186 research outputs found

    Women's perceptions of everyday occupations: outcomes of the Redesigning Daily Occupations (ReDO) programme.

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    Abstract Aims: The aim was to (i) assess the outcomes of the 16-week Redesigning Daily Occupations (ReDO) programme for women on sick leave due to stress-related disorders, in terms of occupational value, satisfaction with everyday occupations, and participation level; (ii) investigate the relationships between those outcomes and return-to-work rate. Methods: A total of 42 women receiving ReDO and 42 receiving care as usual (CAU) were included in a matched-control study with measurements before and after the rehabilitation. Seventy-eight participated on both occasions. They completed self-report questionnaires regarding the aforementioned outcomes. Return-to-work data were obtained from the registers of the Social Insurance Offices. Results: Increases in concrete, symbolic, and self-reward values were found in both groups, but no statistically significant difference between the groups was demonstrated. The ReDO group improved more than the CAU group, however, on satisfaction with everyday occupations and participation level. Occupational value, but not satisfaction with everyday occupations, was related to return to work. Conclusions: Everyday occupations were shown to be relevant outcomes after work rehabilitation and could play an important role in future development of profession-specific evidence of occupational therapy. Further support was obtained for viewing occupational value and satisfaction with everyday occupations as theoretically distinct phenomena

    Psychometric properties of a Swedish version of the Pearlin Mastery Scale in people with mental illness and healthy people.

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    Background: Mastery refers to the degree to which people perceive that they can control factors that influence their life situation, and has been found important for people's quality of life and well-being. It is thus essential to be able to measure mastery in a valid and reliable way. Aim: This study aimed at using the Rasch measurement model to investigate the psychometric properties of a Swedish version of the Pearlin Mastery Scale (Mastery-S). Methods: A sample of 300 healthy individuals and 278 persons with mental illness responded to the Mastery-S. Item responses were Rasch analysed regarding model fit, response category functioning, differential item functioning (DIF) and targeting, using the partial credit model. Results: The Mastery-S items represented a logical continuum of the measured construct but one item displayed misfit. Reliability (Person Separation Index) was 0.7. The response categories did not work as expected in three items, which could be corrected for by collapsing categories. Three items displayed DIF between the two subsamples, which caused a bias when comparing mastery levels between subsamples, suggesting the Mastery-S is not truly generic. Conclusions: The Mastery-S may be used to obtain valid and reliable data, but some precautions should be made. If used to compare groups, new analyses of DIF should first be made. Users of the scale should also consider exempting item 6 from the scale and analyse it as a separate item. Finally, rewording of response categories should be considered in order to make them more distinct and thereby improve score reliability

    Species richness and functional attributes of fish assemblages across a large-scale salinity gradient in shallow coastal areas

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    Coastal ecosystems are biologically productive, and their diversity underlies various ecosystem services to humans. However, large-scale species richness (SR) and its regulating factors remain uncertain for many organism groups, owing not least to the fact that observed SR (SRobs) depends on sample size and inventory completeness (IC). We estimated changes in SR across a natural geographical gradient using statistical rarefaction and extrapolation methods, based on a large fish species incidence dataset compiled for shallow coastal areas (<30 m depth) from Swedish fish survey databases. The data covered a ca. 1300 km north-south distance and a 12-fold salinity gradient along sub-basins of the Baltic Sea plus the Skagerrak and, depending on the sub-basin, 4 to 47 years of samplings during 1975-2021. Total fish SRobs was 144, and the observed fish species were of 74 % marine and 26 % freshwater origin. In the 10 sub-basins with sufficient data for further analysis, IC ranged from 77 % to 98 %, implying that ca. 2 %-23 % of likely existing fish species had remained undetected. Sample coverage exceeded 98.5 %, suggesting that undetected species represented <1.5 % of incidences across the sub-basins, i.e. highly rare species. To compare sub-basins, we calculated standardized SR (SRstd) and estimated SR (SRest). Sub-basin-specific SRest varied between 35 +/- 7 (SE) and 109 +/- 6 fish species, being ca. 3 times higher in the most saline (salinity 29-32) compared to the least saline sub-basins (salinity < 3). Analysis of functional attributes showed that differences with decreasing salinity particularly reflected a decreasing SR of benthic and demersal fish, of piscivores and invertivores, and of marine migratory species. We conclude that, if climate change continues causing an upper-layer freshening of the Baltic Sea, this may influence the SR, community composition and functional characteristics of fish, which in turn may affect ecosystem processes such as benthic-pelagic coupling and connectivity between coastal and open-sea areas

