25 research outputs found

    Global tractography with embedded anatomical priors for quantitative connectivity analysis.

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    Tractography algorithms provide us with the ability to non-invasively reconstruct fiber pathways in the white matter (WM) by exploiting the directional information described with diffusion magnetic resonance. These methods could be divided into two major classes, local and global. Local methods reconstruct each fiber tract iteratively by considering only directional information at the voxel level and its neighborhood. Global methods, on the other hand, reconstruct all the fiber tracts of the whole brain simultaneously by solving a global energy minimization problem. The latter have shown improvements compared to previous techniques but these algorithms still suffer from an important shortcoming that is crucial in the context of brain connectivity analyses. As no anatomical priors are usually considered during the reconstruction process, the recovered fiber tracts are not guaranteed to connect cortical regions and, as a matter of fact, most of them stop prematurely in the WM; this violates important properties of neural connections, which are known to originate in the gray matter (GM) and develop in the WM. Hence, this shortcoming poses serious limitations for the use of these techniques for the assessment of the structural connectivity between brain regions and, de facto, it can potentially bias any subsequent analysis. Moreover, the estimated tracts are not quantitative, every fiber contributes with the same weight toward the predicted diffusion signal. In this work, we propose a novel approach for global tractography that is specifically designed for connectivity analysis applications which: (i) explicitly enforces anatomical priors of the tracts in the optimization and (ii) considers the effective contribution of each of them, i.e., volume, to the acquired diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) image. We evaluated our approach on both a realistic diffusion MRI phantom and in vivo data, and also compared its performance to existing tractography algorithms

    Smartphone based blood pressure measurement: accuracy of the OptiBP mobile application according to the AAMI/ESH/ISO universal validation protocol.

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    The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of the OptiBP mobile application based on an optical signal recorded by placing the patient's fingertip on a smartphone's camera to estimate blood pressure (BP). Measurements were carried out in a general population according to existing standards of the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI), the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Participants were recruited during a scheduled appointment at the hypertension clinic of Lausanne University Hospital in Switzerland. Age, gender and BP distribution were collected to fulfill AAMI/ESH/ISO universal standards. Both auscultatory BP references and OptiBP were measured and compared using the opposite arm simultaneous method as described in the 81060-2:2018 ISO norm. A total of 353 paired recordings from 91 subjects were analyzed. For validation criterion 1, the mean ± SD between OptiBP and reference BP recordings was respectively 0.5 ± 7.7 mmHg and 0.4 ± 4.6 mmHg for SBP and DBP. For validation criterion 2, the SD of the averaged BP differences between OptiBP and reference BP per subject was 6.3 mmHg and 3.5 mmHg for SBP and DBP. OptiBP acceptance rate was 85%. The smartphone embedded OptiBP cuffless mobile application fulfills the validation requirements of AAMI/ESH/ISO universal standards in a general population for the measurement of SBP and DBP

    Building connectomes using diffusion MRI: why, how and but

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    Why has diffusion MRI become a principal modality for mapping connectomes in vivo? How do different image acquisition parameters, fiber tracking algorithms and other methodological choices affect connectome estimation? What are the main factors that dictate the success and failure of connectome reconstruction? These are some of the key questions that we aim to address in this review. We provide an overview of the key methods that can be used to estimate the nodes and edges of macroscale connectomes, and we discuss open problems and inherent limitations. We argue that diffusion MRI-based connectome mapping methods are still in their infancy and caution against blind application of deep white matter tractography due to the challenges inherent to connectome reconstruction. We review a number of studies that provide evidence of useful microstructural and network properties that can be extracted in various independent and biologically-relevant contexts. Finally, we highlight some of the key deficiencies of current macroscale connectome mapping methodologies and motivate future developments

    From micro‐ to macro‐structures in multiple sclerosis: what is the added value of diffusion imaging

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    Diffusion imaging has been instrumental in understanding damage to the central nervous system as a result of its sensitivity to microstructural changes. Clinical applications of diffusion imaging have grown exponentially over the past couple of decades in many neurological and neurodegenerative diseases, such as multiple sclerosis (MS). For several reasons, MS has been extensively researched using advanced neuroimaging techniques, which makes it an ‘example disease’ to illustrate the potential of diffusion imaging for clinical applications. In addition, MS pathology is characterized by several key processes competing with each other, such as inflammation, demyelination, remyelination, gliosis and axonal loss, enabling the specificity of diffusion to be challenged. In this review, we describe how diffusion imaging can be exploited to investigate micro‐, meso‐ and macro‐scale properties of the brain structure and discuss how they are affected by different pathological substrates. Conclusions from the literature are that larger studies are needed to confirm the exciting results from initial investigations before current trends in diffusion imaging can be translated to the neurology clinic. Also, for a comprehensive understanding of pathological processes, it is essential to take a multiple‐level approach, in which information at the micro‐, meso‐ and macroscopic scales is fully integrated

    Testing the variability of Diffusion Spectrum Imaging (DSI): Inter- and intra-site comparison on "identical" 3T scanners

