7 research outputs found

    Multipurpose cadastre for campus room appraisal

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    The use of fundamental components of multipurpose cadastre which can be used as basic information and backbone for government policy with geographical information system as a tool are applied in this research method to appraisecampus room. The process to appraise of the facilities in a room begins with collecting facilities data which related to attribute data and defining room boundary which related to spatial data. Room appraisal are analysed by firstly calculate room valuebasedon facilities and activity hours.The method to calculate room value is comparison of quantity and functionality of facilities in every room. Thorough analysis is conducted to separate room value data containing human errors. The determination of which category (high, medium, low) every room fit in is based on distribution of value of every room value which is free of human errors. Room appraisal using this research method will lead to optimize every campus room especially low category room. This approach is also effective way to record number of rooms and facilities of campus comprehensively. Keywords: Multipurpose cadastre, Appraisal, Geographic Information Syste

    Penilaian Tanah Sekitar Sarana Transportasi dengan Metode Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR)

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    Tanah merupakan benda yang bersifat abstrak karena memiliki hak digunakan dan diperdagangkan. Karena sifatnya yang dapat diperdagangkan, diperlukan penilaian tanah untuk mengetahui kualitas dan harga tanah. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pemodelan nilai tanah untuk mengetahui nilai tanah di sekitar sarana transportasi. Penilaian tanah menggunakan metode Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) artinya setiap nilai tanah memiliki model matematis. GWR dilakukan dengan kernel fixed gaussian dengan bandwidth optimum Cross Validation (CV). Variabel independen yang dijadikan parameter penilaian untuk nilai tanah ini adalah lebar jalan. radius bandara. radius rel kereta api. jarak ke stasiun. jarak ke terminal. jarak ke pasar. jarak ke pemadam kebakaran. jarak ke rumah sakit. status hukum lahan. guna lahan. dan kesesuaian lahan. Variabel dependen yang digunakan adalah Nilai Indikasi Rata-rata (NIR) dan Zona Nilai Tanah (ZNT) Badan Pertanahan Nasional (BPN). Analisis model dilakukan dengan melihat residu antara variabel dependen dan survei lapangan. Hasilnya apabila dibandingkan dengan nilai hasil pemodelan variabel NIR terdapat perbedaan sebesar Rp 423.831,159,- apabila dibandingkan dengan NIR dan Rp 1.976.916,526,- apabila dibandingkan dengan survei lapangan. Hasilnya apabila dibandingkan dengan nilai hasil pemodelan variabel ZNT terdapat perbedaan sebesar Rp 372.063,117,- apabila dibandingkan dengan ZNT dan Rp 2.041.621,107,- apabila dibandingkan dengan survei lapangan.Kata kunci—GWR, penilaian tanah, sarana transportas

    Pengaturan Pemanfaatan Ruang di Atas Tanah dalam Penerapan Kadaster 3-Dimens

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    Abstract. Increasing activity at the infrastructure construction in urban areas causes a revolution in the infrascructure become vertically oriented, means using the space either above or under the land surface. Law Number 16 Year 1985 about Stack Houses have given the arrangement about land registration based on space. This arrangement only to regulate use of space vertically, which the space has land rights and become unseparated part from its building. Therefore, it's necessary to have a regulation about use of the space above the ground which has nothing related with its land rights and basically it's about authorization of space based on volume, therefore it is necessary to apply cadastre 3D concept in its regulation. The study case in this research is Beringhajo Market (Pasar Beringhajo) building which is located on Pabringan Street. The data that are collected consist of physical and juridical data. The 3D cadastre that applied is using Full 3D Cadastre Alternative Combined 2D/3D method as the most accurate method for regulating use of space above the land surface. This method is also used as reference for designing the form of rights and spatial data for use of space above the land surface. The rights form is a product from processing physical and juridical data, while spatial data form is only from physical data processing. From this form designing, a new rights institution which is called rights for using space above the land surface (Hak Guna Ruang di Atas Tanah/HGRAT), and spatial data in volumetric land which is formed in 2.5D registration map and document of measurement certificate, was formed. Keywords : 3D cadastre, use of space above the land surface.

