173 research outputs found

    Total suppression of superconductivity by high magnetic fields in YBa2 Cu3O6.6

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    We have studied in fields up to 60T the variation of the transverse magnetoresistance (MR) of underdoped YBCO6.6 crystals either pure or with Tc reduced down to 3.5K by electron irradiation. We evidence that the normal state MR is restored above a threshold field H'c(T), which is found to vanish at T'c>>Tc. In the pure YBCO6.6 sample a 50 Tesla field is already required to completely suppress the superconducting fluctuations at Tc. While disorder does not depress the pseudogap temperature, it reduces drastically the phase coherence established at Tc and weakly H'c(0), T'c and the onset Tnu of the Nernst signal which are more characteristic of the 2D local pairing.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Nernst effect and disorder in the normal state of high-T_{c} cuprates

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    We have studied the influence of disorder induced by electron irradiation on the Nernst effect in optimally and underdoped YBa2Cu3O(7-d) single crystals. The fluctuation regime above T_{c} expands significantly with disorder, indicating that the T_{c} decrease is partly due to the induced loss of phase coherence. In pure crystals the temperature extension of the Nernst signal is found to be narrow whatever the hole doping, contrary to data reported in the low-T_{c} cuprates families. Our results show that the presence of "intrinsic" disorder can explain the enhanced range of Nernst signal found in the pseudogap phase of the latter compounds.Comment: revised version. to be published in Physical Review Letter

    Observation of two species of vortices in the anisotropic spin-triplet superconductor Sr2RuO4Sr_2 Ru O_4

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    Magnetic flux structures in single crystals of the layered spin triplet superconductor Sr_2\_{2}RuO_4\_{4} are studied by scanning micro SQUID Force microscopy. Vortex chains appear as the applied field is tilted along the in-plane direction of the superconductor. The vortex chains align along the direction of the in-plane component of the applied magnetic field. The decoration of in-plane vortices by crossing Abrikosov vortices is observed: two vortex orientations are apparent simultaneously, one along the layers and the other perpendicular to the layers. The crossing vortices appear preferentially on the in-plane vortices

    Optical conductivity of URu2_2Si2_2 in the Kondo Liquid and Hidden-Order Phases

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    We measured the polarized optical conductivity of URu2_2Si2_2 from room temperature down to 5 K, covering the Kondo state, the coherent Kondo liquid regime, and the hidden-order phase. The normal state is characterized by an anisotropic behavior between the ab plane and c axis responses. The ab plane optical conductivity is strongly influenced by the formation of the coherent Kondo liquid: a sharp Drude peak develops and a hybridization gap at 12 meV leads to a spectral weight transfer to mid-infrared energies. The c axis conductivity has a different behavior: the Drude peak already exists at 300 K and no particular anomaly or gap signature appears in the coherent Kondo liquid regime. When entering the hidden-order state, both polarizations see a dramatic decrease in the Drude spectral weight and scattering rate, compatible with a loss of about 50 % of the carriers at the Fermi level. At the same time a density-wave like gap appears along both polarizations at about 6.5 meV at 5 K. This gap closes respecting a mean field thermal evolution in the ab plane. Along the c axis it remains roughly constant and it "fills up" rather than closing.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Magnetic order in the frustrated Ising-like chain compound Sr3_3NiIrO6_6

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    We have studied the field and temperature dependence of the magnetization of single crystals of Sr3NiIrO6. These measurements evidence the presence of an easy axis of anisotropy and two anomalies in the magnetic susceptibility. Neutron powder diffraction realized on a polycrystalline sample reveals the emergence of magnetic reflections below 75 K with magnetic propagation vector k ~ (0, 0, 1), undetected in previous neutron studies [T.N. Nguyen and H.-C zur Loye, J. Solid State Chem., 117, 300 (1995)]. The nature of the magnetic ground state, and the presence of two anomalies common to this family of material, are discussed on the basis of the results obtained by neutron diffraction, magnetization measurements, and symmetry arguments

    Flows driven by Banach space-valued rough paths

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    We show in this note how the machinery of C^1-approximate flows devised in the work "Flows driven by rough paths", and applied there to reprove and extend most of the results on Banach space-valued rough differential equations driven by a finite dimensional rough path, can be used to deal with rough differential equations driven by an infinite dimensional Banach space-valued weak geometric Holder p-rough paths, for any p>2, giving back Lyons' theory in its full force in a simple way.Comment: 8 page

    Observation of vortex coalescence in the anisotropic spin-triplet superconductor Sr2_{2}RuO4_{4}

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    We present direct imaging of magnetic flux structures in the anisotropic, spin-triplet superconductor Sr2_{2}RuO4_{4} using a scanning μ\muSQUID microscope. Individual quantized vortices were seen at low magnetic fields. Coalescing vortices forming flux domains were revealed at intermediate fields. Based on our observations we suggest that a mechanism intrinsic to the material stabilizes the flux domains against the repulsive vortex-vortex interaction. Topological defects like domain walls can provide this, implying proof for unconventional chiral superconductivity.Comment: submitted to PR