67 research outputs found

    Effects of an Early Postnatal Music Intervention on Cognitive and Emotional Development in Preterm Children at 12 and 24 Months: Preliminary Findings

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    Preterm birth is associated with a higher prevalence of neurodevelopmental deficits. Indeed, preterm children are at increased risk for cognitive, behavioral, and socio-emotional difficulties. There is currently an increasing interest in introducing music intervention in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) care. Several studies have shown short-term beneficial effects. A recent study has shown that listening to a familiar music (heard daily during the NICU stay) enhanced preterm infants’ functional connectivity between auditory cortices and subcortical brain regions at term-equivalent age. However, the long-term effects of music listening in the NICUs have never been explored. The aim of this study was to evaluate at 12 and 24 months the effects of music listening in the NICU on cognitive and emotional development in preterm children by comparing them to a preterm control group with no previous music exposure and to a full-term group. Participants were 44 children (17 full-term and 27 preterm). Preterm children were randomized to either music intervention or control condition (without music). The preterm-music group regularly listened to music from 33 weeks postconceptional age until hospital discharge or term-equivalent age. At 12 months, children were evaluated on the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition, then with 4 episodes of the Laboratory Temperament Assessment Battery (assessing expressions of joy, anger, and fear, and sustained attention). At 24 months, the children were evaluated with the same tests, and with 3 additional episodes of the Effortful Control Battery (assessing inhibition). Results showed that the scores of preterm children, music and control, differed from those of full-term children for fear reactivity at 12 months of age and for anger reactivity at 24 months of age. Interestingly, these significant differences were less important between the preterm-music and the full-term groups than between the preterm-control and the full-term groups. The present study provides preliminary, but promising, scientific findings on the beneficial long-term effects of music listening in the NICU on neurodevelopmental outcomes in preterm children, and more specifically on emotion mechanisms at 12 and 24 months of age. Our findings bring new insights for supporting early music intervention in the NICU

    Emotional and effortful control abilities in 42-month-old very preterm and full-term children

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    Background: Very preterm (VP) infants are at greater risk for cognitive difficulties that may persist during schoolage, adolescence and adulthood. Behavioral assessments report either effortful control (part of executive functions) or emotional reactivity/regulation impairments. Aims: The aim of this study is to examine whether emotional recognition, reactivity, and regulation, as well as effortful control abilities are impaired in very preterm children at 42 months of age, compared with their full-term peers, and to what extent emotional and effortful control difficulties are linked. Study design: Children born very preterm (VP; b 29 weeks gestational age, n = 41) and full-term (FT) agedmatched children (n = 47) participated in a series of specific neuropsychological tests assessing their level of emotional understanding, reactivity and regulation, as well as their attentional and effortful control abilities. Results: VP children exhibited higher scores of frustration and fear, and were less accurate in naming facial expressions of emotions than their aged-matched peers. However, VP children and FT children equally performed when asked to choose emotional facial expression in social context, and when we assessed their selective attention skills. VP performed significantly lower than full terms on two tasks of inhibition when correcting for verbal skills. Moreover, significant correlations between cognitive capacities (effortful control) and emotional abilities were evidenced. Conclusions: Compared to their FT peers, 42 month-olds who were born very preterm are at higher risk of exhibiting specific emotional and effortful control difficulties. The results suggest that these difficulties are linked. Ongoing behavioral and emotional impairments starting at an early age in preterms highlight the need for early interventions based on a better understanding of the relationship between emotional and cognitive difficulties

    Music processing in preterm and full-term newborns: A psychophysiological interaction (PPI) approach in neonatal fMRI

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    Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) provide special equipment designed to give life support for the increasing number of prematurely born infants and assure their survival. More recently NICU's strive to include developmentally oriented care and modulate sensory input for preterm infants. Music, among other sensory stimuli, has been introduced into NICUs, but without knowledge on the basic music processing in the brain of preterm infants. In this study, we explored the cortico-subcortical music processing of different types of conditions (Original music, Tempo modification, Key transposition) in newborns shortly after birth to assess the effective connectivity of the primary auditory cortex with the entire newborn brain. Additionally, we investigated if early exposure during NICU stay modulates brain processing of music in preterm infants at term equivalent age. We approached these two questions using Psychophysiological Interaction (PPI) analyses. A group of preterm infants listened to music (Original music) starting from 33 weeks postconceptional age until term equivalent age and were compared to two additional groups without music intervention; preterm infants and full-term newborns. Auditory cortex functional connectivity with cerebral regions known to be implicated in tempo and familiarity processing were identified only for preterm infants with music training in the NICU. Increased connectivity between auditory cortices and thalamus and dorsal striatum may not only reflect their sensitivity to the known music and the processing of its tempo as familiar, but these results are also compatible with the hypothesis that the previously listened music induces a more arousing and pleasant state. Our results suggest that music exposure in NICU's environment can induce brain functional connectivity changes that are associated with music processing

