884 research outputs found


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    Medicinal plants are used for the purpose of promoting quality of life, even from primordial times. This paper aimed to present the importance of the use of herbal medicines in the network public health. The practice and consumption of herbal medicines has been growing every year, with the emergence of Ordinance No. 971 of May 3, 2006 approving the National Policy for Integrative and Complementary Practices (PNPIC) in Unified Health System (SUS). But there is still a big factor to be overcome, the high requirement of the National Agency Health Surveillance Authority (ANVISA), for the production, marketing and distribution of herbal medicines in the SUS. THE Ordinance GM / MS No. 533 of March 28, 2012 (National List of Essential Medicines - RENAME), cast herbal medicines in Primary Care, consists of only 12 plant species of interest of SUS, considered low due to Brazil being considered one of the countries with the greatest biodiversity in the world. The main problems that hindering the advances of herbal products in the SUS are the lack of state and municipal public policies and the lack of of interest of the managers of these secretariats in complying also with the federal legislation in force.Medicinal plants are used for the purpose of promoting quality of life, even from primordial times. This paper aimed to present the importance of the use of herbal medicines in the network public health. The practice and consumption of herbal medicines has been growing every year, with the emergence of Ordinance No. 971 of May 3, 2006 approving the National Policy for Integrative and Complementary Practices (PNPIC) in Unified Health System (SUS). But there is still a big factor to be overcome, the high requirement of the National Agency Health Surveillance Authority (ANVISA), for the production, marketing and distribution of herbal medicines in the SUS. THE Ordinance GM / MS No. 533 of March 28, 2012 (National List of Essential Medicines - RENAME), cast herbal medicines in Primary Care, consists of only 12 plant species of interest of SUS, considered low due to Brazil being considered one of the countries with the greatest biodiversity in the world. The main problems that hindering the advances of herbal products in the SUS are the lack of state and municipal public policies and the lack of of interest of the managers of these secretariats in complying also with the federal legislation in force

    Cultura organizacional e administração pública: um estudo multicaso nos três níveis da República Federativa do Brasil.

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio Econômico, Curso de Administração.O problema da eficiência nas organizações do setor público brasileiro é um assunto bastante discutido e sempre atual, apesar dos avanços da administração pública no Brasil ao longo dos anos e a inclusão da Eficiência como um de seus princípios constitucionais. Levando em conta a diferença de desempenho entre o setor privado e o setor público, e partindo da premissa de que a cultura organizacional difere nestes dois tipos de organização, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar o impacto da cultura organizacional na eficiência das organizações do serviço público brasileiro. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa a qual baseou-se em entrevistas semiestruturadas com cinco gestores de diferentes organizações do setor público nos três níveis da União, e suas respostas foram analisadas de forma qualitativa. As principais referências teóricas utilizadas foram Costin (2011) sobre o modelo burocrático, Bresser Pereira (1996) sobre a nova gestão pública e Pires e Macêdo (2006) sobre a cultura organizacional nas organizações públicas. Foi possível identificar o forte impacto das características da burocracia na perpetuação de uma cultura organizacional no setor público que afeta negativamente a eficiência das organizações. Os resultados indicaram que a natureza da atividade que exerce e ao ambiente em que está inserida afetam a cultura de uma organização pública, enquanto que os diferentes níveis da União não causam nenhum efeito ou diferenciação perceptível.The problem of efficiency in the organizations of the brazilian public sector is a very discussed and always current subject, despite the advancements in public administration in Brazil throughout the years, and the inclusion of Efficiency amongst its principals. Considering the difference in performance between the public and private sectors, and working on the premise that the organizational culture differs in these two kinds of organizations, this research's objective was to investigate the impact of the organizational culture in the efficiency of the organizations of the brazilian public service. With that in mind, semistructured interviews were carried out with five managers from different organizations of the public sector in the three levels of the Union, and their responses were analyzed qualitatively. For that, the theoretical references of Secchi about the bureaucratic model, of Bresser Pereira about the new public management e of Pires and Macêdo about the organizational culture in public organizations were considered. It was possible to verify the strong impact of the characteristics of bureaucracy in the perpetuation of an organizational culture in the public sector that negatively affects the efficiency in these organizations. It was also evident that the type of activities performed and the environment in which it is inserted affects the culture in these organizations, while the different levels of the Union do not cause any visible effect or differentiation

