The humor and chaos reveal a frank and true picture of everyday life. According to the author, Reicher’s literature has a purifying purpose and contains psychodrama elements. It provokes reflection, stimulates mental and emotional activity, and soothes negative emotions. The author proves that Reicher, a writer, and trained psychologist, can help readers solve their problems – through her texts, blog, and constant presence on the Internet. Reicher’s literature has the characteristics of therapeutic literature. Moreover, it is an affective bibliotherapy, and guided reading.The article deals with the therapeutic aspects of literature. The research material is the prose of Victoria Reicher, a writer who represents the younger generation of Russian-Israeli olim. The author analyses selected works from Yoshka’s house and Telling tales to the left collections. In the texts analyzed, the author sees specific patterns of behavior, typical not only of Russian-speakingrepatriates in Israel but also describing the contemporary human, immersed in the chaos of this world. One of the characteristics of Reicher’s prose is carnivalization. The humor and chaos reveal a frank and true picture of everyday life. According to the author, Reicher’s literature has a purifying purpose and contains psychodrama elements. It provokes reflection, stimulates mental and emotional activity, and soothes negative emotions. The author proves that Reicher, a writer, and trained psychologist, can help readers solve their problems – through her texts, blog, and constant presence on the Internet. Reicher’s literature has the characteristics of therapeutic literature. Moreover, it is an affective bibliotherapy, and guided reading.The article deals with the therapeutic aspects of literature. The research material is the prose of Victoria Reicher, a writer who represents the younger generation of Russian-Israeli olim. The author analyses selected works from Yoshka’s house and Telling tales to the left collections. In the texts analyzed, the author sees specific patterns of behavior, typical not only of Russian-speaking repatriates in Israel but also describing the contemporary human, immersed in the chaos of this world. One of the characteristics of Reicher’s prose is carnivalization. The humor and chaos reveal a frank and true picture of everyday life. According to the author, Reicher’s literature has a purifying purpose and contains psychodrama elements. It provokes reflection, stimulates mental and emotional activity, and soothes negative emotions. The author proves that Reicher, a writer, and trained psychologist, can help readers solve their problems – through her texts, blog, and constant presence on the Internet. Reicher’s literature has the characteristics of therapeutic literature. Moreover, it is an affective bibliotherapy, and guided reading.The article deals with the therapeutic aspects of literature. The research material is the prose of Victoria Reicher, a writer who represents the younger generation of Russian-Israeli olim. The author analyses selected works from Yoshka’s house and Telling tales to the left collections. In the texts analyzed, the author sees specific patterns of behavior, typical not only of Russian-speakingrepatriates in Israel but also describing the contemporary human, immersed in the chaos of this world. One of the characteristics of Reicher’s prose is carnivalization. The humor and chaos reveal a frank and true picture of everyday life. According to the author, Reicher’s literature has a purifying purpose and contains psychodrama elements. It provokes reflection, stimulates mental and emotional activity, and soothes negative emotions. The author proves that Reicher, a writer, and trained psychologist, can help readers solve their problems – through her texts, blog, and constant presence on the Internet. Reicher’s literature has the characteristics of therapeutic literature. Moreover, it is an affective bibliotherapy, and guided reading
Kultura literacka rosyjskojęzycznego Izraela. Spory wokół „narodowości” literatury