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    Perception manuelle de la forme des objets chez les enfants prématurés en période néonatale

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    Preterm infants receive inadequate sensory stimulations during a critical period of brain development. Touch seems to be a key modality in preterm infants. The aim of this thesis was to investigate early manual abilities in preterm infants. Therefore, we focused on manual haptic processing of object shape without vision control. This field of research remained hitherto unexplored in preterm infants. The first study investigated the abilities (intra-manual) to perceive in one hand the difference between the shape of two objects (prism vs. cylinder) in preterm infants from 33 to 34+6 GW (Gestational Weeks). In a second study, we examined the development of these manual abilities depending on the degree of prematurity (three groups). Finally, in a third study, we investigated the abilities (inter-manual) of preterm infants from 33 to 34+6 GW to perceive and memorize an object's shape with one hand and to detect differences between two shapes in the opposite hand. Our results reveal that manual habituation and discrimination of object shape are present in preterm infants from 28 GW. In addition, preterm infants from 28 to 34 GW show recognition memory after haptic interference (presentation of a novel object) contrary to infants from 34 GW. This last result indicates qualitative differences between groups of prematurity. However, our results show no quantitative difference in manual performance between the three groups of prematurity. Finally, results reveal that an inter-manual transfer of shape information is present in preterm infants at 33 GW demonstrating the existence of communication between the two cerebral hemispheres. Overall, our results show that the preterm infant is already endowed with early tactile abilities. This thesis provides new theoretical insights concerning the development of tactile perception and opens new perspectives in the context of developmental care.Les enfants prĂ©maturĂ©s reçoivent des stimulations sensorielles inappropriĂ©es lors d'une pĂ©riode critique de leur dĂ©veloppement cĂ©rĂ©bral. Le toucher semble ĂȘtre une modalitĂ© clĂ© chez les enfants prĂ©maturĂ©s. L'enjeu de ce travail de thĂšse Ă©tait d'Ă©tudier les compĂ©tences tactiles manuelles prĂ©coces des enfants prĂ©maturĂ©s. Pour cela, nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s au traitement haptique (tactilo-kinesthĂ©sique) manuel de la forme des objets sans contrĂŽle de la vision. Ce champ de recherche Ă©tait restĂ© jusqu'alors inexplorĂ© chez les enfants prĂ©maturĂ©s. Une premiĂšre Ă©tude qui nous a servi d'Ă©tude pilote, nous a permis d'explorer les compĂ©tences (intra-main) Ă  percevoir d'une main la diffĂ©rence entre deux formes d'objets (prisme vs. cylindre) chez des enfants prĂ©maturĂ©s ĂągĂ©s de 33 Ă  34+6 SA (Semaines d'AmĂ©norrhĂ©e). Dans une seconde Ă©tude, nous avons examinĂ© l'Ă©volution de ces compĂ©tences tactiles manuelles en fonction du degrĂ© de prĂ©maturitĂ© (trois groupes). Enfin, dans une troisiĂšme Ă©tude, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© les compĂ©tences (inter-main) des enfants prĂ©maturĂ©s ĂągĂ©s de 33 Ă  34+6 SA Ă  percevoir et mĂ©moriser une forme d'objet avec une main et dĂ©tecter une diffĂ©rence de forme avec l'autre main. Nos rĂ©sultats rĂ©vĂšlent l'existence d'une habituation et d'une discrimination manuelle de la forme des objets chez les enfants prĂ©maturĂ©s dĂšs 28 SA. De plus, les enfants prĂ©maturĂ©s ĂągĂ©s de 28 Ă  34 SA prĂ©sentent Ă©galement des compĂ©tences de reconnaissance d'un objet familier suite Ă  une interfĂ©rence (prĂ©sentation du nouvel objet) contrairement aux enfants ĂągĂ©s de plus de 34 SA. Les rĂ©sultats particuliers de ce dernier groupe d'Ăąge mettent en Ă©vidence des diffĂ©rences qualitatives avec les deux autres groupes de prĂ©maturitĂ©. Cependant les rĂ©sultats ne montrent pas de diffĂ©rence quantitative des performances tactiles manuelles entre les trois groupes de prĂ©maturitĂ©. Enfin, les rĂ©sultats rĂ©vĂšlent qu'un transfert inter-manuel de la forme est prĂ©sent chez les enfants prĂ©maturĂ©s tĂ©moignant de l'existence d'une communication entre les deux hĂ©misphĂšres cĂ©rĂ©braux dĂšs 33 SA. L'ensemble des rĂ©sultats montre que l'enfant prĂ©maturĂ© est dĂ©jĂ  dotĂ© de compĂ©tences tactiles prĂ©coces. Ce travail de thĂšse apporte de nouvelles connaissances concernant le dĂ©veloppement de la perception tactile et fournit des pistes de rĂ©flexion dans le cadre des soins de dĂ©veloppement