    Dinâmica geoeconômica e a rede de pequenas cidades no Oeste Catarinense

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    This article objective contribute with the analysis of the small cities as part active of regional geoeconomic dynamic of West catarinense, located in South of Brazil. It is a region that developed technologically from the second half of the twentieth century and constituted in its interior a complex and diversity urban red. Since the region has an urban network formed mostly by small towns, whose population hardly exceeds 30 thousand people, the question arises of complementarity between the urban centers of this territorial area. Methodological, the article was development from theoretical instrumentally of geography science and qualitative, quantitative and exploration methodological procedures. It concluded that small cities are responsible by important part of the regional economic movement and contributed to regional and urban development. Moreover, in West catarinense was produced one relevant geoeconomic complexity, through the dynamics of agribusiness and the role of small towns in the regional economy and transport networks.Este artículo tiene como objetivo contribuir con el análisis de las pequeñas ciudades cómo parte activa de la dinámica geoeconómica regional del Oeste catarinense, ubicada en el Sur de Brasil. Se trata de una región que se desarrolló tecnológicamente a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XX y constituyó en su interior una red urbana complexa y diversa. Una vez que la región tiene la red urbana formada mayoritariamente de pequeñas ciudades, cuya población difícilmente es superior a 30 mil personas, se levanta la cuestión del papel de complementariedad entre los centros urbanos del recorte territorial llevado en consideración. Metodológicamente, el artículo fue desarrollado desde el instrumental teórico de la ciencia geográfica y procedimientos metodológicos cualitativos, cuantitativos y exploratorios. Se llegó a la conclusión de que las pequeñas ciudades son responsables por importante parcela de la movimentación económica regional y contribuyen para el desarrollo regional y urbano. Además, en el Oeste catarinense fue producida una relevante complexidad geoeconómica, por medio de la dinámica de los agronegocios y el papel de las pequeñas ciudades en la economía regional y en las redes de transporte.Este artigo objetiva contribuir com a análise das pequenas cidades como parte ativa da dinâmica geoeconômica regional do Oeste catarinense, situada no Sul do Brasil. Trata-se de uma região que se desenvolveu tecnologicamente a partir da segunda metade do século XX e constituiu no seu interior uma rede urbana complexa e diversa. Uma vez que a região possui a rede urbana formada majoritariamente por pequenas cidades, cuja população dificilmente ultrapassa os 30 mil habitantes, levanta-se a questão do papel de complementaridade entre os centros urbanos desse recorte territorial. Metodologicamente, o artigo foi desenvolvido a partir do instrumental teórico da ciência geográfica e procedimentos metodológicos qualitativos, quantitativos e exploratórios. Chegou-se à conclusão de que as pequenas cidades são responsáveis por importante parcela da movimentação econômica regional e contribuem para o desenvolvimento regional e urbano. Ademais, no Oeste catarinense foi produzida uma relevante complexidade geoeconômica, por meio da dinâmica dos agronegócios e o papel das pequenas cidades na economia regional e nas redes de transporte

    Portuguese older persons' views about living in a nursing home: challenges to the rehabilitation of the image of LTC in post-pandemic times

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    This paper addresses the broad topic of what older people think about nursing homes in Portugal. In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and considering the tragic events taking place in nursing homes, the challenge of reimagining the sector involves not only improving procedures and models of care, making sure they meet what citizens consider adequate, but also rehabilitating the image people have about nursing homes and rebuilding trust. Current and future decisions about how one meets LTC needs is influenced by the extent to which individuals see the alternatives as adequate. The paper presents evidence collected from a qualitative study run just before the COVID-19 pandemic began, with a sample of 45 community-dwelling individuals aged 60 plus, in Portugal. Opinions and views about nursing homes were collected and the results point to enduring negative aspects that are considered at odds with what constitutes adequate care. The paper discusses in length what those aspects are and concludes that future reforms of the nursing homes sector in Portugal need to consider what current and future users think and feel about that specific type of service. Debates in Portugal tend to be more focused on discussions about expanding the sector and less on aspects of quality of care. Views and opinions of interviewed participants, however, suggest that people may be more worried about quality of care

    História, Covid-19 e as relações com as tecnologias durante o ensino remoto : a produção de um podcast de ensino de História e divulgação científica

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    O texto apresenta a elaboração de Podcast2 de ensino de história e divulgação científica composto por 3 episódios, feitos a partir de um acervo de entrevistas de história oral sobre a Covid-19. Além disso, o trabalho pretende realizar uma reflexão sobre a estruturação e elaboração de um podcast por historiadores, abordando as contribuições e dificuldades de produção de materiais para internet