4 research outputs found

    Quantification du transport solide par la technique floue, application au barrage de Beni Amrane (Algérie)

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    L’AlgĂ©rie, caractĂ©risĂ©e par un climat semi-aride, est menacĂ©e par l’érosion des terres agricoles qui provoque l’augmentation du transport solide et l’envasement croissant des barrages. Cet article dĂ©crit une nouvelle mĂ©thode d’estimation des flux de matiĂšres en suspension (MES) au niveau d’un barrage algĂ©rien (barrage de Beni Amrane) basĂ©e sur la logique floue. Cette derniĂšre utilise des termes flous tels que « faible », « moyen » et « élevé », pour dĂ©composer le processus dĂ©bit-MES en plusieurs sous-ensembles flous et d’en dĂ©duire les quantitĂ©s de matiĂšres solides en fonction du dĂ©bit observĂ© de la riviĂšre. Les performances de cette mĂ©thode ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©es en pĂ©riode de calage, mais aussi en pĂ©riode de validation, pour mieux juger de la capacitĂ© prĂ©dictive du modĂšle Ă  ces deux Ă©chelles. En comparant la logique floue avec un modĂšle empirique rĂ©gressif utilisant une relation de puissance, nous avons dĂ©montrĂ© la robustesse du modĂšle flou en tant qu’outil de quantification du transport solide.Sediment transport and erosion is a complex natural process that is strongly influenced by human activities such as deforestation, agriculture and urbanization. In particular, suspended sediments play a key role in controlling water quality and they can cause a major reduction in the capacity of a stream for handling floods. In Algeria, increasing erosion and suspended loads are responsible for serious problems in agricultural land and hydraulic reservoirs, since the suspended load and its sedimentation lead to flooding and dam silting. Water and soil conservation practices, such as contour ridges and areas of reforestation, were introduced in many regions of Algeria in order to decrease erosion and to collect runoff in hill-slope catchments.Relationships for water discharge and suspended sediment load can be divided into three types: empirical models that allow quantification of erosion on annual time scales, such as the Wischmeier and Smith soil loss equation; conceptual models, which include several reservoirs estimating sediment load on different time scales; and finally, physically-based models, which introduce physical laws such as the Saint-Venant equation. These models represent another category, and allow the estimation of sediment load in different areas of the watershed and supply spatial results. These models also take into account numerous variables that are difficult to obtain on a regional scale.The objective of this research was to develop runoff-suspended sediment models for the Beni Amrane reservoir. This reservoir is located in the Isser watershed, situated in northern Algeria. This basin covers an area of 4,000 km2 and is characterized by a semi-arid climate and a very high soil erosion rate, exceeding 2,000 tons/km2/year. The Beni Amrane reservoir represents an important dam as it supplies the Keddara dam, which in turn supplies the town of Algiers with drinking water.In the present study, two approaches to suspended sediment simulation were applied on hourly time scales for suspended sediment concentrations, and on daily time scales for water discharge and solid discharge analysis. The first approach is an empirical regression model based on a rating curve and uses a relationship between the observed runoff and the sediment concentration values. The model uses only two parameters, with the second being based on fuzzy logic. Fuzzy logic is already used in many scientific domains, and represents a new simulation technique based on artificial intelligence. Fuzzy variables were used to organize knowledge that is expressed ‘linguistically’ into a formal analysis (for example ‘high suspended sediment’, ‘average suspended sediment’ and ‘low suspended sediment’). The simulation results confirm the performances and robustness of the fuzzy logic model for the two time scales. In fact, the Nash criterion, which is the principal validation criterion for the models, displayed high performances in calibration and validation periods. The neurofuzzy model (fuzzy logic with neural supervised learning) offers a simulation advantage. On an hourly time scale, while increasing the number of fuzzy rules, the model results in good precision with the observed suspended sediments.The fuzzy logic model results showed that the Nash criterion for two periods (calibration and validation) was greater than 88%, and the peaks of suspended sediments were generally correctly reproduced for the four episodes studied. This is in contrast to the empirical model, where the Nash efficiency was generally weak and decreased during the validation period. In this latter period, the Nash criterion was often negative, the global error was high and the maximum concentration peak was underestimated.On a daily time scale, knowing the complexity of the runoff-suspended sediment process, we have analyzed these two models for solid discharge simulation. The study was carried out on daily solid discharge data collected from the gauging station on the Isser River (1986 to 1989). While based on the same validation criteria, i.e. the Nash efficiency and the global error, the fuzzy logic model appeared more robust than the empirical model. The fuzzy logic model produced better estimates of the daily sediment yield than the empirical model during calibration and validation periods, and it represents a high prediction power. Thus, we have validated the fuzzy logic model as a tool for simulation of runoff of suspended sediments, and it can be explored to predict sediment loading and silting in Algerian reservoirs

