1,671 research outputs found

    Unionized Labor Markets and Globalized Capital Markets

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    This paper studies the effects of international integration of capital markets in a world where countries differ in their labor market institutions: one country has a perfectly competitive labor market while the other is unionized. We show that workers should favor autarky in the unionized country, but oppose it in the non unionized country and vice versa for owners of capital. Aggregate gains from integration, however, are negative. We also show that, under capital mobility, an increase in relative bargaining power of unions does not always improve workers’ welfare.Capital mobility, Globalization, Unions, Welfare.

    Unions and Globalisation

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    We analyze the effects of international integration of product and capital markets (i.e., globalisation) in a world where countries differ in their labour market institutions: one country has a perfectly competitive labour market while the other is unionized. We show that workers should favour autarky in the unionized country, but oppose it in the non unionized country. Vice versa for owners of capital. Aggregate gains from integration, however, are negative. We also show that, under capital mobility an increase in relative bargaining power of unions does not always improve workers' welfare: there is a critical level of bargaining strength above which an increase in union power reduces workers' income in the unionized country.Capital mobility, Unions, Globalisation

    Social Insurance and Redistribution

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    This paper studies optimal linear income taxation and redistributive social insurance when the former has the traditional labor distortion and the latter generates both ex ante and ex post moral hazard. Private insurance is available and individuals differ in labor productivity and in loss probability. We show that government intervention in insurance markets is welfare-improving, and social insurance is generally desirable when there is a negative correlation between labor productivity and loss probability.Social Insurance, Moral Hazard, Redistribution

    Educação popular em saúde

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    Este livro faz parte dos materiais didáticos dos cursos de especialização para trabalhadores vinculados à Atenção Básica ofertados pela UFPE. O objetivo é proporcionar a reflexão dos estudantes sobre a educação em saúde articulada às atividades do cotidiano do trabalhador da saúde. Para isso, são trabalhados conceitos referentes às metodologias ativas de aprendizagem e também são apresentadas estratégias para trabalho com grupos

    Recepção transmidiática : incursões pela Teoria Ator-rede

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    Propomos aqui uma análise de campo ambientada em espaço transmidiático, e utilizamos como ferramenta metodológica o Princípio da Simetria com base na Teoria Ator-rede. Seguindo a ideia de rastrear conexões, a partir de uma escrita etnográfica, o método propõe pensar o social menos como categoria de base analítica - posta antecipadamente e desvinculada do campo das experiências - e mais como algo focado no processo contínuo. As práticas sociais e midiáticas são articuladas aqui para além dos limites humanos (ou exclusivamente técnicos), enfim, o ator-rede se estabelece não como uma entidade fixa, mas, através de fluxos com base nos quais o método irá descrever a propagação de associações.Proponemos aquí un análisis de campo transmedia ambientado en el espacio y el uso del principio de simetría basada en la teoría del actor-red como una herramienta metodológica. Siguiendo la idea de rastreo de conexiones de una escritura etnográfica, el método propone considerar lo social como una categoría de menor base analítica - llamado por adelantado y sin relación con el campo de la experiencia - y como algo más centrado en un proceso continuo. Las prácticas sociales y los medios de comunicación se articulan aquí más allá de los límites humanos (o puramente técnicas), por último, el actor-red se establece no como una entidad fija, sino a través de los flujos en los que el método se describe la propagación de las asociaciones.Propose here an analysis of cross-media field set in space, as a methodological tool and use the principle of symmetry based on Actor- Network Theory. Pursuing the idea of tracing connections from an ethnographic writing, the methodology proposes to consider less the social as a category of analytical basis - called in advance and unrelated to the field of experience - and as something more focused on continuous process. Social and media costumes are here articulated beyond human limits (or purely technical), anyway, the actor-network is established not as a fixed persona, but trough flows on which the method will describe the spread of associations

    La Gioconda Effect and Self-Organizing Factors of Biofield

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    The intriguing trajectory of Mona Lisa painting by Leonardo da Vinci and its attraction to people is similar to the story of Homeopathy: an unprecedented brief description of La Gioconda effect. Homeopathy continues to move through the use, textual production, and new modalities of using its medications. The development of the “Self-Organizing Factors of Biofield” (BioFAO) with complex of seven homeopathic medicines will be presented applied in life sciences. BioFAO corroborates Hering’s Healing Laws and obstacles to healing. Regardless of the point of view, innovations happen in Homeopathy, either in the stricto sensu or in the lato sensu of its classical known terminology. The La Gioconda effect mysteriously maintains Homeopathy for centuries, as well as Mona Lisa’s trajectory of magnetism over people, which made it become the most famous painting of mankind. Quantum theory brings elements that can fundamentally be connected with phenomena applied with living beings already observed

    The role of export credit agencies on exports: An empirical analysis for Portugal

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    This study addresses the contribution of export credit guarantees to total Portuguese exports. The existing literature shows that this type of state support has a positive impact on the economy, especially exports and, in the case of Portugal, no similar study had yet been conducted. The aim of this investigation was to assess whether the credit guarantees given by the Portuguese State also influence total exports. For this purpose, a sample of 37 countries was used, in the period between 2011 and 2015. After the analysis, it was concluded that the higher the value of export credit guarantees and the GDP of importing countries, the greater the total exports and even though the increase of one percentage point in guarantees, keeping all other variables constant, boosts exports by 9.96 percentage points. Therefore, that the Export Credit Agencies and the guarantees provided to companies play an important role in total exports in Portugal.O presente estudo aborda o contributo das garantias de crédito à exportação para o total das exportações portuguesas. A literatura existente mostra que este tipo de apoio dos estados impacta positivamente a economia, sobretudo as exportações e, para o caso de Portugal, ainda não havia sido conduzido nenhum estudo similar. O objetivo desta investigação foi avaliar se as garantias de crédito dadas pelo Estado português também têm efeito sobre o total das exportações. Para tal, foi utilizada uma amostra de 37 países, no período compreendido entre 2011 e 2015. Após a análise, concluiu-se quanto mais elevado o valor das garantias de crédito à exportação e do PIB dos países importadores, maior é o total das exportações portuguesas, e ainda que o aumento de um ponto percentual das garantias, mantendo todas as outras variáveis contantes, impulsiona as exportações em 9,96 ponto percentuais. Verificou-se, assim, que as Agencias de Crédito à Exportação e as garantias concedidas às empresas têm um papel importante no total das exportações em Portugal