299 research outputs found

    Venus tectonic styles and crustal differentiation

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    Two of the most important constraints are known from Pioneer Venus data: the lack of a system of spreading rises, indicating distributed deformation rather than plate tectonics; and the high gravity/topography ratio, indicating the absence of an asthenosphere. In addition, the high depth/diameter ratios of craters on Venus indicate that Venus probably has no more crust than Earth. The problems of the character of tectonics and crustal formation and recycling are closely coupled. Venus appears to lack a recycling mechanism as effective as subduction, but may also have a low rate of crustal differentiation because of a mantle convection pattern that is more distributed, less concentrated, than Earth's. Distributed convection, coupled with the nonlinear dependence of volcanism on heat flow, would lead to much less magmatism, despite only moderately less heat flow, compared to Earth. The plausible reason for this difference in convective style is the absence of water in the upper mantle of Venus. We have applied finite element modeling to problems of the interaction of mantle convection and crust on Venus. The main emphasis has been on the tectonic evolution of Ishtar Terra, as the consequence of convergent mantle flow. The early stage evolution is primarily mechanical, with crust being piled up on the down-stream side. Then the downflow migrates away from the center. In the later stages, after more than 100 m.y., thermal effects develop due to the insulating influence of the thickened crust. An important feature of this modeling is the entrainment of some crustal material in downflows. An important general theme in both convergent and divergent flows is that of mixing vs. stratification. Models of multicomponent solid-state flow obtain that lower-density crustal material can be entrained and recycled, provided that the ration of low-density to high-density material is small enough (as in subducted slabs on Earth). The same considerations should apply in upflows; a small percent of partial melt may be carried along with its matrix and never escape to the surface. Models that assume melt automatically rising to the crust and no entrainment or other mechanism of recycling lower-density material obtain oscillatory behavior, because it takes a long time for heat to build up enough to overcome a Mg-rich low-density residuum. However, these models develop much thicker crust than consistent with estimates from crater depth/diameter ratios

    The energetics and convective vigor of mixed-mode heating: Velocity scalings and implications for the tectonics of exoplanets

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    The discovery of large terrestrial (~1 Earth mass (Me) to < 10 Me) extrasolar planets has prompted a debate as to the likelihood of plate tectonics on these planets. Canonical models assume classic basal heating scaling relationships remain valid for mixed heating systems with an appropriate internal temperature shift. Those scalings predict a rapid increase of convective velocities (Vrms) with increasing Rayleigh numbers (Ra) and non-dimensional heating rates (Q). To test this we conduct a sweep of 3-D numerical parameter space for mixed heating convection in isoviscous spherical shells. Our results show that while Vrms increases with increasing thermal Ra, it does so at a slower rate than predicted by bottom heated scaling relationships. Further, the Vrms decreases asymptotically with increasing Q. These results show that independent of specific rheologic assumptions (e.g., viscosity formulations, water effects, and lithosphere yielding), the differing energetics of mixed and basally heated systems can explain the discrepancy between different modeling groups. High-temperature, or young, planets with a large contribution from internal heating will operate in different scaling regimes compared to cooler-temperature, or older, planets that may have a larger relative contribution from basal heating. Thus, differences in predictions as to the likelihood of plate tectonics on exoplanets may well result from different models being more appropriate to different times in the thermal evolution of a terrestrial planet (as opposed to different rheologic assumptions as has often been assumed)

    Models of thermal/chemical boundary layer convection: Potential application to Venus

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    The upper boundary layer of Venus is comprised of at least two distinct chemical components, mantle and crust. Fluid dynamical models of convection within Venus' mantle were primarily of the thermal boundary layer type. Models assessing the ability of convective mantle flows to deform the crust were undertaken, but models exploring the effects of a variable thickness crust on mantle convection were largely lacking. A Venusian crust of variable thickness could couple back into, and alter, the mantle flow patterns that helped create it, leading to deformation mechanisms not predicted by purely thermal boundary layer convection models. This possibility is explored through a finite element model of thermal/chemical boundary layer convection. Model results suggest that a crust of variable thickness can serve as a mantle flow driver by perturbing lateral temperature gradients in the upper mantle. Resulting mantle flow is driven by the combination of free convective and nonuniform crustal distribution. This combination can lead to a flow instability manifest in the occurrence of episodic mantle lithosphere subduction initiated at the periphery of a crustal plateau. The ability of a light, near surface, chemical layer to potentially alter mantle flow patterns suggest that mantle convection and the creation and/or deformation of such a chemical layer may be highly nonseparable problems on time scales of 10(exp 8) years