    Effect of near‐bed turbulence on chronic detachment of epilithic biofilm: Experimental and modeling approaches.

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    The biomass dynamics of epilithic biofilm, a collective term for a complex microorganism community that grows on gravel bed rivers, was investigated by coupling experimental and numerical approaches focusing on epilithic biofilm‐flow interactions. The experiment was conducted during 65 days in an artificial rough open‐channel flow, where filtered river water circulated at a constant discharge. To characterize the effect of near‐bed turbulence on the chronic detachment process in the dynamics of epilithic biofilm, local hydrodynamic conditions were measured by laser Doppler anemometry and turbulent boundary layer parameters inferred from double‐averaged quantities. Numerical simulations of the EB biomass dynamics were performed using three different models of chronic detachment based upon three different descriptors for the flow conditions: Discharge Q, friction velocity u*, and roughness Reynolds number k+. Comparisons of numerical simulation results with experimental data revealed chronic detachment to be better simulated by taking the roughness Reynolds number as the external physical variable forcing chronic detachment. Indeed, the loss of epilithic matter through the chronic detachment process is related not only to hydrodynamic conditions, but also to change in bottom roughness. This suggests that changes in the behavior and dimensions of river bed roughness must be considered when checking the dynamics of epilithic biofilm in running waters

    Modelling epilithic biofilms combining hydrodynamics, invertebrate grazing and algal traits

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    1.This model of stream epilithic biofilm biomass dynamics is based on the system of equations from Uehlinger et al. (1996) and the term for autogenic detachment of biofilm from Boul^etreau et al. (2006). Its new features are (i) a mathematical term based on estimated feeding activity of biofilm-dwelling invertebrates, (ii) local hydrodynamics considered as the principal factor governing algal traits and biofilm structure and (iii) a variable degree of parameterisation that was adjusted to biofilm biomass conditions. 2. Biofilm biomass was monitored over a one-year period in the Garonne river in France (September 2008–2009). An allometric approach was used to estimate the feeding activity of biofilm-dwelling invertebrates based on their energetic requirements. Diatom functional diversity was also monitored to find how it varied with overall biofilm growth patterns. The one-year monitoring period was divided into six biofilm biomass cycles, with each cycle consisting of a phase of biofilm growth as the main process, followed by detachment.3. This model reproduced the observed data as a complex of biofilm growth/detachment cycles using different sets of empirical parameters which allowed (i) the dominant processes involved in each biofilm cycle to be evaluated and (ii) the six cycles of biofilm growth/detachment to be reproduced. This accounted for the observed patterns more effectively than a parameterisation using a single set of empirical parameters. 4. High flow had a severe effect on biofilm dynamics through chronic and catastrophic detachment. Presumably as a result, assemblages of diatoms shifted towards species that were firmly attached and protected by mucilage. 5. During low flow (and when temperature was high), biofilm dynamics was mainly affected by autogenic detachment and grazer activity. The grazing pressure of the dominant biofilm-dwelling invertebrates (Nematoda and larvae of Chironomidae and Trichoptera) was fairly low (a maximum of 6% of biofilm biomass ingested daily); nevertheless, their presence in the biofilm seemed to favour biofilm autogenic detachment