1,222 research outputs found

    Do student learning styles translate to different Testing styles ?

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    Professors seem to be more aware of different student learning styles than ever before and are utilizing various teaching techniques in order to appeal to different students in their classes. Unfortunately, presenting materials is only one side of the coin, while the other side—assessment—has not received the same amount of attention. After all, if teachers can agree that students have different methods for learning, does it not stand to reason that they have different methods of reproducing this knowledge as well? This article makes a case for more diverse assessment techniques within the same course, connecting our knowledge on individual learning styles to a theory of ‘‘testing styles.’’ By allowing students to choose between different formats for participation, exams, and other assignments, educators acknowledge students’ individual styles and allow them to show what they really know as opposed to how well they take tests. The author’s major claims are supported by the results of an experimental design that tests the connection between learning styles and students’ performances in different testing formats. The article also includes findings taken from a survey on students’ experiences with and hopes for different assessment techniques

    IST Austria Thesis

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    In the here presented thesis, we explore the role of branched actin networks in cell migration and antigen presentation, the two most relevant processes in dendritic cell biology. Branched actin networks construct lamellipodial protrusions at the leading edge of migrating cells. These are typically seen as adhesive structures, which mediate force transduction to the extracellular matrix that leads to forward locomotion. We ablated Arp2/3 nucleation promoting factor WAVE in DCs and found that the resulting cells lack lamellipodial protrusions. Instead, depending on the maturation state, one or multiple filopodia were formed. By challenging these cells in a variety of migration assays we found that lamellipodial protrusions are dispensable for the locomotion of leukocytes and actually dampen the speed of migration. However, lamellipodia are critically required to negotiate complex environments that DCs experience while they travel to the next draining lymph node. Taken together our results suggest that leukocyte lamellipodia have rather a sensory- than a force transducing function. Furthermore, we show for the first time structure and dynamics of dendritic cell F-actin at the immunological synapse with naĂŻve T cells. Dendritic cell F-actin appears as dynamic foci that are nucleated by the Arp2/3 complex. WAVE ablated dendritic cells show increased membrane tension, leading to an altered ultrastructure of the immunological synapse and severe T cell priming defects. These results point towards a previously unappreciated role of the cellular mechanics of dendritic cells in T cell activation. Additionally, we present a novel cell culture based system for the differentiation of dendritic cells from conditionally immortalized hematopoietic precursors. These precursor cells are genetically tractable via the CRISPR/Cas9 system while they retain their ability to differentiate into highly migratory dendritic cells and other immune cells. This will foster the study of all aspects of dendritic cell biology and beyond

    A simulation model to investigate impacts of facilitating quality data within organic fresh food supply chains

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    Demand for and production of organic fresh food play an increasing role worldwide. As a result, a growing amount of fresh fruits and vegetables has to be transported from predominantly rural production regions to customers mostly located in urban ones. Specific handling and storage conditions need to be respected along the entire supply chain to maintain high quality and product value. To support organic food logistics operations, this work investigates benefits of facilitating real-time product data along delivery and storage processes. By the development of a simulation-based decision support system, sustainable deliveries of organic food from farms to retail stores are investigated. Generic keeping quality models are integrated to observe impacts of varying storage temperatures on food quality and losses over time. Computational experiments study a regional supply chain of organic strawberries in Lower Austria and Vienna. Results indicate that the consideration of shelf life data in supply chain decisions allow one to reduce food losses and further enables shifting surplus inventory to alternative distribution channels

    A decision support system to facilitate collaborative supply of food cooperatives

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    Food cooperatives are gaining popularity due to consumers’ desire to eat healthy and source locally. Mainly run by private citizens, such groups present an interesting additional income source to regional organic farmers. However, small order quantities and substantial logistics efforts challenge operations. To facilitate efficient and sustainable food transports from farms to food cooperatives, this work investigates impacts of collaborative logistics activities through the development of a simulation and optimization-based decision support system. Results of computational experiments considering fresh food transports in Austria highlight potentials of such joint activities. Particularly, if orders are infrequent and quantities small, collaboration results in a substantial reduction of travel distances and reduces the number of required vehicles. Nevertheless, delivered food quality may deteriorate as consolidating shipments results in longer travel durations as well as additional loading and unloading activities

    Leiomyosarcoma of Bone: A Case Report

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    The aim of this paper is to present clinicopathologic features and immunohistochemical findings of a primary leiomyosarcoma of bone occurring in the proximal femur of a 46-year-old Caucasian male patient. Each case report on this exceedingly rare entity contributes to the notion of this disease

