90 research outputs found

    Appointments Shrouded in Mystery The profiles of ten Swedish Auditors-General

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    The Auditors-General can have a profound impact on the work of the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), in terms of the quality, autonomy and efficiency of audit work. In Sweden, this recruitment is prepared by the Committee on the Constitution, before the final decision is made by Parliament. The appointment is, however, shrouded in mystery and not even candidate profile requirements are openly advertised. This lack of transparency is problematic, since the SAI is positioned at the heart of the democratic accountability process. Because Sweden has a model with ten parallel Auditors-General, there have been ten Auditors-General over the period 2003-2015. This article compares their profiles and outlines five explanations. Results show that their professional and academic qualifications have increased, whereas their experience from hands-on audit work has decreased. Results also indicate that most of the Auditors-General have been recruited from a rather narrow circle of people around the Government Offices. Five explanations are outlined. In particular, we argue that the recruitments can be understood as an expression for a wish to increase the standing of the Swedish National Audit Office (SNAO) and the quality of its work. This follows partly from an increasing awareness of the extensive powers at the hands of the Auditors-General in the Swedish model

    The interaction of vasoactive substances during exercise modulates platelet aggregation in hypertension and coronary artery disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Acute vigorous exercise, associated with increased release of plasma catecholamines, transiently increases the risk of primary cardiac arrest. We tested the effect of acute submaximal exercise on vasoactive substances and their combined result on platelet function.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Healthy volunteers, hypertensive patients and patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) performed a modified treadmill exercise test. We determined plasma catecholamines, thromboxane A<sub>2</sub>, prostacyclin, endothelin-1 and platelet aggregation induced by adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and collagen at rest and during exercise.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our results during exercise showed a) platelet activation (increased thromboxane B<sub>2</sub>, TXB<sub>2</sub>), b) increased prostacyclin release from endothelium and c) decreased platelet aggregation in all groups, significantly more in healthy volunteers than in patients with CAD (with hypertensives lying in between these two groups).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Despite the pronounced activation of Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) and increased TXB<sub>2 </sub>levels during acute exercise platelet aggregation decreases, possibly to counterbalance the prothrombotic state. Since this effect seems to be mediated by the normal endothelium (through prostacyclin and nitric oxide), in conditions characterized by endothelial dysfunction (hypertension, CAD) reduced platelet aggregation is attenuated, thus posing such patients in increased risk for thrombotic complications.</p

    Effektivitetsundersokning av medeltida kastmaskiner

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    Through the ages mankind has developed and tested a cascade of varying weapons of war, large and small, and has has striven to push these creations to the limits of their time. A grand example of this are the medieval siege engines that have changed shape several times over the centuries. After all this time the eciency of these siege engines will have reached their peek. . . right? In this study the eciency of several siege engines will be evaluated and the possibility of improvement will be examined.Genom tiderna har manniskan testat och utvecklat en myriad olika stridsvapen, stora som sma, och drivit dem till perfektion inom de ramar som funnits tillgangliga. Ett praktexempel ar den medeltida kastmaskinen som underarhundradens lopp andrat form era ganger. Efter all denna tid bor kastmaskinernas eektivitet och destruktiva formaga natt sin pik. . . eller? I denna rapport kommer eektiviteten hos nagra olika klassiska modeller undersokas och om det skulle ga att forbattra dem

    Vad Àr det egentligen jag behöver kunna? : En studie om lÀrares upplevda behov av kompetens i deras arbete pÄ Introduktionsprogrammet

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    Gymnasieskolans fem introduktionsprogram startade 2011 och ersatte det Individuella programmet. Introduktionsprogrammen erbjuds de elever som saknar formell behörighet att söka nationellt program pÄ gymnasiet. Studiens syfte Àr att bidra med kunskap om vad lÀrare pÄ Introduktionsprogrammet anser att de behöver för kompetens. Undersökningen har skett med hjÀlp av sju djupintervjuer med lÀrare som representerar sÄvÀl kÀrn- som karaktÀrsÀmnen pÄ Introduktionsprogrammet. Studiens resultat, analyserat med hjÀlp av Per- Eric Ellströms (1992) modell för kompetens, visar att informanterna framhÀver kognitiv kompetens, sÄsom Àmneskunskaper, för att möta de olika förkunskaper som eleverna har i respektive Àmne. Andra delar av kompetensbegreppet som har en framtrÀdande roll genom intervjuerna Àr affektiva- och sociala kompetensfaktorer. Att bidra med kunskap om lÀrarnas upplevda behov av kompetens kan ge en specialpedagogisk inblick i behovet av fortbildning, utbildning och av handledning av lÀrarna pÄ Introduktionsprogrammet. Dessutom kan studier av lÀrares upplevelser pÄ Introduktionsprogrammet, ge en ökad förstÄelse för dessa elevers behov av sÀrskilt stöd

    What Qualifications does Good State Audit Require? : The Profiles of Ten Auditors-General

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    The professional profiles of the Auditors-General have gained scarce attention in scholarly work. Yet, these profiles may have major consequences for the choices that are made at the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), for example in terms of audit approaches. This article builds on the case of the Swedish National Audit Office (SNAO). In Sweden, there is no public list of qualifications for the appointment of the Auditor-General and no access is provided to the details of the appointment process. Therefore, we have chosen to explore changes with regard to what competences are given priority, by examining how the profiles of the first ten Auditors at the Swedish National Audit Office (SNAO) have changed. The study covers the period 2003–2015. The review shows that the profile has changed from that of a specialist to that of a generalist and that qualifications generally have increased. Five explanations are outlined, based on an overview of the history of the SNAO. The SNAO has been subjected to heavy criticism over the years, including disclosures in 2016, leading to the resignation of all three Auditors General. Findings indicate that this may be a reason for the increasing demands. This may, however, also indicate a more general change of discourse in state audit, where focus is shifted from autonomy issues to issues of quality and competence

    Oberoendet inget frikort

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    Att göra problemen i Riksrevisionens ledning enbart till en frÄga om felrekryteringar, sÄsom Gunnar Axen gör i sin replik, Àr att göra det lÀtt för sig. Riksrevisorerna i Sverige har betydligt mer makt Àn riksrevisorer i övriga nordiska lÀnder. Det finns dÀrför en grÀns för hur fritt spelrum de bör ha. Oberoende ska inte föranleda beröringsskrÀck och det vaccinerar inte mot ansvar. Oberoende ska inte heller vara ett frikort för myndighetsledningen att designa alla processer och strukturer utan huvudmannens delaktighet. TvÀrtom, utan styrning riskerar den sjÀlvstÀndighet som var tÀnkt som en garant för demokratin att i stÀllet skapa ett demokratiskt underskott. Om riksdagen blir mer tydlig i sin styrning av Riksrevisionen kan ocksÄ legitimiteten öka
