3,669 research outputs found

    Structure and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline PrCo3

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    The structure and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline PrCo3_3 prepared by high-energy milling technique have been investigated by means of X-ray diffraction using the Rietveld method coupled to Curie temperature and magnetic measurements. The as-milled samples were subsequently annealed in temperature range from 750 to 1050 {\deg}C for 30 min to optimize the extrinsic properties. From x-ray studies of magnetic aligned samples, the magnetic anisotropy of this compounds is found uniaxial. The Curie temperature is 349 {\deg}K and no saturation reached at room temperature for applied field of 90 kOe. The coercive field of 55 kOe and 12 kOe measured at 10 and 293 K respectively is obtained after annealing at 750 {\deg}C for 30 min suggests that nanocrystalline PrCo3_3 are interesting candidates in the field of permanent magnets. We have completed this experimental study by simulations in the micromagnetic framework in order to get a qualitative picture of the microstructure effect on the macroscopic magnetization curve. From this simple model calculation, we can suggest that the after annealing the system behaves as magnetically hard crystallites embedded in a weakly magnetized amorphous matrix. PACS : 75.50.Bb, 75.50.Tt, 76.80.+yComment: Published in Journal of Applied Physics, 107, 083916 (2010). To be found at: http://jap.aip.or

    Magnetic and structural properties of nanocrystalline PrCo3_3

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    The structure and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline PrCo3_3 obtained from high energy milling technique are investigated by X-ray diffraction, Curie temperature determination and magnetic properties measurements are reported. The as-milled samples have been annealed in a temperature range of 1023 K to 1273 K for 30 mn to optimize the extrinsic properties. The Curie temperature is 349\,K and coercive fields of 55\,kOe at 10\,K and 12\,kOe at 293\,K are obtained on the samples annealed at 1023\,K. A simulation of the magnetic properties in the framework of micromagnetism has been performed in order to investigate the influence of the nanoscale structure. A composite model with hard crystallites embedded in an amorphous matrix, corresponding to the as-milled material, leads to satisfying agreement with the experimental magnetization curve. [ K. Younsi, V. Russier and L. Bessais, J. Appl. Phys. {\bf 107}, 083916 (2010)]. The microscopic scale will also be considered from DFT based calculations of the electronic structure of RRCox_x compounds, where RR = (Y, Pr) and xx = 2,3 and 5.Comment: To be published in J. Phys.: Conference Series in the JEMS 2010 special issue. To be found once published at http://iopscience.iop.org/1742-659

    Huxley-type cross-bridge models in largeish-scale musculoskeletal models; an evaluation of computational cost

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    A Huxley-type cross-bridge model is attractive because it is inspired by our current understanding of the processes underlying muscle contraction, and because it provides a unified description of muscle's mechanical behavior and metabolic energy expenditure. In this study, we determined the computational cost for task optimization of a largeish-scale musculoskeletal model in which muscles are represented by a 2-state Huxley-type cross-bridge model. Parameter values defining the rate functions of the Huxley-type cross-bridge model could be chosen such that the steady-state force-velocity relation resembled that of a Hill-type model. Using these parameter values, maximum-height squat jumping was used as the example task to evaluate the computational cost of task optimization for a skeletal model driven by a Huxley-type cross-bridge model. The optimal solutions for the Huxley- and Hill-type muscle models were similar for all mechanical variables considered. Computational cost of the Huxley-type cross-bridge model was much higher than that of the Hill-type model. Compared to the Hill-type model, the number of state variables per muscle was large (2 vs about 18,000), the integration step size had to be about 100 times smaller, and the computational cost per integration step was about 100 times higher

    Improving Money’s Worth Ratio Calculations: The Case of Singapore’s Pension Annuities

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    This paper contributes to a better understanding of the risks involved in a life annuity investment. We study the full distribution of weighted annuity benefits and quantify risk measures such as dispersion and skewness, thereby extending the usefulness of the popular money’s worth valuation framework for life annuities. Using data from pension annuities in Singapore, we also introduce several risk measures that might appeal to less financially sophisticated retirees. A more detailed and accurate picture of the risk of investing in life annuities emerges, enabling prospective annuitants to differentiate among products that may appear seemingly uniform in terms of money’s worth, but vary widely in terms of their risk attributes