    Pathophysiology of extracellular haemoglobin : use of animal models to translate molecular mechanisms into clinical significance

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    The blood's major gas exchange is carried out by haemoglobin, a haeme protein that binds iron and oxygen and can have potentially dangerous side-effects due to redox reactions. Haemoglobin is a very abundant molecule with a concentration of 150 g/l in whole blood, resulting in almost one kg haemoglobin in an adult human body. Normal turnover of red blood cells results in significant haemoglobin release, and pathological conditions that involve haemolysis can lead to massive haemoglobin levels. To control for the potential threat of extracellular haemoglobin, several protective defence systems have evolved. Many pathological conditions, diseases as well as iatrogenic conditions, such as infusion of haemoglobin-based oxygen carriers, cerebral intraventricular haemorrhage, extracorporeal circulation and the pregnancy complication pre-eclampsia, involve abnormal levels of haemolysis and extracellular haemoglobin. Although quite different aetiology, the haemoglobin-induced damage often causes similar clinical sequelae and symptoms. Here, we will give an overview of the pathophysiological mechanisms of extracellular haemoglobin and its metabolites. Furthermore, we will highlight the use of animal models in advancing the understanding of these mechanisms and discuss how to utilize the knowledge in the development of new and better pharmaceutical therapies

    Variation in albedo and other vegetation characteristics in non-forested northern ecosystems: the role of lichens and mosses

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    Vegetation has a profound impact on climate through complex interactions and feedback loops, where especially regulation of albedo, the ratio of reflected to incoming solar radiation, is important at high latitudes. How vegetation albedo varies along environmental gradients in tundra ecosystems is still not well understood, particularly for ecosystems dominated by nonvascular vegetation. We studied broadband shortwave albedo of open boreal, arctic, and alpine ecosystems over a 2000 km long latitudinal gradient (60◦ N–79◦ N) and contrasted this against species composition, vegetation greenness (normalised difference vegetation index—NDVI), momentary ecosystem CO2 fluxes and reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) grazing pressure. High cover of pale terricolous fruticose lichens was the single most important predictor for vegetation albedo, which had a maximum value of 0.389 under clear sky conditions and solar zenith angle 60◦. To our knowledge, this is the highest broadband albedo recorded for a vegetated surface. NDVI was negatively correlated to lichen biomass (rs = −0.56), and albedo (rs = −0.19). Gross primary production and ecosystem respiration varied considerably less between plots and vegetation types than albedo. While it is well-known that Rangifer affects climate-relevant aboveground biomass, we here show that its regulation of surface albedo in northern ecosystems may also be of high importance for land-atmosphere interactions. The data presented here thus advocate for an increased understanding of the important and complex role of herbivores and lichen cover in climate-vegetation interactions.publishedVersio

    Activity of Daily Living Performance amongst Danish Asylum Seekers: A cross-sectional study