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    Multi-center neuroimaging studies have more power than smaller ones to conduct sophisticated studies of basic neuroanatomy and clinical disorders. One important confound of combining images obtained from different scanners is the potential for scanner effects to introduce systematic error, thus making the interpretation of results difficult. Differences in diffusion imaging measurements due to scanner-dependent inaccuracies may either mimic or obscure true changes. In the context of multicentric Swiss project on brain connectivity in patients with epilepsy, we used DSI (Diffusion Spectrum Imaging) acquired on different scanners to address the limitation of DTI (Diffusion Tensor Imaging) where imaging of multiple fiber orientation in a single voxel is not possible. Since DSI is a very recent development of MRI there is no information on inter- and intra-site reproducibility, while concerning the DTI there are very few studies on a 3T scanner and even less on cross center reliability measures

    Towards a diffusion image processing validation and accuracy prediction framework

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    Validation is the main bottleneck preventing theadoption of many medical image processing algorithms inthe clinical practice. In the classical approach,a-posteriori analysis is performed based on someobjective metrics. In this work, a different approachbased on Petri Nets (PN) is proposed. The basic ideaconsists in predicting the accuracy that will result froma given processing based on the characterization of thesources of inaccuracy of the system. Here we propose aproof of concept in the scenario of a diffusion imaginganalysis pipeline. A PN is built after the detection ofthe possible sources of inaccuracy. By integrating thefirst qualitative insights based on the PN withquantitative measures, it is possible to optimize the PNitself, to predict the inaccuracy of the system in adifferent setting. Results show that the proposed modelprovides a good prediction performance and suggests theoptimal processing approach

    COMMIT: Convex Optimization Modeling for Microstructure Informed Tractography.

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    Tractography is a class of algorithms aiming at in vivo mapping the major neuronal pathways in the white matter from diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data. These techniques offer a powerful tool to noninvasively investigate at the macroscopic scale the architecture of the neuronal connections of the brain. However, unfortunately, the reconstructions recovered with existing tractography algorithms are not really quantitative even though diffusion MRI is a quantitative modality by nature. As a matter of fact, several techniques have been proposed in recent years to estimate, at the voxel level, intrinsic microstructural features of the tissue, such as axonal density and diameter, by using multicompartment models. In this paper, we present a novel framework to reestablish the link between tractography and tissue microstructure. Starting from an input set of candidate fiber-tracts, which are estimated from the data using standard fiber-tracking techniques, we model the diffusion MRI signal in each voxel of the image as a linear combination of the restricted and hindered contributions generated in every location of the brain by these candidate tracts. Then, we seek for the global weight of each of them, i.e., the effective contribution or volume, such that they globally fit the measured signal at best. We demonstrate that these weights can be easily recovered by solving a global convex optimization problem and using efficient algorithms. The effectiveness of our approach has been evaluated both on a realistic phantom with known ground-truth and in vivo brain data. Results clearly demonstrate the benefits of the proposed formulation, opening new perspectives for a more quantitative and biologically plausible assessment of the structural connectivity of the brain

    Altered structural connectivity in patients with medial temporal lobe epilepsy: A Diffusion Spectrum Imaging and Graph Analysis study

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    In this study we investigated the effect of medial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) on the global characteristics of brain connectivity estimated by topological measures. We used DSI (Diffusion Spectrum Imaging) to construct a connectivity matrix where the nodes represents the anatomical ROIs and the edges are the connections between any pair of ROIs weighted by the mean GFA/FA values. A significant difference was found between the patient group vs control group in characteristic path length, clustering coefficient and small-worldness. This suggests that the MTLE network is less efficient compared to the network of the control group

    Contactless Respiration Monitoring in Real-Time via a Video Camera

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    Until today, vital signs monitoring in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) is based on wired sensors, known to cause discomfort and false alarms. In view of overcoming such issues we investigate a contactless method for respiration monitoring by means of a simple video camera.Unlike many other solutions proposed in the literature, our approach makes use of a motion estimation with low computational complexity which facilitates a real-time implementation. To do so, the input image is split into blocks, for each of which motion is estimated. Thereafter, these block motions are classified according to their likelihood to contain true respiratory activity, enabling an automatic region of interest detection. Aside from the respiratory rate (RR) our algorithm also computes a quality index, representing the confidence of the given RR. The proposed approach was tested and evaluated on 16 healthy adults, both during illuminated and dark conditions, using a color or near-infrared camera, respectively.On more than 2 hours of recording, Bland-Altman analysis reveals an error of 0.2 +/- 2.3 bpm (breaths-per-minute) when compared to the reference measure, a thoracic strain gauge belt. Our analysis further indicates that independent of light or dark conditions the near-infrared camera alone is sufficient to achieve satisfying results.These findings pave the way towards a simple, low-cost and con tactless RR monitoring. While currently only tested on healthy adults, future work includes the evaluation of this approach in clinical scenarios, such as NICUs in particular