1,567 research outputs found

    The development of holistic face processing: an evaluation with the complete design of the composite task

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    The composite paradigm is widely used to quantify holistic processing (HP) of faces: participants perform a se- quential same-different task on one half (e.g., top) of a test-face relative to the corresponding half of a study-face. There is, however, debate regarding the appropriate design in this task. In the partial design, the irrelevant halves (e.g., bottom) of test- and study-faces are always different; an alignment effect indexes HP. In the complete design, besides alignment, congruency between the irrelevant and critical halves of the test-face is manipulated regarding the same/different response status of the study-face. The HP indexed in the complete design does not confound congruency and alignment and has good construct and convergent validities. De Heering, Houthuys, & Rossion (2007) argued that HP is mature as early as 4-year-olds but employed the partial design. Here we revisit this claim, testing four groups of 4- to 9/10 year-old children and two groups of adults. We found evidence of HP only from 6-year-olds on when considering the complete design, whereas significant alignment effects were found in the index adopted in the partial design already in 4-year-olds but which we demonstrate that reflects other factors besides HP, including response bias associated with congruency

    Computational Results on Membership in R&D Cooperation Networks: To Be or Not To Be in a Research Joint Venture

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    In this study, we analyze firms’ membership in R&D (Research and Development) cooperation networks. Our main research hypothesis is that the membership in cooperation networks is related to the degree of the knowledge spillover. The approach focus on both cost symmetry and cost asymmetry. For that purpose, our work is developed in two tasks: we first develop an analytical model with three stages: in the first, firms decide whether to participate in a cooperative research network; in the second they simultaneously choose the level of R&D output, and finally firms choose the level of output through Cournot competition under both cost symmetry and cost asymmetry. Then we proceed with computational simulations in order to verify our hypothesis. From our results, we were able to conclude that cooperation leads to an improvement on RJV firms’ position in the market as it allows them to produce more than others with the same production conditions. Additionally, cooperating firms have to spend fewer resources on research, which turns the network a tremendous success on the productive efficiency level.R&D, networks, spillover, simulation, RJV

    Resgatar a memĂłria

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    Without books, the World would be meaningless. It would be meaningless for we owe practicallyeverything to those who came before us.And of those who came before, what has remained? Naturally, the record of their passage, the memory of theirexistence in multiple records. Anonymity does not exist because memory takes care of integrating thetestimony of each individual in another concept – the collective. It is from the personal contribution that thecollective lives – from the conjunction of nameless lives and of names that will be remembered for all times.It is in books, both in those that have disappeared and those we have preserved, that the Memory of the Worldlives on. Of the former, the latter bring us news. From these, we harvest each word so that they do not come tofall into oblivion.No one writes to be forgotten. They would not go to the trouble, if they did not think that what they want totransmit is important and should reach the future. It is for this very reason that readers are crucial. They arethe ones who carry the memory and have the task of rescuing it at every moment.Memory, a quality of the human mind, a complex mechanism associated to several epithets, which inthemselves are potential objects of analysis, is what books carry; what they have come to carry over themillennia, even if we cannot talk of the first «books» in these terms.Many are the supports on which the «written» record has been made. At the same time, perpetuity anddestruction have coincided, at times promoting memory, at others, competing to destroy it.However, we continue to live among books; among books that talk of books, that talk of men of the past andthe present; books which, already today, are books of the future

    Arnaldo Saraiva : bibliografia (incompleta)

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    (...) Esta bibliografia, organizada cronologicamente, só contempla textos que o A. publicoudesde 1961 e que figuram em livros ou em catálogos não contempla textos de jornais,nem mesmo de revistas, salvo nos poucos casos em que deles foram feitas separatas, e noque respeita a duas ou três traduções. (...


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    U.dream goes to market - an evaluation of crescer com consciĂŞncia and analysis of the internal and external environments affecting its strategic pPosition

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    U.Dream is a social enterprise targeted at developing social leadership skills. It recently launched U.Purpose (service) and Crescer com Consciência (product) aiming to ensure future financial sustainability. However, these were launched without conducting a market research and clear guiding strategy. The focus of this project is to assess the attractiveness of the CSR and children’s book markets and U.Dream’s current strategy, providing a strategic revision. An in-depth analysis concluded that, in order to face the stagnant book market conditions and the fierce competition, the way for the Crescer com Consciência initiative to prosper is through differentiation and effective communicatio
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