1,064 research outputs found

    International policy preferences, technological standard-setting and digital television

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    This article looks into the case of digital television and international policy preferences for technological standard-setting aiming to contribute to literature on international regulatory competition and cooperation. It argues that the initial development of standards can be understood as the result of an international race to the top with states and companies as key drivers. When the US, Japan and the EU decided to “conquer the world” with their ATSC, ISDB and DVB standards, respectively, and many waves of countries embarked on digital television, the race became global. Many states have been therefore forced to raise technical standards because of external pressure but key domestic actors and motivations are also part of the complete picture. More specifically, policy preferences in Latin America can be explained too as the product of a race fostered by firms and states, though regulatory competition gave place to a cooperative turnaround that led to new and unexpected associations.Publicad

    Creativity, Culture and Communication in Spain

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    El nuevo milenio ha traído consigo una novedosa pero también polémica vinculación entre la configuración de políticas de comunicación y cultura y la noción de creatividad, dando lugar a numerosos discursos destinados a las llamadas industrias y economía creativas y alimentando con ello una lógica funcionalista y reduccionista que ha empezado a instalarse también en España en los últimos años. El objetivo de este artículo es retratar los principales ejes de esta tendencia a través del análisis de la introducción y tratamiento de la noción específica de “creatividad” en la configuración de las políticas españolas destinadas al sector.Milurteko berriak komunikazio politiken, kulturaren eta sormen nozioaren arteko harreman berri eta, era berean, polemikoa ekarri du. Sormen-ekonomia eta industriei bideratutako hainbat diskurtso sortu dira, eta hauek logika funtzionalista eta erredukzionista baten ezarpena erraztu dute Espainian. Artikulu honen helburua joera honen ardatz nagusiak aztertzea da, “sormen” nozio espezifikoaren sarrera eta tratamenduaren azterketaren bitartez, sektore honi eskainitako estatu mailako politiken konfigurazioan.The new millennium has encouraged a new but also polemic connection between the configuration of communication and cultural policies and the notion of creativity, giving place to numerous discourses around the so called creative industries and creative economy, which are linked to a reductionist and functionalist logic that can also be identified in Spain during most recent years. The aim of this article is therefore to present the main elements that define such tendency through the analysis of the introduction and development of the concept “creativity” in the configuration of Spanish communication and cultural policies.Publicad

    La Unión Europea y el espectro radioeléctrico: de la armonización técnica a la liberalización del interés público

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    En un escenario en el que los modos tradicionales de gestión del espectro radioeléctrico están en crisis y son cuestionados por una posición neoliberal que defiende la definitiva y total introducción de criterios de mercado en su organización, este artículo tiene como principal objetivo preguntarse por el posicionamiento que al respecto ha adoptado la Unión Europea. Se trata de indagar sobre el sentido de su política destinada al espectro radioeléctrico para clarificar cuáles son los principales elementos que la conforman, en qué medida apoyan o cuestionan un cambio en los criterios mencionados, y, en relación con lo anterior, qué podría suponer tal aproximación para el futuro de la comunicación y la cultura en la Unión.Publicad

    The Politics of Digital Terrestrial TV in the United Kingdom. Light and Shadows Within a Pioncering Experiment

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    El Reino Unido lidera en Europa el proceso definitivo de digitalización de la televisión, en cuyo seno ha asignado a la Televisión Digital Terrestre un rol central. Este artículo analiza las opciones de política adoptadas desde la introducción del servicio para dilucidar en qué medida las mismas están contribuyendo o no a su democratización.United Kingdom is at the head of the definitive process of digitalizing tv in Europe, with digital TV lying at the center of this. This article analyzes the policy options adopted starting from the first appearance of digital TV service in the U. K. The goal is to shed light on whether or not these policies are contributing to the demcoratizing of digital TV media.Publicad

    The EU-Canada CETA and the diversity of cultural industries: hegemony or resistance