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the extent of Activities of Daily Living (ADL) ability impairment in newly arrived Danish asylum seekers. It was hypothesized that exposure to trauma and torture would negatively influence ADL performance and that measures of ADL ability would be lower in individuals exposed to torture as compared to the non-tortured. Subjects: Forty-three newly arrived asylum seekers aged 20-50 years, from Iran, Afghanistan, and Syria, were consecutively included in the study. Method: ADL ability was assessed with the observation-based test Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS). Interviews were based on questionnaires about torture exposure, WHO-5 Wellbeing Index, Major Depression Inventory and Pain Detect Questionnaire. All participants were interviewed and tested using a linguistic interpreter. Results: Thirty-three (77%) participants reported exposure to torture. The tortured did not differ significantly from the non-tortured on measures of ADL ability (two-sample t-tests: Motor, p= 0.36; Process, p= 0.82). ADL performance impairment was observed in the overall study sample. Twelve had motor and 15 process ability measures below age norms and 2 below both AMPS motor and process cut-offs for effortless and efficient ADL performance. There were statistically significant - weak to moderate - correlations between self-reported psychological distress, VAS average pain, pain distribution, and the AMPS measures. Conclusion: The study results supported significant ADL ability impairment in tortured as well as non-tortured newly arrived asylum seekers. Implementation of performance-based evaluation of ADL ability as part of the initial medical screening of this particular population should be considered

    Hemopexin and α1-microglobulin heme scavengers with differential involvement in preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction

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    Hemopexin and α1-microglobulin act as scavengers to eliminate free heme-groups responsible for hemoglobin-induced oxidative stress. The present study evaluated maternal and fetal plasma concentrations of these scavengers in the different phenotypes of placenta-mediated disorders. Singleton pregnancies with normotensive fetal growth restriction [FGR] (n = 47), preeclampsia without FGR (n = 45) and preeclampsia with FGR (n = 51) were included prospectively as well as uncomplicated pregnancies (n = 49). Samples were collected at delivery and ELISA analysis was applied to measure the hemopexin and α1-microglobulin concentrations. In maternal blood in preeclampsia with and without FGR, hemopexin was significantly lower (p = 0.003 and p<0.001, respectively) and α1-microglobulin was significantly higher (p<0.001 in both) whereas no difference existed in normotensive FGR mothers compared to controls. In contrast, in fetal blood in growth restricted fetuses with and without preeclampsia, both hemopexin and α1-microglobulin were significantly lower (p<0.001 and p = 0.001 for hemopexin, p = 0.016 and p = 0.013 for α1-microglobulin, respectively) with no difference in fetuses from preeclampsia without FGR in comparison to controls. Thus, hemopexin and α1-microglobulin present significantly altered concentrations in maternal blood in the maternal disease -preeclampsia- and in cord blood in the fetal disease -FGR-, which supports their differential role in placenta-mediated disorders in accordance with the clinical presentation of these disorders

    Polymorphism in killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors and human leukocyte antigen-c and predisposition to preeclampsia in Ethiopian pregnant women population.

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    INTRODUCTION: Preeclampsia (PE) is a human specific pregnancy-related syndrome of unknown etiology that affects 2-8 % of pregnancies. Polymorphism in maternal Killer Cell Immunoglobulin-like Receptors (KIRs) and the ligand fetal Human Leukocyte Antigen-C (HLA-C) may predispose pregnant mothers for PE due to defective trophoblast invasion into the maternal decidua. Our study aimed to investigate the association between maternal KIR and fetal HLA-C polymorphism and PE in Ethiopian pregnant women. METHODS: We included a total of 288 (157 controls and 131 PE cases) in a case-controls study at Adama Regional Referral Hospital, Ethiopia. The KIR and HLA-C genotyping was done using traditional polymerase chain reaction on genomic DNA extracted form maternal venous and cord blood followed by 2% agarose gel electrophoresis. RESULTS: The statistical associations between variables were evaluated using Pearson's Chi-square test. P < 0.05, with 95 % confidence interval was considered statistically significant. A significant association was observed between the KIR2DS1 and PE, with a higher frequency (60.5 %) of the gene in the control group. Similarly, a significant association was observed between KIR AA genotype and PE, with a higher frequency (38.2 %) of this genotype in the PE group. Ethiopians share the same risk genotype for PE as seen in previous African and European studies, namely homozygosity of a maternal KIR AA genotype. However, Ethiopians differ from other East African populations by sharing the same protective KIR2DS1 gene as Europeans
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