    On the relationship between tectonic plates and thermal mantle plume morphology

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    Models incorporating plate-like behavior, i.e., near uniform surface velocity and deformation concentrated at plate boundaries, into a convective system, heated by a mix of internal and basal heating and allowing for temperature dependent viscosity, were constructed and compared to similar models not possessing plate-like behavior. The simplified numerical models are used to explore how plate-like behavior in a convective system can effect the lower boundary layer from which thermal plumes form. A principal conclusion is that plate-like behavior can significantly increase the temperature drop across the lower thermal boundary layer. This temperature drop affects the morphology of plumes by determining the viscosity drop across the boundary layer. Model results suggest that plumes on planets possessing plate-like behavior, e.g., the Earth, may differ in morphologic type from plumes on planets not possessing plate-like behavior, e.g., Venus and Mars

    Scaling relationships and physics for mixed heating convection in planetary interiors: Isoviscous spherical shells

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    We use a suite of 3-D numerical experiments to test and expand 2-D planar isoviscous scaling relationships of Moore (2008) for mixed heating convection in spherical geometry mantles over a range of Rayleigh numbers (Ra). The internal temperature scaling of Moore (2008), when modified to account for spherical geometry, matches our experimental results to a high degree of fit. The heat flux through the boundary layers scale as a linear combination of internal (Q) and basal heating, and the modified theory predictions match our experimental results. Our results indicate that boundary layer thickness and surface heat flux are not controlled by a local boundary layer stability condition (in agreement with the results of Moore (2008)) and are instead strongly influenced by boundary layer interactions. Subadiabatic mantle temperature gradients, in spherical 3-D, are well described by a vertical velocity scaling based on discrete drips as opposed to a scaling based on coherent sinking sheets, which was found to describe 2-D planar results. Root-mean-square (RMS) velocities are asymptotic for both low Q and high Q, with a region of rapid adjustment between asymptotes for moderate Q. RMS velocities are highest in the low Q asymptote and decrease as internal heating is applied. The scaling laws derived by Moore (2008), and extended here, are robust and highlight the importance of differing boundary layer processes acting over variable Q and moderate Ra

    Longevity and stability of cratonic lithosphere: Insights from numerical simulations of coupled mantle convection and continental tectonics

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    [1] The physical conditions required to provide for the tectonic stability of cratonic crust and for the relative longevity of deep cratonic lithosphere within a dynamic, convecting mantle are explored through a suite of numerical simulations. The simulations allow chemically distinct continents to reside within the upper thermal boundary layer of a thermally convecting mantle layer. A rheologic formulation, which models both brittle and ductile behavior, is incorporated to allow for plate-like behavior and the associated subduction of oceanic lithosphere. Several mechanisms that may stabilize cratons are considered. The two most often invoked mechanisms, chemical buoyancy and/or high viscosity of cratonic root material, are found to be relatively ineffective if cratons come into contact with subduction zones. High root viscosity can provide for stability and longevity but only within a thick root limit in which the thickness of chemically distinct, high-viscosity cratonic lithosphere exceeds the thickness of old oceanic lithosphere by at least a factor of 2. This end-member implies a very thick mechanical lithosphere for cratons. A high brittle yield stress for cratonic lithosphere as a whole, relative to oceanic lithosphere, is found to be an effective and robust means for providing stability and lithospheric longevity. This mode does not require exceedingly deep strength within cratons. A high yield stress for only the crustal or mantle component of the cratonic lithosphere is found to be less effective as detachment zones can then form at the crust-mantle interface which decreases the longevity potential of cratonic roots. The degree of yield stress variations between cratonic and oceanic lithosphere required for stability and longevity can be decreased if cratons are bordered by continental lithosphere that has a relatively low yield stress, i.e., mobile belts. Simulations that combine all the mechanisms can lead to crustal stability and deep root longevity for model cratons over several mantle overturn times, but the dominant stabilizing factor remains a relatively high brittle yield stress for cratonic lithosphere
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