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    The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), between Canada and the European Union (EU), was leaked to the public opinion in August 2014 after five years of negotiations. The consolidated CETA text was not released until the end of last September, raising deeper issues about the secrecy and democratic deficit surrounding the agreement. As some have already noted (notably civil society organizations), this treaty is about much more than trade. Even though the preamble states that it aims to streghthen though the preamble states that it though the preamble states though that the preamble states that it aims to strengthen economic relationships, the text includes an explicit reference to the commitments of both Parties to the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions andunderlies their right to preserve, develop and implement their cultural policies, and to support their cultural industries for the purpose of strengthening the diversity of cultural expressions and preserving their cultural identity (including the use of regulatory measures and financial support). Beyond these intentions enunciated in the preamble, there are only five chapters containing articles exempting culture (Subsidies, Investment, Cross--‐ Border Trade in Services, Domestic Regulation and Government Procurement). Therefore, the text lacks a general exception clause protecting culture. The question about the capacity of this free trade agreement to actually protect and promote the diversity of culture is therefore valid because, for example, whereas for the EU the exception applies only to audiovisual services, for Canada it covers all Cultural industries (as usually defined in its trade agreements). Is this a missed opportunity for both Canada and the EU to safeguard culture from trade, to reconcile rules of free trade and cultural policies? Can the inclusion of the UNESCO Convention in the CETA text help counterbalance and resist those of free trade that undermine necessary and legitimate cultural policies and regulations aiming to protect and promote the diversity of cultural expressions? This contribution will aim to explore answers to these questions taking the consolidated CETA text as a point of departure. After providing contextual information about the agreement itself and its evolution, key points concerning cultural exemptions will be examined with a political economy perspective to clarify up to what extent there will be room for manoeuvre to political actually protect and promote the diversity of cultural industries.This work is based on research undertaken for the project ‘Diversity of the Audiovisual Industry in the Digital Age’ [CSO2014-­‐52354R], supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness within the National Programme Aimed at the Challenges of Society

    Spain and the Convention On Cultural Diversity: Consequences of Its Ratification for Communication and Cultural Policies

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    La adopción de la Convención sobre la protección y la promoción de la diversidad de las expresiones culturales, en la 33ª Conferencia General de la UNESCO en 2005, fue apoyada por España, que ratificó el texto en octubre de 2006. Este texto describe y analiza el impacto que ha tenido tal ratificación en la definición de la política cultural y comunicativa española, en general, y la puesta en marcha de acciones, iniciativas y programas relevantes para el sector audiovisual, en particular. Se considera la valoración oficial que ha hecho el Gobierno al respecto para contrastarla con los resultados de un trabajo de campo basado en una revisión crítica, documental y bibliográfica, que detecta las consecuencias políticas y normativas de la adopción de la Convención. Se concluye que, más allá de la retórica oficial, tales consecuencias sólo pueden verificarse parcialmente en el plano legal y en relación con la cooperación cultural internacional.The adoption of the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions at the General Conference of the UNESCO’s 33rd session, in 2005, was supported by Spain who ratified it October 2006. The objective of this article is to describe and analyze the impact that such ratification has had in the definition of the Spanish cultural and communicative policy in general and in the implementation of initiatives and programs for the audiovisual sector in particular. To do so the official evaluation of these by the Government is taken into consideration to be compared with the results of fieldwork —based on a bibliographi-cal and archival review and a detailed critical study of different decisions and working and information documents— that aims to detect the political and legal consequences of the adoption of the Convention. It is concluded that, beyond official discourse, such consequences can only be partially verified in legal terms and in relation to international cultural cooperation.Este trabajo se enmarca en el proyecto de investigación Diversidad cultural y audiovisual: buenas prácticas e indicadores (ref.CSO2011-26241), el cual se desarrolló durante el trienio 2012-14 en el marco del Plan nacional de investigación científica, desarrollo e innovación tecnológica del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España