    Phonons and Colossal Thermal Expansion Behavior of Ag3Co(CN)6 and Ag3Fe(CN)6

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    Recently colossal positive volume thermal expansion has been found in the framework compounds Ag3Co(CN)6 and Ag3Fe(CN)6. Phonon spectra have been measured using the inelastic neutron scattering technique as a function of temperature and pressure. The data has been analyzed using ab-initio calculations. We find that the bonding is very similar in both compounds. At ambient pressure modes in the intermediate frequency part of the vibrational spectra in the Co compound are shifted to slightly higher energies as compared to the Fe compound. The temperature dependence of the phonon spectra gives evidence for large explicit anharmonic contribution to the total anharmonicity for low-energy modes below 5 meV. We found that modes are mainly affected by the change in the size of unit cell, which in turn changes the bond lengths and vibrational frequencies. Thermal expansion has been calculated via the volume dependence of phonon spectra. Our analysis indicates that Ag phonon modes in the energy range from 2 to 5 meV are strongly anharmonic and major contributors to thermal expansion in both compounds. The application of pressure hardens the low-energy part of the phonon spectra involving Ag vibrations and confirms the highly anharmonic nature of these modes.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures and one tabl

    Early Childhood Education in Ghana: Perceptions of Stakeholders in the Western Region of Ghana

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    The purpose of the study was to determine the perceptions of the stakeholders in early childhood education and their perceptions affect the performance of their roles in the implementation of early childhood education programmes. Parents, community members, early childhood education teachers, members of religious organisations and Non-Governmental Organisations formed population of the study. Simple random sampling technique was used to sample the early childhood schools and stratified sampling technique participants in each district. The instruments used for data collection were questionnaire and structured interview guide. Data collected were summarised using percentages, means, standard deviations and Pearson Moment Correlation Coefficient The Stakeholder in the Western Region of Ghana have low perception of early childhood education and this adversely affects the performance of their roles to ensure effective implementation of early childhood programmes and policies in the region. There is a relationship between their perceptions and the level of performance of their roles. It is recommended that Religious organizations, District and Municipal Assemblies as well as non-governmental organizations should be encouraged to participate actively in the implementation of early childhood programmes and policies in the regio

    Dust Emission Features in NGC 7023 between 0.35 and 2.5 micron: Extended Red Emission (0.7 micron) and Two New Emission Features (1.15 and 1.5 micron)

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    We present 0.35 to 2.5 micron spectra of the south and northwest filaments in the reflection nebula NGC 7023. These spectra were used to test the theory of Seahra & Duley that carbon nanoparticles are responsible for Extended Red Emission (ERE). Our spectra fail to show their predicted second emission band at 1.0 micron even though both filaments exhibit strong emission in the familiar 0.7 micron ERE band. The northwest filament spectrum does show one, and possibly two, new dust emission features in the near-infrared. We clearly detect a strong emission band at 1.5 micron which we tentatively attribute to beta-FeSi_2 grains. We tentatively detect a weaker emission band at 1.15 micron which coincides with the location expected for transitions from the conduction band to mid-gap defect states of silicon nanoparticles. This is added evidence that silicon nanoparticles are responsible for ERE as they already can explain the observed behavior of the main visible ERE band.Comment: 9 pages, color figures, accepted to the ApJ, color and b/w versions available at http://dirty.as.arizona.edu/~kgordon/papers/ere_1um.htm

    SUMER: Solar Ultraviolet Measurements of Emitted Radiation

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    The SUMER (solar ultraviolet measurements of emitted radiation) experiment is described. It will study flows, turbulent motions, waves, temperatures and densities of the plasma in the upper atmosphere of the Sun. Structures and events associated with solar magnetic activity will be observed on various spatial and temporal scales. This will contribute to the understanding of coronal heating processes and the solar wind expansion. The instrument will take images of the Sun in EUV (extreme ultra violet) light with high resolution in space, wavelength and time. The spatial resolution and spectral resolving power of the instrument are described. Spectral shifts can be determined with subpixel accuracy. The wavelength range extends from 500 to 1600 angstroms. The integration time can be as short as one second. Line profiles, shifts and broadenings are studied. Ratios of temperature and density sensitive EUV emission lines are established

    Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of Molecular Filaments in the Reflection Nebula NGC 7023

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    We present near-infrared spectroscopy of fluorescent molecular hydrogen (H_2) emission from molecular filaments in the reflection nebula NGC 7023. We derive the relative column densities of H_2 rotational-vibrational states from the measured line emission and compare these results with several model photodissociation regions covering a range of densities, incident UV-fields, and excitation mechanisms. Our best-fit models for one filament suggest, but do not require, either a combination of different densities, suggesting clumps of 10^6 cm^{-3} in a 10^4 - 10^5 cm^{-3} filament, or a combination of fluorescent excitation and thermally-excited gas, perhaps due to a shock from a bipolar outflow. We derive densities and UV fields for these molecular filaments that are in agreement with previous determinations.Comment: ApJ accepted, 26 pages including 5 embedded figures, uses AASTEX. Also available at http://www-astronomy.mps.ohio-state.edu/~martini/pubs.htm
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