    Le jeu chez le tout-petit

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    Le jeu de la naissance Ă  l'Ăąge de 2 ans connaĂźt un regain d'intĂ©rĂȘt rĂ©cent. Les prĂ©mices du jeu sont abordĂ©es Ă  travers l'importance de l'intĂ©gration multisensorielle. Cet article prĂ©sente ensuite le dĂ©veloppement du jeu avec les objets et sesrĂ©requis sensori-moteurs, ainsi que le dĂ©veloppement du jeu social et l'influence de l'attention conjointe. À travers le jeu, le nourrisson acquiert et consolide de nombreuses compĂ©tences sensori-motrices, langagiĂšres, sociales, Ă©motionnelles et visuo-spatiales

    Comment le nouveau-né prématuré perçoit-il son environnement multisensoriel ?

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    Les systĂšmes sensoriels de l’enfant prĂ©maturĂ© sont encore plus inachevĂ©s que ceux du nouveau-nĂ© Ă  terme. La maturation progressive des diffĂ©rents sens suit un ordre chronologique invariant aussi bien chez de nombreux mammifĂšres et oiseaux que chez l’ĂȘtre humain : d’abord le toucher, puis l’olfaction, le goĂ»t, l’audition et enfin la vision. L’amĂ©lioration de la qualitĂ© des soins prodiguĂ©s aux bĂ©bĂ©s prĂ©maturĂ©s doit passer par une meilleure connaissance scientifique de leurs compĂ©tences sensorielles. Que ces bĂ©bĂ©s arrivent-ils Ă  percevoir de leur environnement ? Leurs compĂ©tences sont-elles diffĂ©rentes de celles des nouveau-nĂ©s Ă  terme

    L’enfant prĂ©maturĂ© en 2018 : multiplicitĂ© des enjeux

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    La prĂ©maturitĂ©, vĂ©ritable question de santĂ© publique, concerne 11,1 % de la natalitĂ© mondiale. Les enfants prĂ©maturĂ©s sont plus de risque que ceux nĂ©s Ă  terme de prĂ©senter des difficultĂ©s dĂ©veloppementales. L’environnement stressant de nĂ©onatologie et l’anxiĂ©tĂ© intense vĂ©cue par les parents sont les premiers incriminĂ©s. Ces observations ont motivĂ© l’élaboration de soins de dĂ©veloppement et la mise en place d’un suivi afin de prĂ©venir et de dĂ©tecter les troubles liĂ©s Ă  la prĂ©maturitĂ©. La prĂ©maturitĂ© implique des enjeux familiaux, de santĂ© et Ă©conomiques

    Le toucher chez les enfants prématurés

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    Les troubles dépressifs maternels: conséquences sur le développement neurocognitif et affectif du jeune enfant

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    La dĂ©pression prĂ©natale, souvent considĂ©rĂ©e comme des « humeurs normales » liĂ©es Ă  la fatigue et aux hormones, est encore un phĂ©nomĂšne sous-estimĂ©. Elle est pourtant deux fois plus frĂ©quente que les dĂ©pressions postpartum. Quant Ă  cette derniĂšre, elle fait partie des troubles psychiatriques liĂ©s Ă  la maternitĂ©, correspondant Ă  un trouble prĂ©sent sur une pĂ©riode supĂ©rieure Ă  un mois pendant laquelle les humeurs deviennent dysphoriques. La mĂšre se retrouve dans un Ă©tat de lassitude et de culpabilitĂ© profondes auquel sont associĂ©s des troubles du sommeil, de l'anxiĂ©tĂ© et des pensĂ©es suicidaires. Est-ce que la prĂ©sence d'une dĂ©pression maternelle, dont la prĂ©valence est parfois estimĂ©e Ă  39% dans la pĂ©riode prĂ©natale et postpartum, peut ĂȘtre ressentie par le jeune enfant et avoir un impact sur son dĂ©veloppement psychologique