LITERARY CULTURE OF RUSSIAN-SPEAKING ISRAEL. DISPUTES OVER THE “NATIONALITY” OF LITERATURE This article focuses on the issues of the literary culture of Russian-speaking Israel as well as on the categorization of belonging of Russian-Jewish literature written in Israel. It is impossible to unequivocally define the creative status of Russian-speaking authors in Israel, or to clearly delimit the “nationality” of the literature written by them, as indicated by literary critics, literary scholars and writers themselves. The analysis of the question of the Russian Jews’ departure from Russia is complemented by research on the functioning of the Russian Alijah in Israel, as well as with comments of the causes of Russian Jews’ emigration from Russia, while also discussing the situation of the authors in Soviet Russia and their position in the new homeland. ЛИТЕРАТУРНАЯ КУЛЬТУРА РУССКОЯЗЫЧНОГО ИЗРАИЛЯ. СПОРЫ ВОКРУГ „НАЦИОНАЛЬНОСТИ” ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ В статье рассматривается тема литературной культуры русскоязычного Израиля, приводятся размышления на тему принадлежности русско-еврейской литературы в Израиле. Нельзя однозначно ответить на вопрос о творческом статусе русскоязычных писателей в Израиле, определить „национальность” этой литературы. Приведенные в тексте взгляды литературных критиков, литературоведов и самих писателей подтверждают эти выводы. Анализ пополняют исследования о функционировании русской алии в Израиле, называющие причины выезда русских евреев из России, указывающие на сложную ситуацию литератов в советской России и их положение на новой родине.КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: русскоязычный Израиль; русско-еврейская литература; принадлежность; национальность
Litwa we wspomnieniach Grigorija Kanowicza
AGNIESZKA LENART, dr, absolwentka filologii słowiańskiej Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, adiunkt w Katedrze Literatury Rosyjskiej KUL, kuratorka Koła Naukowego Studentów Filologii Słowiańskiej KUL. Rozprawa doktorska: „Obcy wśród swoich”. Bohater prozy Diny Rubinej wobec problemów tożsamościowych, napisana pod kierunkiem naukowym prof. Anny Woźniak. Zainteresowania badawcze: rosyjska literatura emigracyjna, szczególnie tzw. „trzeciej fali”; twórczość Diny Rubinej, Grigorija Kanowicza i innych pisarzy rosyjskojęzycznych w Izraelu; życie literackie „rosyjskiego” Izraela oraz problematyka tożsamości na styku kultur. Udział w konferencjach naukowych: „Rusycystyka i współczesność” (Rzeszów 2008), a także „Literatura polsko-żydowska i jej kulturowe konteksty. Stan i perspektywy badań” (Lublin 2008). Autorka studiów: Wątki rosyjsko-izraelskie w kulturowym dyskursie prozy Diny Rubinej (2009); „U bram Twoich, Jeruzalem”. Dyskurs tożsamościowy w prozie D. Rubinej (2011), jak również W poszukiwaniu tożsamości. „Polskie” i „rosyjskie” życie literackie w Izraelu (2011).28329
Węzły pamięci. Rutka z będzińskiego getta
W grudniu 2017 roku w Uniwersytecie Śląskim odbyło się cykliczne
seminarium naukowe poświęcone tematyce żydowskiej, jej
obecności w literaturze i kulturze. Jednym z prelegentów był Adam
Szydłowski, badacz historii Żydów Zagłębia, prezes Fundacji Centrum
Kultury Żydowskiej im. Rutki Laskier. Zaprezentował wówczas
Pamiętnik Rutki Laskier (wydany w 2008 roku), opowiedział o — zasługujących
na uznanie — dokonaniach będzińskiego Centrum,
związanych z przywracaniem historii o Zagładzie, po czym zaprosił
uczestników seminarium na wieczór jubileuszowy do Cafe Jerozolima
w Będzinie. Okazją do spotkania była 99. rocznica urodzin Stanisławy
Sapińskiej, mieszkanki Będzina, koleżanki Rutki, dzięki której
zapiski dziewczyny z będzińskiego getta ujrzały światło dzienne.
Jednym z gości jubileuszu był Zbigniew Białas, mocno wówczas
zaangażowany w prace nad powieścią opartą na biografii Rutki Laskier.
Powieść Rutka, zgodnie z zapowiedziami, ukazała się wiosną
2018 roku
Rosja – „pierwsza miłość i więzienie”. Konfrontacja z przeszłością w „Dziennikach” Igora Gubermana
The article focuses on the relationship with the past, which is seen from the point of view of the emigrant, both Russian and Jewish, and his complex identity. The analysis is done on the basis of Igor Guberman’s Diaries, in which an ambivalent attitude to the homeland is observed
Emigracja rosyjska, ukraińska i białoruska : spuścizna literacka, religijno-filozoficzna, kulturowe zbliżenia - recenzja
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