    Bauen fĂŒr eine bessere Welt

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    TITELBLATT: nur in PRINTAUSGABE! -- Die vorliegende Arbeit wirft einen "ethnologischen Blick" auf die SARCH-Projekte. Die Entstehungsgeschichte der Projektidee, der ideologische Hintergrund der Projekte, der Projektablauf, aber auch die Orte, an denen die Projekte realisiert werden, sowie die Lebenskontexte der Menschen, fĂŒr die die Projekte gedacht sind, werden kritisch analysiert und hinterfragt. Der Forschungsschwerpunkt, der dieser Arbeit zugrunde liegt, war die Intention, die SARCH-Projekte in Bezug auf ihre bildungspolitische, aber auch ihre entwicklungspolitische Relevanz einzuschĂ€tzen. Dazu wurden die SARCH-Projekte einer Betrachtung auf zwei Ebenen unterzogen: auf der Ebene der Projekte selbst und auf der Ebene der in die Projekte involvierten AkteurInnen in Österreich. Daraus ergaben sich drei grundlegende Forschungsfragen: - Wie lassen sich die SARCH-Projekte aus ethnologischer Sicht einordnen? - Welche Position nehmen die SARCH-Projekte im entwicklungspolitischen Kontext ein? - Was bedeuten die SARCH-Projekte fĂŒr die europĂ€ischen AkteurInnen (ProjektteilnehmerInnen)? Zur Beantwortung der Forschungsfragen wurde eine qualitative Methodik gewĂ€hlt. Durch ExpertInneninterviews, Literaturrecherche sowie Recherchen im Internet wurden Informationen und Kontextwissen eingeholt, wodurch eine Analyse der SARCH-Projekte im Sinne der Forschungsfragen möglich wurde. Der Aufbau der Arbeit folgt einer Chronologie, die sich fĂŒr die Autorin bei der AnnĂ€herung an das Thema ergeben hat: Im ersten Kapitel wird der wissenschaftlich, methodische Zugang zur Thematik beschrieben. Das zweite Kapitel beschĂ€ftigt sich mit dem Thema „Bauen in EntwicklungslĂ€ndern“ und den ZusammenhĂ€ngen zwischen Architektur, Entwicklung, Globalisierung und Anthropologie, vor allem im Hinblick auf ihre Relevanz fĂŒr die SARCH-Projekte. Kapitel drei ist den SARCH-Projekten gewidmet, ihrer Entstehungsgeschichte, ihren Intentionen sowie ihrem ideologischen Hintergrund. In diesem Kapitel werden auch die Kooperationspartner von SARCH in SĂŒdafrika und die bereits realisierten Projekte aufgelistet. Im vierten Kapitel wird eine „Verortung“ der SARCH-Projekte im sĂŒdafrikanischen Kontext vorgenommen. Das fĂŒnfte Kapitel umfasst den empirischen Teil, das KernstĂŒck der Arbeit, die „Kritische Analyse der SARCH-Projekte“. Im sechsten und letzten Kapitel werden die zentralen Themen nochmals reflektiert und die bildungspolitischen und entwicklungspolitischen ZusammenhĂ€nge hinterfragt. Im Zuge dessen werden auch die oben erwĂ€hnten Forschungsfragen beantwortet und begrĂŒndet. In einem abschließenden Statement werden die Erkenntnisse und zentralen Ergebnisse der Arbeit rekapituliert und die Bedeutung der Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie fĂŒr Projekte in „EntwicklungslĂ€ndern“ nochmals hervorgehoben

    Organization of Bone Sarcoma Care:A Cross-Sectional European Study

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    Objective To assess organization of care in several bone sarcoma centers in Europe affiliated with the European Musculoskeletal Oncology Society (EMSOS) for comparison and to identify potential improvements in organization of care. Methods Data for this observational cross-sectional study was obtained through healthcare professionals affiliated to EMSOS. The authors formulated 10 questions regarding organization of care. The questions were focused on guidance, multidisciplinary decision-making, and data storage. A digital questionnaire was synthesized and included quality control. The digital questionnaire was sent to 54 representative members of EMSOS. We did not receive responses from 29 representative countries (53.7%) after one digital invitation and two digital reminders. Results We received data from 25 representatives of bone sarcoma centers from 17 countries across Europe (46.3%). Authorization to perform oncological care in a bone sarcoma center was government issued in 41.2% of cases and based on expertise without governmental influence in 52.9% of cases. In 64.7% of the countries, a national bone tumor guideline regarding for diagnosis and treatment is used in oncological care. A national bone tumor board for extensive case evaluation including classification and advice for treatment is available for 47.1% of the countries. All participating bone sarcoma centers have a mandatory local multidisciplinary meeting before the start of treatment; in 84.0% this meeting takes place once a week. During this multidisciplinary meeting a median of 15 cases (range, 4-40 cases) are discussed. In terms of storage of oncological data, a local registry is used in eight countries (47.1%). A national registry is used in eight countries (47.1%). Conclusions A national bone tumor board gives bone sarcoma centers with little adherence the opportunity to gain knowledge from a more experienced team. Centralization of care in a bone sarcoma center is important to lower incidences. The optimal size for a bone sarcoma center in terms of patient adherence is not known at present

    "Nature in the garden". An initiative of the state of Lower Austria to make gardens and green spaces more ecological