    Analisis Pengaruh Penggunaan Lahan Terhadap Suhu Permukaan DAN Keterkaitan dengan Fenomena Urban Heat Island Menggunakan citra Satelit Landsat

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    Bandar Lampung is one of the cities that has experienced rapid development in construction and infrastructure sectors, it causes Bandar Lampung as one of the destinations for urbanization. Increased urbanization causes changes in land cover by increasing the built-up land (settlement) and decreasing vegetation land causing the increase in surface temperature which can trigger an urban heat island phenomenon. This study aims to analyze the relationship of land cover and vegetation density to surface temperature to determine the phenomenon of urban heat island in Bandar Lampung City spatially. The urban heat island phenomenon can be seen by approach analysis using remote sensing data through several extractions, namely land cover classification with supervised method, vegetation index density (NDVI) and surface temperature (LST) using the split window algorithm technique. The remote sensing data used are Landsat Satellite Imagery in 2011, 2015 and 2019. The result of processing is the distribution of surface temperature of Bandar Lampung City has increased, in 2011 the average temperature reached 23.12 ° C and rose to 33.03 ° C in 2019. The effect of land use on surface temperature has a determination coefficient of 48% and a correlation of 0,693

    Association between Surface Air Temperature And Land Use On The Campus Scale

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    The increasing trend of global temperature is related to the land use change in the form of urbanization. The impact of land use change to surface air temperature in Indonesia especially in smaller scope in Indonesia have not researched yet. The study area is located on newly built campus and the development of land use change inside campus can be managed carefully. This research aim is to determine which land use affecting high-temperature by using multiple linear regression method with least square approach so that temperature increase can be controlled in which some land uses must be preserved in urbanization. Land use data is interpreted from the photo map of 275 hectare campus. Temperature data is measured by using the digital thermometer three times a day. The method idea is to obtain distinctive contribution of every land use to every temperature measurement point. The contribution follows the inverse distance weighted concept. Surface air temperature measurement points are located with 150 meter interval and centroids of land use polygons are used for association calculation. Temperature measurement shows values between 25.5oC and 35.4oC. Land use with more anthropogenic activities and rubber plantation are the top contributors to high surface air temperature within a day. In the non-built-up land use category, water body increases the temperature in the daytime. Anthropogenic activities and vegetation density within land use is the main factor in increasing the surface air temperature so that it is suggested to plant farm-like vegetation around every built-up land use

    Acceleration of Land Certification with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in Toll Road Construction Area

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    Toll roads is one important component to improve the progress of a country, because with the addition of toll roads, the accessibility easier and can advance the economic movement. One of the toll road construction that is underway is construction of Cileunyi - Sumedang - Dawuan (Cisumdawu). The Cisumdawu Toll is prepared to tackle congestion on Jalan Cadas Pangeran and facilitate access to Kertajati International Airport. The construction of the Cisumdawu toll road itself is inseparable from land acquisition problems. Land acquisition is a process to purchase community-owned land which passed by toll road. Land acquisition requires a land certificate to facilitate legal affairs, unfortunately many land in rural areas do not yet have a certificate. This certification process can be assisted by unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology to map parcel data. This research examines how UAV assist in the acceleration of certification for land parcels to be acquired

    The Study on the Utilisation of Spatial Unit Above and Beneath the Surface in Indonesia based on 3D Cadastre System

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    The development of vertical constructions in cities in Indonesia has, to some extent, urged the adaptation of its cadastral system to cope with this type of development. As also happened in most mega cities in the world, the intensification of physical development in urban areas urges not only the utilisation of earth’s surface but also the space above and/or beneath it. The development of apartment units on mid 80s was followed by the promulgation of Act no. 16 year 1985 regarding Apartment Unit. Unfortunately, the arising needs of commercial spaces, which have been captured by the development of spaces above and beneath the surface, have not been able to be managed by the recent cadastral system of Indonesia. This paper highlights the measurement on the feasibility of the improvement of cadastral legal framework in Indonesia for providing the security of tenure regarding the employment of the space above and beneath the surface. The applicability of tenureship principles applied in Indonesia, as well as the legal and technical aspect of registration of 3D object in Indonesia, on the improvement of 3D cadastral system in Indonesia was measured by means of all 3D cadastral approaches namely 2D cadastre with 3D tags, hybrid cadastre and full 3D cadastre. Within the studies that are highlighted in this paper, Beringharjo Market in Yogyakarta was employed as the case study on the establishment of tenure for the space above the surface, while Blok M Shopping Centre, which is located beneath Blok M Terminal in Southern Jakarta, was studied for acquiring the insights on the establishment of tenure for the space beneath the surface. Furthermore, the implications on the further improvement of cadastral system of Indonesia are also provided in this paper. Through this paper, the employment of Spatial Unit term for representing any 3D unit is also quickly introduced. The working definition of Spatial Unit is a 3D unit that is wholly enclosed by either physical or imaginary surface(s), which is located partly or completely on, above and beneath the surface of the earth and sea. In fact, this term has been at least partially applied within the existing cadastral concept. Land is a physical thing that encompasses the surface of the earth and all things attached to it both above and beneath. The definition reflects a direct relationship between land and space, even though the space itself is not restricted by its volume. The employment of Spatial Unit in marine and waters cadastre is even more obvious as, in some extent, the 3D representation of rights is enormously important for controlling and regulation marine activities, as well as facilitating ocean governance