    Entre las promesas y los resultados: notas sobre los retos de futuro de la TDT

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    Este artículo es resultado de la actividad desarrollada en el marco del grupo de investigación TECMERIN, de la UC3M.El objetivo del artículo es plantear una reflexión general sobre los retos futuros de la red digital terrestre de difusión de señales audiovisuales partiendo de un balance de las promesas vinculadas a su introducción hace más de una década y su contracara de resultados palpables. En función de las derivaciones potenciales que el escenario actual presenta se analizarán pues sus posibilidades de desarrollo. Para ello se ofrece un análisis genérico pero panorámico que considera las perspectivas tecnológica, económica, sociocultural e incluso estética del fenómeno con eje en las experiencias más avanzadas de Estados Unidos y Europa aunque, desde luego, prestando especial atención a España e incorporando según el caso las realidades latinoamericana y asiática. Se sostiene que esta aproximación teñida de balance puede tener mayor interés y menor caducidad que pensar los desafíos futuros de la televisión digital terrestre en un contexto nacional más específico dado el carácter reciente y, en buena media, todavía en marcha que manifiesta la migración al servicio. Aun a riesgo de aventurar valoraciones e interpretaciones no suficientemente contrastadas todavía por la realidad, se trata de reflexionar acerca de cómo puede evolucionar la red terrestre de distribución y qué lugar ocupará en el conjunto del audiovisual, fundamentalmente en relación con el rol de difusión universal, acceso gratuito y perfil generalista que ha desempeñado desde su configuración como medio de comunicación socialThis paper aims to present an overview of the future challenges the digital broadcasting network will have to face, taking into consideration those promises linked to its introduction more than a decade ago and the final outcome they have been turned into. Considering the potential implications the current scenario presents, the possibilities for the development of DTT will be examined. To do so a panoramic analysis will be presented taking into account the technologic, economic, socio-cultural and even aesthetic dimensions of the service, and making focus on the more advanced European and American experiences, though paying special attention to Spain and, when relevant, Latin America and Asia. It is argued that such an approach may be more interesting and less ephemeras than studying the future challenges of DTT in a specific national context due to the recent and partly unfinished nature of the transition to the end of analogue television. Bearing in mind there is a risk of making interpretations scarcely backed by reality, the main objective here pursued is to understand the way in which the digital broadcasting network might evolve and the place it could have within the audiovisual sector, mainly in relation to its traditional scopes of universal distribution, free access and general programming fulfilled since its configuration as a media.Publicad

    The Convention on Cultural Diversity and the Spanish cooperation in the field of culture

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    El concepto de diversidad cultural ocupa un lugar central en losdebates sociales, especialmente desde la adopción de la Convenciónsobre la Protección y la Promoción de la Diversidad de las ExpresionesCulturales (UNESCO, 2005). Este artículo se pregunta en qué medidasu ratificación por parte de España, además del apoyo manifestado asu elaboración, han influenciado su política oficial de cooperación aldesarrollo en materia de cultura. El análisis demuestra un impactoreal tanto en la definición y planificación como en la implementaciónde políticas: si lo primero se rastrea en documentos como el PlanDirector, lo segundo se refleja en las acciones lideradas por la AECID.Dicho impacto, sin embargo, se circunscribe fundamentalmente alplano multilateral y al periodo 2005-2009.The notion of cultural diversity occupies a central place in social debates, especially since the adoption of the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of Cultural Diversity (UNESCO, 2005). Since Spain activated its ratification, and supported its elaboration, this article wonders about its influence over the Spanish official cooperation policy in the field of culture. The analysis proves a real impact in terms of both definition and planning and implementation: while the former can be detected in documents such as the Plan Director, the latter is reflected in AECID’s initiatives. Such impact, nevertheless, must be circumscribed to the multilateral level and the period 2005-2009.Este trabajo se ha desarrollado en el marco del proyecto de investigación “Diversidad cultural y audiovisual: buenas prácticas e indicadores” (ref. CSO2011-26241), financiado por el Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica (I+D+i) del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España

    Cultural diversity and free trade: the case of the EU-Canada agreement

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    This article examines the role assigned to culture in general and to cultural industries and diversity in particular by the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA). Although it pursues further economic liberalization, the arrangement is about much more than trade: its preamble, for instance, contains a reference to the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Diversity of Cultural Expressions. Nevertheless, the text lacks a general exception clause protecting culture. This paper examines the consolidated CETA text from the perspective of political economy to clarify to what extent this is an opportunity to reconcile rules of free trade with cultural policies aiming to protect and promote the diversity of cultural expressions, especially when the latter derive from cultural industries in both analogue and digital scenarios.This work is based on research undertaken for the project 'Diversity of the Audiovisual Industry in the Digital Age' [CS02014 52354R], diversidadaudiovisual.org, supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness within the National RDI Prograrn Aimed at the Challenges of Society