1,550 research outputs found

    Contribution à l'étude de la relation entre les différentes formes du phosphore dans les sédiments d'une retenue de barrage eutrophe en climat méditerranéen (El Kansera, Maroc)

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    Le présent travail porte sur l'évaluation des différentes formes de phosphore, dans les sédiments d'un réservoir eutrophe en climat méditerranéen (El Kansera, Maroc) et la détermination des relations entre ces formes. L'application d'un schéma de fractionnement chimique du phosphore a permis de déterminer les proportions de quatre formes différentes : le phosphore lié au fer Fe(OOH)-P, le phosphore lié au calcium CaCO3-P, le phosphore organique soluble dans l'acide POSA et le phosphore organique résiduel POR. La forme biodisponible a été déterminée par ailleurs, par des bioessais en utilisant une Chlorophycée (Scenedesmus crassus) isolée à partir des eaux de la retenue du barrage étudié.Une étude par analyse factorielle des correspondances a mis en évidence l'influence de la nature des sédiments étudiés et de leurs propriétés physico-chimiques sur la répartition des formes du phosphore dans les sédiments. En période de basses eaux, les sédiments sont caractérisés par la prédominance des formes inorganiques ; alors qu'en période de hautes eaux, la forme POSA est la plus abondante. La confrontation des résultats obtenus par la méthode des bioessais avec ceux relatifs aux extractions chimiques séquentielles de phosphore a montré par ailleurs, que la forme biodisponible du phosphore est fortement corrélée aux formes inorganiques {Fe(OOH)-P et CaCO3-P} et indépendante vis à vis des formes organiques {POSA et POR}.We have studied in this work the different forms of phosphorus in the sediments of a eutrophic reservoir in a Mediterranean climate (El Kansera – Morocco). The studied sediments have been collected at eight sampling stations located at different points in the middle of the lake during two sampling sessions in contrasting weather conditions: the first sampling occurred in November 1992, a period of autumn mixing and low water levels, whereas the second took place in January 1994 during a high water level period, just after the first winter floods of the Beht river whose waters are retained in the studied reservoir.The evaluation of the different forms of phosphorus was carried out using both a chemical extraction method and a bioassay method. The application of the chosen chemical extraction scheme allowed the determination of the proportions of four different phosphorus forms: iron-bound {Fe(OOH)-P}, calcium-bound {CaCO3-P}, acid-soluble organic {POSA} and residual organic {POR}. The bioavailable form {Pbio}, representing less than 32 % of the total sediment phosphorus content, has been evaluated using a Scenedesmus crassus algal strain isolated from El Kansera reservoir waters.According to the results of our analyses, the concentrations of iron-bound phosphorus are higher overall than those of calcium-bound phosphorus. The sediments collected during the low water period contain spatially stable values of POSA (0.03 – 0.09 mg.g-1). These values are lower than those determined in the sediments collected during the high water period (0.24 – 0.42 mg.g-1). This form represents less than 11% of the total phosphorus in the low water period whereas it represents more than 25% and up to 56% of the total phosphorus in the filling period. This result can be explained by the freshness of the organic matter supplied by the continuous water flow in the high water period and the degradation of this organic matter during the low water period. Moreover, the anaerobic conditions of the hypolimnetic layers and the low external supply during the low water period favour organic phosphorus mineralisation.A Factorial Correspondence analysis study has shown the influence of the nature and the physico-chemical properties of the studied sediments on the distribution of the different phosphorus forms. In the low level period, the predominance of the inorganic forms is obvious while POSA is the most abundant form in the period of rising water levels. This differentiation can be explained by the different transport dynamics of suspended organic or inorganic particles according to the water level and also to the external or internal supply of the organic matter.We have also determined the statistical relations among the estimated different forms of phosphorus in El Kansera reservoir sediments. This statistical analysis was carried out to establish the correlation between the bioavailable phosphorus determined by the bioassay method and the phosphorus forms determined by chemical speciation. The goal of the study was to determine, according to statistically significant correlations, the chemical forms of the bioavailable phosphorus contained in the studied sediments.The comparison between the results we have obtained by the bioassay method and those obtained by sequential chemical extraction has shown that the bioavailable form of phosphorus is strongly correlated with the inorganic forms {Fe(OOH)-P} and {CaCO3-P}. The high correlation found between the iron-bound form of phosphorus and the bioavailable one is in good agreement with previous work described in the literature that has shown that an important part of the iron-bound and aluminium- bound phosphorus is bioavailable, whatever the extraction method may be.It has also been demonstrated that the forms {Pbio}, {Fe(OOH)-P}, {CaCO3-P} and {Pinorg}are notably independent from the {POSA} and {Porg} forms, the correlation coefficients being relatively low. The residual organic form of phosphorus {POR} does not seem to be linked to any variable. Therefore, we can say that this form is not bioavailable for the Scenedesmus crassus species