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    "Natur im Garten" setzt sich im Auftrag der Landesregierung Niederösterreich fĂŒr eine ökologische und naturnahe Gestaltung und Pflege von GĂ€rten und GrĂŒnrĂ€umen des Bundeslandes ein. Auf chemisch-synthetische Pestizide und DĂŒngemittel soll ebenso verzichtet werden wie auf Torf. Angestrebt werden biologische Vielfalt und die Gestaltung mit heimischen und ökologisch wertvollen Pflanzen. Um all dies erreichen zu können, bedarf es der aktiven Vermittlung von Wissen und Fertigkeiten. In diesem Sinne betreibt "Natur im Garten" auch Erwachsenenbildung und nutzt dafĂŒr unterschiedliche Formate und Medien: Film und Video, Webinare und Live-Seminare, LehrgĂ€nge und Fachtagungen, aber auch SchaugĂ€rten, Informationswebseiten und Apps. Die Bildungsangebote zielen auf Bewahrung, etwa auf den Schutz und den Erhalt der Natur und ihrer Artenvielfalt oder den Einsatz bewĂ€hrter Anbaumethoden und klassischer Werkzeuge. Aber auch moderne Technik kann zum Einsatz kommen, etwa solarbetriebene BewĂ€sserungs- und Trockenanlagen oder GerĂ€te zur Bodenbearbeitung oder Beikrautregulierung. (DIPF/Orig.)On behalf of the Lower Austrian government, "Nature in the Garden" is active in supporting ecological and natural design and maintenance of gardens and green spaces throughout the state. Synthetic chemical pesticides and fertilizers should not be used, nor should peat. The goal is biodiversity and design with native and ecologically important plants. To achieve all of this, it is necessary to actively transmit knowledge and skills. In this spirit, "Nature in the Garden" is also involved in adult education, using different formats and media: film and video, webinars and live seminars, courses, specialist conferences as well as show gardens, informational websites and apps. The goal of the educational offerings is safeguarding, for example the protection and conservation of nature and biodiversity or the use of reliable cultivation methods and classic tools. Yet modern technology may also be employed, for example solar-powered irrigation and drying systems or tools for tillage or weed control. (DIPF/Orig.

    Gespenster in der PĂ€dagogik

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    In der vorliegenden Diplomarbeit zum Thema „Gespenster in der PĂ€dagogik: Zur GegenĂŒberstellung der Konzepte ‚Ghosts in the Nursery’ von Selma Fraiberg und der ‚PĂ€dagogischen Geister’ nach Helmuth Figdor“ findet eine Auseinandersetzung mit den zwei genannten praxisleitenden Konzepten statt, wobei ersteres im Bereich der SĂ€uglings-Kleinkind-Eltern-Psychotherapie, das zweite im Rahmen der psychoanalytisch-pĂ€dagogischen Erziehungsberatung entwickelt wurde. Aufgrund der unzureichenden Bestimmung des Begriffs der „Geister“ bzw. „Gespenster“, welcher in beiden FĂ€llen als maßgeblich fĂŒr das Konzept erachtet werden kann, wird eine AnnĂ€herung an das BegriffsverstĂ€ndnis des jeweiligen Autors ĂŒber die Ausarbeitung verschiedener Aspekte unternommen. BerĂŒcksichtigt werden dabei der Aspekt der Entstehung, der Aspekt der Erscheinung sowie der Aspekt der Wirkung des Begriffs aus dem jeweiligen Konzept. Die Ergebnisse aus dieser Bearbeitung werden im Anschluss einander gegenĂŒbergestellt und auf Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede hin untersucht. Als zentrales Ergebnis dieser GegenĂŒberstellung des Begriffs der „Geister“ bzw. „Gespenster“ bei Fraiberg und Figdor zeigt sich, dass Fraiberg und Figdor den Begriff der „Geister“ nicht synonym in ihren Arbeiten verwenden. Zwar ergeben sich bei einer Betrachtung von Fraibergs und Figdors so genannten „Geistern“ gewisse Gemeinsamkeiten und Ähnlichkeiten, allerdings verschwinden diese zunehmend im Zuge der Ausarbeitung der verschiedenen Aspekte. Als ausschlaggebend dafĂŒr wird der maßgebliche Unterschied im genetischen Faktor angegeben.The following thesis - “Ghosts in pedagogy: A comparison of the concepts ‘Ghosts in the nursery’ by Selma Fraiberg and the ‘PĂ€dagogischen Geister’ [pedagogical ghosts] according to Helmuth Figdor” - contains a discussion of the two mentioned practical notions. The further has been developed in the field of baby-infant-parents-psychotherapy, the latter stems from the area of psychoanalytical-pedagogic educational guidance. The definition of the term ‘Geister’ [ghosts] or ‘Gespenster’ [ghosts], which can be regarded as highly significant in both theories, might be regarded as rather unsatisfactory. Therefore, this work contains an elaboration of various aspects, which lead to an approximation to the conceptualization of both authors. The aspect of the development as well as the aspect of the appearance and the aspect of the effect of the particular concept are considered. Subsequently, the results of this comparison are contrasted to each other and they are further examined for similarities and differences. As a central finding of this juxtaposition of the terms by Fraiberg and Figdor one may note that the two authors do not apply them synonymously in their work. Although some similarities might be detected, they seem to dis-appear in the course of a more detailed examination of the various aspects. The significant difference in the genetic factor constitutes the main argument for the inequality of the two terms