    Evidence on Anti-malarial and Diagnostic Markets in Cambodia to Guide Malaria Elimination Strategies and Policies

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    BACKGROUND: Understanding Cambodia\u27s anti-malarial and diagnostic landscape in 2015 is critical for informing and monitoring strategies and policies as Cambodia moves forward with national efforts to eliminate malaria. The aim of this paper is to present timely and key findings on the public and private sector anti-malarial and diagnostic landscape in Cambodia. This evidence can serve as a baseline benchmark for guiding implementation of national strategies as well as other regional initiatives to address malaria elimination activities. METHODS: From August 17th to October 1st, 2015, a cross sectional, nationally-representative malaria outlet survey was conducted in Cambodia. A census of all public and private outlets with potential to distribute malaria testing and/or treatment was conducted among 180 communes. An audit was completed for all anti-malarials, malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDT) and microscopy. RESULTS: A total of 26,664 outlets were screened, and 1303 outlets were eligible and interviewed. Among all screened outlets in the public sector, 75.9% of public health facilities and 67.7% of community health workers stocked both malaria diagnostic testing and a first-line artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT). Among anti-malarial-stocking private sector outlets, 64.7% had malaria blood testing available, and 70.9% were stocking a first-line ACT. Market share data illustrate that most of the anti-malarials were sold or distributed through the private sector (58.4%), including itinerant drug vendors (23.4%). First-line ACT accounted for the majority of the market share across the public and private sectors (90.3%). Among private sector outlets stocking any anti-malarial, the proportion of outlets with a first-line ACT or RDT was higher among outlets that had reportedly received one or more forms of \u27support\u27 (e.g. reportedly received training in the previous year on malaria diagnosis [RDT and/or microscopy] and/or the national treatment guidelines for malaria) compared to outlets that did not report receiving any support (ACT: 82.1 and 60.6%, respectively; RDT: 78.2 and 64.0%, respectively). CONCLUSION: The results point to high availability and distribution of first-line ACT and widespread availability of malaria diagnosis, especially in the public sector. This suggests that there is a strong foundation for achieving elimination goals in Cambodia. However, key gaps in terms of availability of malaria commodities for case management must be addressed, particularly in the private sector where most people seek treatment. Continued engagement with the private sector will be important to ensure accelerated progress towards malaria elimination

    Feature-expression heat maps – A new visual method to explore complex associations between two variable sets

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    AbstractIntroductionExisting methods such as correlation plots and cluster heat maps are insufficient in the visual exploration of multiple associations between genetics and phenotype, which is of importance to achieve a better understanding of the pathophysiology of psychiatric and other illnesses. The implementation of a combined presentation of effect size and statistical significance in a graphical method, added to the ordering of the variables based on the effect-ordered data display principle was deemed useful by the authors to facilitate in the process of recognizing meaningful patterns in these associations.Materials and methodsThe requirements, analyses and graphical presentation of the feature-expression heat map are described. The graphs display associations of two sets of ordered variables where a one-way direction is assumed. The associations are depicted as circles representing a combination of effect size (color) and statistical significance (radius).ResultsAn example dataset is presented and relation to other methods, limitations, areas of application and possible future enhancements are discussed.ConclusionThe feature-expression heat map is a useful graphical instrument to explore associations in complex biological systems where one-way direction is assumed, such as genotype-phenotype pathophysiological models

    Calpains, Cleaved Mini-Dysferlin(C72), and L-Type Channels Underpin Calcium-Dependent Muscle Membrane Repair

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    Dysferlin is proposed as a key mediator of calcium-dependent muscle membrane repair, although its precise role has remained elusive. Dysferlin interacts with a new membrane repair protein, mitsugumin 53 (MG53), an E3 ubiquitin ligase that shows rapid recruitment to injury sites. Using a novel ballistics assay in primary human myotubes, we show it is not full-length dysferlin recruited to sites of membrane injury but an injury-specific calpain-cleavage product, mini-dysferlin(C72). Mini-dysferlin(C72)-rich vesicles are rapidly recruited to injury sites and fuse with plasma membrane compartments decorated by MG53 in a process coordinated by L-type calcium channels. Collective interplay between activated calpains, dysferlin, and L-type channels explains how muscle cells sense a membrane injury and mount a specialized response in the unique local environment of a membrane injury. Mini-dysferlin(C72) and MG53 form an intricate lattice that intensely labels exposed phospholipids of injury sites, then infiltrates and stabilizes the membrane lesion during repair. Our results extend functional parallels between ferlins and synaptotagmins. Whereas otoferlin exists as long and short splice isoforms, dysferlin is subject to enzymatic cleavage releasing a synaptotagmin-like fragment with a specialized protein-or phospholipid-binding role for muscle membrane repair

    Can Variation in Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA)-Axis Activity Explain the Relationship between Depression and Cognition in Bipolar Patients?

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    Background: Dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is thought to be associated with more mood symptoms and worse cognitive functioning. This study examined whether variation in HPA axis activity underlies the association between mood symptoms and cognitive functioning. Methodology/Principal Findings: In 65 bipolar patients cognitive functioning was measured in domains of psychomotor speed, speed of information processing, attentional switching, verbal memory, visual memory, executive functioning and an overall mean score. Severity of depression was assessed by the Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology-self rating version. Saliva cortisol measurements were performed to calculate HPA axis indicators: cortisol awakening response, diurnal slope, the evening cortisol level and the cortisol suppression on the dexamethasone suppression test. Regression analyses of depressive symptoms and cognitive functioning on each HPA axis indicator were performed. In addition we calculated percentages explanation of the association between depressive symptoms and cognition by HPA axis indicators. Depressive symptoms were associated with dysfunction in psychomotor speed, attentional switching and the mean score, as well as with attenuation in diurnal slope value. No association was found between HPA axis activity and cognitive functioning and HPA axis activity did not explain the associations between depressive symptoms and cognition. Conclusions/Significance: As our study is the first one in this field specific for bipolar patients and changes in HPA-axis activity did not seem to explain the association between severity of depressive symptoms and cognitive functioning in bipolar patients, future studies are needed to evaluate other factors that might explain this relationship

    Anogenital distance and penile length in infants with hypospadias or cryptorchidism: comparison with normative data.

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    BACKGROUND: Anogenital distance (AGD) in animals is a sensitive biomarker of fetal endocrine disruption and the associated testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS). However, AGD in human infants with cryptorchidism and hypospadias, which are potential manifestations of TDS during childhood, is not clearly described. OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to compare AGD in boys with cryptorchidism or hypospadias against normative data. METHODS: Boys with isolated cryptorchidism (n = 71, age 13.4 ± 5.8 months) or hypospadias (n = 81, age 11.4 ± 6.2 months) were recruited from a tertiary center for measurement of AGD and penile length; they were compared with 487 healthy full-term boys from a birth cohort by deriving age-specific standard deviation scores (SDS). RESULTS: Boys with cryptorchidism were older (p = 0.048) compared with boys with hypospadias. Boys with hypospadias had shorter mean AGD and penile length SDS than healthy boys (both p < 0.0001). Mean AGD and penile length SDS values in boys with cryptorchidism were longer than mean values in boys with hypospadias (both p < 0.01) and shorter than mean values in healthy boys (both p < 0.0001). Mean penile length SDS decreased as the severity of hypospadias increased (ptrend = 0.078). CONCLUSIONS: In the study population, AGD and penile length were reduced in boys with hypospadias or cryptorchidism relative to normative data derived from a longitudinal birth cohort. The findings support the use of AGD as a quantitative biomarker to examine the prenatal effects of exposure to endocrine disruptors on the development of the male reproductive tract

    A protocol for light therapy in bipolar disorder

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    BACKGROUND There is no national protocol for the use of light therapy in bipolar depression. AIM The chronotherapy collaboration group of the Foundation for Bipolar Disorders intended to write a protocol for light therapy in bipolar depressive episodes. METHOD Narrative review of several systematic reviews, two clinician’s guides and deliberation with the sub-commission Guidelines of the Dutch Ophthalmologic Society. RESULTS The following indication was established: depressive episode, with or without seasonal features, in bipolar I or II disorder, including subsyndromal (depressive) seasonal complaints. The list of relative contra-indications (pre-existent retinal illnesses, systemic illnesses with effect on the retina and use of photosensitive medication) was shortened. In this case the medical professional discusses the possibility of an ophthalmologic consultation with the patient. Use of a mood stabilizer/antimanic medication in order to prevent mania or a mixed episode is only necessary in a depressive episode in bipolar I, but not in bipolar II disorder. Standard treatment is 10.000 lux white light during 30 minutes in the morning. CONCLUSION There is sufficient evidence to propose light therapy in a bipolar depressive episode with or without seasonal features.</p

    2021 assessment of the status of the West Coast Demersal Scalefish Resource

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    A recovery program for the West Coast Demersal Scalefish Resource was introduced between late 2007 and early 2010, based on the maintenance of retained catches of demersal species (overall suite and each indicator species) by both the commercial and recreational sectors below 50% of the catches reported in 2005/06 (original catch recovery benchmarks)
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